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Everything posted by T100

  1. 512MB is probably two small in nowasdays standard. I don't mean that you have the get the hugest USB drive when you a looking for one in the market, I just mean that you in terms of storage/cost ratio, 512MB is not at a bargain, even for famous brands like Sandisk. I have been using sandisk SD card for quite a while and I gound no sadvantage of it compared to storage cards of other brands. There is, however, another production line by this manufactorer, one that hypes it high speed. After reading your post, I think I will give this line a try -- as it is so well made.
  2. I think google has the policy to deny adsense on personal sites. I wonder if any of you building a personal site is being denied by google. I think for me a personal site does not need ads. THat's why google is not aiming at this market. After all, they have gmail, which serves as their main income for personal advertising.
  3. It is good that google is making M$ feel uneasy. M$ has been lagging behind for quite a long time on email and search functions. While google still cannot compete with M$ on the software side. M$ also owns a very popular instant messanger, something that google wants to take over, but still not very successful. I would be glad if google can come up with their own OS, so that we will have alternatives to M$ products. But the edge of google does not seem to be here.
  4. It is in phpmyadmin. You see the left hand column there? You should select the root of the database and delete it by dropping all of them or by running a sql command. Alternatively, you may also delete it in cPanel. There is a database management tab where you can add users and delete users, add table etc. You can delete the whole database there too.
  5. I reckon that it will come sooner of later, I just can't believe it comes so soon. Many people live on piracy in Asia and that?s why a hack to them is very important. Piracy actually boosts the sale of Xbox and other gaming consoles. Many people playing PS2 are not playing authenticated copies.
  6. Yes, I have heard about this before. It is a definitely a strange thing for me that Windows users are using emulating software to emulate Linux and Mac on Windows while Mac users are using other software to make their Mac look like Windows. It is quite stupid. All emulation software run very slowly and is not as good as native OSes. Probably these people are men who dress like women or women who dress like men?
  7. quite the contrary, PSP is getting more and more popular here in Hong Kong. There are more and more magazines teaching people how to make the most of the gaming console, including turning it into a multimedia centre, adding a lot of plugins onto the systems and even using it to browse the Internet through the wireless 802.11 wi-Fi interface (many people have wireless routers here). Gamers can also use a software called X link to connect to gamers around the world through the router and the internet for online games. I can see that it will become more popular in the months to come. I really dont know why it lets you down that much.
  8. I just wonder, how many of you are using the search at blogger.com to search weblogs? I sometimes do. Most of us would like to know, say, what are the first hand comments from diners, software users, and travelers etc before we visit a restaurant, buy software and travel to a certain destination. We think that the comments on those personal sites should be more impartial then coverage from commercial gourmet magazines, software reviews and travelers? guides. Although there are now some biased notes on the weblogs, I still think that blogs from others give me a lot of information.But there is one thing I don?t like in blogger.com. The search there seldom cache the files and the number of missing links, either due to deleted post or protected post, are far more common then a regular search. I cannot find the information I want as easily as in google. This is quite strange, as blogger.com is a subsidiary of google, why are they not using the same search engine. I wonder if any of you have the same problems with that handicapped search.
  9. Google does not work as great in my mother tongue as in English. After all, it is a English search engine. My first language is Chinese, and the vocabs in Chinese are not seperated by a space, and sometimes google would misread Chinese pages and come up with some very confusing results. Anyway, I am still using google to search Chinese websites, but I have to search other search engines as well. Most of the time, I am using google to search unfamiliar words, say a phrase that I cannot understand. Google would provide me with a lot of background information about that word/ phase. I gather a lot of knowledge that way.
  10. Google is a number, a very big number, but there is no such thing as the biggest number. The real number system is not closed, there are no ends on each side of the real number line. I wonder why they give a name to a number. It seems that this number is quite useless. To name a big number, we usually just add an exponential.
  11. Yes. I like the GD library very much. And also the encryption plugin. I used the bot check script on my blog and it requires those two things. I have problems installing them on other servers, because often either one of those software are missing. But with trap seventeen, there are no such problems. I can install a variety of script here.
  12. I you get all the basic things done and have a good browsing habit, there is no reason why you should be afraid of virus. I think the laymen are so afraid of viruses because they are influenced by the media, thinking that viruses are horrible thing. This fear when complicated with the complexity of computers, make them over react to viruses. There are some people who even cannot tell wether the computer is misbehaving becuase of hardware problems or viruses. To these people, their fear for viruses and trojans are undestandable.
  13. I have the same problem too. Two gay guys hanging around me. But there are absolutely no ways to stop them. After all, we are all living in a free society. There is a limit as to what we can do. I tried to look muscular, I tried to look straight, but dunno why, there ar still some misunderstandings. Tell them straight away.
  14. PS3 has a much superior specs, except that I still don't like the way Sony pormotes its Blu-Ray technology. X360 comes much earlier then PS3, a direct comparison may not seem fair this way. However, X360, though new, does not strike as very impressive.
