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Everything posted by s243a

  1. Of course it is real music but electronic artists may not be the best concert artists. They might put on a good rave though. Anyway, I like a live show. The artists can express the music how they feel at the time. I think a lot of electronic sounds could be mixed into a lot of instruments that give the artists a lot more control in a live concert. Everything from filters in microphones, lots of different boxes for the guitar, keyboards and electric drums. I am sure with enough people you could do away with the turn table and the computer completely. As for what is better that is all subjective and music has a continuum of possibilities that can be explored. BTW I played the supper Mario bothers theme on the piano recently. You would be surprised at how close it sounds to what you hear on a Nintendo.
  2. I think it is silly to buy a computer every month. You don?t always need to buy the newest and the best.
  3. Here is an interesting onion contrary to what I read. It's the culture of computing that needs to have a developmental revolution. Ontogeny needs to recapitulate phylogeny. That is, individual programmers need to go through the same learning process that computer science as a whole has gone through. Programmers need to learn symbolic programming before they learn structured programming, structured programming before modular programming, modular programming before object-oriented programming. Personally this approach seems backwards to me. To me object oriented programming is the easiest to understand how to solve problems and symbolic programming is the most difficult. The recursive nature of symbolic programming makes it very difficult to understand what is going on. Object oriented programming is self documentary and you can break the problem down into much easer to understand concepts. The problem with learning Java as a first language (besides the fact that it is so complicated that it's not a good language to learn at all, first or otherwise) is that you can't go anywhere without doing object-oriented programming. I have heard this criticism and now sure I agree. You can execute a script of statements within main. You can even create functions if desired. But why not create objects and what makes objects complicated. To me the syntax of Java is much easier to read then C so I assume it is much easier to read then C++. I guess it just goes to show how much of these kinds of comments are just onions. Clearly what programming language you should use depends on what you are trying to achieve, what problem you want to solve how you mind works and your background in math and computer science. There is no clear order people should learn programming langue in general. Personally I think teachers should introduce students to octave in grade 3 to help students with there math homework. This article outlines some helpfull paradymes for solving programming problems: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. I think the first poem shows how string theory could be a metaphor for creation.Think about it? I'll read it more thoroughly later.
  5. how about:printf("if")==0
  6. Personally I don?t like Visual Basic much because I find the style requirements two structured. I like the freedom to make a line as long as I want. I also like the braces of C and Java which denote control structures. I think JAVA is the easiest to learn not so much because of the language but because of the quality of the documentation and the amount of stuff that is free and already built for you. I particularly like the amount of prebuilt data structures that are available to the JAVA language. The only concern I have about learning JAVA first is some people feel it is better to learn a procedural programming language before an object oriented language. I see a merit both ways and I will leave it to others to debate.
  7. I listened to Manifest Destiny. Wow man, that stuff makes Korn sound soothing. What are the instruments a Kazoo and a Banjo? Man if I ever want to make a disturbing artiste movie in either the horror or serial killer gendra I will know where to get part of my sound track from. Musically it is good, not from an aesthetic point of view but an intellectual one. It is very interesting I think I will listen to it again. If I was to compare the song to a paining I would choose the painting scream by much which I happen to like.Just listened to Coftorable Postions. It gave me a hadache. BTW what is the point of all this horrible imagry?
  8. Before I read further I would just like to say being for choice is different from being for abortion. The social consequences of criminalizing abortion are immense. I refrain from voting. Byrdhouse I agree with most of what you say but I will not hold my self to judge others for what must be a very difficult choice.
  9. The slope of the smaller triangle is bigger. The slope of the small triangle is 2/5 while the slope of the bigger triangle is 3/8. Over a distance of 5 the bigger triangle would go up 3/8*5<2. Now the area contributed by this extra height over the remaining distance is (2-3/8*5)*8=16-15=1 which is exactly the size of the hole.
  10. You had me confused at first until I realized that the two triangular pieces do not have the same slop. Thus the two bigger shapes made up of the smaller pieces are not the same shape and they are not perfect triangles. It still looks very deceiving though. I must stare at it some more later.
  11. There are a lot of formulas for pi. For sum type formulas different ones have different rates of convergence but the quickest way to compute pi may not involve a sum. One way to compute pi would be to calculate the Taylor series of the arcsine of ½ and then multiply it pi 2.
  12. Fermats last theorem. Wow, ambitious. Some day I may read the proof but I think it is over a hundred pages. I also havent studied much number theory but that may change. Partly because of its relevance to encryption and partly because of the connection between number theory and abstract algebra. My main interest in algebra is systems of polynomial equations. I havent studied much of it yet because it doesnt relate too closely to electrical engineering. The only area where I know it relates is roboustnuss plots A.K.A parameter mapping. Anyway your mistake is in the first line. log(a+ does not equal log(a)+log( functions that have this property are known as linear functions. Functions with the property f(a+=k+f(a)+f( are known as affine functions. Anyway keep up the good work. I dont think I even knew what fermats last theorem was when I was 16.
  13. I believe this is what you are looking for is the binomial theorem I think you can use principles of statistical concept of a Combination to prove the binomial theorem. If you replace the factorial with the gamma function you can get a non integer generalization of the binomial theorem.
  14. Since the interest in matrices has seemed to dry up for the moment I will shift the topic to what is mathematics and why does it exist? I have studied math both in the context of engineering and for it own sake. It is rewarding studding the applications because you can see the utility of mathematics but can lead a person to miss what mathematics is in it's most pure and abstract form. In the most pure and abstract form mathematics becomes language and philosophy. Complex ideas are created out of a minimalist set of principles. Since much of our conception of existence depends on our ability to describe things, much of the universe can be described by mathematics, then our concept of existence in inherently related to our understanding of mathematics. I will now quote from an article I recently read which discusses mathematics in a philosophical context I have not yet explored and thus am not well equipped to defend or attack such arguments. from: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. s243a

