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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. the faqs.astahost.com has not been working for a while, but im sure it'll be fixed at some stage. As for the CPanel, it looks like its running fine, something like 114 days! I have no problems connecting, so maybe try again in a few hours. Else, check the nothing is blocking the 2083 port that CPanel uses to connect to. I have seen some firewalls that block ports so the user cannot connect to certain pages (like https pages!)
  2. When the problem occurs (Live Messenger shuts) open the run windoow (Windows Key + R) and enter eventvwr. THis will open the event viewer, search through the list to see if you can find live messenger and what happened to it. Hopefully this will lead you on the path to solving the problem! -jimmy
  3. Apple has the market and Microsoft is just trying to get into it! If you have a look at the mp3 player accessories - many of them are for the ipod or are ipod ready! Even car stereos are becoming ipod ready, the head unit in my car comes ready to connect an ipod to it!
  4. My websites that I have made (the very few ) have been made with div tags that center the page right in the middle of the users display. I have the text in the middle at 800x600 which nowadays should hopefully fit. I haven't had any complaints about the design so it seems to work!
  5. Hi,When I am using my laptop on battery power (not plugged in) the screen saver loads properly and works fine at the time specified. The Screen will turn off after 5 minutes of no activity.The problem occurs when I have the laptop plugged in and/or charging. The screen saver will not appear. I can make it appear my going to the screen saver properties, but otherwise it won't appear. Also the screen will not turn off after 5 minutes, it just sits there!Thanks-jimmy
  6. I just had a look at my site in google analytics and it came up with three different screen resolutions, 1280x1024, 1280x800 and 1024x768. this was over the last few months on my site, so anything that fits that would probably be ok!
  7. Google Analytics is a good service! I have it running on my website and it has everything you would ever need. You can look at when people have viewed your site, where they come from, what browser they were using etc!You also have tools in the CPanel that can give you the same kind of results. As for impeding them into your websites, im not to sure, but as toby said, you will most probably need some php coding.
  8. a friend has the 4300 SpeedStream but im not sure if my method will work for that one! Try it anyway! If you are using windows, go to the HyperTerminal, Start > Accessories > Communications > Hyper Terminal (if your not using windows, use a program that can connect on port 23 (im not sure what you can use in linux/mac)) Using TCP/IP connect to your modem (should be and make sure its on port 23. you may need to enter a username and password to continue. then enter this should disable the usb port and of cause to re enabled it , change state to enabled. You may also have to reboot the modem after doing this, just power it down, then bring it back. These steps are for the SpeedTouch 530, but may be similar to the SpeedStream 4100,4200,4300 series. Also, you can use the command 'menu' to view all available options on the modem. You'll work our way around it - its pretty simple to learn, took me a few minutes to work my head around it all! Good Luck -jimmy EDIT: Put in a call at the whirlpool forums http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/ and see if they know of any solutions. Whirlpool is just for Aussie Broadband and has heaps of helpful people!
  9. Don't forget that you have toolbars in the browser window which cut back on the room you have to use in a website. Also, people using laptops, particularly widescreen laptops are going to have less height and more width!
  10. through the command line access on the speed touch 530 you can actually turn the usb port off. if this is your model, tell me and i can step you through it!-jimmy
  11. The Windows Zero Config is windows version of wireless connectivity software. It allows the connection to wireless networks. Most (probably all) wireless cards come with some kind of their own connectivity software. This means that you can turn off WZC and let the other program handle the connection to the network. It really depends which software you want running your wireless connection. Both will be covered by firewall, both will o the same job.So, you do not have to have this running to connect to a wireless network. If you are using 3rd party connection software, you have to have zero config off!Windows will not detect networks without Zero config, but if your 3rd party software can find networks, it'll do the same thing.As far as i know, there isn't any security risks, as long as you make sure that your wireless connection will not automatically connect to a network when it comes into range (normally windows will ask if its a unsecured network, or wont let you connect it its encrypted anyway)Hopefully this has exaplined some of your questions!-jimmy
  12. chances are that the information on the forum index hasn't been updated. The default hosting account was upgraded a while back and obviously they changed the public page, but forgot to change the index page. The public page (http://forums.xisto.com/index_webhosting.html) has the correct details. So if you pick the 30cr default page you will get 500mb space and 10gb bandwidth!Hopefully this has sorted things out for you!-jimmy
  13. Looks like its improving greatly! one thing i noticed is that when you use the menu option on the forward and back arrows (the drop down menus) longer directory names (such as the test directory. pass = 123456) don't fit into one line in the menu and don't stretch the menu out (like they do in windows). Otherwise its looking good! Congrats-jimmy
  14. why is it that you need to use firefox, would it be possible to use a language (be it C++, C#, C, VB etc) to create virtually your own web browser. Just remove the address bar so that they cannot navigate away from your html pages and in your html pages, don't include any external links that might allow them to get around the block and surf the internet anyway.This way you can include all your autorun's, splash screens and mp3s in the one file and run it off the cd.-jimmy
  15. Besides the fact of its looks, the zune's features aren't too bad! Text from: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That aside, I don't think it is going to be such a hit - many people are going to see it as a 'ipod' copy and think of it as microsoft trying to catch up (as demonstrated just before ) Personally, I don't like it, but i don't really like the ipods either - overpriced technology. Have you seen the look of the new-look i-pods, they're worse then the original ipods (like the really old ones, without click-wheel ). I don't think the Zune is going to go anywhere, apple has their fan base, and i don't think they will move to the zune anytime soon.
