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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. sorry for the delay, school got uber intense, and so did backstage so I've been busy. If you have any questions, ask!
  2. Congrats to Saint Michael. I will be posting signature reward when I get home and on my computer.Sorry for the delay guys, I have been uber busy (yes, I just said uber) I am now starting up the next competition.
  3. I'll talk to my teacher some more about it in three periods, he has access to the database I believe, so I guess we'll go from there. Andres idea seems like what I was looking for, I'm going to test that out, and if it doesn't work, I will look at the database ideas.Thanks.
  4. well what im wondering.. instead of taking it from the database.. take it from the url..What i was planning is just a PHP script that took every URL, each student has a specific url which is specified by a number at the end of the URL, can you make a script that basically.. echoes the page for each student number, do you know what I mean?
  5. <html><head><title>Student Name Here</title><script type="text/javascript">function alertwindow (directory, alerttype, frn) { w = window.open("/"+directory+"/alerts/"+alerttype+"alert.html?frn="+frn, "alert", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=350,height=250");}function helpwindow (url) { w = window.open(url, "help", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=570,height=500");}function helptext (text) { window.status = text; return true;}function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id);}function flipVis(divID) { if ($(divID).className == 'visible') { $(divID).className = 'invisible'; } else { $(divID).className = 'visible'; }}function maxlength( field, maxlimit ) { if ( field.value.length >= maxlimit ) { field.value = field.value.substring( 0, maxlimit-1 ); return false; }}function noNumbers(e) { var keynum, keychar, numcheck; if(window.event) keynum = e.keyCode; // IE else if(e.which) keynum = e.which; // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keychar = String.fromCharCode(keynum); numcheck = /\d/; return !numcheck.test(keychar);}function onlyNumbers(e) { return !noNumbers(e);}</script><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/admin/JavaScript/validate_date.js"></script><link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" ><script language="JavaScript">function newstudent() { us=prompt("Student name:",""); if(us!=null) { window.frames[0].document.forms[0].selectstudent.value=us; window.frames[0].document.forms[0].submit(); } } </script></head><frameset cols="208,*" border=0><frame src="/admin/students/more2.html?frn=0011472" name="menu"><frame src="quicklookup.html?frn=0011472" name="content"></frameset><noframes><body><p>This page is designed to be viewed by a browser which supportsNetscape's Frames extension. Your browser does not support frames.</body></noframes></html> Does that help, I'm sorry that I'm asking so much, I used to know php and stuff, but since school started I replaced PHP knowledge with school stuff knowledge that I don't remember. But i don't know how I would incorporate that into php, what that code is is one student info output on one page.Does.. that make sense :/Thanks
  6. There is a student record system that outputs data for a student, but it only outputs data for one user. Each user has a number at the end of the url. /more2.html?frn=0011472 that is the end of the URL, what I want to do is output all of the users (just basically a range of the numbers) onto one page with php. Could someone assist me? Thanks.
  7. There are always some anti-Virus softwares that will be able to detect certain things, so it is not ALWAYS successful. But yes these binders do exist, and there is generally no legal way of obtaining them, and they can't really be discussed on this forum. I have yet to see a binder that successfully binds an executable to an image without making the extension say "namehere.jpeg.exe". Good luck finding one...
  8. Vote for your favourite, post comments and critiques!Good luck all!
  9. Oops I'm a bit late. I've been very busy I hardly get the chance to post, let alone visit.Let me end this and start the voting poll.
  10. I edited the opening post, sorry for being unclear, typed it while at school ;)Just.. needs a render, instead of having any... abstract stuff, like a character render, a game render, an anime render, stuff like that, you know?
  11. They are actually very easily comparable - they are both social networking sites. Facebook revolves around a lot more than photos and status updates. Those may be the main features, but there's videos, applications (very popular), fan pages (super freakin popular), groups (also popular), along with the Wall. MySpace has features that compare to all of those things. So they are completely comparable. I do agree with your comment about adding people though, mostly. Not true. Facebook provides myriad privacy controls. In addition to that, I HIGHLY doubt Facebook could be easily exploited. A company with penetration like Facebook has would keep their users' information very secure. You could search people and try and find information about them, but via privacy settings that can be completely counteracted. What makes the deal for me is the clean layout of Facebook. MySpace is a website strewn with ads that make it an eye sore. It's pages are ridden with images that slow down loading and the layout, to me, is much more confusing.
  12. I would go with the ASUS motherboard, in my past experience, Asus has made much better motherboards than intel. Also I think you should switch over your graphics card to an Nvidia business-oriented graphics card, such as the Quadro XF, or the Quadro NVS, or even the Tesla cards. Maybe take a bigger consideration into hard drive size? I'm not exactly sure what kind of business computer this is, or your budget. Also if you update your graphics card, I suggest maybe upgrading your Powersupply for the option of having more hard drives, and more/better graphics cards.
  13. I've watched the first and the third movie, loved them both....My favourite line from Inglorious Basterds has to be "buon giorno" Yep. thats it. But when Brad pit speaks Italian in an american accent, now that is the funny part.I plan on watching slumdog pretty soon, but haven't gotten the chance.
  14. Sorry for the late voting topic, been a bit busy!Vote for your favourite, and of course comment and Critique!Good luck!
  15. Try reinstalling audio drivers, or make sure all your drivers are windows 7 compatible, because this is not really a windows problem, more driver issue.If your computer didn't initially come with windows 7, its drivers may not be suitable for windows 7, and you may need to either add 3rd party drivers, use a different OS, or look for the most recent windows 7 drivers for your computer for audio.Try it out, let me know how it goes.
  16. Yeah lets bring life back here. By freestyle I mean any render or any style, or no render, ect. Just basically anything you want.
  17. Complete hoax, all my fam in Chile are fine, and they will be fine, and so will we on 2012. No doubt.Its just a bunch of mumbo jumbo of when the mayans or whatever.. incans.. idk ended their calender or whatever, they got lazy.Don't worry about it, the more you worry the more you suffer.
  18. My entry :angel: Common guys ends wednesday!!!
  19. Ah so you can't see the monitor of the computer u switch with? you just can use the keyboard and mouse for it? interesting. Luckily my screens have two inputs on each one, so i can just run it up to that, and use that.Thanks for letting me know of that, definitely a surprise, but helpful.
  20. It looks good! I think the problems are the overpowering texture the whole signature has to it, and the render... being too faded. The text could also do some work, maybe a bit smaller, and not have such an overwhelming effect on the text, with the drop shadow/outer glow. Keep workin! be sure to enter in the most recent SOTW. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/71124-sotw-8-entries/
  21. Wow! haha I loved Banjo Kazooie on the N64, I have yet to try it on xbox 360 because I just feel like it won't be the same thing. I sometimes even break out my N64 to play all the old games, Super Smash Bros, Mario Tennis, Banjo Kazooie.Banjo Kazooie was just a great game, I spent so many hours playing that game as a child, and even watching my brother play. I really wish they could just.. make the same game again, like exact same, but just up the graphics, keeping every thing else the same, now wouldn't that just be great...
  22. Well i know how to do it with things called KVM switch, but i have never seen network based software instead of a KVM switch used. I needed a KVM switch recently, but i decided not to buy one, and then I find this! perfect, I'll be sure to try it out pretty soon. My only worries is lag.. But we shall see how it goes.I will post back on my endeavors.
  23. I was surfing /g/ and i happened to see this.. http://code.google.com/hosting/moved?project=synergy-plus I am now... in awe, I have been looking for something of this sort for an extended period of time! Has any body used it? I have yet to install it and test it out, just wanted some opinions ahead of time.
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