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Everything posted by T100

  1. I think GIMP is the best alternative to Microsoft Paint. Although GIMP is a little bit slow, I think it is still a good piece of software. GIMP is expanding too. You can expect to see more functions provided by GIMP in the near future. I like GNU project a lot...
  2. You can summit your site to google for crawling and google will index your page shortly. If you do not publicize your website, google will not know your existence until someone who likes your site put a hyperlink pointing to your site. Google will then follow the link and crawling onto your website. Google bot is a very diligent bot, you have to expect a high bandwidth use if you intend to have google index your page. You can preserve your bandwidth by editing a robots.txt file. You may either prohibit google from crawling your site, or prevent it from indexing some of your pages. (images take up the most bandwidth.)
  3. That's rather unusual. It is a sad story too. I think many young women in the third world are particularly susceptible to sexual violence in many forms. I think this piece of news illustrates how important it is to protect this particular group of disadvantaged women. At the very least, a sound sex education on how to protect themselves would have already helped.
  4. I know there are many alternatives. Some use liquid acrylic, some geeks even use carbon dioxide. You can avoid a major disaster with them instead of using water when there is a leakage. Some commercially available cooling packs come with a set of very sophisticated tubes. You can hang those tubes around your computer case for the purpose of cooling. With those systems you can avoid assembling the systems yourself and thus prevent something wrong from happening. Those cooling systems have been around for quite some time and I guess they are quite reliable.
  5. I have watched this too. I think it just shows how much boredom can be devastating to the mind. I don't like Xbox either, but I would not have taken so far as to smash it so violently in public. I don't think these kids have much hatred with Xbox or Microsoft too. They are unlike the anti - World Trade Organization farmers who smash and destroy out of genuine anger. These kids are just bored to the core that they need to find something to excite themselves. That?s the sad thing about them.
  6. I have been doing this for quite a long time and I did not find any problems with it except that you should expect your power supply to go down quite frequently when it gets old. I came to a power down incident approximately two months after I bought the new power supply. After restart, it works well again, but I don't know how long this lasts. My old power supply was down after six months of service.
  7. Yes I did. I have been using 802.11b network for a few years, probably more then 4 years. I know that most wireless routers nowadays use 802.11g, which has a transfer rate of 54Mbps compared to 11Mbps for 802.11b. However, I have already switched back to the Old Stone Age, that is, to connect my computers using wires again. I switched back because the ping time for wireless network is inevitable about 4 times slower then a wired network. More importantly, in my city, there wireless networks have become an endemic, where so many people are using wireless networks that I can connect to more then 10 access points in my flat at various location. The noise is so intensive that my wireless network is not very stable. Sometimes there may be overlap of channels, sometimes there are interferences. I am so disappointed by the wireless technology and the government?s reluctance to open up more channels that I have chosen to wire my computers again. This is a sad story, but a true one. I don?t like my wireless router.
  8. If you said there are many bad sectors in your hard disk, I would suggest that you check whether the slowing down of the computer is due to an aging hard disk. You can do so by noticing whether the hard disk light keeps flashing when you perform an operation. If it does, then it is very likely that the old hard disk is the bottle neck of your computer?s performance. I have a hard disk which is over 5 years old, and it really slows down significantly, despite no major errors have been found on the disk. You should replace it if this is really the case.
  9. You can use alcohol 120% too. Actually cue is just a plain text cue sheet containing an index to a bigger file. The bigger file may be a wav, a ape, a flac, and even an uncut mp3 file. Therefore you should instead look for the bigger file to see which player is suitable for playing it. cue bin files can also be burnt using nero. You may burn it into a DVD or a VCD, depending on the image type before playing it.
  10. I can't believe that there is such a thing as a service pack 3. Perhaps that's a trick? I can't imagine microsoft asking people not to install such a pack as they have been over zealous to install some sort of anti-piracy spyware in our computers. Microsoft would have made the service pack a must-install if it is a authentic one.
  11. Oh no... We already have too many image formats out there on the market and M$ still believes that they have something better then others. Either they are overconfident or that they are tricking consumers into using their format. The only format I like from m$ is the chm file format. All other file formats turn out to be something inferior. WMV say, is worse then DIVX/H264, WMA is worse then rm and MP3 VBR. I don't see any contribute M$ has brought to computer world.
  12. 50 hours of gaming playing... This guy should really be a cardiac surgeon or a soldier. I think the best surgeon on earth cannot perform a surgery longer than 24 hours. It is a daunting task to stay concentrated for so lone. This is really an unfortunate incident. I wonder what game was the guy playing. A game that took away life is really worth trying, if not get addicted.
