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Everything posted by s243a

  1. Do they play songs at funerals? At my grampies funeral a non immediate relative played the bagpipes while people were leaving the church. I thought that was kind of nice. I don?t know what song but I would have it played on the bagpipes.
  2. What makes staring at a race car an insanity test and what does the frog have to do with the test?
  3. I mentioned fox news because it has had complaints against it for its lack of objectivity or something. Perhaps the complaint was started by moveon.org. Anyway here is a compliant about another network: You can find more such media complaints at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ill try to find some of the specific complaints about fox. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. s243a


    I haven?t seen any spells for human/wind. Maybe I picked the wrong race/element. Anyway, the spells should do more damage then your regular attack. Of course I would prefer that different weapons and spells worked better against different adversaries but the game doesn't seem to work that way. Anyway, have you been using your items. Have you been able to buy any recently? Oh yeah, and thanks for killing all the enemies on the main map. The main map is boring now. I only fight in training mode now.
  5. s243a


    OpaQue, How about some spells? Anyway, I am going to post some relevent links here as I find them: Web Form Disucsing the Kenka Game Here is a link to the Kenka forms.? The site is not working well.
  6. Hind sight is 20-20. Interesting though. If we enjoy it should it matter? I do think people intentionally push the boundaries for ratings. Personally I think people should be able to watch what they want and young kids are a lot smarter then people will give them credit for. As long as the parent explains to the kid that something is fictional the child should make a clear distinction between entertainment and reality. It is when people dont learn to make these distinctions that problems arise. But aside from this you must ask whether a lot of things are necessary for a movie or just put there to attract the base instincts as you suggest. For instance, think how many good movies contain just a bit of nudity. Ask your self did it really make the movie better and was it necessary for the plot? For me it is not a problem but I have a muslim friend and he is not suppose to see that stuff. If I want to let him bower a movie. I have to think does it contain nudity. It is a shame that he is not allowed to watch that stuff because it perculdes a lot of good movies. I think you are going a little far with this here. If you hear a cuss word or see nudity do you feel victimized? I think it stems from a basic problem in society of a desire to see flash over substance. It is the same thing on a web page. The best pages could be plain text and might not be considered that professional, well a stupid flash presentation might catch everyones eyes. Yeah, commercials suck, but click on the adds . May I ask was it better in the past. Was there ever a time when people didnt want the newest and the best. The so called lets keep up with the Jones. A lot of immorality gets justified in the name of the dollar. Atleast in a way it strength the economy because to keep up with the Jones people must work hard for it or find technological short cuts.
  7. From a legal perspective I agree but from an ethical perspective I disagree to a point. I understand the motivation of a message board to moderate to insure a level of quality of posts and that they are relevant to a topic. I understand the desire to filter out raciest, pornographic or profane material. However, to filter out others well thought out arguments that aren?t clearly unfactual or off topic is ethically dubious. A solid argument should be able to deal with valid criticism and a censorship of well thought out contrary beliefs shows a weakness in ones arguments. The dilberet suppression of well though out ideas is a form of social control and anti intellectual. It can be a deliberate abuse of power by those who control information and there is justification for legal remedies to prevent such abuses.Speaking of threads disappearing what ever happened to the offensive Tusami song thread?
  8. Intuitively we believe in are right to speak freely, to formulate a rational argument and present our argument from a well formulated system of ideas. Legally we are able to do this with the exception of when things are considered overtly racist, violent or pornographic. But what good is free speech in the presence of a closed minded society. When well formulated ideas can bring a backlash of emotional reactions from the various self-righteous do-gooders of the establishment. As individuals we recognize our words and actions have consequence. For instance a porn star would never be allowed to do a children?s television show. The porn star is thus penalized for his/her freedom of expression in a context that has nothing to do with his/her current job. Similarly a teacher who?s pictures end up in a nuddie magazine is unlikely to be able to hold on to his/her job no matter how good a teacher he/she is. Another society norm is what is a reasonable level of risk that one should accept in society. This can applied to everything from bungi jumping to what is an appropriate blood alcohol limit to drive, to whether air bags should be considered legally mandatory. In some cases the risk is purely to ones self and in other cases there is a risk posed to other members of society that may or may not be considered within acceptable limits due to ones perception. For instance, if someone is sober enough to ride a bicycle drunk should they be charged for drunk driving? What danger does someone driving a bicycle present to other members of society. If the danger is only posed to themselves shouldn?t they have the right to gage what level of risk they feel is acceptable. There are many other contentions issues that are ingrained in our society whose limits are not clearly rationaled except from an emotion context for instance what is an appropriate age to have sex. If an individual whished to challenge some or any of these norms they would face a huge backlashes and labeled as a bad evil person just because they dare think openly beyond the many pre established traditions.
  9. Maybe the should call it the .net search engine then you can say I am goin to go net it. P.S. Did Bill Gates really write that? It sounds pretty unprofessional . You would think he would be more proffesioanl.
  10. I?m not one for vido game music. Don?t you here it enough when you play the game. I just finished listening to the Zelda theme for the Nintendo 64 since it was one of the ones recommended. I like the version that sounded like a tin whistle and a harpsichord the best. Still it is not something I would want to listen to very much so . It is still a fun site. I new a guy when I was at mount Allison who had a CD of video game music. Maybe he new the best stuff to listen too?
  11. I don?t know give a billion to the tusami, a billion to each university I went to and a billion to aids a billion to the lung association and a billion for aids research. That will leave me with 34 billion to give me and every member of my family a very good life. Of course bill gates can?t spend all of his money or he will devalue the vary assets that make up his worth. I think though once I get by a few big charities I would want to help my local community. I always wanted a ski hill on high head mountain and I could make a pretty awesome ski hill for a mere 100 million of that cash.
  12. Thats right it is a brand new shiny tiger. As far as I am concerned the environment is for people to do with it what they want. As long as future generations have a good quality of life that is what is important. They can see tigers in zoos. As for bring back estinct anamils that would be cool. So what if it is not the same tiger it is a brand spanking new one .
  13. I don?t really know how much cloning will help enhance our lives. I think genetic engineering has much more prose in terms of the benefits to society. Unfortunately, the question of who regulates genetic engineering could be very difficult.
  14. Maybe the flag was especially designed to look like it was flapping. If no air, perhaps some floating dust could agitate a flag a little. Identical? The moon does not have the most interesting landscape. Perhaps the camera. Would you see it in a black and white phtoto? Of course the look like the are running. They are bouncing up and down that is what bad runners do.
  15. s243a


