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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. I haven't played the game, but from what I've seen it looks rather spectacular! I wasn't up for downloading the huge trial that they had on their website (something along the lines of 800MB) at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/! I saw some screenshots of the game in action and it looked really realistic! Though, that was most probably with the graphics quality at full running on a speedy computer! Looking at the specs for the game, it doesn't look like you need the best computer in the world, but im sure if you wanted it to look good, you might want a good CPU and GPU!
  2. i would suggest the same solution as faulty, as i have had the same problem and it was simply resolved by replacing the PSU (it was a very old one and could have dont with replacing, so i got a better one! )Sten, rather funny idea of your computer turning on in the middle of the night! I heard from a friend that they accidentally set a scheduled task to start at 3am instead of 3pm! So, of course, at 3am - on turns the computer
  3. Everyone has their own reasons, which is fair enough. rvblue is a very lightweight theme that works well, and works fast - which is ultimately what they want it to do as it saves them (them being xisto) money!Still, my vote is with the CPanel 11 Theme! It would be great to be able to use it!Interestingly, I have noticed that the CPanel that they are using on the main Xisto and Trap websites is CPanel X or CPanel 10. They mustn't have upgraded the forum servers yet, that's if they are planning to!
  4. I think your post should be more then just 'what?' to get your point across. But for your sake, whats happening is a group of people are trying to auction off exploits to the yahoo messenger program!
  5. the best plane is the jet that is located at the restricted area or the desert airport. Its fast, it shoots and creates a lot of fun!
  6. jimmy89

    Bowman 2

    i used to love playing the first bowman with friends when we had nothing to do at school! The second version is just as good, but i especially like the 1 player bird hunting! Its great fun!!
  7. Thanks for the heads up! Hopefully they will have come up with a security patch very soon!
  8. I like the new version, like the new look also! Works nice and fast! Great Work!
  9. I'm sure there would be a heap of backend changes that we wouldn't notice. Though, I remember reading somewhere on this board that there was a change in the file manager with CPanel 11. We haven't seen that yet!
  10. I suppose, but now all you need is another 39 people to share your curiosity so you can have a look at this exploit!
  11. I do think that it is a real threat, but they (they being governments, communities, senators, officials etc etc) are making it out to be worse then it actually really is! Yes, if we had of done something about it many many years ago, and have had a better understanding of what we were doing, it wouldn't be as bad as it is today.We have already made the mistakes and now there is no way that we can go back on it. All we can do is make sure that we dont repeat these mistakes and make sure that we do things right for the future.But, after saying that, we (humans) have only lived on the earth for a tiny part of its history. For all we know, we may have been living in the 'wet season' and are now heading into the dry season. This may be a natural occurance that we have never seen before because we have never lived here to see it, and probably, us who are alive today, wont see another 'wet season' again. What wipped out the dinosaurs, was it the dry season that we are maybe heading into now?Still, I think we need to be cautious of what we are doing and make sure that we are not ruining the environment and our earth for future generations. Even if we aren't doing anything, its still better to be safe then sorry!-jimmy
  12. I must agree! I don't think I would want to go spend my money on something like an exploit, that by the time the 'auction' has finished, may have already ben resolved by Yahoo! And how do you know that they are telling the truth, they may just be making it all up!
  13. Thats great work! I liked the members directory - that was a good one too!
  14. If anyone has seen the movie 'The Island'. One of the people in the movie uses a device similar to this technology with a small pyramid type of device as the mouse. He could then open and close folders and such my moving the 'pyramid' around the surface of this table. You could also draw onto the surface and it would store it as an image.I think its amazing technology and especially like the idea of being able to place a digital camera of mobile phone on the table and it copy all of your pictures, movies etc to the computer!
  15. yeah thanks! Ive already checked all the files that I really need, and they are fine!Thanks for your help-jimmy
  16. As technologies get better, and we start using programs that take up more space we are going to need more space on devices such as our phone or camera. Soon there may be a day that we could use a 8gb memory stick for a camera, very nice high-resolution pictures!-jimmy
  17. I think I may have solved the problems! Thanks to faulty and the program he lent me, it seems to be recovering the files! It found the NTFS partition on the damaged drive and has started to recover the files in the specified directory on the drive (it looks like is has found the entire disk structure). It found file names etc and seems to have recovered files without any corruption! I havent yet check all the files, but what ive got to so far has worked!Thanks heaps for all your help and suggestions. I just happy to have all my files back! Now to just wipe the drive and start from scratch again! -jimmy
  18. I really like to the sider tool. How long did that take you! It works well for your site, and then you use the output from the spider to fill your sitemap page - great work!
  19. faulty - I boot the ubcd and it gives me the option to boot one of two drives, the first is the small 4gb drive i installed windows xp onto and the second is te damaged drive which gives me the MBR error.hexwiz - those steps are great, it got me all the way to the stage with the list of files under root, but all i can seem to get is random symbols and numbers/letters. It has no file structure and doesn't look like any files of mine are there.vidit - when i load the testdisk program of ubcd, i get errors that i have to press Ctrl + C to cancel out of! It wont seem to load that program properly!Chesso - I have a copy of win xp on another drive, but the damaged drive wont show up in my computer because the partition is damaged, it shows up in the disk management and device manger though.I am about to try the ontrack program, thanks to faulty, when its finished downloading!-jimmy
  20. Thank you once again for your help so far! I am currently downloading PC Inspector to attempt files as hexwiz said. I have tried GetDataBack, it seemed to be working, but the folder view was filled with folders with red crosses!Last Night, I also downloaded the iso image of ultimate boot cd. hopefully this will have some tools to help recover the corrupted partition! I haven't yet touched the damaged drive yet as there are some very important files on there and it would be great to get them back in one piece!Thanks-jimmyEDIT: The PC Inspector is only going to work for drives that windows can read, and because the partition is damaged (hopefully) windows is not showing the drive in explore!EDIT: Using Ultimate Boot CD, when i try t boot the second drive it says it cannot read the master boot record. Is this any indication of what can be done to get data back?
  21. I have tried using a linux live cd but it cannot read the drive (as in it is not in the explorer), i also tried installing xp on the other drive, same problem cant read the drive.I cannot simply plug the drive into another computer, firstly cause the computer im posting from is a laptop, and secondly the only other computer doesn't have SATA plug to hook up the drive!
  22. Hi,I was recently trying to resize my hard drive and now cannot boot the disk. I try to start the computer and get a error 'BOOT DISK FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER' This volume contains files that i really need. My last backup was last week which is not recent enough for what I have (I did heaps of work the other day which hasn't been backed up).The hard drive that is damaged is in my main computer, and i have a spare drive (4gb) in the same computer! is there any way to copy the files from the 'damaged' volume over to the other disk, or too my external usb hard drive.Anything that could be helpful is greatly appreciated!-jimmyEDIT: Running the diskpart tool in the recovery console shows me that the drive is currently 'unpartitioned space' Will I still be able to recover data from there?
  23. I think it would be good if we could have the choice, and could choose the theme we wanted inside of CPanel. I'm not sure though, if it is possible to have multiple themes installed.
  24. That must be a large amount of heat to actually bend the motherboard! Is that a design fault or is that because people have been using them in confined places, like under the tv with the dvd player etc. But for it to happen to somewhere between 10 and 33% of consoles, it must be come kind of hardware fault and not a issue of where it placed.I think i'll just stick with the original XBOX till this is sorted out! Though, 3 years warranty is not bad!-jimmy
  25. you've got me there! and i would have made that point too, but after reading the initial post, decided that it was already an obvious fact! -jimmy
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