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Everything posted by dontmaimyourself

  1. Well I can't say thats something I have ever met but it does seem like something I wouldn't like, in fact I have a 'friend' thats kind of like that with the whole I'm better than you thing, its really pathetic. but anyway he told a 13 year old on My Space that he was 15 (he isn't he's 17) so that she would go out with him, and he once dated his cousin, so we tend not to listed to him anymore.
  2. TO be honest the main reason I like Gmail is that it is not like Yahoo and hotmail, and gmail is (still) in beta (for an estimation of how long Google beta test products Google News came out of Beta yesterday after over 3 years of beta testing), personally I love the gmail layout, the main problem I have with hotmail is that the vast majority of most of the page is ads, and yeah it does seem to attract spam. gotta be honest I ain't used Yahoo mail for ages. Yeah Google Talk may be basic but again thats the reason I like it, I definately do not want to see another rip off the Yahoo messenger animated smily things (winks in MSN) that would totally ruin Google Talk, but as said before if you prefer Hotmail and Yahoo go and use one of them no one is forcing you to use Gmail.
  3. This seems to me to be one of those solutions without a problem type scenario, ok so I will admit that this is a cool idea and that I would probably try this out (if I could be bothered to buy and fit a lightscribe cd writer anyway). However this seems to be a little pointless to me I mean just write on the disks with a pen (one that writes on disks obviously, don't go hacking at disks with ball points, thats just silly) OK so granted light scribe will be capable of more advanced designs (unless you're a really good artist anyway). I hope I have made the point I was intending to make, I know it can be quite hard for 'normal' people to decipher my crazed ramblings, what I was trying to say was that the old way of labling disks is perfectly fine so why do we need a more complex and exspensive system.
  4. Firstly I must say that this doesn't really concern me all that much (not yet anyway), me not being American and all, but yeah I will also have to say that this is clearly a breach of privicy and civil liberties. However I must also say that I highly doubt the American 'Government' really cares and if they want this information they will get it eventually. I am also going to agree with you atomicnacho (great name btw) that it has absolutely nothing to do with the government what people search the internet for. It turns out that AOL and MSN were also more than happy to hand over some information regarding search logs (https://searchenginewatch.com/sew/news/2059843/bush-administration-demands-search-data-google-says-no-aol-msn-yahoo-said-yes)
  5. Well personally I am going to have to say yes, you see I will openly admit to being both a geek and a freak (did you mean that to rhyme or is it just an added bonus, see what I mean I'm easily impressed by rhyming, oh and shiney things but thats another story) Anyway I think that may be a slight problem with my brain. However on a whole I would say that most technolocgically minded people are entirely normal and in no way crazy, it's just unfortunate for me that I happen to be both. btw I don't mean to be ruse here but it would be nice for your views on this matter delivi, anyhoo hope you all manage to prove you're not crazy.
  6. I recently decided to try out Picasa (yesterday, in fact) my first impresions where good, it had the typical Google clean interface, was really easy to use, it even found all of pictures I wanted it to find first time (well almost ). I like the way that it integrates with the other Google products (Gmail in particular), after plaing with it for a while I also noticed some really cool other features that made me like this product even more (mainly the ability to create colleges, screensavers and movies). Then of course there was the timeline function (which is really insanely cool). Picasa defiantely is a step up from my old picture organisation method (mainly stuff them in the 'My Pictures' folder and hope for the best. Ok so the picture editing features don't match up to say Photoshop, this product isn't photoshop, it does not even aim to be anywhere near photoshop. Photoshop is for serious (probably professional) image authors, Picasa is aimed more at the amature photographer, who just needs a quick and simple way to organise and optimize a lot of images. I must admit though since this is currently the only image organizing software I have tried I really have nothing to compare it too, so this basically wins by default (although I don't expect to find anything better)
  7. Yeah I've also seen a bit about these before, I think it was on some television show a while back (I forgot the name) any way these are one of those very cool things that are actually quite pointless, I mean normal keyboards work fine, ok so if theres a shortage of space then these might come in handy (doesn't stop me wanting one though), any way I doubt there is anywahere where I can afford one of these, plus you know I already have a perfectly good keybord.
