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Everything posted by dontmaimyourself

  1. Well its finally happened someones gone and created a web based interface for Google Talk, to try it out visit gtalkr.com, it has all of the great features of Google Talk (apart from voip, or at least I can't find it) and a few new ones such as the searching and labels system from Gmail to search through old chat logs, it even has display pictures and lists new gmail messeges, so anyway the only real way to get a feel for the service is to try it for yourself. PS they have reported server troubles but I am yet to experience any, just in case you can't connect I did warn you. Update: Link no longer works, as Google have purchased this company (I think)
  2. Shame these aren't currebtly viable for home computers I mean sure it would be great to have one but if you can only write to it once (currently) not really all that usefull is it and it will be super mega expensive. but still 300GB storage and 200 milisecond access times is pretty cool and offers some kind of idea as to the sppeds of computers to come if they ever do develope this into a viable long term storage medium.
  3. Well it sertainly is needlessly shiny isn't it? anyway I can't really judge till I've used it which could very well be never, but untill I have used it for myself and have seen if it is actually compatenet then I can't really say anything, apart from that as many have said before be (and no doubt will after me it still looks alot like a skinned XP) but you can't judge how good it will be from a few (admitedly cool) screenshots, but I can't see much that will make me pay the rediculouse price to upgrade to it plus it would probably kill my grapics card.
  4. I don't really know much about the wanadoo service I've never used that, but I do know that of the services I've used (including the usual things that newbies try geocities and the lycos thing a little help here (Tripod, I had to look its name up I must have been trying to repress the memory), freewebs (they were actually not terrible, but don't come close to Xisto) and a few I can't remeber the names of thats how bad they were any way that was when I was about 12 and didn't really care. I didn't know cjb.net did hosting I used there url forwarding services. While Xisto's hosting is great (perhaps the best web host ever, I wouldn't know I haven't used every web host ever I know its the best that I've used though) to get the full view of the great services here you have to look at the whole package that is the hosting and the community, now thats a combination that these other hosts cannot even comprehend coming close to. If you want a good laugh.
  5. Yeah do it I'm sure there are a load of people out their willing to pay rediculously over the retail price to get a PS3 on launch day, only problem with buying them off ebay is that you have to wait for them to be delivered so technically you wont have one on launch day (thats aimed at the people buying them not you). and if they don't sell you can always take them back.
  6. Hell no, but then again I dont believe any personality tests ever I'ts just the way I am I'm not very big on psychology. I must say I've though I've done a few ones that were spookily accurate as to how I see myself can't remeber any of them though. I will also confess I haven't personally tried this one but I will give it a shot when I get bored, thanks for the link.
  7. I use (and love I might add) Google desktop search I tried Copernic but I didn't like it, you see I use Google Desktop to launch files not to search for files and I find it to be the best for this purpose. I also quite like the sidebar but I don't use it as much as I could. The actual searching for files I also find to be quick enough for me. I personally don't like the browser based interface but it is possible to just use the deskbar and the pop up menu type thing to quickly search for and launch those files. It is far from perfect however I would love it if the floating deskbar would hide behind other windows and there are a few small issues regarding the general useage, but I can highly recommend this product if you just want a quick way of launching commonly used files and programs from a few simply keywords. This might just be me but I wouldn't really care if they used the information to display small contextual ads as long as they were of the adwords variety and didn't take up too much room, but you know you can always just block it with a firewall if it bothers you that much.
  8. As far as I can teel Windows Live (In its current far from finished form) is just a rebrand of the old My MSN, its a far cry from the revolutionary new tools microsoft promised and In my opinion not as good as say the Google Homepage (which you can try out at google.com/ig , if you haven't already). The biggest change I saw was they made it look abit better, I do have to say however that the new Windows Live mail does look quite sweet, not better than Gmail though. Also I tried the virus scan thingy the other day it was ok, haven't had time to check it with AVG to see if it missed anything though. But currently I have to say that Windows Live is along way from achieving anything remotely groundbreaking.
  9. And he broke it. anyway to the more relevent point while I think it is a good thing in theory the practice can be very different, the way I understand this (well at least the way the news told me it, correct me if I'm wrong) they are not going to be manufacturing these untill they are ordered, that means that theoretically no one will order them as they don't fully understand what they are getting. I also have reservations about the potential effect of these on developing countries I think it is a very bad idea to claim that these will instantly make a country more self sufficient. But I do however think that these can have a good effect especially in education as it maens that they will not have to buy books and paper and things for schools and if the network is up to it they may even mean that they do not have to construct school buildings so that funds can be applied to more urgent problems such as feeding the popualation. Any way I know I tend to babble on abit so heres a nice brief summary incase I lost you, $100 Laptops = a great start, but by no means a great solution.
  10. I dont know if I found out about this here but I found out about this just recently a month or so ago after I installed Outpost Firewall. Any way I have to say that this a very usefull and all around well presented service that also has a real use. Any way I finally got a Tru Stealth rating yey for me. I just did it at my friends house hes using Norton Internet security he failed, his computer replied to the ICMP Echo request all the ports were stealth though.
