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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. Thats neat, the small website preview! Are you just searching the Internet for Reverse IP Tools?
  2. I just read what dserban said and thought, why not check google. When I did, I found a site http://www.hoost.net/ which is hosted on the same server as google.com. It links to a Canadian Hosting Company who's website is currently under construction. Strange...
  3. Thats means that the hard drive that your site is hosted on is getting full! Time for a bigger one! This shouldn't be causing the problems that you have described! I had a quick look at some other sites hosted at sp hosting and from what I saw, other sites don't seem to be having a problem. Possibly, there are several hosting servers, and the one you are on has something wrong globally (ask pyost said). The only thing you can do is launch a support ticket with the support team and see what they can do! (also, while your there, tell them their disk is getting full! )
  4. Thats a pretty neat tool! While your there, have a bit of fun and use the visual trace route. I tracked my website from Australia, through china and then it went from east coast to west coast of the states then stopped at xisto.com!Also, its amazing how many sites are hosted at both Xisto.com and Xisto.com!
  5. jimmy89

    Real Player

    I dont like real just because of the reason that the free version has ads for the paid version. Like the EQ. that just annoys me when im using it. But now i just do what wutske does!
  6. Yes, A Happy Australia Day to the few Australians that come here. How has everyone spent their day? I went to a mates place and we had a huge cook-up, it was a great day!Did anyone see the concert in Canberra last night? I was lucky enough to get backstage and got the meet all the guest stars, I even got to meet Kevin himself! Downside was that I had to work there earlier that day!Hope everyone has enjoyed their day (its almost over! )
  7. Great tutorial! Thanks, its very informative and could be very helpful. I've learn this lesson the hard way once before, luck it wasn't much As for this, there is many tutorials that can help you do this, many of them are on this board. There is a great tool at http://www.instalinux.com/ which can generate a custom boot image for you, taking the hard work out of setting it up. You need to know some stuff about your computer, but it helps.
  8. I saw this one also. Its not bad, I have never seen it used before though. I like how it suggests to use that instead of all caps! I also found this one under 3.1.1 Nothing more needs to be said, maybe except 'system administrator and/or mods'! It also includes information for administrators (3.2) and how to look after discussions (mainly mail lists).
  9. Sounds like your are going to be a great asset to Xisto. You sound like you have a very technical background - you'll fit in fine!Xisto and Xisto are both part of the Xisto Network, as you guessed. You are still able to contribute to both forums, i think you may be able to be hosted at both (don't quote me on that, i'm not too sure) but i would choose one to be hosted at, and contribute to the other one also (I don't think you will have many problems keeping credits up! )Enjoy!
  10. I never knew there was such a huge document on this stuff. I would like to think that I am rather compliant with the network etiquette, but its a very useful document for some people! Thanks
  11. Welcome to Xisto! You have made the right choice in choosing a good host, they are reliable and there is great support. You said that you signed up at both forums (I'm assuming the other is Xisto). To answer your first question, your credits will be separate, what you earn here can't be used on Xisto, and vice versa. Secondly, you cannot transfer credits from one to the other (Xisto > Trap etc). I would like to also tell you the difference between Xisto and Trap. Xisto is a more technically based forums, while Trap is more open to the discussions - more for everyday stuff. That said, there is still everyday topics here at Xisto. If you are not as technically aligned, you may want to be hosted at Trap to sustain your credits better. It may be harder to sustain credits here if there is no topics you can post in. You are still welcome to post here and get help about technical aspets of your site. For your second question, the amount of credits that you get for posting varies lots. If you right long, informative posts you will get more credits then if you write one-liners and nonsense topics. You don't want to write lots of small topics about nothing useful. This can be very annoying and you can also get banned for small annoying posts. Make your posts informative and useful, and of a decent length. They don't have to massive essays, but if you have something to contribute, your very welcome. Also, just remember to make sure that you put your topics in the right categories! Have a search around the forums for topics on how to write a good post (theres a few around ). You might also want to have a look at topics like the Importance Of Spelling And Grammar. Again, welcome to Xisto and good luck with your hosting! EDIT: This post just got me something like 4-5 credits, so you can judge from that!
  12. Have a look at this topic http://forums.xisto.com/topic/93756-topic/?findpost=1064374895=, they had the same kind of problem. Hopefully this can help you!
  13. Good Call! If we are talking about those types of languages (which im sure we're not) i think there is going to lots of people speaking lots of different languages!
