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Everything posted by T100

  1. Previously it was norton antivirus. But since then, I have discovered that there is a smaller and handier program from symantec, offering similar function, which is symantec antivirus, the coperate version of the home use program. Since I got the liscense of the coperate version from my school, I used that instead norton antivirus. It is really small, only 60MB or something, compared to the awesome 250MB norton antivirus. It is also less resource hungry.
  2. Amazing! I can't wait for day when they become popular! We can do simple surveillance upon others then! You see, there are just so many times that you think, ?Gee, I should have brought a camera, or a video recorder,? when you are out. And you really want to have those coveted conversations and ambiguous act recorded so that you can use them against those people. A camera is a must. Forget about the wire. There are just numerous ways to sort out the nuisance. You may put the camera in a vase, place it in the speaker of a hi-fi system, put it in the nose of a teddy bear, etc. The wire, provided that you can hide it popularly, is no problem at all.
  3. Mine is with Gmail too. Gmail, strictly speaking is not an email client, but a webbased email service. The email client in this case is your browser, no matter it is Internet Explorer, Firefox or Mozilla. I like webbased email clients because they are more safe in general. The worst thing is, of course, you cannot store your email addresses, and your contact locally in your computer and so if your service provider is down, there is no way you can retrieve your contacts. But the good thing about not storing your addresses locally is that viruses are less likely to spread by mere ready certain files in your computer. A lot of spam can be avoided by using webbased email. On top of this, the webbased email systems usually don't require you to dowload everything before you read. You can avoid computer viruses from being downloaded to you computer through this route.
  4. That stupid company is already installing all kinds of spyware into their systems. Have you installed the so-called windows genuine advantage thing? It comes with a WGAtray thing which connects to the internet without your approval (so, you must have a decent firewall to block all these silly programs in you operating system) and check whether you are using a legal copy of the program. This is absolutely disgusting. Although I am using a legal copy, I don?t feel they have the rights to check my system that way. The funny thing is, no one seems to have the urge to condemn the company or challenge it by legal action. That?s why the company is getting blatant in its effort to impinge upon our privacy.
  5. I really loved blogging. It was one of the most wonderful experiences I have. Blogging is different from diary in that you can have a wider variety of content in a blog. And more importantly, you can share your feelings and experience with others, with others pinging back to your blog, or commenting to your post. You get a sense of interactivity with blogging, but not with writing a journal. You may also have friends talking about the things you have talked about in a blog entry and so you have something in common for gossip at school or at work. You may also meet new friends by cross-commentings and trackbacks and it is really a valuable experience. However, when your blog get popular, there bound to be some people you don?t like on your blog. Your boss, you colleagues, your parents or someone from your family may be reading your blog, which is not a good thing. When you begin to be aware of this, either you start b__ching about others or you stop talking something personal. Your blog then become a literary thing, not somewhere you put down your personal thoughts. You may have to get a new blog, get a new domain name, set passwords and do all those things you don?t want to do with you blog.
  6. This is really a good point. I like command line, I find it easier to work with a computer that way. Say, to change the extension of a number of files, you just type in ren *.ogm *. avi and you are done. How many instructions will you have to give in a GUI? You probably have to write a VB script for that too. And say, you want to locate a file, you just type dir /s abc.bat and you can search the whole hard disk for that file. Linux works a similar way. You can set run level too! And in the simplest environment, you can work without X and just use the bash shell. Many commands in Linux, e.g. the grep command are built for command line people. The very cryptic vi, mentioned in the article looks awkward to most of us, but in very simple computer where keys such as CTRL is reserved for other functions, the way vi works is very reasonable. You need vi to build a server without X too. Vi is also small. Linux also comes with a very handy command, man, for you to look up all those spells in bash. Dont be too frustrated with Linux. Type in shutdown and you are done.
  7. Of course it is not. Christianity stemmed from Judaism, plagiarized most of its concepts from its contemporaries, such as the Stoicists. It is as unscientific and mythical as any other religion around the world. Christians are probably the only people who believe that a ?virgin? can give birth to a baby. They are often too busy with their afterlife that they don?t know how to live in this one. If there is anything superior about Christianity, it is only that it is the religion of the wealthier world, making it more appealing to the Third World.
