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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. Welcome, Renaissance! Nice to see you've come to use Xisto as your webhost! Go hockey! You sound like a busy man, hockey, collectibles, etc, etc, etc... DO you live near Windsor in Canada? 'Cause I am near Detroit and I can go over to the river and yell "hi"! Just joking... Well nice to see that you have found hosting here and welcome! Please take time to read the links below. Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks and welcome!
  2. Welcome, mummy2courtney! Nice to see you've come to use Xisto as your webhost! Look around the forums for coding help, but if you find an old topic, don't reply, because chances are the member might not come here anymore or they won't answer. Please click on the links below, and Welcome! Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks and welcome!
  3. Imtay22

    Hello All

    Welcome, Mago! Nice to see you have come to Xisto for hosting! There are a lot of RuneScapers on this forum, I would say you might want to meet up with Ridwan sameer, a fellow RuneScaper. Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks for joining, and welcome!
  4. Whoo man this is close, but I will have to go with Saint Michael on this one. I don't like KuBi's the motion blur isn't my style. Just love the effect on SM's, kinda shiny. Good luck all in this sig battle!
  5. Hello, Ridwan! I was looking at your battle request (not that I am going to be in it or anything). I was looking at the size requirements and your sig size. It seems that your sig is bigger than the max. requirement! You might want to change that...
  6. Okay, by the way, I made this in the GIMP, not Photoshop. Thanks for the tips and PS- Albus Dumbledore is coding it for me. Is there slicing in the gimp?
  7. Well as you can probably see I am not finished with it. This is my first template so it might not be that good. Just rate it and we will see! PS- This is in the GIMP.
  8. Kinda same effect that I did on my last sig. Please rate this one and give it some comments/ what can make it better. I would also like some links to some good tutorials for the Gimp (direct link, not like pixel2life.com, do pixeltolife.com/gimp/sig-tut-456.html or something). Thanks!
  9. Yeah this is a GIMP Sig so it is a little harder to do some stuff that you can do in photoshop. Thanks for the comments!
  10. The Tay wuz here!

  11. Welcome Demonatashadow! Hope you find your host here with Xisto! I am Imtay22, a Xisto Trapper. Before you start posting, please read the Xisto Readme, Rules, and FAQ. Please look around the forum and meet our members. I see you like Harry Potter, try meeting Albus Dumbuledore. He is a Harry Potter kind of guy. Thanks for choosing Xisto.DON'T READ THE SPOILER!
  12. Tried a new effect. Will explain more later. Parents will be VERY mad if I don't get of the computer. Just rate and CC I'll explain how I did it later. Okay I will explain. First I brushed grunge in black. Then I did a FG to transparent graident with Black FG. Changed Color balance. Then I switched my FG to white and did some brushing. Then I added my render and duplicated the render layer. Smudged the top render layer a lot. Played around with the Motion Blur settings for that layer. Set the layer mode to Subtract. Moved untouched render layer to top, added border, text, etc.
  13. Okay thanks Hitman I will try that now. I will post back with any problems.
  14. Yeah, that was a month ago when I made those. I have gotten WAY better since then. When my other computer boots up, I will try ot follow a tutorial and make a better one.
  15. I like this one. Kinda was messing around with the layer mode after I smudged it with the vine brush. I came to divide and it looked like the guy was on fire! So thats my effect for this sig. Please rate this sig. Whoops look like I forgot to add a border. I'll do that now. EDIT- With border.
  16. Grrr. Yankees. Wrap in quote tags Anyhoo, back with the Yanks? He should have joined the Tigers! (Go Detroit)! Yeah. I don't think this is a major addition to the team, they already had him. I still don't think they can win the World series, but the Tigers can!
  17. Ahhh. Okay thanks dude, just wondering! I will post mine back here when I am finished.
  18. Yeah as I said I'm not really making a permenant account, just a test one to see how it goes. I will write a review here when I finish.
  19. |-[link]-| Is this a good or bad free web host? It says it gives 10gb Disk space and 10gb bandwidth. Here are the specs- A good web host? I think it will be okay, I will make a test account and see. The thing I don't like it this- Only three? I think they can improve, and 10gigs of Disk space? I bet thats a lie. I would rate this a 7/10, just like the other host I reviewed. At least this one gives you a subdomain!
  20. Last night me and my Brother were playing baseball in our front yard. I threw a pop-up and it bounced of the palm of his mit right into his forehead! He said it didn't hurt much last night, but this morning he had stich marks on his head where the baseball hit him . Then this morning we had to go to church, and when he walked by this one guy, he started laughing! Now all my relitaves are going to be laughing today because it's my birthday today. Just something funny that I wanted to share.
  21. Whoa thanks dude! I'm in the middle of making one right now so I will post it here when I am done. By the way this is my first template!
  22. Imtay22


    Hello! This is Imtay22 from Michigan! Have a look around this place and meet some members (especially Mich)! Hopefully you can make some new friends and become hosted by the best free host, Xisto. Be sure to read the FAQ, rules, and the Xisto ReadMe. Please Include more info in the Topic to tell us about you. hope to see you around often! And what ever you do, do NOT read this spoiler!
  23. Thanks TrueFusion! I needed a new gimp sig tutorial. Making the text, did you just Gaussian Blur it at different Rates every time? That's a nice sig tut, should be using it to do my next sig!~
  24. Nice! Maybe I can help you with the site? Like a login for the Evil Society Members so they can access special evil pages HAHAHAHA! Just an idea! Oh yeah you forgot to add my name in the History Page!
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