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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. Sometime the international latency is at fault. Have you tried downloading from a local distro area.. I used to have that same problem when I still don't know the latency problem on international connections.I use to download from USA sites and I am at Asia, Philippines to be exact. For the first 6 hours, the download speed was at 250kbps which is high for me (I normally get 150kbps as download speed). Then the speed drop to mere 10kbps, I called my ISP and do some discussions with the speed.. They keep on denying about the speed problem and points me to diagnose my connection using a canned approach which was suppose to be issued on people with problems on connecting.In frustration I use Germany as the download source having my connection travel 3/4 of the globe and it sucks thinking it will be so slow. To my surprise I keep on getting 255kbps on the speed on any server that was on Germany that I select. :)Since most people have servers located on US specially game servers, I am on tight competition with this guys on accessing and having a pie slice of the latency going to US server.You will know when to scold your local ISP if you can't even have a decent ping rate or speed from local connections on your country.. this also includes same state/province for larger countries.
  2. Funny thing here is that this was a very old method which was spreaded all over the entire world wide web. Anyway to add to the fun. Hide files with disk tricks method 1 [if you cannot create a new partition] Write the file, be sure you have knowledge of disk handling and file system. Load the file in a disk editor and take notes on the sectors that it is using. Normally that these sectors have headers in them that points to the previous and next sector and it has a tiny space for comments. Hex edit this sector to mark it bad and put a code in the comments to identify the start and end of this file and its file type. After doing so, marked the sectors as bad. No OS will attempt to read a bad sector. Even unix and linux. method 2 [for those that can create new partition] Create a new partition, store your files in there, next.. marked the partition as unusable. method 3 [for those that knows linux/unix] Create some more partitions, install linux over and make a hard to guess password. Install a NTFS reader/writer and a FAT/writer module in you linux/unix. Travel to windows directory and CUT the files you want to be protected and paste it to linux/unix. Be sure you have a KDE shell to make stuff easy.
  3. SELECT DISTINCT data.id, data.nameFROM dataWHERE category = 2 AND id IN(1957,1923,1921,6628,6377,6360,1942)ORDER BY FIELD(id,1957,1923,1921,6628,6377,6360,1942) Thanks for sharing this. I have been coding and doing database in mySQL for such a long time but never have known that this is possible. Nice share.Note Edit: Quote was snipped for easy reading.
  4. hahahaha.. I think the selfdestruct thing is not so good. I need to enable my email client to display images and i cant read my email if i am not connected to the internet. It defeats the POP access, suppose to be it must be readble after downloading it from pop mail and reading email offline.Still want to use google.
  5. No offense man, I say it generally. There are only a few that do offer and they put a lot of advertisements. --- Try googling for some, most that I found do close after a year or so.
  6. I doubt that there will be five dedicated IP's, you can have your hosting with a dedicated IP making redirections on you hosted account. I use to run a linux server and I have around 17 dedicated IP's which goes to different partitions and most of the time just folders over the webserver I am using. ****** Guess that the only way to have a shared SSL is to have the admins setup one which I doubts they will do it that way. Having a shared HTTPS can cause visitors to be tricked that the site is really secure. In cases that the site was really secure, there will be no means to install a certificate since it was shared.
  7. Have you used the adaptor before? I am not with DVI and still sticks with VGA but I have lots of experience regarding adpators that wont work. I have all kinds of adaptors in my army bag except the DVI adaptor. Guess that your monitor is on VGA, does your video card dont have a VGA slot? Most of the time they have both DVI and VGA slot.
  8. Aint fair.. You dont use the cool smilies.. Smilies are copyrigthed, anyone knows that? Made by some guy in 1980's something in ASCII arts category. ------------------------ I dont watch directly on youtube. I download the movies then watch them. I agree with all except the commercials, the one get hurt was the TV station and radio station.. Unless the commercial is about a video, game or MTV which makes the viewers see a lower quality video and thinks that the whole product sucks.