  8. Well this is a bit weired, I must say this is one of the few things I did not think Goolge would come up with. While this software package is not that usefull for the more computer savvy users (well I assume most people here already have most of the software included) the fact that it allows for an easy and convieniant way of updating this software and should help a lot of people who do not know alot about computers. I'm abit unsure as to where this fits into the whole indexing the worlds information strategy of Google, but it does look like a direct attack on Microsoft. I also like that it allows you to remove certain things from the package before you download it (an essential choice missing from certain other companies packaged software *cough* Microsoft *cough*). The version of Nortan that you get is a free 6 month subscription, which is you know good. I also like it that the updater will not only allow the user to update the current programs but asl add new ones when they are added to the pack. So yeah nice one Google, offering a quick and easy service to allow people to keep their computers secure. Now then I wonder how long it will be till we get the Microsoft and Yahoo Packs?
  9. As far as I know currently it is not possible to make a computer screen out of this substance as the biggest screen that can be manufactured at the moment is only a few inches accross and even then they don't last that long. Also the best thing about the OLED (in my opinion anyway) is that they produce there own light source (kind of a given I know for a light emmitting diode) this is part of the reason that they can be ran very cheaply as there is now need for a backlight. I fully expect the OLED to be for portable screen what HD was for Television screens, while the technology is not very practical now I know I will certainly be keeping an eye on this technology.
  10. officially? what is there a test or something? , anyway I wouldn't really say additcted I usually drink tea at least once every day (don't think that constitutes and addiction, I may be wrong). just boring old Earl Gray for me non of that fancy herbal stuff I'm afraid (hey I'm just boring like that)
  11. I'm still not sure what your point is, is it that Google Earth is better because it doesn't censor potential 'targets' excluding macintosh (obviously). It does seam abit odd that Microsoft would censor places by just putting something else over it, or is your point that Google should also censor sensitive areas? Anyway thanks for bringing this up, I'd check it out if I doidn't have super slow dial up.
  12. Personally I think that gmail is far superior to the other free email services I have used, it has a really clean and easy to use interface that intergrates the powerful and already familiar (probably) Goolge search feature (I know the others have search functions but they don't seem to reach the ease that the gmail mail searching does,. It also displays all of the email regarding the current subject as 'conversations' which I also find to be a usefull tool in organising email. not to mention the label feature (which is kind of like folders but somehow more intuitve, free pop access, and the ability to set up automatic forwards and labels for incoming emails based on address and subject. This is just what I think unfortunately for you the only way to know is to test Gmail, if you don't like it don't use it.
  13. sorry I know I'v already posted here, but I just had to post using the PSP web browser (oh I just found a new pro) ok so theres no flash yet, but internet access aint bad now is it?
  14. By the way, I don't know if any of you actually bothered to take the time to find these things out, but the PSP does have an analoug stick 9that thing under the d-pad that looks like speaker mesh, well it ain't its an analoug stick). How can you say the PSP has a small screen its 4.3 inch, the console its self is only 6 inch, ok so considering that it clearly tkaes up more than 2/3 of the system it aint really small know is it. In case you haven't guessed I prefer the PSP. Unfortunatley the best way to understand it is to use it, nothing so far even compares to full 3D GTA on a hand held. I'm gonna guess the one movie thing was while ago so I won't comment on that one, and you know you can put movies on a memory stick.
  15. Well tha does seem to be the trend now Microsoft playing catchup (and not very successfully at that) to Google. it doesn;t really matter how much they try and use Vista to push MSN services instead of Google most people will still go to Goolge. (I for one know I have never uttered the phrase 'MSN It'.
  16. About the watch's being 10:10, a friend of mine who studies psychology at college said that wat to make analoug watch's look like smilie faces so that people will want to buy them more, can't say whether thats true or not (altouhg I suspect not). Personally I'd quite like to see a airplane fly backwards (don't really know why it would jusat be cool, I also have strong feeling that one ain't true). Nayway thans for sharing I'm always open to some strange facts.