  14. FirefoxRocks, Thanks for that link. That is the kind of idea I'm looking for, but I think i've solved my own problem. I did a bit more digging around the Internet and stumbled upon the Fanatic Forums. I had a look around (its a great place for coding) and found a thread about this exact topic, and sure enough there was code on how to do it! Boy was i excited! I copied the code and right away it worked! I'll copy the code here for anyone that wants to have a look at it, but this is all from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Firstly, declare the following. Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal Hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Integer Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Integer, ByVal hWnd2 As Integer, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Integer Private Const WM_COPYDATA As Short = &H4AS Then, Put this code into the same form, Public Function VarPtr(ByVal o As Object) As Integer Dim GC As System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(o, System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType.Pinned) Dim ret As Integer = GC.AddrOfPinnedObject.ToInt32 GC.Free() Return ret End Function Private Structure COPYDATASTRUCT Dim dwData As Integer Dim cbData As Integer Dim lpData As Integer End Structure Public Sub SetMusicInfo(ByRef r_sArtist As String, ByRef r_sAlbum As String, ByRef r_sTitle As String, Optional ByRef r_sWMContentID As String = vbNullString, Optional ByRef r_sFormat As String = "{1} - {0}", Optional ByRef r_bShow As Boolean = True) Dim udtData As COPYDATASTRUCT Dim sBuffer As String Dim hMSGRUI As Integer 'Total length can not be longer then 256 characters! 'Any longer will simply be ignored by Messenger. sBuffer = "Music\" & System.Math.Abs(CInt(r_bShow)) & "\" & r_sFormat & "\" & r_sArtist & "\" & r_sTitle & "\" & r_sAlbum & "\" & r_sWMContentID & "\" & vbNullChar udtData.dwData = &H547S udtData.lpData = VarPtr(sBuffer) udtData.cbData = Len(sBuffer) * 2 Do hMSGRUI = FindWindowEx(0, hMSGRUI, "MsnMsgrUIManager", vbNullString) If (hMSGRUI > 0) Then Call SendMessage(hMSGRUI, WM_COPYDATA, 0, VarPtr(udtData)) End If Loop Until (hMSGRUI = 0) End Sub And then, place these codes whenever you want to change or clear what is being sent to Messenger. 'Displays song info (MSN Messenger)Call SetMusicInfo(My.Settings.CurrentArtistPlaying, "Not Passed", My.Settings.CurrentSongPlaying) 'Clear song infoCall SetMusicInfo("", "", "", , , False)For some reason, the second variable in 'SetMusicInfo' doesn't pass to Messanger, not that bothers me cause i don't need it! This was tested with Windows Live Messenger 8.1 (Build 8.1.0178.00) Enjoy!
  15. I think is going to be great for MySQL. They are going to now huge a huge corporation behind them. The first article also raises the valid point about company taking over an open source initiative. As it says in the article, Source:http://planet.mysql.com/ I think we can look forward to big things, while also no major changes.
  16. Sten, I like your slogan! Xisto should adopt it
  17. I couldn't have summed it up better. I don't believe in magic as in the 'Harry Potter' style. But these tricks that we see magicians do - its awesome!
  18. I can speak English, my main language. I can also speak a little French and Japanese! Its been that long since i have said anything in another language, i probably can't remember much. I do remember counting in Japanese though!
  19. HI,I am currently developing a media player for a friend. I amusing VB.Net and just making him a quick program. He asked whether it was possible to link it with the messenger live music plugin (like the one used in WMP). I said i'll get back to him on that.What i would like to know is where to start? I have found a dll in the Live Messenger directory that can is called 'psmsong.8.1.0178.00.dll' and has a description of 'MSN Messenger Status Plugin' How can i implement this into the program. I have a way of passing current details (artist, album, song, current time, etc) but i just need to know how to get that to Live Messenger.Thanks-jimmy
  20. I must say that that is amazing! i don't think i could watch the entire movie, but the first bits that i saw looked pretty good! you still have an idea on whats happening!
  21. its a bit off topic, but you can see why this is the most debated topic in the world, just on Xisto we have 15 pages on it!
  22. vujsa said that your posts are not long enough which means that each post you make needs to be more lengthly (what you just posted above is more like what you should get each time). You can view the posts you have made, as well as the topics you started by clicking your name on the left and side of your post and selecting Find Member's Topics. This will give you a list of topics that you have replied to and you can see what you have posted.What vujsa was getting at was that to be able to maintain your hosting here (after you get it) depends on how well you can post. if you post small amounts, you have to do lots to stay active (and your posts can start to become spam (lots of post, little helpful information)). The idea is that you can post larger, more informative posts and be able to keep your credits at a higher level more easily.All you have to do is post helpful discussions and be able to post lengthly posts.Also, just remember that once your application is accepted, your credits drop back to 3 or 4 and you will lose lots of credits if you are way over the 30 credits. So, your credits at 50 now will drop back to 3 or 4 when you become a hosted member. Good Luck-jimmy
  23. so when you get bored of the games and want something more simple, you have flash games. i suppose that means i can also use jamglue on the ps3!
  24. With your Internal IP Address (192 range) you can choose whatever you want effectively. If your Router/Modem has DHCP then your computer is assigned an IP when it connects to the Router/Modem. You can easily give the computer a static ip address (Internal). Windows is a little more complicated (you have to go to the control panel, the device properties and change the TCP/IP properties) whereas linux just enter the command posted before. Changing your external IP address (The Real Address that websites identify you by) is harder because this is assigned by your ISP. If you have a dynamic address (as most people have) it can be hard. Normally, restarting my modem will get me a new ip address from my ISP. this process takes all of a few minutes to power down the modem and then let it power back up and get a new ip address. Most of the time I dont turn the modem off which means I keep the same IP all the time. You can also use services like DynDNS (http://dyn.com/dns/) which won't keep your IP the same, but will give you a subdomain that you choose that links back to your ever changing IP. There software on your computer will update there database with a current IP and your subdomain will link back to your computer. I'm not sure if you can use this for TS or Ventrilo (do you need to have an IP or can it be an address?)
  25. That would also meant that you could also load any type of flash animation. Supposedly a flash game. If you were able to control it would be another matter. I'm not sure how the web browser can be controlled using the ps3 controller.
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