  15. I agree with the above comment that you can get some anti histamine. There are two generations of anti histamine, the older generation of anti histamine makes you sleepy. Try to avoid that. Get the newer generation. They are non-sleepy and you can work while taking those drugs. If all these fail, try get some topical cortical steriod spray or something. Steriods are more potent and long lasting then anti histamine.
  16. A typical microsoft copycat action. I have abandoned hotmail for quite a long time due to its small space and poor interface. They are now copying the ajax design of gmail and its capacity. That's really a bad move that has taken so long to come. Gmail has improved quite a lot since its launching. Say, a resizing of photos automatically when photos are uploaded. I wonder if microsoft is going to copy this as well.
  17. Frankly, I think your computer is simply too old to be upgraded. Even the power supply needs to be replaced if you are getting a new 24 pin motherboard. A lot have changed in these 6 years. The RAM has changed to DDR and DDR2, the processors are now dual cores. Although I don?t think you need a dual core at this moment, as most programs still don?t support dual core CPU, I think it may be worthwhile to get a CPU with more L2 Cache, say the Intel 6 series, get P4 of 3.4G with 2MB cache, get 1GB of RAM at least (they are not expensive at all), in 512x2 configuration for dual channel. A PCI-E video card of around USD$150 is good enough (e.g. Raedon X1600). The reason for having such a computer is that a new OS is coming. Vista is expected to take up huge amount of computing resources. I think you should take this into consideration as well.
  18. Yes. I definitely agree with this. Rar is a compression that has outrun its competitors like ACE, LZH and ARJ. I remember back in the old days, when files are still stored on 1.44MB flobby, ACE and ARJ are quite popular. But now, there are not many people still using those formats. RAR is also the de facto standard in the scene too. Most of the warez groups rar their releases before placing them in zip files. I think one of the reasons is that rar generally has a better compression then zip and it is much faster then LZH. RAR comes quite handy on the internet. There is now another promising algorithm getting more and more popular, 7zip. 7zip has even higher compression then RAR. I wonder whether it will replace rar in the long run.
  19. That's right. The game writers never make their games flexible. For animes, it is rather common to have a few fansub groups to fansub a popular release, no matter in ssa, mkv or embedded as avi or rmvb. I like fansubs a lot. Those translators have done a great job bridging the gap of different civilisations. Now, the gamers will be more enthusiastic than those anime lovers. They will be more than willing to put on Eng subtitles...
  20. What is the point of finding the largest prime number? I always wonder. I know that mathematicians have an idiosyncratic love for prime numbers because they are from one of the field least explored by mathematicians. And they test prime number in the form like 2^2^n +1 because and by the method of exclusion, come up with the largest prime. It is only a brute force technique and there is absolutely nothing scientific about it. But it is interesting though.
  21. I have tried this before. This is absolutely a trick from that stupid company. They insist that you give them their credit card number so that they can charge you an exorbitant fee after the so-called beta testing phase ends. If you ever have a domain name, you will know how difficult it is to change over to another name server because you have a lot of people on your site only knowing your URL name. That?s very very bad indeed for such a big company to come up with such a dirty trick. Plus, there is absolutely no mention of when the beta phase would end and how much they are going to charge after the beta phase. They just want your credit card number and your authorization. This is as bad as those fraud and phishing websites.My comment is, don?t use that. It is a trick.
  22. The question asked by Yahoo, "Do you yahoo?"The question asked by M$, "Are you still using windows today?"Time to change to a new OS for a lot of people.
  23. I wonder why you say zone alarm is incompatible with many programs. I haven't used zone alarm before but I am quite sure that zone alarm is like many others program-based soft firewalls that block communication by blocking TCPIP stack API in the windows systems. All these firewalls are quite easily configured to suit your need. In the firewalls that I have used, from McAfee and Norton, there are manageable rules that allow you to allow communication of certain programs just by specifying the flow and the port of the programs concerned. Say, if you run bt on a certain port or play online game on other, just select the programs and enable communication of those ports in your firewall. The programs can then pass through the firewall.I strongly recommend that you try this first before you switch to another. Or the other firewall may just behave as zone alarm. Mnay of the games are not in the auto-configuration list and you are bounded to set up the rules manually.
  24. The movie reminded me a lot about the classic RPG, FF7. I like the computer graphics very much, yet the plot is as lacklustre as the game. I really wonder what the game would be like. Would Cloud run away from his love, Tifa, for another girl? Or should Aeris be brought to life again?The game looks quite interesting to me.
  25. My mom uses it from family purpose. I set it up for her. I chose blogger instead of wordpress, which I am using, because it is less cumbersome for someone not so computer literate. There are less to configurate and blogger.com seems to have a good up time too. The bad thing is that it is less attractive then space from msn and there is no backup function provided. (In wordpress, you can export the sql database my phpmyadmin). Computer geeks would surely choose wordpress instead.
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