  8. Pop-ups, for sure, is a bad thing, so bad that almost all browsers now have an integrated feature to turn pop-ups off. The shear amount of people who cannot stand pop-ups or pop-unders is examplified by this. Pop-ups, often pose a security threat to the computer too. They may carry bad ActiveX commands, java applets and etc. I really suggest that all users block pop-ups by the firewall or the browser to protect themselves.
  9. This is something that I have been worrying about for quite some time. As far as my profession is concerned, information provided by wikipedia is not only comparable to that of Britannica, but much better than it. As for computing and math, the two major strong realms of wikipedia, I can also tell that the information is up-to-date and accurate. As a lover of literature, I often refer to this encyclopedia for updates of the authors I read. However, I am less sure about history articles, as they are often the ?disputed? notice. I think readers should refer to more authoritative references in these areas. After all, Britannica and Encarta are written by experts and the articles often come with references so further reading can be carried out to clarify the facts. I think, users in general should focus more on wikipedia?s unique ability to keep abreast with current affairs. I often browse it for new entries about new animes and dramas aired on TV every day and the synopsis and character list help a lot in understanding those animes and dramas. This is just one example of many things that only wikipedia can deliever.
  10. I have tried that quite some time ago and I think that it is an awesome piece of software. I can zoom even to the rooftop of the building that I am living in. I have friends studying landscape engineering and he told me that even the students use google earth to aid their design of landscape as it is free and fast. One thing I don't like about google earth is that some cities, especially australian ones, are not shown well and in good resolution. The people at google earth should update the images with newer and finer ones so that at least the major cities are displayed in car level.
  11. People say that google is using a varient of BSD, which is a Unix system. BSD, like Unix, is written in C / C++ mainly. The distributed crawling and caching of data, must be an application buit on the OS, and I suppose they are still written in C / C++. Scripts are too slow for the purpose. The integration with database may be easier , but speed is more important. Yahoo is running BSD too. BSD systems are known to be very stable, probably more stable then Linux and definitely more stable than M$ crappy products.
  12. Plasma generally has better illumination but LCD has much higher resolution. Plasma also burns out much quicker then LCD and is a little bit more expensive then LCD. LCD also has higher contrast. I think the future of flat TV lies in LCD, instead of plasma. There are many 1920 x 1080 LCD monitors out there in the market now but plasma still has to catch up
  13. I think nowasdays ISP are very very strict as far as email is concerned. My ISP even blocked access of their POP and SMTP servers outside the IPs that they give out! Port 25 is blocked by default and mail relay is impossible with my ISP. Probably, there are really too much SPAM out there, but I suspect that they want to charge more by blocking some of the service.
  14. X box 3 is still too expensive given its config. I know they are selling it at a loss, but the config does not appeal to me.
  15. In my opinion, an RPG must have good story and characterss. Graphics and animations come after story and characters. I have played RPGs for more than ten years. In the old days, when computer graphics were not so advanced, stories were of utmost importance. Say, in the DOS environment, I played Relentless I and Relentless II, both are very good games despite the graphics not superb in those days. The most touching RPG I played those days, also in DOS, was a love story RPG in Chinese. I played it over and over again because I was so moved by the tragic story that I wanted to look for a better ending! And the music can be very important too. Nowadays, graphics eclipse the story and we have a lot of poor RPG with nice graphics but an empty story. Which is quite a pity.
  16. My comments on iPod are 1) Poor design - a plain white box tailored made for hospital environment 2) Looks really like those products made in China - a low end tech product, like digital watches and solar powered calculators, readily made by any production line in China 3) Too addicted to iTunes. And I don?t think iTunes is a good thing. Why should Apple be selling music? Are they getting out of personal computer business? Can you imagine Microsoft selling condoms? 4) All of the above, plus expensive.
  17. I am afraid there is no easy way to do so, as Blogspot does not provide a standard sql file for you to manipulate and import into the new wordpress database. It is not as easy as migrating from a certain forum to another, as there are widely available scripts to edit the sql file into a new format. What you can do, I think, is the try the backup template http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and see whether you can get a clean output of all the posts you have at blogspot and then try to insert in to wp_posts table in the correct format, if you really want to do so. However, it involves quite complex editing and I think you may better off just copy and post all the posts in the wordpress interface rather than playing with the database. (That's why I don't like blogs provided by certain providers. ) Good luck.
  18. Really amazing! Just not sure how sensitive it is to human touch. And how think the screen will have to be. The demonstrator did not seem to press hard onto the screen. If this one become widely available, it would be one innovation comparable to the TFT LCD. Another thing that I am concerned is its precision. Will it be precise enough to be used in industry like CAD / CAM , drawing and designing?