  11. Sorry what? feed burning? am I just being a complete noob but what does that mean? any way I do like RSS feeds I have most of them on my Google Homepage. sorry I cant answer the question more but I really dont know what feed burning means
  12. You're not wrong there, not only do Woolworths start insanely early they also ten to be the most frequent, theres usualy about 2 but sometimes even 3 or 4 Woolworths chrisatmas related adverts on each ad break and in the middle of October. Its crazy yeah thats how me family gauge when its Christmas, its officially christmas when the Coca Cola adverts been on.
  13. Welll their technically not zombies are they due to the important fact that their not actually dead, they just look it. and I know fair few people who look dead most of the time does that make them zombies?
  14. Well I now have a nice shiney and more importantly working Philips HDD 070, its identical to the HDD 060 except it has 2GB storage and built in fm radio receiver (shame radios rubbish around here) anyway a little lesson to all of you never ever buy anything with the word Philips writtten on it. Also I forgot to mentio it befor ebut when I'm in the house the main thing I listen to music on is my computer.
  15. Well I personally dont agree with any form of religion (organised or otherwise) andf I must say that this has to be one of the reasons why, I mean why are the always fucoussing on bad stuff theres plenty of good things out there to focus on but anyway. ok back to the impending apocalypse... I really doubt that the worlds going anywhere anytime soon ok so the weathers more extreme than it used to be climates change deal with it. and to be fair when the world does end no one will care because we'll all be dead. its just the way life is. But as said before there are plenty of warning systems in place for potentially world ending disasters and as technology continues to improve more and more ways to protect the planet will emegre as long as we can manage not to screw it up any more but I feel thats for a different topic.
  16. It might just be me but I quite like ads on websites and so managed not to install adblock, anyway if it does get to such a stage where this happens I'm sure some resourceful company somewhere (I'm gonna suggest Google or Microsoft) will manage to get round ad block of course then that means adblock will just come back stronger and the cycle continues untill the entire internet is demolished and the economy crawls to a halt. And hey if it got too bad Microsoft could always buy the internet.
  17. well thats pretty weak I mean what next 'no free thinking in schools' I hope no one in a position of power reads that I dont want to give them ideas. but hey thats the catholic church for you, but I feel thats a matter for a different thread. Anyway what are they going to do hire a bunch of people to search blog sites for anything that sounds familiar it does seem that schools are getting more and more crazy with the rules. dont get me wrong I'm all for rules the world would be a far worse place without them. I actually quite like the reasonable rules you know dont kill stuff like that but don't blog thats rediculous and I mean protectthem from what exactly individuality, free speech, a rediculous religion (again off topic slighlty). btw I'm not overly harsh on catholicism I dont like anyform of organised religion, to me (and this topic backs it up) religion is just another form of control.
  18. To be honest doesn't everyone already have a Gmail account anyway? and its not like its the end of the world big deal you will have to type a few more letters. Granted Gmail does sound alot cooler than Google Mail, but I dont really care I already have a Gmail account and the features that make it the bestwebmail system will still be the same and continue to improve. or maybe I just don't see the relevence as I already have my nice shiney @gmail.com address.
  19. Yeah I htought they were kind of pointless too, that was untill our old friend the disk read error decided to strike my old ps2, so I had to get a new one but yeah the slim line ps2's are rediculously small I just wonder where all the stuff goes, and yeah the inability to switch it off without unplugging it annoyes me too but at least it doesn't have the worlds nosiest fan in the back like the big ones do. lets just hope its more durable than the full size ones.
  20. I'm a big fan of putting off stuff, I even pout off putting stuff off. It makes it really hard when I have to finish 3 IT assignments for college the next day thouhg but I manage somehow. I just don't see the point in wasting time that could be spent doing something better when the thing you are putting off doesn't have to be finished for ages yet.
  21. Best show ever, there its as simple as that. I suppose I really shouldn't like it but hey whats the point in growing up into a boring adult who can't have fun anymore?
  22. dontmaimyourself

    Men! WHY?

    Its funny, you see you're the first person I've ever heard say that men think they are better than women, this wasn't even an issue untill you brought it up, anyway calm down take anice deep breath and instead of wasting your time spouting such rubbish go do something usefull you never know you might impress yourself.
  23. Is someone going to post some actual content or are we just naming metal bands?
  24. Personally I dont believe in ghosts, its nothing against ghosts it just means if I believed in ghosts I would have to believe in an afterlife, which is where I draw the line. Of course if I saw aghost I would then have to believe, but untill that day I'm saying no it aint a definate no its more an I'll believe it when I see its but thats just the kind of guy I am I need proof before I'll believe something. and any way the dead can't hurt you its the living you want to watch out for.
  25. I'm gonna have to go with Google (although to be fair I haven't used Yahoo's so thats a big factor in why I preferre Google's service). Here is what I like the most about the Google personalized page (I'm not sure how Yahoo compares so if Yahoo does it too, I don't mean to say they don't) 1) It has the almighty Google search 2) Gmail inbox 3) add (almost) any RSS feed. But mainly I like the fact that it is easy to use and has a simple uncluttered layout.
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