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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. Yes, me to. I'm in need of some cool brushes. Please tell me where to get them.
  2. Size:350x150Theme: TechRender: YesRender Theme: Halo 2Color: You ChooseText: Yes, Imtay22, Visitor font, top right CornerOther effects: Explosion
  3. JavaScript and HTML calc- Used saga's code. I used sagas code to make this calc. ~Tay
  4. I Think I use Invisionpower 2.1, not sure. Its really awsome. you can do lots of stuff with it. goo iPB!
  5. Hey I like billie joe and green day too!

  6. Nice Hosting Co. you got here, dude!

  7. Now thats sweet! computers, ipods, and alot of other goodies will have way more space! now thats what I'm talking about! Yay for water!~Imtay22
  8. Ok, a little off topic, but whats linux? i think its an operation system, like windows. I took apart a windows 95\DOS computer last night, so thats the only kind of computers im experenced in.o yea i'l look for you driver, too.
  9. Sentress=No color- i need color! Just the layout- not good for me. i just don't like it. KuBi- I like to background, the little whatever-they-ares. CloudSSJ-Yes! Thats it! The sig of my dreams! it seriously looks like I'm right there watching him! well, those are my vote for the SOtW!
  10. You know whats really cool! I saw a vista laptop +the best Intel processor (forget what one) for only $599.99 US! True about the Upgraded XP part, wikipedia has a picture of Vista. I would like to upgrade soon, or get that great laptop. ~Imtay22
  11. Cool Update, is it only for plan 2? If it was for plan 1 great (i got #1) but i think in the s box it said only #2. Great Update OP and BH!~Tay
  12. Ummm.... I would learn XHTML, They don't make newer versions of HTML any more. I would also learn PHP. All the necessary tutorials are at .It took me an hour to learn the basics there. ~Imtay22
  13. I live in Michigan,USA. I would have to rate it 8/10. I would rate it 10/10, but the economy is REALLY bad in Michigan. I would have to say that I like living here, though.~Imtay22
  14. Cool, I think I might check it out! How much does it cost and where should I buy it? Oh yeah what's a SNES? If I have it I will buy it. Or if it comes for another system that I have for sure. Thanks, I've gotta try this out!~Imtay22
  15. It's a HTML attribute, actually. The form Element is using HTML to submit the form contents to the server. The Javascript Part of this is what get sent to the server. That's what I THINK. I'm Not sure, but ok. ~Imtay22
  16. This guy pwns of RuneScape

  17. Hey I like runescape! add me on rs2 Imtay22 is my user. i'll try out the forums and you can come to mine- http://z8.invisionfree.com/Rune_Mods/index.php. I'm the owner of it- please join i need more members! ok thanks bye.
  18. G' Morning JD!How you Been? Just Saying hi! Hopfully this is a good hosting site! i've been to other not-so-great ones. Well, Hi there, ~Imtay22
  19. Well, I like Google so much it's my homepage! i don't even use the address bar anymore, i just type in the website in google and Whalla! The First Result is the one I'm looking for! Thanks Google!~Imtay22
  20. Iv'e Heard GMail was good, but I use Hotmail and AOL. AOL is a real stinker, but hotmail is REALLY good. I don't have a GMail account, but as i said in my first statment, It's good. I have a yahoo account, never really use it though. I would Reccomend Hotmail or GMail (Google).
  21. Nope, you sure can't. Php iseasy to learn, especilly at W3 Schools. HTML isn't a code, its a markup language. same with dhtml and xhtml. if you said xml, thats part of java. well, i like php over all. thanks, ~Imtay22
  22. I have both of them, and they are both OK, but really i think 3D Games Studio 6 is better. You can make Realistic 3D Games without having to pay a cent! Now thats a good game maker. Happy Saturday from Imtay22!
  23. OK, theres Brainbench, and W3 Schools. I personly used W3 Schools, but i've heard brain bench was pretty good, too. You can also get certifications from them for $60 US (W3 Schools) and $50 US (BrainBench). Thats what I used for my php. (i use php, look at the sig) so php is really good. You might want to go here. It's http://php.net/. ~Imtay22
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