  9. Linux is way very userfriendly, windows sucks for hanging without any valid reasons. Install KDE on linux or use Ubuntu, things will be much easier, dont judge linux as the pure command shell. The only problem you will have with linux is adding new drives or partition /drive letters since they require some extra work. On windows they all instantly appear then disappear without giving you any clue why. *********** Windows have successfully reinstalled the blue screen of death on Vista after successfully removing it from win2003. Win2003 have black or gray screen of death. There are far more tools and exploits targeted to linux that are written daily but cannot exist for glory to stay more than 3 months that it cannot win a fair share of popularity, linux can patch the holes way faster than you can recite mississippi 10 times backwards . Windows, the holes always work and will work by changing something in the exploit code after windows fix the problem. M$ wants you to buy the next version in order to fix all and get a new set of bugs. 80% or more in the future of windows program can now work on linux using emulators and translators. I am using outlook express on my fedora. P.S. Post #1 is bias..
  10. Did you try following the instruction such as checking the cables? most of the time that is correct in saying check the cables. well unless you hear some strange beeps* when booting up. i hope you know what i mean.
  11. I think it is not possible since an SSL connection requires a dedicated IP. Well, unless Opaque or the other server admin will create a shared area where we are allowed to put files with SSL support.
  12. Google allows for video downloading. I have lots of google videos on my disc, problem though is where google put them. You need google plex or something, an FLV equivalent player.
  13. It is the encryption that i hate about oracle. It prevents me to traverse backwards to rebuild the broken data without having a copy of oracle. Ayway, it is the same encryption that i love with oracle. ********** On the otherside, there are programs available that can extract data from users01.dbf [oracle data file], i dont know how usefull it will be since you still need to patch togeher the table files and table definations plus the other settings and stuff when you extract those data. Such programs that can do that are rare [in my opinion only], they view the oracle data file the same way Oracle views it. An independent disc with its own file system.
  14. hahahahahahaha.. yes there are alot of stuffs in youtube now. the effects is already listed above and almost all of the reasons given are true and correct. ****************** 1. Posting on youtube wont harm the owner a. true: for new bands or if the material is purely used as a promotional video. you dont ask payments for promotional videos do you? no cash no royalty. b. false: if the video is so ugly because the recording method is terrible, more likely the non mature viewer will think that the real full video sucks. another reason is royalty, the tv stations who broadcast them pays money to the owner of the material. ****************** 2. the owner of the material have the task to pinpoint and ask for removal of the illegal contents. a. true: it was almost the materials owner's responsibility to identify which one is illegal and which ones are not. i have seen a lot of websites that have contents coming directly to copyrigthed materials but the owner did not bother to sue them. reason is that the website is about a fan website and push more attention as a free advertisement for the video material. This means that not all contents are marked by the owner as illegal. youtube surely knows the obvious ones that can be tagged as illegal but how about the non obvious ones. one more thing is that it is verutually impossible to scan all videos since there are thousands being added each day. scanning them will be pointless since it will take you perhaps 2-3 years to or more to view each video one by one for a certain day. what about the video that will come the next day? by reviewing the video sent today, you will be months delayed in reviewing all the videos that will be sent tommorow. b. false: if the site declares that it prohibits such activity, then it needs to provide enough personnel to ensure that it was being dealt with accordingly and review board can cope with the amount of new videos being sent. ---------------------------------------- This can be really long, since both arguments are partially correct and none is fully wrong beyond reasonable doubts. The big question is that, "Can you stop watching videos on youtube?"
  15. What do you mean? A program to connect only to Oracle and perform queries, is that correct? ******* If so, please check out TOAD https://www.toadworld.com/?Redirected=true The site is where to download Toad for Oracle and test the database using direct queries. You can also use the command interface PL/SQL of Oracle or a much better one is a third party program called PL/SQL Developer https://www.allroundautomations.com/plsqldev.html I hope I get it correct.. ******* I mostly use Oracle for desktop programming needs and mySQL for online stuffs. Have successfully developed an ERP system which uses Oracle as backend database when using the software online and switch to mySQL 5 for online needs which is a minimal copy of the much complete LAN version. ******* What I want to achieve now is a DBAless setup with Oracle. I am not a DBA and only got my SKILLS with databases learning on my own and part of it by contributing to mySQL open source. CIAO~
  16. Use Oracle 10G express, It is a more compact version and will need only memory. On my installation it eats up 600MB of my 1 gig memory. I set it up that way. By the way, when you turn on error logging as i use to, it can eat a lot of disk space since error logs can sometimes reach up to 300mb a piece.. mostly the file size is 1mb.
  17. Let me guess, you did not read the above post. And yes, googlemail is also gmail.. I recommend you review all the post above yours to get what is going on.