  17. This should be good aslong as they are careful not to focus to much on flashy graphics and set up a good media player. ok so I do actually quite like WMP 10 and 11 should also be a farily decent allround media player, does kind of undermine Vista though bringing out all of these progrmas for XP aswell. One thing I saw on TV the otherday though, which if true will definately leave me not upgrading (although I don't personally use Media Player, for music anyway it is an actually very good movie player) is that Microsoft are teaming up with MTV to offer an online music store which Microsoft plan to intergrate with WMP11, if this is true no amount of new features or flashy UI updates will make me upgrade (although i suspect Microsoft will manage to force the update, by disabling WMP10, and you know they can )
  18. I might be missing something here, but why not just install Open Office? but that could just be me, anyway thisd can really only be a good thing and quite possibly the first sign that Google are actively targeting Microsoft, recently its just been Microsoft chasing Google but Google may just be able to pull this off aslong as they don't paste ads all over, I'm not say they shouldn't place a few small text ads but they should steer clear of banners (which apparently may not be the case if AOL get their way). so yeah know we just need a the much speculated GBrowser and possibly an OS, if this goes well who knows?
  19. I guess I'm not the best qualified guy to comment on myspace, mainly (well only) becuase I haven't actually used the service (although I'm sure its great if thats your kind of thing), and I don't mean to offend anyone here but I'm gonna say it anyway I don't see the need for myspace, I mean I already have actual real friends I don't need to you out and find more, especially of the hello there I've never met you before and have now way of knowing if you're a phsycho murderer or not (though I'm pretty sure most of them aren't) and as I said I've never used the service myself and frankly find it quite pointless, but if you like that kind of thing I'm also fairly sure that the service at least doesn't suck. So I won't be using myspace but if you're looking for a good community to meet new people at least its (probably) the largest available, which can't be bad now can it.
  20. I converted my site to XHTML 1.0 Transitional from html 4.01 a while back, it doesn't really make much difference yet as all browsers will still render html but the w3c do say that it is more of a future standard so eventually they will probably stop using html in favour of xhtml (feel free to correct me if any of this is wrong I'm not 100% sure about it). Anyway I found it was easier to code xhtml as it requires that the code be structured correctly which I thought not only help the parser that was reading the code it aslo makes it easier to find a spacific piece of code, so yeah purely as a developer it is worth transferring to xhtml. plus xhtml does sound alot sexier than html. Please note that alot of this comes from (a very poor) memory so if its wrong or I forgot anything really obvious please add/correct/point and laugh.
  21. It's got to be magic, thats the only explaination this guy has a magical computer. Magic or they sold their souls to satan in exchange for brilliant CGI powers. Well if you can't tell I'm going the group of people amazed by this sheer realism that some people can make using a computer.
  22. I used to use MSN Messenger but it froze (alot, probably still does I wouldn't know) tried Yahoo! Messenger, it was ok for a while then the novalty wore off an I reaslised what a massive piece of bloatware it was (as with MSN Messenger) tried Trillian (don't want to talk about it, it was that bad) currently its Google Talk, ok so it may be light on features , but its called Google Talk not Google Bloat, or Google look at me isn't this such a cool feature I ripped straight from Yahoo! Messenger (winks Microsofts way) about to try AIM, hope its not as bloated as MSN and Yahoo! Messenger. and Skype to I use that for voip as I find it sounds better than the Google Talk voip service and it allows for conference calls. In short I (currently) prefer Google Talk because it simply Talks (oh and it won't bombard me with ads (yet).
  23. I'm hopefully only getting the one present (sounds crazy I know, but considering its a PSP I'm very very happy to settle for the one present). So while I am not getting a huge pile of presents I suppose I am getting a lot for Christmas, anyway it might just be me but I preer one big gift to lots of little ones (theres less mess that way )
  24. Well what can you say about it really apart from that its like firefox 1 but better, thats about it its faster more stable (not that version 1 wasn't stable) and it has a few cool (but more importantly usefull) features. which are implemented very well and add to the excellent useability of the original version, I haven't really found any obvious flaws yet apart from some extension incapatibility but thats not really a problem with firefox. Lets just hope the extended advertising capaign works and more people at least try this great alternate browser.
  25. I currently use Gmail as my main e-mail service, I find it to offer a very good service (not to mention the increasing space, which I won't use) out of the webmail services I have used I think this is the best I especially like the clean and easy to use interface. I also have a hotmail account and an account from my Xisto hosting (which I forward to gmail and read it there).
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