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Everything posted by dre

  1. I only recommend Western Digital and IBM hard drives. While I myself have never owned a Maxtor, I've mostly heard only bad things about them, and decided to stay away from that company. Western Digitals haven't failed me so far (8 years) and hopefully that trend continues.
  2. I consider this complete bs. I was 5'11" when I was about 10 years old, and many thought I wasn't a student, but rather some substitute teacher. However, since then, I've only grown 2", while others have grown more (or less). So don't worry about it.
  3. Studies have been done to try and find any correlation, however, none have been found between these two things. However, this is very much a popular belief.
  4. Try the DarkBASIC Pro demo, I've used that program and it turned out pretty decent. Has a very helpful forum and is expanded and improved very often.
  5. That's some church... I tried to give an example that fits what I said, in my opinion. However, it would help if you concentrate more on: Clash of beliefs isn't an instinct either, you're not born with beliefs. You can change your behavior in this also. By saying it's on I mean I'm gonna stand up for my religion and possibly say things the other person might not like, but that's just who I am. So you've tried out every religion and prayed therefore coming up with this conclusion? Unlikely, to say the least. Oh maybe because.....it's not time yet? Do a bit of research, though many have tried to predict it, nobody has been right (obviously), but there are definite signs to look for. Give me examples. And what if I was to say that the way atheism controls parts of the world seems pathetic to me?
  6. What's your and your father's nationality? I'm not fully convinced of this.
  7. If you can't prove that you exist yourself, then that's not saying much is it? Theists and atheists shouldn't be forcing their beliefs on anybody. It's just natural that such things will get into each other's way, and there is nothing anyone will be able to do to stop it. It's just like racism, it exists no matter what. If you're atheist, hey, that's fine with me, I will treat you as any other human being and you will earn the same amount of respect from me as any other human being. However, when you start telling me that Christianity is bunk and that I should go home, then it's on, simple as that. Another thing is that although it is our job to try and turn people in the direction of Christianity, I know that I wont be able to influence every single person. I know that coming up to everyone and asking them if they believe in God would annoy them and not do any good. There are certain times where it could be useful, but it will do no good telling this to people who don't want to hear it. In my experience, people don't suddenly wake up one day and decide they will be Christian, they are either born into it or experience a change (usually a meaningful even) that makes them do it. And I think that when two different views come together, there will be a debate/argument. Nobody forces you to think, except in some rare, rare occasions...
  8. I had a really bad flu once and I lost 10 pounds which I never gained back. I've heard this around too so don't worry too much about it.
  9. I'd like to point out that most newer motherboard have the BIOS option of automatically turning off your computer when temperatures reach a certain level, thus saving your cpu from any damage.
  10. If you break your CPU while overclocking then you must be pretty stupid. There's an option in most BIOSes that allows it to shut down your computer after it gets past a certain temperature, so you won't have enough time to fry your computer. Maybe if you overclock by gigahertz at a time, maybe then you could be able to do something, if anything.
  11. Never underestimate the power of craigslist. If you know what you're doing, you'll be able to save yourself at least $1000 on gaming machines. As for barebones laptops, you will easily find one for $200-400 that will easily fit your needs.
  12. I thought it was 0 since cache uses SRAM which doesn't need to be refreshed? Not exactly sure on this though and too sleepy at the moment to go venture out for the exact answer.
  13. Roger that. For those of us shooting for something more like a physics or biology major, you're outta luck using this method. I take college classes while going to high school. It's not hard at all, and high school isn't a waste of my time. I've met many people who I would've never met before, and it has really changed my life a lot. I know what you mean about the disrespectful teachers, but I get around that problem by picking my own exact classes and teachers, via counselors. I know that I can just drop out and go to a community college since I'm already 16, but I won't. The reason is that I enjoy learning things, I like the fact that I actually know what's going on around me and how it works. I don't view it as an obstacle but rather as a step that will eventually leave me at my desired goal. To say the truth, I don't ever want to stop learning; I'll go to school all of my life because I like it. I enjoy the company of friends and others, and I enjoy helping them with their own difficulties. I enjoy being able to discuss topics with the rest of the class and being able to share knowledge throughout the class. And guess what, I'm not a genius either, last year I had a 2.75 gpa, now it dramatically changed to 4.5, and I'm taking way harder classes. I'm not a nerd, I live life to the fullest. I spend most of my time not home and usually come back at about 9-10 pm to start homework. It doesn't bother me at all, and I know that this will pay off in the future.
  14. I guess the only way you could have helped alone in this situation is if you knew martial arts. Taking on 5 people with absolutely no fighting abilities would be a breeze, them having weapons or not. The only thing you would have to worry about is hurting them so that they don't get killed.
  15. OMG dude are you serious? Honestly, learn the skills of critical reading before you talk to me, this is freakin ridiculous. Hey genius, does that mean that 0% of it is being paid off? Oh yea, my boss isn't hilarious so I'm totally going to quit my job... (FIY, channels from you country can be viewed here so you can enjoy all the subtleness that you want) What part of highest possible don't you understand? I managed to get the 40-50% fairly right didn't I? Maybe because going shopping here is the equivalent of driving halfway through most European countries?
