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Everything posted by T100

  1. Please allow me to be politically incorrect in this matter. I am living in one the most socially unequal society where you can find slums, public housing and beautifully built private buildings at three exits of an underground rail station. Despite the income gap and the grievance of the low income class, there has never been such a scale of riot as those in France. The secret I think is simple. Over 959% of the people of my country are of the same race, speak the same language and have the same culture. The social inequality brings social problems, but not a racial one. There is jealousy, but no hatred. The riots in France can only attributed to poor immigration policy and unsatisfactory social engineering. Any government should have in mind that certain immigrants have the tendency to procreate more than the norm, having the effect of diluting the original population. It is the process of dilution that creates problem, not the immigrants themselves. The government has the obligation to maintain the social structure. If the social structure is severely damaged, social unrest will result.
  2. Look at the source HTML code, search for swf and you will get the path (relative or absolute) of the swf. You may then download it with any software, including Flashget, Getright or any browser. If there is a hot link protection, you may use Flashget to spoof the refer and get the file. If you want to decompile the swf rather than just saving it, you may need another program, like sothink swf decompiler. There are quite a lot of swf decompiler in the market and their functions are more or less similar. Just get one you are comfortable with.Note that you may also sniff the TCP packets to look for the absolute path of the swf. Sometimes the swf is just a portal or controller and the real FLV file is at another place. In such cases, you may have to decompile or sniff to get the FLV file behind.
  3. I don't agree with you. The whole point of your argument is that the Internet (I think you mean World Wide Web instead of Internet. Don't mix the two up. World Wide Web is just an application of the Internet. Many of the services provided on the Internet, say FTP, are free of ads from the first day. The most used application, P2P, are still free today) must survive with money. This concept is wrong. Consider such programs as Linux and Firefox, they are all nice applications given to the world free of charge. They can still survive, why can't the WWW? As a matter of fact, with the popularity of non-ADSL connections, say FTTB and FTTH and even VDSL, most of the users in East Asia (esp in Japan) can now afford the bandwidth cheaply for home hosted severs. As a result, they are choosing to host the servers at home instead of commercial providers. There are many "home-run" servers in Japan donated freely to internet users and they don't force ads into your page. My friends in Hong Kong are mainly using 10MBit connections and 100MBit connections for the purpose (along with FTP, of course) and it costs only US$12-25 per months. Plus, there is no limit on bandwith. With FTTB getting popular, I think there will be a time when most webhosts are free and without ads.
  4. I got this game on DVD too. But a friend told me that the game is too scary. The music, the shadows here and there and the graphics all bring the fear inside the soul out. He is a young man who enjoy horror movies, but still he thinks that the game is nightmarish. Therefore, I was detered from playing it. I am also worried with my hardware config. I have 1GB RAM and a P4 3.0 GHz CPUm but my graphics card is only a Raedon 9550. I wonder it will run smoothly on this computer.I got Quake 4 too. Just too busy to install these two games. Both FPS games are good, I think. Is F. E. A. R. better than Quake 4?
  5. Dreamweaver, of course. It offers much more advanced functions then Frontpage including javascript menu integration with Fireworks, CSS editing features and even script language dictionary. It is somewhat like a compiler plus debugger, like Visual Studio or Borland C++, with advanced syntax highlighting and automated prompting. If you like to write code instead of have your codes generated, you will like Dreamweaver more then Frontpage. Dreamweaver also support php and asp coding, which are traditionally supported only by Zend Studio or Visual Studio. I think it is a good tool for script coders.
  6. Get rid of Real Player as soon as possible. The player is simply unneccessary. You can use Real Alternative 1.44 to play RM or RMVB files. You may also use KMP (Korean Media PLayer) to play the files. There is no need to install real player. If you really want real player, then you can block all adware from real player by blocking the real event exe from accessing the Internet by using any filewall. The exe should be in a folder called real_ob something in the real player directory. Alternatively, you may point real.com to local host by editing the hosts file in SYSTEM32 in Windows. You can block all ads from real.com this way. I never use real player. I have real producer plus 10, but I dont have real player. Real Alternative seems to be sufficient for me.
