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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. A few months ago a similar post was posted on the board. It included the code to actually make a simple login system. It uses php and mysql, which you should know how to use before you go and start this project. As faulty said, if you don't know what you're doing, best leave it alone. No offense. The link to the topic is http://forums.xisto.com/topic/93714-topic/?findpost=1064374499, if you understand this, it is a simple login system that should get you what you want. If you want something a bit easier to start with, you might consider the bravenet website tools. They have heaps of tools for your website, its all free, you just need to sign up and copy the code from their website, into yours and it will all work! They have a 'Password Protection' tool, similar to what you are asking for, you just enter usernames and passwords on their site, copy the code and it will work. No messing around in the coding etc etc. The link is http://www.bravenet.com/webtools/passwd/. Hopefully this is what you are after. If you want to start looking into programming, i suggest tutorials on the internet (as faulty has said), if your just looking for a quick solution for your website, bravenet may be the way for you! Good Luck, -jimmy
  2. So this software will create a new page similar to the basic index the web hosting provides, but with a bit more flair etc? Sounds Good, I have a;lways hated having to do it manually!
  3. To terminate your hosting you must go to https://support.xisto.com/ and enter your username/password to cancel your hosting. This is a one way street though, make sure you are entirely ready to cancel - theres no going back . You can get to this page by going to the Free Web Hosting Link At the top of the page and going to Terminate Hosting Account.
  4. You can re-download directx from microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download but normally the directx installer is on the game disc (in case the user by some reason doesn't have it already, so they don't have to download it). Chances are, that if you have problems with the video test in the directx cp, then it is a poblem with your graphics card - your card probably cannot run the dx version that the game requires. According to gamespy, JBN only needs a 8.1 compatible gpu, so if you have a really old graphics card, that could be it! Best case scenario, you re-install dx and it works - worse case, you replace the graphics card it it'll work! Good Luck, -jimmy
  5. I have no problems connecting to your website. I'm assuming that the script that you have written is hosted on your Xisto website and you are connecting to your http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ server? Would it be possible to post the code so that we can have a look at it. Just make sure you haven't made the obvious mistake of entering the ip address wrong or something trivial like that! Good Luck -jimmy
  6. Brian is correct, at the moment the MySQL server will only accept connections from localhost or 192.168.1.% (Where % is the wildcard). Hopefully you have a static IP address that you are going to use, otherwise you might have some trouble connecting. You can also use a wildcard if you know which range your IP address it going to be in, that just means that you would be letting other people with a 'similar' IP to connect (not that they could without username and password). I think you should be able to enter just the wildcard (%) as the allowed host, but that lets everyone that has an IP address access to your mySQL server (thats a lot of people), but there will only be a limted amount of people that know where it is exactly, and only you are going to know the username password for it.To change your 'allowed hosts' goto your CPanel > Site Management Tools > mySQL Databases > Access Hosts and add a new value into the box there.Good Luck,-jimmy
  7. The next generation of iPod is almost out, the iPod touch. Loooking very similar to the new iPhone, it does the same kind of thing as the iPhone, except t doesn't call people. It has WiFi, 3.5 inch screen, the same black colour as the iPhone, touchscreen (the famous iPod scroll wheel is gone!) The new iPod comes in two versions, similar to the iPhone, at 8gb and 16gb. The starting price is US$299. Supposedly, battery life is at 22 hours for music and 5 hours for videos. For more info, see https://www.engadget.com/2007/09/05/ipod-touch-gets-official/ or http://www.apple.com/ipod-touch/specs/
  8. I am assuming that you are making a stand-alone program for the computer and will not be making something hosted at Xisto, the only thing you are hosting is the database. You program will go online to get the database info.the ip address for my website (I think it is a shared ip we all use) is - i think you should be able to connect to that.
  9. I found that if you want cheap, sometimes free computers, schools are a great resource. Recently, my school updated some of there computers (the senior laboratory) and was pretty much giving them away! They were pretty decent computers (1gb ram, intel processor, nvidia graphics) and going cheap (though I got one for free! )It really depends what your doing with the server whether you need a new or old one, for me, and old one is ok but if you were running game servers - you might want something a bit more powerful (unlike the 'free' ones you can get!)
  10. Well I think I sill have a fair way before I can say I'm as old as my post count! lol
  11. Thanks for this, its made me go out to the garage and pull out one of the old computers out there. I think I've found the perfect candidate! Hardwares perfect and i've been thinking about a server recently!Thanks-jimmy
  12. If you right click and hit properties, go to the desktop tab, then click customize desktop, click on the web tab, you will be presented with a selectable list of objects on your desktop, obviously, de-select the one that you don't want (and delete it also if you want). If, going by the picture you have given us, I would say there is only one active object on the desktop, so delete that one! There is one called 'Current Homepage', you can't delete that one, but it should be already un-selected - leave that one!And that should hopefully get rid of your desktop problem.
  13. I too join the line of 'non-360' people, but would love to get one! The only thing people have been talking about for the last few days is halo 3. I actually have some friends who went to the midnight opening, and they looked really bad the next day - apparently they were up all night playing! They even skipped a few classes, just so they could go home and play halo.
  14. Hi,I'm looking for a program that can generate statistics about my vb.net projects, stuff like file sizes, lines of code, variables etc. I have had a had a look in Google, but couldn't find anything that I was after.Thanks,jimmy
  15. I recommended giving it a try! I have only had it for just over 24 hours, but so far, I'm happy!
  16. I have installed the program once it finished downloading, and so far its looking good! You're right about the amount of pop-ups that it has, but once its got into my pattern of usage, hopefully it wont be as much of a problem.ethergeek, your review was great, thanks!
  17. Hi, I am trying to load an external image into a flash document using the following code. onEnterFrame = function () {this.createEmptyMovieClip("canvas_mc", 10);canvas_mc.loadMovie("https://www.google.com.au/intl/en_au/images/logo.gif;; } When I load the image, nothing happens. If I enter the wrong location for the image, I get errors saying cannot find file, but the image is there. Thanks, -jimmy
  18. I was recently looking around for a new firewall and came across the Comodo Firewall - and it got me interested. According to reviews, the program is pretty good, its stable, sturdy and works well. I am currently downloading it to see how it goes - but I was just wondering if anyone else has tried it and what they think of it?Also, they have a free anti-virus (only in beta 2 at the moment) - has anyone tried that yet?-jimmy
  19. Nice tutorial and a great effect, I was playing around with something similar the other day! Its simple to do and looks great!Congratulations-jimmy
  20. moshanks, I think you need to worry about your posts before you worry about how many credits you need! In your last 6 posts, the most you have said is 8 words (the eight words above!) If you attempt to apply for posting with your current posts, I can almost guarantee that it will be denied!Make some worthwhile posts, not just one liners, or in your case one worders! That aside, for the starter package its 10 credits, default package 30 credits.
  21. Where you logging in as a user that did not have permissions for that directory (or were you logged in at all?)Good to know that FileZilla is working for you, much better then Explorer!
  22. No, my FTP is fine! I can access it through FileZilla and explorer just fine!
  23. I just downloaded your game and installed it - but when I started playing, when I clicked the 'Start' button, I receive a 'Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow' error message. Just thought you might like to know.I downloaded the version off your website. (Version
  24. Even more reason for Vista SP1! I'm sure I saw a website with what was included, if you can, have a look at the bugs that it fixes, theres heaps!
  25. Its actually a SD card that is plugged into an internal card reader (apparently these work, but the external ones do not!), but I'm not too sure if its on the 'ok' list. I've been looking and haven't been able to find an exact 'model' number for the card.
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