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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. Well, you can never find a use for those tech brushes. I like it. If you could down-size it, you could make it into one of those little underbanner things. Like those topsites use, ya know?! Ya then I could put it on my site for one of those supporter things. 9/10.
  2. How did you pay $10 for fotoshop?

  3. Damen is TOOO right. You can never have too much brushes! Well, you can, if it takes up all your computers memory. Fonts are another big thing. The best font package in the world is the GFXTrap Font package, avalible for download at the GFXTrap website. I use that package. A lot of good renders are there, too!
  4. It does? I don't think it did that for me when I got hosted here. Or maybe i had exactly 10 credits and to went down to 0. just ask around to hosted members and ask if that happened to them.
  5. Eh. I could have done those renders for you. You might want to move the renders over the footprints. That look WeIrD when you have footprints in there. Those renders would look good with some abstract brushes. I am going to guess you are using Photoshop. So go to deviantart and grab some abstract brushes. Just use the search. Then upload them to photoshop and you have some cool brushes. I would reccomend Total Deviance Brushes, I use them alot and they are great. overall I would rate these sigs a 6/10, because you are a newcomer to graphics. If these were your 10+ 11th sigs, it would be more like a 4/10. Keep working! oh yeah. If you have gimp, there are some ok brushes for that, too.
  6. Good Luck! Watermonkey, you don't need to quote the WHOLE post. Back on topic- As watermonkey said, Don't put like only in there, 'cause that will make you seem young. Good job on the 4.0 GPA! Good Luck!
  7. Yes, this is good to help out newbies at CSS, because newbies to HTML will still use the < font > and < color > tags. This should help out many people in CSS. Thank you for this find. PS- This should help out Johnny, lol!
  8. Yes, you can't argue with Xisto. The best free web host on the web! They do have cPanel with FANTASTICO!
  9. so if i use your code, can I make it in a different directory, like direc/index.php ? can You do that? I will try it. Thanks for finding this!
  10. This looks like an ok host. It uses flash on the HP like trap. It is like Xisto - Web Hosting and Qupis combined.There is only one bad thing about it- you have to have your own domain to transfer to them or buy one from them. And if you think about getting paid hosting from them- the link to the place you do that is broken! I would rate this site a 7/10. The site is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
  11. They are using deprecated HTML tags, like < small > and < big >. When you go to that website, the navbar takes up half the page. The guy who made that site must have not known what HTML was. He probaly learned what web hosting was the day before. I give the site a 1/10. Horrid.
  12. Hello, we love to have you back! You cannot sign up for Xisto.net, because since Qupis was doing so good, they shut down Xisto.net. Thanks for coming back!
  13. Why is there two or three good free hosts, and the others all trick you into you giving them your credit card number. Then they take credit cards and get all the money off of them. I can't fall for those scams yet, i don't have a credit card. Awardspace seems like a decent host, the best free hosts areXistoXistoQupisAward Space.Some horrid ones-FreewebsGeocites (not the best but still bad)AOL Hometownbyethost or whatever.You can't stand websites that have no purpose.
  14. Happy birhtday! We will miss you!- Never mind that. Well, happy bday today, and it is kind of weird that you are only turning two. Happy twooth birthday!
  15. Happy Twooth birthday!

  16. Eappy Haster! happy Easter! I got lots of chocolate and candy! Yumy Yumy!
  17. Yeah, that code is faster than friiks, but an easyer code is the Include() function. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but you put the code you want on that page in a html, php, etc file. Say I want this- <b>Hello</b> I put that and name it bold.html. the i go back to the file that has the include() function and put this- include("bold.html"); You keep doing that howevermany times you need to. The link after the sentance on when I asked a question and it got awnsered with the include() function which alot of people say is helpful. {link}
  18. A simalar code has been posted about the same thing. Almost exactly the same. @ Rotator- Check out this link- {link}. It has centered and left text in it.
  19. Wow, I was looking all over for a code like this one! I downloaded one once, but it included over 100 php files. which would take 2 hours to download and upload. Now I found a code that has two files and takes up little space!
  20. Nice tutorial, Matak! I heard of these arays but never really took the time to figure out what they were. I might use them in my site. I am a fast reader.
  21. So I can just create a php file called whatever.php and put that code in it?
  22. Your site now has the Index of / HP. Can't help you now.
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