  13. I think most of the more modern scripts nowadays, from FTP control php scripts to more complicated discussion boards, have built in functions to tell whether a password provided by the user is a strong or a weak one. I have come across such a discussion board. It informs me that the password I am using is a weak one and it does not allow me to proceed until I provide another one. I am not using something like my date of birth or a string similar to my user name as the password, it just turns out that since they are all alphabets, the security is still not good. I have to put in some numerals in my string to make it stronger to pass the security check. I think such built in functions are quite good.
  14. Another reason for Sony's success of PS2 in Asia is that PS2 has been cracked for a long time and pirated games are readily available everywhere. Game manufacturers seldom take this into account but actually when we decide to buy a gaming console, we have to consider how expansive the games are. There is no use of buying a console with out games ?since consoles are not PCs, which can serve many other purposes other than gaming. I think here in Asia, piracy is a very important factor that we take into account when buying a new gaming console.
  15. Google isn't as good as far as my native language is concerned. However, there aren't any good search engines around and so google is still my no. 1 choice in searching the internet. I use google to do many statistical researches, counting the frequencies of various keywords to guage the popularity of something in the world. I also like to search through blogs to see the first hand experience of the use of certain products, the quality of restaurants and etc. Google is also valuable in planning trips to foreign countries.
  16. Is that the only use of the gaming console? I know M$ is losing money for every Xbox it sells, for it is earning money from something else. It sounds like there is now another promotion strategy for this notorious company, something like ? you can keep yourself warm with Xbox 360 and it may boost sales more than promoting its lackluster HD gaming features? They should have put many other things in the box too, say insecticide or explosives. Then they can sell Xbox by these add-on features too.
  17. YOu asked quite a mind provoking question. The generation who used to grow up with consoles and computer games has now reached the age of having considerable finacial power. That's why the market of RPG has changed from the younger generation to the 20+ group. That's why there are more and more "mature" RPG games out there in the market. These older kids probably can spend more on computer games, but they are less likely to have as plenty of time as the younger kids. This creates a dilemma for the game creaters. The characters in those RPG games are often small, because the younger kids usually put more effort in playing the game. The older kids, once young, are used to that setting too.
  18. You simply can't. But there are a number of ways you can protect your articles from being copied and pasted. There are several obfuscator scripts on the internet. They insert unreadable characters of your site (probably of the same color as the background) so that when someone copies and pastes it, those unreadable characters will become readable and spoil the article and pointts to your site.
  19. The default defragmentation application that comes with the windows OS is not as good as other commercial one. It also requires that you have quite a lot of spare space before you can defragment your hard disk. Also, the result of defragmentation is not always good. Defragmentation may improve performance slightly in c: drive, but not very significant in other drives. Most of the time, the deterioration of performance is caused by hardware getting old. A SMART test generally helps to determine the state of the hard disk.
  20. I have the same problem. My site is hosted on the gamma server.
  21. I have experience using panasonic phones, motalola phones, nokia phones and sony ericsson phones. All of them are not durable. Either there are some errors with the CSTN display, or there are something wrong with the battery. None of them really satisfy me. The phone that I am now using is a Motalola. There seem to be quite a lot of bugs with the OS. Say, when the SMS box is full, the memory of the phone goes wrong and all my downloaded Java applets are deleted. I don't know why the engineers did not spend more time with debugging. Anyway, I have extended the warranty period to two years, because most of my phones go wrong after the first year. Phones are not cheap, but I wonder why they are not made for durability,
  22. There are many P2P forums that I visit every day. The people are genereally very kind at those forums. They will post a thread saying that they have a certain number of invitations and those in need will simply reply to the thread and those people will invite them. I got my wallop and orkut invite this way too. I still think this is the most efficient way in getting invitations.I wonder what is meant by stealing invitations? Can it be really don?
  23. I think there is a function in our cpanel that enables us to summit our site to various search engines. I would choose to use that one instead of others. Anyway, I am only building a personal site. My experience of running a personal site for 3 years has conviced me that not all sites needs crawlers on them. The search engines often bring bad visitors, those who are only interested in sex and warez. I put up a robots.txt to stop these engines from crawling my site then. It saves me a lot of bandwidth too.
  24. I dont think this is possible. CPUs from different manufactorers have different specification, from hardware level like Voltage and frequency, to internally the number of registrars and 32 bit / 64 bit bus. You can't simply switch the CPU to make a game run faster. The greatest gaming CPU nowadays I think is still AMD FX series. But no one ever dreams of putting it into any console, probably because it is still too expensive. Many console makers actually make a loss selling them, they gain from other sources. It is not of their interests to use the best CPU available on the market.
  25. Wow, the change is really impressive. Although you did not change the skin tones drastically of the persons, you made the photo look really like one taken with color film. I like the artistic aura too - your color palette was well chosen. Good work!
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