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Everything posted by dre

  1. Completely false statements. It's obvious that you either lack the knowledge to be able to search google about your problems, or you're too lazy. And besides, how hard is it to press add/remove programs and search games and download one, ready to play? Perhaps you didn't run Ubuntu or its variants, but if you didn't, then it's your fault that you didn't take 2 minutes of your time finding out which Linux flavor is the best to start with.
  2. What made you reach that conclusion? What programs? Also, there isn't much you can do with Wine if something doesn't instantly load, but if you miss the simple stuff, then you'll think it's crap when it's not. Did you look your programs up in Winehq to see if anybody made a guide on them?
  3. Do you (or anybody) then have a better idea to do this in less time? Don't kid yourself, if the problem is so big then the solution will take about the same time to reverse it. It really doesn't matter how fast the trees grow, as long as they are actually being grown. Although speed would help, it's quantity that counts. That's gonna change since energy will become a lot more expensive and being farther away from cities would be economically stupid.
  4. On the Blender part: The GUI is in no way simple. While it is true that Blender is a very good modeler, it's not easy for beginners.
  5. If you don't know what Linux is then why are you even saying that Vista is an upgrade from it? In my opinion, Vista should only be worth calling an upgrade from Windows 98.
  6. To me it's like there's more crap in the way.
  7. Give me some reasons why. And keep in mind that Ubuntu is not Windows, nor does it try to be Windows. With simple mods you can have your XP look just like Vista. Please share some of those things with us. All Vista really is is just basically XP with a newer appearance theme, DX10 (purposefully made only for Vista), and some useless memory-hungry crap to force you to upgrade. Hmm, if I think about it, it seems like all Windows releases are just like that. Better visuals, new "exclusive" DX version, and a bigger resource hog, and you got yourself a new Windows!
  8. Before there was massive deforestation, forests seemed to do fine. Besides, what causes those fires in the first place? No. Not really, I said: So according to that simple equation, more trees would make less CO2 and make more O2 = lower temps. I'm not proposing major tree overgrowth, but instead to bring trees nearer to natural amounts. It's a regular pattern, and to try to stop it would be foolish.
  9. Oxygen was one of the gases that contributed to the cooling of the Earth. Trees make oxygen. More trees = more oxygen. More oxygen = cooler temps. So one could argue less trees = more CO2 + less oxygen = hotter temps.
  10. So you're saying for selling crap for $400 that cost 10 cents to produce they deserve a pat on that back? Lmao! I wonder who would want to pirate the worst software in computer history.
  11. It's installed on Windows XP (not sure if Vista is supported) on the same partition as XP. You can see the actual files while in XP and uninstall them from there. I'm having doubts about installing Ubuntu on an external drive, but it could be worth a try.
  12. Games would be nice. Well, more of them, at least.
  13. Upon searching Google, I found your motherboard has AMI BIOS (correct me if I'm wrong), and that 1 long and 2 short beeps means video failure. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now, when did the computer stop working, and what did you do that you can remember before hand? How did you get it to boot its last time? If you can, try to get into BIOS and disable onboard video manually, if you haven't done so. Also, what type of interface are you using to connect your other video card in (AGP, PCI, PCI-Express)? If you're trying to use a PCI, I recommend you try to use an AGP instead, as for some unknown reason I kept getting a problem where a computer just wouldn't detect a PCI video card. Hope this helps, and tell us how things go.
  14. Some people have too much money to spend, and besides, you don't need to make a laptop gold just to make it look good, they're just doing that for the obvious reason of showing off.
  15. Excellent, I got sick once and it ended up as being the sole reason for me failing AP Calculus (would've had a B, but I'm not going through that again, not worth it).
  16. Nobody makes you change resolution. Keep it the same, and your performance will be the same. I think if you switch the refresh rate on the monitor from 60 to 75hz, then you might see a tiny drop in performance, I've read somewhere that it eats a bit more bandwidth, but LCD's don't have a set refresh rate anyways, so I don't think switching from 60hz is necessary.
  17. This really applies only to the people who care. For instance, try to convince someone that myspace will suddenly become better if they go from 17in to 21 in, it just wont happen. If you play games or do video related stuff, great, monitor upgrading is something worth considering. If not, there's just no reason to. A simple rule for choosing a good monitor is just to get Samsung, they've always made the best monitors and still do, so you just can't go wrong with them. More like 8 years ago.
  18. He never defined how you'll acquire power This sounds pretty interesting as long as you be sure to have action (usually includes violence).
  19. The problem with that is theories are just that, theories. I choose not to. Yes, we're getting colder weather here than usual. Definitely, money makes a lot of fools. More like bluffing themselves out of reality.
  20. I didn't It really matters little where you start, as long as you finish something.
  21. dre

    Conceited Girls

    That's ok, I'll just use my time machine.
  22. If somebody is using offensive security software designed to penetrate and test the security of systems, then I'm pretty sure they can do whatever they please.
  23. Tell em it's the Godhead three in one, and if you got a problem with it, don't complain to me.
  24. Actually, SDL already has sound capability, among many other things, you just need OpenGL for the 3D. I highly recommend you start with the basics, something like DarkBASIC Pro (I believe the free dll's people make for it improve this product substantially), BlitzMax, or Torque. Another solution would be to use Python combined with pygame (uses SDL engine with Python, for your 2D, sound, ect) and PyOpenGL (gives you direct OpenGL access through Python, for your 3D), which are all free. However, learning OpenGL is no easy task, as is learning C++ and using libraries. Just remember, OpenGL=multiplatform.
  25. Not exactly live, and I doubt that nobody hasn't thought of this before. A couple years of work with a complete team of professionals, and you're good to go on your path to become a millionaire.
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