  18. It will fit in one database. All the stats that you need can be put in one database table. Then one database table for the players.. You must plan accordingly ahead the data that you need to store, how long will you store them and how you will get the inputs and what dat must be stored from user inputs. First thing you must know is proper layouting of database columns since this will be the core of your program. ------ Then also decide how you link each data together.
  19. There are a lot of issues regarding installing Vista and the blue screen is always there. Upgrade dont always work and the installation guide is not usefull anyway. The installation recommendation software is a buggy soft that wont tell the truth.All i can see on Vista are pure icandy but i will give my thumbs up on some kernel upgrades.I wont buy or use the Vista for this 2 main reasons.1. what is see in VIsta is existing in Mac OSX, heck, the only difference I can see is that positioning and skins. Mac OSX is open source and I can always find ways to upgrade it without any fee unlike windows.2. Allmost all that Vista can do is available with Ubuntu + Beryl. This combo gives you a 3 domensional desktop with 3 dimensional System. You are amaze with the alt-tab with vista? Try 3D desktop switching with Beryl.One of the lest thing reason I wont buy Vista1. There are lots of choices to pick from meaning that M$ is not really on end user experience but on making huge cash.How would you know which one is the one you need.It is always better to provide only 3 kinds of systema. Home editionb. Professional Editonc. Server EditionOf course all of these must provided the upgrade programs.-----------One downside of Vista is that you need to install this from DVD.. Not all have DVD drives so if you want to install the OS, buy a DVD.. I dont bet the DVD will run on Blue Ray disc since I am getting some "non standard" data content in its burning method. Blue Ray only Accepts standardize burning algorithym which may makes the DVD unreadble on my blue ray drive.Frankly, I wont change my blue ray drive for a DVD. I can burn 10 DVD into one blue ray disc and it is accesable with my linux and Windows OS.
  20. A good things is that we cannot practice on a live system for network administration stuffs. And purchasing a cisco firmware and hardwares are pretty expensive just to do some hands on practice. I do have 3 emulators here but none is good enough to have the features that i need. The system is only enough to reboot, rescan and block sync floods but nothing else. It only cost me $15.00 in comparison to hundreds of bucks purchasing the actual hardware.
  21. I dont know what is the situation there with you guys on your area but on mine, and in with the people with connection with me. The main reason why we dont discuss Opera vs IE is for the smal fact that when it displays in Opera, it displays in Firefox and was a mess sometimes in IE.Most of the time IE can render the page more clearly and perfectly on the point of view of IE developers but totally messed up on the other engines. Avant and Aol browsers uses IE as engine and even shares session variables or cookies at some point of the time which sucks. I still love Gecko with Netscape and Firefox, Mozilla.. They dont share anything on my machine.------I use firefox and disregards Opera not because Opera is bad, In fact Opera is also good like firefox but why would I need the full browser when I can use Opera Plugin for Firefox. In fact I uninstalled my IE and only uses the IE tab plugin for firefox and things works well.I can have firefox, Opera and IE in one browser not in 3 separated programs.------ Firefox rocks, IE sucks.. Opera is good ---
  22. On my part, when something gets fried due to shortcircuit.. By the way, there was also one time where you need to reset it. when your cooling system got busted.
  23. Hey Vue:I leave my router 24/7 same goes with my modem and my wireless access point.My computer also is on 24/7 and only gets a reboot when windows crash while the other computer where only shutdown when I need to patch the kernel system.*******The windows system is for games and programming windows base programs while the *nix box is for something serious and for server purposes. So far in 3 years of operation, nothing goes bad except when my windows box got pretty wet when a storm pass and made a nice hole on our roof. It fried my motherboard and one memory card.Hope this helps.
  24. I use Photoshop CS2, no.. i dont need all the feature of photoshop though they are handy most of the time for me.I only need Imageready and if there was a program that can surpass what the usefullness of image ready with respect to the way I use it, then I will switch.On other purposes, I use fireworks, Gimp and Corel depending on what I view as the fastest method to do my task.Photoshop for my photo extensive needs like photo editing and printing them back on negatives/films.*******I am a webmaster and a desktop programmer, being able to create small icons and small graphics is enough for me.
  25. There is always to path in here. 1. make the picture small enough or compressed enough to make it load a little faster for 56kbps and let the user stare at the blank image spots.2. make it larger by using interlaced graphics but let the 56kbps view the photo fraction at a fraction at a time.Depends on how patience your visitors are. I prefer number 2 if i cant avoid images.
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