  7. I will stick to Intel. Although Athlon outperforms Intel's counterparts in many of the PC mark tests and even Super Pi test, Athlon is not as good in Front Side Bus and memory management. Intel P4 can take up dual channel bandwidth but Athlon is a little bit slow in Ram test. Another bad thing about Athlon is the L2 cache. While intel can provide 2MB cache, most of AMD CPUs only provide 512K, which is only that povided by Athlon. I think CPU's performance depends much on L2 cache and frequency, so I still sticking with Intel. The worst thing about AMD is that it is trying to market its CPUs by a performance value, say 3000+, but the clock speed is much lower then 3G. I really don't like this strategy. If AMD is so proud of its CPUs, why not compute with Intel on the same ground?
  8. There are three things I hate about the Internet: advertisement, advertisement and advertisement. We choose to browse the World Wide Web instead of watching the television becasue the web offers something different: we can choose what to get from it instead of having them pour things into our heads. I seldom watch TV now since I don't like their mode of broadcasting. Advestisement, I once thought, was the product of the old TV age. But increasingly, companies are exploiting the Internet to make money and now spam mails, pop-ups, adwares and banners are polluting the Internet that much that I have to use a couple of software to block them. It's really a pity.
  9. I am not that interested in Skype. First of all, quite a lot of functions are reserved for paid users only, including calling a party on the conventional phone line. This is quite inconvenient. The rates that it is offering to call overseas are not attractive too. In Hong Kong, one of the ISPs actually provides Skype as a package, but it costs more than US$14 a month for the additional Skype thing, which is not competitive at all. There is another ISP providing similar VoIP service, and it costs only around US$6 a month, including overseas call. All VoIP systems in Hong Kong suffer from lagging. Probably it is to do with the high the ping time then the transfer rate. Many conventional IDD lines are now transparent VoIP, but it may take some time before the traditional lines deteriorate that much to match the quality of VoIP service.
  10. I hate these puritans too. They are the hypocrites that always pretend to be more ?moral? then others and by doing so pretend to be more superior. Frankly, I don?t think any of those reports of video games leading kids to kill are scientifically sound. It is also morally wrong to blame video games as a whole because a few of these guys make those excuses for their wrongdoings. Put it another way, if videos game is proven to be a vent for those who want to kill, do we necessarily have to promote those first person shooting games? I think nowadays parents are too obsessed with protecting their kids. Kids should not live in a greenhouse, otherwise the reality will be too much for them when they grow up. FPS games are just a simple form of entertainment that we play in our pastime, to reprimand them on the ground that ?they pollute the mind? is foolish.
  11. Not at all interested in this video enabled iPod. Everything plays video now. PSP plays video, my pocket PC plays video, CLIE plays video, Symbian phone plays video and even a portable digital wallet plays MPEG-4 videos now. There is absolutely nothing special with this gadget. What I hate with these players is that you have to convert your video, which is normally on DVD, to their format, a process painstakingly slow and not always rewarding. It normally takes 2 hours or something to rip a DVD and why watch that on a 7 inch screen after all this hard work? Apple?s H264 is even worst. Quicktime Pro?s H264 has the slowest video conversion, probably even slower then MPEG-2 compression. The DVD plugin has to be purchased separately too. Wonder if it is the default format with iPod Video.
  12. There are pros and cons with camera phones. I think the most notable advantage of camera phones is that you may more easily capture those ?Kodak moments? with camera phones then with conventional cameras. If you run a blog, you may notice that sometimes there are all these interesting things happening around you and you are tantalized to capture the images of these things with a camera so that you can share your thoughts and comments with your friends on your blog. The cell phone is the handiest thing that you can pick up and utilize at the spot. We are now seeing pictures on the TV about the earthquake in Parkistan and the bombing in London tube. They were all taken with camera phones. Actually they got the exclusive and valuable images and even clips since they owned a cell phone. I cannot imagine people bringing a digital camera with them in those occasions.Quality is bad with camera phones, undoubtedly. Many of the phones are using CMOS instead of CCD in regular DCs. CMOS has inferior quality when compared to CCD. There are some very expensive model using CCD, though. There is a 3G phone from Sharp that features 3M pixels CCD camera. You may consider that one if you are really keen on having a camera phone.