    I really don?t get this kenka game there doesn?t seem to be much strategy too it. You gain experience points whether you win or lose a battle. You can get more money by getting a better job but you can get much more money just wondering around the map then you could ever get with a job. Moreover, if all the items are sold out what good is the money. Also what is the point of attacking someone science you will both gain experience points from the battle anyway. Yet for some dumb reason I will keep playing it like and addict. I want to be one of the top players on these boards on these dumb role playing games. Why? I don?t know bragging rights . Anyway, I think I will try to get to a higher level before I attack no9t9 agian. He killed me in one blow .
  16. s243a


    Thank you OpaQue for the changes . As for the lack of potions and sharpening stones, maybe if we attack magnus we can force him to use them and get them back. I just attacked him now . Anyone want to help?
  17. s243a


    Discuss, the game, what is good about it what is bad about it what problems have you encountered.I'll start:I started playing the game kenka recently. At first I found it two hard until I was able to get a golden sword. After that I noted most items were sold out. Now even the sharpening stone is sold out. I suppose these are minor problems since I should be able to buy items off another player. A more serious problem is if you attack too many players that aren?t playing you cannot play the game anymore until they move. This means you could be indefinitely shut out of the game. I don?t see much advantage in having a limit in how many battles you can participate in.I am stuck in battles with:Yoko , Big Panda, Andre, .:phevres:. andr Zenoreka If one of you people are reading please take your attack or run.
  18. I agree. It was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It was so borring and hardly anything ever happened. I was waiting for it to end the whole way through.
  19. I like the new system. Now I probably won't here becca compliaing as much about me double posting .
  20. I still say that is an entirely wrong use of the word sexism. You wouldnt call one side sexist if it was a gay man talking to another gay man or two lesbians bickering. I kind of agree that if one person thinks the other is controlling there is a good chance they are but often two sides have very different interpretations of the same events. What could be insignificant to one person could be the biggest thing ever to another person. What is your basis for concluding the guy is being overly controlling in the first place? Are you using any gender bais to come to this conclusion or if the conversation was reversed would you equally well say the woman is being sexist. Perhaps the guy does everything for the woman and the woman takes any suggestion from the guy as overly controlling. I am just trying to keep an open mind here.
  21. I don't know maybe the guy was always telling her where to go. The thing could be reversed and the woman could always be telling the guy where to go. I don't see how the above conversation has anything to do with sexism or feminism. One person is acting unreasonable probably and from the conversation it is hard to tell if it is the guy or the girl. Or maybe the are just bickering for the sake of bickering. BTW I don?t think the conversation is particularly sexist. But I think the interpretation of it is just a little off, to say the least.
  22. I don?t like the Canadian idol version as much but my biggest beef with Canadian idol is the fast that they over promote the winner. It might be alright if they would promote more then one song.
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