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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. I will say cats, because I have one, and she is really cute. A big poodle can't come and sit and start purring on your lap, now can they? So i would have to say cats.
  2. Yes, I know all the ways to make money in RS2, but you need to improve on your grammar. "mgicks" i suspect is supposed to be "Magic Logs" and "eqarn" is supposed to be "earn". Please try to improve on your typing and thanks for the tip!
  3. I like them, and I am new to photoshop, too. That is still way better than I can do, though. I like the sigs, but after you look at smore tuts and stuff, you can do way better.
  4. Phpbb is free, but not many of good stuff that vB and IPB have. I would reccomened IPB or vB, though I have never used VB, and this site runs on IPB. So I say IPB is the best get it at InvisionPower.com, and there is a free 12hr demo of it.
  5. Thanks for the help; I will look into the Tutorial. The only thing I don't know yet is what my podcast will be on! Thanks, I just needed to know what program to use!
  6. Ok, I want to Podcast, and I don't know where to start! Do I need special programs, software, downloads? If anyone can link me to a guide i will be very thankful!
  7. Hello Friiks! You are a good coder!

  8. Well, I do play runescape, and it's not the best game out there, WoW is a lot better, but I still think it is fun (it's something to do when you are not on T17).
  9. Hey Dude thanks for fixing the forum problem with the show/hide thing! your the best!

  10. Are you using cpanel? i'm pretty sure there is a setting to ban IP, there is one in IPB and PHPBB2. Hope I could help!
  11. Heh.... I think I made the mistake before. It was like my first day here, and I wanted to try out your BBCode. Haven't seen the showhide one anywhere, so I thought I would try it out, without making a SPAM Topic or post. Whoops! But I learned my lesson that time, and I didn't do it this time. O yeah Mods can close this now.
  12. how do you diable js on mozzila I got an error in my error log saying Error: o has no properties Source File: http://forums.xisto.com/jscripts/d22_shoutbox.js Line: 3725
  13. Me to, I mean, everytime i click it happwens.i cant talk, so i hope its fixed soon!
  14. This is really nice just what I was looking for for about 5 months! Thank You for this awsome tutorial!
  15. OK, I like it, minimal resources- I can't even do that good with photo shop. As SN said, the white glow doesn't go good with the pink. overall you friend has an ok program and you are really good at graphics.
  16. Theres a website out now called "Google." It is where you type in a search box what you want to search for, and it comes up with accurate results! You can also try searching the forum...
  17. Yay! Billie Joe! I like them both, well, all of them, but I especially like the Green Day one, I like how you added the lyrics to "Jesus of Suburbia." Well done on the sigs (I like mine that you made me)!
  18. OK, there are a couple render sites- Planet Renders Deviant Art
  19. Hey SN I added u to my friends list. Add me 2?

  20. OK, I like school, but I just don't like going to it. I wish there was a machine that could put all the knowlege you ever needed into your head. That would be great *everybody in the room noddes*!
  21. Wow friiks, this is a sweet tutorial! I can't wait for you login one- I will incorporate that into my site! Thanks for the nice tut!
  22. Wow! Thats really cool! I never knew today was the eclipse! Thanks for the notice; I'll look for it tonight !
  23. Imtay22

    Java editor

    BlueJ is a program where you can write and compile java code. it works for me, and it's free! Just go to bluej.org!
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