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Everything posted by dre

  1. There is no definite answer, but you should try Mandriva, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint.
  2. You say that all of the religions are not the true religion. By what means have you come to that conclusion? Therefore, if anybody follows a religion, they must think it's the true religion, which in turn, basically makes them...stupid? I don't think I'm following what you're saying. Wouldn't quantum mechanics be a gray area in the midst of all other math?
  3. How about this one? Question: "Is Cerebral Stasis funny?" Answer: "No." It's like saying "You know, this math book has unproven formulas, but who really cares, it makes my equations look nice and everybody's happy, right?"
  4. I would highly recommend against using dial up in today's world. When there's an update, are you really going to wait 45 minutes for it to download? In Ubuntu's case, I get updates almost every day, most being over 15 mb. Also, did you post in your particular distro's forum to get help from the experienced members? Doing a Google search turns up a lot of guides about how to configure dial up modems, read a couple, but make sure they're for your distro.
  5. I got a 99% in chemistry when I took it in 10th, grade, mind listing some of the things you don't get? If you fail the tests but do the homework and all, you don't really learn anything. Whether that's good or bad is up to you.
  6. Nmap. Though, you'll have to compile it yourself, unless you can find a Windows binary (guessing you have Windows).
  7. If it only stopped there, then I'd be happy, but they always blame their actions on anything or anyone but themselves. Which defeats the purpose in the first place. Apparently there's something about seeing sex on TV that just forces (what is it, 50% now? I really have no clue, but that's what it seems to be at my school) of teens to have sex. Thinking is definitely not going to happen. A pleasure-driven society doesn't have time for that. *cough* Nowadays, evidence is starting to show that most don't follow this rule. Any individual has absolute control over whether to dwell in the past or to live in the present. Doesn't seem like you completed your response, however, they went to Afghanistan to piss off Osama and went to Iraq to piss off Saddam and get some cash. In the end, however, Osama wins by bankrupting the US. Nice and simple.
  8. A computer running XP surely isn't that bad. What's your ram amount and cpu speed? Off the top of my head, I would recommend VectorLinux or Damn Small Linux (In extreme cases). You can also get Ubuntu and install Fluxbox on it, a very lightweight window manager that will drastically cut down the requirements.
  9. It's more "I see everybody using Windows therefore everything else sucks." Anyhow, this should be moved to Operating Systems.
  10. What do you mean by you can't turn on the PC? When you press the power button, nothing happens?
  11. I have some problems in following the position of your main idea. So does religion promote peace, does it not promote peace, or is it up to the individual to use it to promote peace (or perhaps do so without it)? I know, and I've read many sources which argue whether the reason why they went were honestly pious or just an opportunity to get rich and to gain political/social status. Sadly, the fact is that many Christians are not Christians at all, and I've yet to come up with an explanation of why they even bother (Christianity is on a major decline, though, depending who on you trust).
  12. See if you can get a better battery, 9 cells seems a bit weak for that kind of cpu, ram and video card. However, if you don't plan on doing any multimedia/games or lots of wireless while using battery, then don't sweat it.
  13. What's gonna happen? Are the kids going to be rallied up and set on a march to Palestine or strap on bomb vests and eradicate "the infidels"? I take it as if somebody ran up to my car and smashed out my window, they've made it fair game to have theirs smashed out also. That shows what the people's actions promote. Sort of like saying if you wear a bikini to the beach, you promote sex. That's nice, I've met atheists whom I believe to be some of the most violent people I've met.
  14. I'd personally stay away from Sony media. Rootkits, anyone?
  15. Well, if more people actually knew how to build PC's and not automatically assume that their granny's Celeron is the standard for today's computers, then you wouldn't have this problem.
  16. Good call Joshua, I agree with all that you said. Exactly, the "all about me" phenomenon. It tends to end in a crash later on, which is the upside, ironically. "Good news is no news." "If it's not entertaining me, it's not worth my time." Hey, look how nicely this is matching up with the things I mentioned before. *Glances at all the basketball courts which are rarely used* I agree 100% with this. Some people just don't want to commit 70% of their day to go play school sports, they just want to shoot some hoops and talk with friends without having some bald man yell over their shoulder every other moment. However, it's hard to do when no one is actually going outside and playing (shockingly).
  17. If it was up to me, I'd utilize some form on bio-hardware because I don't think machines will have what it takes to perform like a brain for a prolonged period of time. However, when that time comes, we'll all be bowing down to machines.
  18. Well I guess it's great if you have too much free time. I personally have better things to do. Not exactly, it's more like getting directions about where to drive. The thing that stops computers in their tracks is that they cannot group objects in the same way we can and the fact that they cannot learn something that's not already programmed. For example, words like sand, water, surfboard instantly remind us of the beach, but not so for the computer. That'll all have to be programmed, and to be honest, figuring out how to do that is the easier part. Actually programming in trillions of the processes that are going on in the brain might take hundreds of years. For that reason, I doubt we'll ever see anything like that.
  19. For improvement, maybe?
  20. From my experience with their video cards, evga is one of the worst, which probably means the quality of their motherboards is the same. Well, that's just my warning, if it works fine for you, that's awesome.
  21. Too bad, I had that turned off for the last 2 years. All it does is waste my bandwidth.
  22. Cedega is a rip in my honest opinion, and Wine is much better (expect this recent 0.9.56 release, not sure what happened) and it's free. I see no reason why anyone would buy Crossover since they use Wine's engine. In fact, the two projects support themselves, each passing new information to each other.
  23. I have serious doubts about whether puny air cooling will handle that, I'd highly recommend getting water cooling for that kind of speed. Also, you should get an Asus motherboard, they're one of the best in terms of stability and overclocking, a motherboard limiting your speed is the last thing you want. Finally, top it off with some OCZ or Corsair ram, the best overclocking chips I've come across. Stable as rocks and can take punishment.
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