  13. I would advise you to trace this IP from Australia to see if it comes from a "normal" user, say a DSL user from Bigbond or other major ISPs, or a strange host. Normally a reverse DNS would give you the first clue about this IP address. What I worry is that this IP was just used as a proxy in the attack and that the attacker would change to another proxy and would continue with the DDoS attack. Also, you may block search engines from wasting your bandwidth by placing a robot.txt file at the root of your web space. You can then deny assess from over diligent search engines. However, your ranking may drop at the search engines by doing so. If the bandwidth limit is exceeded, there is usually the annoying page of ?bandwidth quota for this month has been exceeded?. That?s really bad.
  14. Google is really good at algorithms. Ever since they established themselves as a search engine company, there have been brilliant innovations nearly every year. We actually witness its growth year by year. They shock the world by introducing the Gmail account. And then they acquired Blogger dot com, reaching the blogging community. They then have Orkut, a relationship management community targeted at users of Friendstar and Wallop. They have Video Google, which is quite promising (the first of its kind to allow users to upload unlimited videos of the latest Mpeg-4 quality), although I think the uploading speed need to be improved a lot. Earth Google is a service that I like a lot. I can even see the rooftop of my building in it. It is nice to hear that they are working with libraries which I think can improve the searching quality of libraries by a great deal. They also launched a plan to 3D scan all buildings somewhere in California. I am looking for the day when they release the 3D scan to the Internet community. It will be very exciting. Google?s impact to the world is that they have renewed people interest in algorithms. Ever since the computing world is plagued with poorly written programs and operating systems, people have relied on the engineers to bring in some robust hardware to handle the mess. But to do thing efficiently is also important. Google search engine is less hardworking then those of MSN and Yahoo, yet its searching quality is better then those two. It must have to do with algorithms.
  15. 50Mb is not that significantly small. Of course you can burn it on a CD, but since a CD carries 700MB of data, I would rather choose an OS of a bigger size, Knoppix. I have been running Fedora before playing with Knoppix. Knoppix is quite handy and is mostly enough for everyday purposes. There are also many good things about it, say, you can copy the whole image to RAM if you have 1GB of RAM, like me. It runs amazingly fast that way. There is a 4GB version of Knoppix, which includes many more applications. You may also try that out. I always wonder why my Win XP would take more than 3GB solely for the OS. Its codes are not efficient anyway.
  16. People around the world are feeling the pinch now. Even that the city that I am living in relies heavily on public transport, there are talks of fee hikes because of the gas price. That's really bad because people with cars and turn to public transport but people on public transport have no where to resort to. We all hope that there will be no hurricane in the Gulf Coast again or the price would continue to linger on the high end in the near future.
  17. Many people use Wordpress instead of Movable Type. Although movable type has been the leader in php blogging system for quite some time, since it changed its licensing policy, bloggers switched to wordpress. Wordpress of course have the merits of being a GNU GPL script and therefore programmers are more willing to write add-ons for it. (Same with Firefox, and that?s why Firefox outperforms Internet Explorer). These add-ons, including embedded Flash, Sticky, and blacklisting are the soul of the blogging system. I think nowadays more people use Wordpress instead of Movable Type.However, hosting Movable Type and Wordpress can be a little bit tricky. You must find a host with PHP support and SQL database, which is more difficult to find than a simple webhost or a cgi (perl) enabled website. CGI blogs like bloxsom are still popular due to this reason. Also, some bloggers are not as good at computers and they choose to build their blogs on Space, Blogger and Xanga. There are still room for personalization with theses propriety blogs but of course they are not as flexible and customizable as Movable Type and Wordpress.
  18. I hate MAC. Its specification is far inferior to that of the PC. (the CPU is slow and the DDR333 is unacceptably slow in nowadays standard.) It does not appear so slow simply because of the operating system that they are using. Built on BSD, the Mac OS X Tiger is less resource hungry then Windows. Thats why MAC people dont feel that they are running a computer of the Jurassic Age. But if you have to rip movies and edit videos, you will few the difference in CPU speed. Another unreasonable conception the MAC people have is that a computer should look beautiful. They always say that the MAC is much more prettier than the PC, which sometimes, like mine (I have four computers in my flat), are built to order with a Made-in-China case that looks so ugly. But who cares about the appearance of a computer? We are computer people, right? The sole merit of a computer is that its speed. It is not a piece of furniture, is it? A bulky case with a lot of fans is good for ventilation within the case and is thus better than a compact case that only looks good. I have seen no computer that looks good and, at the same time, runs good. The choice of software is very restricted in MAC too. Say, you can only run Azuresus for BT in MAC, while there are a lot of clients for Windows. Simply look at basic things like firewalls, text editors and media player and you will see how poor software support is in MAC. I will go for PC too. You dont necessarily have to run Windows on a PC. You can have many operating systems (like Linux and Windows in the same box) on a PC, which is again a feature that MAC cannot offer.