  16. I have to agree with Tavox, The Gimp is a great program. It has all the features of photoshop and its free.
  17. Sounds like an interesting plan that you have there, good luck!For the first list, i would say that you have to go to the developers for something that can be changed in the code for some of those ideas.For the second list, 1 - installing firefox should be easy. Copy the installation file onto the cd and link a html page to the exe file - they can open that from the cd and install firefox. 2 (and 3) - a splash screen can be integrated into the autorun. i.e. run the splash then load modded firefox. (autorun a simple exe file made in a language of your choice)(make sure the language can run on the client pc easily)4 - you can play mp3 files into html easily enough and play them in the browser, as long as you don't navigate away from that page.5 - Terms and conditions could be part of the autorun, or also part of the html pages and sort of a welcome page (click to continue once you ahve read the conditions).Hopefully this has been a help,-jimmy
  18. So you are looking for duplicate lines in the same file? A very time consuming method would be to put all the links in a document editor (Notepad, Winword for Windows, Openoffice, gedit for Linux) and search for the url's, if there is a second copy, remove it.Many of the Duplicate Finders (search google) that are on the internet deal with actual files, and not just lines.
  19. Well done, it functions very much like the windows counterpart! It was a bit slow for me, but im assuming once all the small graphics have downloaded, it'll be quicker to run.Just a question, are you specifying the directory to use in the script from the backend - as so you can choose the directory that you want to display? It sounds something similar to another topic i was reading just yesterday. This time, instead of making a simple html page with links - this is the graphical/AJAX alternative.Well Done, and I cannot wait to see some of the new features!-jimmyEDIT: My Internet is slow today - thus the reason everything was going slowly!
  20. By tutorials are you reffering to how to do certain things with the language (XHTML, CSS, SVG) or an introduction to the language and some of its syntax's etc (or both?) This website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has heaps of tutorials (in normal html), very simple stuff though, like lists, backgrounds, tags etc etc. EDIT: Also, have a look at these pages (both Creative Commons) XHTML Part 1 XHTML Part 2
  21. I suppose that it could be useful for pages where there is a bunch of links (say a directory of downloads). I have done something similar before where I listed all the files in a directory so that the user could download the files, but in that case, a) the files wouldn't have changed that often and you couldn't upload your own files to the directory. Useful for 'Share' drives and such.
  22. I'm just feeling sorry for the person who developed the fact What a boring day that would have been!
  23. I believe i shall self vote, just cause my site is there - like everyone else! It's interesting that of all the 88 (yes i counted them!) hosted members there are only 21 websites that are 'working' as such.
  24. Firstly, Parental Control can be turned off through Control Panel (Something like, Parental Control > User Control). This will stop the computer trying to block website depending on the control setting. As for your browsing, this should be turned off at the same time, if not, dont use IE, use firefox or opera. The only reason you are being blocked is because you are using IE (and vista and IE are best friends! ) Using another browser should fix that problem right away!It is the same thing with UAC (user account control), they have just taken away too much of the freedoms of using the computer. I noticed when using vista for a brief while, that before installing updates UAC was a bit more lenient on what programs were allowed to run, once the update was installed - there was much stricter guidelines. So windows are clamping down on programs allowed to run! (Bit off topic i know )
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