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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. Wow, you gave a very indept lesson on virtual private networks. Thank you, hopefully some people will find this useful ( I myself already know everything I want/need to know ). Thanks for sharing this with us.Note: May have been easier to put it all in one post though
  2. Neat little trick, spose it's so small so you can fool your friends into thinking your some master minesweeper player . That's what I'm using it for. Pretty nifty that's for sure. Thanks for sharing.
  3. well it seems the people that are going bald and want to keep their hair might get lucky, but I think the ultimate cure to going bald is to shave all your hair off, it really doesn't look bad at all. My dad shaves his head, looks fine. The only downside is you have to put sunblock on your head when you go to the lake. Balding is not a big deal, it's a part of life, nobody is going to hate you because you're bald so let it happen, that's my view on it.
  4. I've never really seen much of a mac run, but from what I have seen, they are very fast and very reliable. If it wasn't for compatibility issues I would be running a mac right now. The only downside I see to using a mac is that alot of programs are not built for them so you need some sort of emulator to run them which slows it down. Other than that, I love macs, very good machines.
  5. Yea I saw this awhile ago. I love google's jokes . I hope they keep them going for a long time.
  6. I don't know, after call of duty 3 I'm a little dissapointed. I don't think I'll be getting Call of Duty 4 unless the demo is really good. That and if my computer can run it. I should have a new computer by then. So yea, I doubt i'll get it when it first comes out if it all.
  7. If your able to get into your control panel, change your password and take out any vulnerable points on your site. If you need help checking to see if something is vulnerable feel free to PM me, I know a little about hacking, though not a ton. But like the others said, try to hit him legally. Get his IP address and make sure it's not a proxy.
  8. I'm pretty much repeating everyone, but like they said, there are different types of routers. It's best to get routers made by the same manufacturer as your network card. Put the router in the center of where the wireless cards are (usually center of the home). Also you can get a wifi booster, I don't know much about those though. Good luck with your fix!
  9. Microsoft will lose. There is no way that they can uphold 235 copywright infringments on an opensource project. I believe in copywright programs, but algorithms/function cannot be copywrighted because they can be rewritten; however, it would be very hard to accuratly rewrite a game/operating system. I use microsoft machines, but only because I'm too lazy to find a free linux that smoothly runs windows applications/games. I full heartedly support linux and my view has now been lowered even more by this low move by microsoft.
  10. Yea, I have a few really good friends, but Scott is definitly my best friend. I met him freshman year of highschool and now I love him as my own brother. It's going to be hard when he goes to a northern university and I stay here, but I'm definitly going to still hook up with him every now and then. I don't know what I would be without him. He brought me to God and helped me through alot. It is because of him I have such a great life. So yea, he's definitly my best friend.
  11. I know how you feel. I don't graduate till next year, but I would still like just one more year. When my year graduates almost none of my friends are going to the same college as me and even my best friend is moving north. I'm going to miss highschool when I graduate, but hopefully I can still hang out with my friends some time.
  12. Yes, as Saint_Michael said, you should ping the server, if you can't ping it then there is something wrong with the computer/router and not your browsers (which I doubt anyways). Also check the IP the ping request gives you. I got, your's could be different, but if it starts with something extremely strange like if one the segments are over like 250 or the begining starts as 192.168 or the first one is 127 then you should either check your host file on your comp or see if your router is redirecting you.It's unlikely it's your host file, but it might be if someone decided to mess with all your computers. To get there go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and open hosts with notepad, there are instructions in there on what to do, the only line that shouldn't be quoted is " localhost"Anyways, good luck.
  13. The mac address is a specific hexidecimal address burned into your network card. If you have multiple network cards (like one wireless one cable) then you'll have multiple MAC addresses. MAC addresses are not changeable and given by the manufacturer. The begining of the MAC address can tell you who made it, use google to find a site that will tell you. To find a mac address you can go to command prompt and type "ipconfig /all" without the quotes. The physical address is your MAC address.
  14. I do tons of stuff over summer, that's why I can't do summer school (I don't need it, just want to get some classes out of the way). This summer I'm going to hawaii for a week then staying with my aunt for a couple day when I get back. Then we usually have another week long trip like to a lake or something. And I'm sure I'll have at least 4-6 weekend lake trips. How fun , I'm almost never at home over the weekends.
  15. Yes, I was asking for a sig, sorry for taking so long to respond, I lost the thread.
  16. wow, no kidding. No way that site can be real, the template wasn't even changed. Besides, how would you make money? Really the only way is to put ads on your website, but nobody will visit your website unless there was content worth reading/looking at.
  17. There is an API to creating google desktop extensions, in fact I just downloaded it a week or two ago to look into it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Theres the link to the google desktop API. There is also an API for the google homepage, but I'm sure if you use google you could find it. Hope you have fun!
  18. haha! wonderful. Thanks for sharing, I could use a higher grade in history .
  19. negativity usually hurts. If you hate someone that person is then hurt, it's not real easy to understand the emotional aspect of this, but you know that if someone starts yelling at you or insults you, you don't feel good; however, if someone is positive about you then you feel better, such as if someone gives you a compliment on how you look or how your working. Negativity hurts people and positivity helps people, that's my view on things. Satan is the source of evil because he is trying to keep people from God by inciting sin in a person. He was jeoulous of God and turned away from him. Hope this helps.
  20. I hear you loud and clear. I love getting scared, and I love extreme sports; though, I do take a little more care. I kneeboard, paintball, ATC ride/fly (yes, fly), and rockclimb (though, with ropes). I have been wishing for nightmares for 10 years. Yes, I love being scared/adreniline, your not alone out there .
  21. Wii all the way. I used to be a sony fan, but they blew it with the ps3, and I must say, not a fan of microsoft; though, Halo 3 looks like it would be fun. Nintendo has been down for a few years since its gamecube, but they did an awesome job with the wii. Wii sports is very good excersize; though, I suggest getting lots of room (or a pack of bandages). The graphics are of course limited, but graphics are not the main issue, as you can see with the ps3, the graphics are absolutely amazing; yet, there is no use because the gameplay is horrible, making a car shinier won't make the game any more fun. The sensor sony put in the control last minute was a ditch attempt to try and appeal to more people when they heard nintendo was all sensors. I'd have to say practicallity over attractiveness and nintendo definitly pulled it off, it's even at a great price. The games are cheaper too. All in all, if I were asked, I would definitly suggest the wii over anything else.
  22. Call of Duty 3 had a good story mode, but I was able to beat it in one weekend (about 5-7 hours). The stages seem to meld into each other though.
  23. well, this looks pretty fishy to me, especially some of the links from the ad surf page. Looks alot like a pyramid scheme to me. Maybe adbux isn't, but definitly some of the ad links in there have to be pyramid scheme, there's no way the site makes enough money to give you that much. Anyways, thought I would warn you before trying it.
  24. I'd have to agree. I bought call of duty 3, extremely dissapointed. It didn't have any real new features in it. I'd have to say that Call of Duty 2 was the best. Wish I could get a refund, too bad.
  25. lol, funny. I've been looking into linux, but I'm a little too lazy and cheap to get a distro that can run windows games. Maybe later.
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