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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. okay, Now I am trying to post a <form> Attribute in the code, for a login one. I will try the trird method. if that does not work, I will post back here.
  2. Last week, a couple dogs and cats have died from kidney faliure from Multiple brands of food. The main thing that has been killing the cats+ dogs might have been The wheat Gluten in the food, which researchers said might have a material used to make plastic. You can find all the Dog and Cat foods that are on recall here. Look at the list before you feed your Pet! Today, a new dry food has been added to the list. Basically all the foods are wet foods..
  3. Well, I have a joke that no one gets, but I think it is funny- Like a bar like a pole? lol. My moms bday was friday. We are having a party today. Ok, so its gonna be downstairs. We put a sign saying- on the stairs. but we don't really have an elevator. So I guess that is a prank. I haven't been pranked. Yet.
  4. Nice find, ghost! I should try this out. I don't get the part about sputum. What's sputum? Oh well, this still looks like another really good service google put out there... Even thought most people only use google for searches. Well again, Great find, ghostrider!
  5. I have been working with illustrator, too. Nice find! I will be sure to use those sometime this week!
  6. I like it, especially the text. The Underline and the Overline are good. Overall i would rate this sig 8/10. I liked the other sig better.
  7. this guy, Sylenzed/Nuke. Initals. Hey sn how did you make that logo you put on your sigs?

  8. well, I am new at photoshop, you may say. I have had it for one month. I am looking at lots of tutorials here and on the web. We all hope I can get better!Thank you all for the CC!
  9. Completed experiment. Worked. Tried duplicating render layer and after using motion blur, duplicated layer and moved the blurred render around. Then Merged all blurred layers into one. Then did a Gaussian blur and soft light. Just Trying color experiments. Please rate and CC. Thanks!
  10. Please rate and CC. Thank you for your help!
  11. How do ya'll like em? I like 'em a lot! They finaly have borders!
  12. Yea, I like it. could you tell me how you did it and/or what brush pack you used? I would love to make sigs like that!!!
  13. hey dude add me to your friends i added you!?!?

  14. Can anyone please help me with finding my firewall? I would like to download this ASAP
  15. Watermoney, what language is that?

  16. Imtay22, well, I came up with that as some of you already know, it's my name in pig latin. It started way beck when in Millsberry, where i thought up that name.
  17. Okay thank you guys i will try to experment more today! I can never find out how to do borders... I try what is says in the tutorials, but it comes out as a 3px border when i do the new layer---> CTRL+ A---> edit---> Stroke --->3px black thing, I do it again with the 2px white, then 1px black again. It turns up as a 3px solid black border. If you could link me to some tutorials I would love it!EDIT- added another sig
  18. It is my like 15th sig but i like it the most. I haven't done a lot with photoshop i got it a week ago but i think I am doing pretty good for a first timer. PLease rate it EDIT- added another sig-
  19. I looked around the support area- I found the thing about firewalls but I don't know what firewall I have. I think it has something to do with the Anti-Virus Program. I know i don't have Norton. I searched my computer for "firewalls" and something came up about AOL Firewall. It was a .ini extention. There was another one that was a .dll. They jsut have weird boxes and some other random letters. I know none of the other ones are mine.
  20. I have AVG antivirus. I am downloading WoW for a free 10-day trial. In the middle of the download it goes really slow and says- Can you please help me! I don't know how to disable my firewall! I have Windows 200 Service Pack4.
  21. I made some brushes today, and they are- 1. a sig background. works perfectly with a 350 x 150 Background. for those who don't know where to get brushes. 2. LeGo brick. Pretty simple. 3, 4. other grungy brushes. Download em here.
  22. Hello Friiks, again I have a question about this syntax. I have multiple lines of code i would like to put in the echo 'This is page two'; part of the code. When i try to have line breaks, it comes up with- Help?!
  23. OK, i have some code for the "p=pagied" php syntax. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>Untitled</title></head><body><a href="?p=idx">Home</a> - <a href="?p=pagetwo">Page Two</a> - <a href="?p=pagethree">Page Three</a><br><?php$page=$_GET['p'];switch($page){default:echo 'This is the default page';break;case 'pagetwo':echo 'This is page two';break;case 'pagethree':echo 'This is page three<br>Cool, huh?';}?></body></html> I have 10 lines of text i would like to put here- case 'pagethree':echo 'This is page three<br>Cool, huh?'; When I try to do that, I get the error- And this is line 16-Avast, ye landlubbers! Murphy at Port Khazard has discovered a new spot teeming with fish for his trawler! He can't haul in this bountiful booty by his lonesome, though. With more high-quality fishy things to catch (those with the ability to catch manta rays and turtles, for example, are likely to catch quite a few more on the trawler than they could previously), it's time to strap on your Fishing gear, fix those leaks and start reaping the rewards.<br />Bring your friends along for a voyage on the high seas, but don't be afraid to get wet! The more friends that set sail, the greater the chance of more fish. Murphy has also fashioned himself a handy bank deposit box to allow you to send your fish straight to your bank (assuming you have the space, of course)!<br />RuneScape's Group of Advanced Gardeners (G.A.G.) recently commissioned the Makeover Mage to improve the appearance of their favourite animals. Sadly, the Mage was deeply involved in business with the Dorgeshuun, so he/she couldn't attend. Always reoThat is one line, i have about 10 more. How can I do this?
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