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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. OT design is down now. Bring it up?

  2. When I Come Around- Green Day. Whatever is on the last.fm green Day Channel, basically. Green Day Rulez!
  3. They are short for signature. Most people talking about sigs are talking about a 350x 100- 400x 170 document in photoshop, GIMP, or other programs. They use special grunge or tech brushes downloaded at deviantart.com. Just search "GIMP Grunge brushes" or "Photoshop Tech Brushes". Then that is for the background, and they find a "render" for the main image of the sig, like the wizard in my sig. Then they have blending techniques they use. Then lastly they add some text, usually there name. Check out some tutorials here in the GFX forum in the Trap. Have fun with it! EDIT- You can get the gimp here and a tutorial for how to set it up here. It is free. Photoshop is $700 US.
  4. Hey I am on windows right now. I was wondering if Linux was better. If it is, please tell me 'cause I might want to download it. Thanks for the info now I know I will get the one with a "K" at the start (Can't spell them).
  5. Nice, only the first one is not really a sig. It's more or an Ad-Banner. Did you make these? Nice job anyway and make smore dude Keep up the nice work.
  6. Hey thanks delivi! I might try these out sometime. Yeah and you forgot to add the quote tags. I see you got help on that. Keep up the good work!
  7. Nice Sameer! I think the car one is better, still, the render needs a little more blending. Maybe try making the render smaller, because the spidey render you can only see his head. A lot of sigs like to have action. Try making a actiony render or something. Keep on trying and you will get better!
  8. Here is mine- It is my first SOtW ever so I hope I win!
  9. Oh yeah on the Billie Joe sig, the words to the song are- "In a land of make believe, that don't believe in meaaa!
  10. I think you mean "MMORPG". If I am worong, what does the "H" stand for? Nahhh. Not a lot of space games any more. They have a RuneScape Sub-forum, I mean why not a MMORPG (H) one? Thanks
  11. Hmmm thanks for making it SM! I don't know how to use this, but I will try! I will post back here when I am done!
  12. So, when are you gonna get around to doing mine? I kinda really want one now not later now please kinda thanks yeah I can't wait. Try to make a guy with sme'thing in his mouth thanks.
  13. I did not try it, only because I don't have a domain and I don't want to buy one just yet. Look at the specs list, it might say there. If I ever get like a test domain i might try it there. Only thing is it doesn't have cPanel, I think. I don't get FTP, so I am kind of dumbstruck there.
  14. It is ok, the brushing is the next thing to work on. You don't always want to use one brush. Also, try changing the background color. You also need work on your text. Like maybe using a text glow, or something. I would rate this one 6.5/10
  15. Wow these are pretty neat I should try these out one day. Once I finish my layout for my site, i could use these someway. I Like cheese! Well, thanks!PS Never mind the cheese thing.
  16. Thanks, dude! Like your new avatar, too! You last few php topic have been other ways of using the include() function to get the ?id=links pages. Some creative ways to get around the include() function using arrays! I might use this on my site soon! Thanks!
  17. Thats really cool, taking two things and making one thing out of them. My brother would like the grappler, he like action figures, and he is 8. The leaf-blower wagon one seems cool. Keep up the good work!
  18. That was mean... Why would he shoot so many people just for that purpose? I mean, 31 killed, and 17- 21 wounded? I can't stand Guns . Please world, don't kill me!
  19. Hello everyone! I am in need of some code a for a signature generator I am making. I am using BuffaloHELP's code for the php file, now I am trying to improve that code by making a form in a html file that will have the user say what is on the sig! But now, I need help getting the form data that is posted by the user to get into that sig! There is a file, sig.txt, where that tells the php file what text will go on the sig. But how can I make the form data in the html file go into the text file so it will go onto the sig? You might want to read BuffaloHELP's code. You can find it in probably simalar topics or scroll down some in the php forum. Thanks All!PS. BuffaloHELP's Topic is called dynamic image/ sig generator.
  20. Well, Fantastico! is almost back, the icon is there, but the link is broken. I think it should be up by the end of the week, at the latest.
  21. I know.I would rate that site 8/10 if you could use a subdomain, I mean, who would want free hosting, but then HAVE to buy something? You have to buy the domain one way or another. So then it's not really free hosting.
  22. Yeah, the cPanel now looks like it did before... So Fantastico may be up by tonight...I'm probaly guessing by the end of the week at the latest. Now this thread might want to be closed because everything is almost ok.
  23. SORRY Jim, but I found and awnser to that dudes problem. Narato dude, Check This link on how to install php-nuke manually. I'm waiting to install Joomla! because of this problem that everybody thinks is a BIG HUGE PROBLEM. It's not that big, folks! Just wait! OpaQue is only one guy and he can't do everything at once!
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