  19. The DDR RAM of one of my computers died some weeks ago. It is an old piece of RAM, 512MB, DDR2700, of Samsung chips and RAMBO assembly. The computer became very unstable prior to the failure. I had thought that it was the video card or the hard disk, but ultimately the machine failed to boot up and there was no screen at all. I changed the video card with that of another computer, but the computer still refused to boot up. The sound it gave out was really frightening. Then I checked the Internet, and they suggest that there might be something wrong with the RAM. So I changed the RAM with that of another computer and then everything was fine again. The RAM was only in service for three years, not long compared with those of my other computers. I have four computers, the oldest one is still using 2x128MB PC133 RAM (5 years ago? PQI RAM, chips from Elpida) and it is working fine. Samsung lost most of its market in RAM, Hard disk and DVD writers, perhaps it has to do with its quality. Hardware problem can be tricky. Perhaps, the most unreliable gadget in a computer is the hard disk. Ironically, it is the most important part. If your CPU dies, you can get a new one. If your hard disk fails, most of your data will be lost. There is still no brand of hard disk that I can trust. My 160GB Western Digital dies in a 10 month time. My friend?s 160GB Seagate fails also in ten months. The longest working hard disk is a Hitachi / IBM, but its speed drops drastically compared to 3 years ago. I may have to try Maxtor next time.
  20. I never believe in all those advertisments. Actually if you really want to look for something free, ignore all those sites which have plenty of ?free?s in its page. Either there are a lot of unreasonable conditions, or there are a lot of unreasonable hidden free. This is true in nearly every part of the business world. If they say that they are free, just ignore them. If they say that they are paying you money, you should quit.
  21. I am not an American, but I think the complete chaos in New Orleans bring really bad impression across the globe. It is even worst then the third world. I wonder why there are so many looters, rapists and murderers on the street in such an affluent country. And the extremely inefficient government is really like those in South East Asia after the tsunami. A powerful earthquake hit Japan some years ago in Kobe and Osaka, bringing devastation the Kansai area. But there was absolutely no lootings and robbing, not to speak of murders and rapes. It is the quality of people that matters. The recent chaos in Gulf Coast just show how weak the US in when improving the quality of its people. The educators must take part of the blame for this.
  22. A grandfather, a father and a son. That's it!
  23. That's simple. You can you UltraISO to generate such an image. Or you can use nero - select Image Recorder when you start the program and just drag everything you want in the folder to the pane and press burn. You will have a ISO or NRG image then.
  24. I have tried a lot of free web hosts before moving in with trap 17. Either it was a short notice cancellation email or the unilateral addition of ads onto my site, there were many tricks that free web hosts used to kick people out of their site. I was with trap 17 nearly a year now. I almost quit about half a year ago when trap 17 introduced the hosting credit system that honestly I think I still don?t like now. trap 17 is also not as competitive as far as hosting space is concerned. With the small space, I can only host a simple blog on it. Trap 17 does have its advantages over other host. Its uptime is good, and its far more stable than many hosts that I have been with previously. This makes it the best site for hosting something that you want it to be on the net as long as possible. The Cpanel is also very attractive.
  25. Basically, my one hour rush from bed to school precludes me from any form of entertainment at the start of day. I am not very aware of the fact that another day has started until at lunch and to be frank, like everyone attending school, the day starts only after school ends, which is sometimes 1800 at night. But technically, if you ask me what I usually do in the morning, I would say, most of the time I am awakened by the radio-clock. It is only minutes when I will find the hosts in the radio programs too annoying that I will switch the radio off immediately. I then switch on my modem (this step is skipped if I have left the computer on for downloading the previous night), turn on my computer and check for new downloads at bulletin boards and queue them up neatly so that I can have them running before I leave home for school. I will then take a very simple breakfast, get a large cup of instant coffee (without it, I won?t be awake), occupy the washroom for a while and then flee home at the speed of light.I really love to start the day downloading. You get the feeling that something is working at home while you are doing stupid things at school and that time is not wasted.
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