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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. Okay thanks everyone I hope it works now! I have index.php in the htdocs folder, and the include file in htdocs/includes/testphpinclude.html. It still is not showing anything when I click on Index. Im going to upload it to the trap. EDIT= When I uploaded to to the trap, it wored fine! Check it out here. That was weird..
  2. Ahhh ok or could i just put no dots at all? What should be in the include file? the text is- Thank you guys for your help!
  3. Not everything in life is easy. C'mon. It shouldn't take THAT long.Maybe and Hour or so. I don't even know what php-nuke is. What is it?
  4. Thanks, I guess. Since I have Mozilla FF, It automaticly checks for those things. It would be nice to have someday, though. Thanks! Hope it works for others!
  5. Yes, as jlhaslip said, you can always so it the old fashioned way, uploading it manually. I did that with phpBB, and it only took me and hour. So I would recommend NOT waiting for Fantastico! to be installed and just upload your files manually.
  6. As I said, MOST of my spam goes to my inbox, which I really hate. I get like 200 a day though gmail, I think Hotmail dosen't give a lot of spam out.
  7. Ahh it works now it was truefusions find, I forgot to add This- }. Now I can't get the include() function to work. Weird.
  8. Okay thank you Jim. I was just wondering...
  9. Whoops, guess i forgot the closing tag. I just restarted Apache, so I will try it after i put the closing tag back on there. Thanks! EDIT- Now it is appearing as nothing! I added the closing tag, restarted Apache, went to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and nothing!
  10. Well can't GMail set up a filter from sending spam? Like HotMail has not that much spam, and about half of the mail in my inbox is spam. Weird?!
  11. Can't find that line, but i found a simalar one- #AddType application/x-gzip .tgz Should I place that under that one? @ Everyone else- I put my php files there and now all it comes up as is this- switch($page){ case 'idx' linenums:0'><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"><title>Testing PHP include functions.</title></head><body><a href="?p=idx">Index</a> - <a href="?p=test">Test Page</a><?php$page=$_GET['p'];switch($page){case 'idx':include (".../includes/testphpinclude.html");break;case 'test':echo 'Test!';break;</body></html> That is the code I put in the php file. Still help? Oh yeah, when I installed php, It auto configed the Apache Server.
  12. Do you think gmail gives too much spam? I have been a member of gmail for a month now and I have about 200 spam emails! Do, do YOU think they give too much spam? VOTE!
  13. Ok thanks guys I will try to get this working! I will post back here if I have any more problems..
  14. Ahhh.... Okay. Thanks. I think I will stick with the easyer one.
  15. I am trying to install it on my computer, so i can test it before I upload it to the Trap. Where would I find those on my computer?
  16. my friend had a book about what they think will happen. It was funny! I have a question- Who is the sock lover? See if you can awnser that? This is some spoiler info here, most people might not want to read this. I ALWAYS read the spoilers. XD
  17. Ok! Do they both work though? I used another tutorial here that used preg_replace. They also said it was more better than str_replace. Unholy, you might want ot take his advice!
  18. I downloaded PHP 5.2.1 win32 installer and apache. Now what? I tested apache, and it came up with a message saying- It works! So, now what? how do I get php scripts to run using the localhost? What i mean is, where do I save the files so I can view them? Please Help!!!
  19. A Xisto sig i made today. Please rate it. You may use it if you want.
  20. you don't know where i live

    but Jim does

  21. In register.php- Could i change the form action to register.php, and make the php code register.php and the HTML code to index.php?id=register? I think that would work... But just checking first.
  22. Hey this is really cool i could use this on my site sometime! Only if I had a use for it... I see you only included the normal bbcodes. Maybe try in the next version adding some more advanced ones, like centered text, spoiler, and that kind of stuff. Thanks!
  23. I made another with the same render. Added smore color this time.
  24. rate please! My first sig using the gimp. I like it!
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