  16. Yes, but we can't have everyone be a doctor now can we? Adam Smith's ideas come true. That's correct, with the "debt" and all, it's the worlds strongest economy. Wonder why the Chinese and a lot of minorities buy out American debt so eagerly...maybe they know it's a great investment and that they'll be paid back fully and on time... Enjoy your tax rates then. Out of that list I'd say Belgium's tax rates are tolerable, everybody else is ridiculous (highest there is 85% tax rate I believe)... Corporate tax rates that is, not income. Despite that, tax rates like that here would surely spark outrage. So let's say you want to make a company. Do you start one here in the U.S.A. with about 7.5% tax or in one of those countries listed where you might be able to get away with about 40-50% if you're lucky? Wow that's a hard choice... Such great incentives to work for when 1/2 your money is taken. No wonder why so many move to the U.S. So what's the point? Well, if you're in the US, you can be an entrepreneur without having any degree. In fact, most of the entrepreneurs I know are college dropouts who said screw the system and found their own way, a better way. Education doesn't dictate our economic strength, and never has, so that means we're doing something right. Hilarious, it's a mystery why I never see you on Comedy Central. Oh wait...spam actually means replying with a 2-3 word post, or something like "lol"...Oh, there goes your chance for fame.
  17. Last time I checked, the 8.8 trillion or whatever deficit wasn't affecting me... I immigrated here, I would know what I'm talking about. Please give examples of some countries where you will have the same amount of financial freedom and the opportunities as the USA. Think about what you read yourself, I won't do that for you. It means that when you're 21, people from other countries usually are as smart as you will be at 21 while they are 18. The American system is designed with the dream to send off every single student to college, which obviously won't happen. Many will not go on, and the very few that actually care what their grades will be should be counted in the scoring. Those who have already made up their mind that they won't be going to college will not become bums as there are plenty of high-paying jobs that don't need a college degree. The educational system of many other countries is different. The top 10% of the students will be sent to college, all fees paid. The rest will be taught trade jobs and things that they will be good at, so that way resources aren't spent on dead ends. So this way you have a small percentage whose scores are real and most of the rest who are unsure where they will go and many who will not try in school, better yet some stupid tests. Only the few who are planning to move on should be tested, the rest of the results are irrelevant. (BTW if this system is different in your country, notice how I said most) I myself immigrated from Ukraine where my family used to make $60 a month, and now in the USA we make at least $180k/year. I've never heard of a single person who came here and decided that life was better back home. So obviously I know what I'm talking about.
  18. If anybody else here has DarkBASIC Pro then this will be a breeze. I can't really help out because I don't have the time.
  19. dre


    This phone reminds me a lot of the Motorola E680g...Anyways, seeing that the talk time on this thing is 5 hours, it better have a removable battery, or else that's gonna be a real killer of the Iphone. And I'm not seeing any brand new technology here, can anybody point it out? I'm sure I've seen all this stuff around. As for the price, I'm highly skeptical.
  20. I would just like to point out that most students from other countries go to school about 3 more years than Americans do.Now ponder on these questions: Who has the world's best economy? Where do most people want to go in search of a better life?I have a feeling that if you forget about the averages and pick out say, the 100 smartest people from every school from all the countries and compare then, suddenly, the differences would seem to disappear.
  21. I think it's the fact that adults try to use the same sounds of their current language to try and pronounce the language they're trying to learn. It's usually hard to make them forget about using what they already know and use unfamiliar sounds.
  22. I have Cingular and I love it, I get 5 bars 90% of the time. I looked around to compare prices some time ago and I found that they're nearly identical when comparing Cingular, Verizon, and T-Mobile, but Cingular also had the rollover included, something all the others didn't. As for phones, since Cingular and T-Mobile have SIM cards, you have a huge selection of store-bought and unlocked phones to choose from. There are no SIM cards for Verizon, so I'm guessing you would have to go to the Verizon places every time you want to change your phone to have them activate it. If this isn't the case I'd be interested in knowing how it's done.
  23. I dream very rarely these days, and when I do, it's usually very interesting. My dreams tend to be very vivid and realistic, mostly in locations that I've been to a long time ago. I can control some things in the dream and make decisions in it (is it lucid dreaming or something?), sorta like being awake in your sleep. When I get nightmares, it's as if i have a little options box floating in the corner, asking me "Do you wanna quit now?", just in case the nightmare gets a bit too scary for me, but I usually just hang around all the way till the end. Most of the time, the nightmares end with me falling off of a really high place and me waking up instantly, remembering the whole dream clearly. All of my dreams tend to be very long and complex, often building on the dream from the night before, sort of like episodes. I've heard some people say that dreams last like 6 seconds, but it's complete bull. My dreams can easily pull off 45+ seconds.
  24. I'm surprised they still make drivers for 5000 series... Anyways, in my experience, ATI drivers seemed to be a little more stable than nVIDIA drivers, which sorta contradicts popular belief.
  25. Well if you know how to cook, this can be the opposite. So you're calling the authors of hundreds of books on this topic are crackheads? I'd believe them over you any day. If you're thin, you can eat blubber for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you wanted to and you wouldn't gain a pound. MCD can't affect all people, but it affects enough.
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