  19. I have heard about this before. I think it is particular useful to countries with strict censorships (censorship is wrong, no matter political or pornographic). I also have friends with connections fast locally but get unbearably slow overseas. Web-accelerator is best for them. As far as I am concerned, I have quite a decent connection, so I have not considered using it. One of its problems is that you often get logged in forums or other places in others? credentials, probably something wrong with the cookies and thing. And if there is a robot.txt at the site, some of the directories may become inaccessible by the accelerator.
  20. I see this as the same problem plaguing every post for host forum, but ironically this is not something that we posters should moan about. What can posters do in such a situation? Either, you get very specific on your issue, say, talking about one product on the market, or you have some very special topic to talk about, otherwise, you will find every topic being exhausted by other posters. Just count, how many topics are there in this forum talking about instant messangers, web based email service providers, free web hostings and browsers? You will be amazed.
  21. Strange enough, I think the most stable version of Windows ever is Windows 2000. It is built with server technology, and it is quite handy, hardly occupying more than 128MB of RAM when ready and its GUI is not as fancy as Windows XP and Windows 2003. There seems to be some CPU utilization optimization that if a process grabs too much resources, the system will not hang, which is unlike Windows XP. I have tried once running BT on an old system (Pentium II 400) and of course, the CPU utilization shoots up to 100% and the process quits automatically, without undermining the stability of the OS. I am quite impressed, because in XP, you get hung immediately. I also use FTP. When the network through put is high, the system will become unstable in Windows XP, not again, not in Windows 2000. 2000 seems to have been built with stability in mild, and it is still my preferred Windows Server system. (Of course, with Linux, the system is even more stable)
  22. I am playing Civilization 4 at the moment. Although I don?t really like the game a lot, I am a fan of previous generations of the game and so the fourth episode is like a nostalgic thing that I am going to play over again and again, Civilization 4 has not many major improvements then its previous generations. The same storyline, more or less the same civilizations, more or less the same units and technologies. It is getting more appealing graphically, though. But I wonder with those old rules, can people really find new fun with the game?Age of Empire III is another game that I am playing. Again, it is not a very innovative game. It is set to the colonial stage at start, which is something interesting, but the variety of units is very limited and there are not many differences with different empires. I am tired of the game after few rounds of playing.
  23. I see myself online in gmail and I often see some of my friends also there. But till now, there seems to be no conversation going on between us. Perhaps the email interface is not the ideal place for a chat. That?s why even people are online, they don?t tend to exchange words that way. Probably, Gmail should find a way to work around this. I really like Gmail?s sorting of emails into conversation, which looks a bit like online chatting massagers. But to set status and go for an instant chat, it is another matter. We don?t really like to be bothered when we are checking emails, especially with important emails. Also, most people have more than one account, and they don?t want to be seen online with the account, say, at work. The GUI is also too primitive for an instant massagers. Nowadays, chat clients like MSN, Yahoo and Skype tend to be very fancy, with a spectacular display of artwork and special effects. People also like to use emoticons and special effects during chat. If Gmail is going to provide all these, they should consider making an instant messenger of their own, instead of putting them in Gmail.
  24. PSP's TFT monitor is absolutely much better than that of Ipod Video. If I am not wrong, the monitors come from Sharp, a major player of LCD monitors whereas Ipod?s, I have no idea. PSP is also better if you consider the add-on functions that it is providing. You can play games on it, something that Ipods do not provide.I will certainly choose PSP among the two for its better quality.
  25. My favorite season is summer. It may sound corny, but my brain is not a CPU and it works much better in favorable temperature, possibly over 20. Below this temperature, my hands get cold and I will feel a bit of sullen mood, not very willing to work hard. Summer is also the season for hiking, swimming, diving and cycling. The great outdoor. As I like these sports a lot, I like summer. Summer is also good for hygiene in general. Even people do sweat a lot under the sun, they tend to be more willing to take a good bath before many social occasion and they are more inclined to change regularly. They are also more aware of their smell in summer. People do look nicer in summer then in winter. With higher temperature, people resistance to bacteria, viruses and alike are higher, too. That?s why we have less cold and influenza then in winter. And I can be less worried with people?s sneezing and coughing and feel more comfortable in public transport.
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