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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. Just a question, slightly off-topic, but is there a limit on how many points you can get per post? Just made me think reading this!
  2. It is a good search engine, it does give you good results, it does have some pretty amazing and cool features (I don't know how I would live without Google Earth these days) but I have to agree with dserban - I don't like the idea of google and privacy. They allow you to store all your emails and conversations on their server, they record your search patterns and what you looked up in the search engine, they let you store documents and spreadsheets using their online service. They could know so much about you!Otherwise, a great service -jimmy
  3. Eclipse, if your posts are only as short as what you posted above, you are bound to get hardly any points. Writing well structured and longer replies will enable you to get more points. Read though the announcements and help posts on this board and you will see how work has gone into the credits system! For most members, it works well!
  4. By the sound of what dserban is saying is that this program allows you to 'pause' the program, and then 'continue' it later. You can only start and end processes using the Task Manager! I think its a very useful program, specially when your looking for a program! -jimmy
  5. Like the saying - if it ain't broken, don't fix it! rvskins cost $99 per active license, I can think of some things that could be done with $99. Still, thats a reasonable amount for the features that you get!
  6. I wouldn't go as far as to reinstall my OS without trying other solutions first! Reinstalling the OS is sort of, one of those last resort type of things if nothing else works!
  7. I have found a simple solution to that problem. It could get a bit annoying after a while, but everytime you want to use the computer from a different computer, physically lock the computer before you leave - that way when you connect, you must enter your password to continue. If you login to the computer (via logmein.com) with a different account (maybe one that isn't a administrator (cause that defeats the whole purpose)) they won't know the password of the logged in account.Then don't forget to lock the computer when you are finished, before you disconnect. This way they can't access your computer using the username and password they have stored!There is only one loophole, if the computer isn't locked and they connect using the username/password - they will have access. You will know if they connect while you are using the computer, cause the dialog will appear saying 'computer connected from ...'. But if they connect while you aren't looking, or left the computer for a while, It won't work. So really you need to lock the computer everytime you leave it! Or, set the screen saver to lock the computer after 1 minute - that could solve the problem!Hopefully that solution is good enough for everyone that wants to use this wonderful tool!-jimmy
  8. Hopefully not, Qupis is a good hosting company! It would be a real shame if they lost business because of this!
  9. McAfee Site Advisor says that its ok, all green! Can you submit a report to Trend Micro suggesting that the website is OK? Or at least ask them to check it?
  10. yeah, its not too hard to get used to really! I think the 'control panels' that places like lycos and geocities have are harder to understand then CPanel! I, like Sten, seem to also be able to get used to anything very easily. Give me a few minutes with a computer, and i'll understand everything that needs to be done!
  11. It may also be that you have the default printer set as a file printer like Office Document Writer. If so, make sure that you are printing to the HP printer by checking the 'Printer' option before printing.If you want to change your default printer, go to my Computer > Control Panel > Printer and Faxes > Right click on the HP and select Set as Default Printer. Then make sure that the Black Tick appears over the HP printer icon.Also, Publisher 2003 uses the .mdi format for printing, though you have to select an option for it to print to mdi filesGood Luck-jimmy
  12. Same here! From a quick look the code looks good, but I might have missed something! I'll try it out in a few days - when i get a moment of spare time!-jimmy
  13. Thats very interesting! I wonder how Qupis got blacklisted by Trend Micro?
  14. You click the 'Video Tutorials' link in your CPanel, it takes you to a page that has a list of the different tutorials. You can choose the tutorial that you are after, and it links to the CPanel website (I think the videos are in flash format). If you want me to post the links to the videos, please ask! -jimmy
  15. There is a way! Download the K-Lite Codec Pack (The Full Version) and it will enable you to play .mov and .mp4 files in Windows Media Player. It also installs codecs for heaps of other video types like .rmvb (Real) There are heaps of places to download the K-Lite Codec Pack, search Google. I downloaded it from http://www.free-codecs.com/download/k_lite_codec_pack.htm. and it works well! Good Luck -jimmy
  16. I have managed to install a copy of apache on my win xp machine, but that was using xampp. Its a great program that contains many other server features, like Source: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html Its easy to install and easy to use, so if your looking for a test server, or want to get a home server started - this is the program to use. It works on all OS's and is free! Have a look at https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
  17. the way most accelerators work is by caching websites in the background, so that when you want to visit them, they are already in the 'cache', they don't have to be downloaded and are displayed. I'm pretty sure how most of them work (i may be mistaken though). So really, your not 'stealing' juice from the ISP, your just looking at the pages, stored on your hard drive!-jimmy
  18. So the theme that we are talking about (i think its referred to as 'x3') does not come with the installation of CPanel11 and WebHost Manager? You have to purchase it separately? I also found a website (from the creators that make the rv skins) that compares the rv skins to the x3 skin in CPanel 11. You can find it at http://www.rvskin.com/comparison. I look after a friends website, who's host uses CPanel 11 with the x3 theme. It really easy to use and even comes with Video Tutorials to work your way around. It uses AJAX all over the place and even has the option to change styles (different colours/images with the same theme). The layout of the actual CPanel page is not much different, but you can drag and drop the collection of links/icons (like the ones for mail, files, prefs etc) up and down the page as to get it in the order you like (or the most frequently used items at the top, lesser at the bottom!) And, for those who like the 'regular' file manager - CPanel 11 inlcudes the 'Legacy File Manager' which is the same as the file manager we use now, slightly redone! I know all the trouble that OpaQue and the admins went to too get the rv skin working again after the server hard drive change, but it would be great to use these new features of CPanel 11
  19. I would like to be able to use the new file manager! from what i have heard it is very good - much better then the old version.
  20. Wow, this is amazing! I can't imagine something like this being done on a computer, and with a graphics tablet! This looks like a painted canvas! Congratulations and good luck for the competition!-jimmy
  21. I'm sure it will happen eventually! It won't be as easy as turning on a light, there will be lots of hard work to make sure that everything works right, and that nothing goes amiss because of the new theme!
  22. I know its not a solution, but the drive letters depend on which order the drives are connected. So, the first drive to connect would be your physical drives inside the computer (C: and D: etc etc), then physical cd/dvd drives, then anything you plug in after that. I have an external drive, in internal drive and DVDRW. It maps them E: C: and D:, then my daemon tools drive F: If i was to plug in my usb, it would become G: and if i plug my phone in, as mark said, it takes another drive, it would become H:A drive and B drive are reserved for floppy drives.If the drives are always connected to your computer, you should be able to assign them letters through the management console (as mark said) and they will always stay the same. I noticed once that when i plugged in my usb drive, it would take a drive letter that wasn't in order (so it would take G: insted of F: because it had been hooked up as G: before that) I'm not sure what was happening, but it kept the same drive letter always.
  23. It would be nice if the xisto staff could see this topic, but so far we only have 8 votes. At the current time, i think there is about 40/50 people that are hosted (and there sites are working). We would need all these people to have a say before we could decide which theme to use.
  24. I think that would drive me crazy! I don't think I could stand it! Why do you have so many power failures?
  25. i can imagine! Even though my computer is quite, it still wakes me up if it starts in the middle of the night! (who sets anti-virus updates to check at 12am really! )
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