    Java editor

    I like emacs. Just wait and I will link to some good intructions on how to set it up with java.
  16. Better control and more efficient but less portable. I think it would be better to write some libraries in assembler that take advantage of unique processor features and then call them from C or C++. You could even have a general C version of the libraries when you didn’t know what processor the code would be run on.
  17. Well I mentioned Xisto a few times at the only other form I use (http://newmars.com/forums/). I will post the links later. Maybe I don't mention it explicitly enough to qualify. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. When I was 14 I would of thought it was cool. I don?t understand why a teacher would risk there carrier like that or think about such a young student in that way. It is very unprofessional. Out of curiosity what is the goal of the law. Is it to protect young people from themselves or protect them from their teacher. If it is true, report them if you want, they new there could be consequences for there actions. If I was 14 I wouldn?t report it. Black mail could be cool but that is illegal and immoral too. If I ever new about any such relationship I would lose a little bit of respect for the older party and I guess I would think ewe in away. It doesn?t seem right. I don?t know if I think that just as a result of social influence. If either party every asked me about it I would recommend them ending the relationship since it probably won?t be a good relationship for either of them. If I thought the older person was using a position of authority to maintain the relationship then I would certainly report it. If it is true. Make up your own mind. I don?t care.BTW should we be alowed to talk about this stuff on these forms. Young people read these forms.
  19. I think the real question is if it is something that you would naturally create on your own. Copyrights are ment to protect unique material just like patients are ment to protect unique ideas. The requirement for a patient is that someone using the standard ideas of the time wouldn?t naturally reach the same conclusions. Unfortunately patients and copyrights are rewarded far to easy. Do you know that Microsoft has a patient for the way it draws rectangles on the screen. All it does is exclusive ors the bits. How many people could of thought of that. Come one.
  20. Must agree with this but in any relationship there will be things one person want that will make them happy and this may be different from what the other person wants. Respect works both ways. As for equal rights vs roles I wont get into this. As for hating woman for stripping or prostituting I wonder if more guys have such thoughts or girs. Personally I see nothing wrong with stripping but there are safety concerns to do with prostitution depending on the volume someone does, what they do and who their clients are. In some states it is regulated which is much better then street prostitution. Both guys and girls make choices of who they have sex with and they can look positively on those choices or regret them. By choosing a particular sexual lifestyle a person chooses a set of rewards and consequences. These consequences include how others view the actions. Although I believe in freedom of lifestyle I understand the concept of respect. If a person values enough the respect by others they will choose a lifestyle the suits those values. The way respect is learned or lost may not be fair but that is life. As far as one night relationships go I think they can make a person feel better provided it is with someone that you could imagine having kids with. Sex is an emotional as well as a physical experience.
  21. I learned about sturtures form this site Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial on Pointers This kind of looks like a cool read but I figured out most stuff on my own. Object-oriented programming in C Google Directory of Tutorials
  22. Speaking of Perl Programing. This guy has a few examples. http://www.scriptarchive.com/ I noticed the get call puts functionname.cgi?(input arguments) in the URL. But would the Perl scripts have a .pl after the file name. Is functionname.cgi, some other file that interprets the perl script? How do you create it? Maybe this will give me the answers I want. http://www.cgi101.com/book/
  23. How does it work? I started reading a book on pearl about 6 years ago but I didn?t finish it and forgot everything I learned. I assume the # denotes comment, ; for end of line. I recognize you are printing an HTML file. My questions are: how does the program know where to print? When and how does the program get executed, and does it show up automatically in your web browser or do you have to open the file first? I?ll probably get around to reading some stuff on my own soon enough but a discussion can be more fun then a book.
  24. The problem education is you are only rewarded with regurgitating back what a teacher wants and not for obtaining a higher level of education. If a student has enough discipline which is hard at a young age. I never did most of my homework in high school and bellow then he/she could learn much more by reading on there own then sitting in a classroom. They would miss the discussions which help stimulate intellectual development and they would miss the social aspects of school which is of debatable value. I think if I were to do it again maybe I would take most of my courses though the school and try to take a few by correspondence. If I could finish my math earlier then I would have the opportunity to take a university level math course by correspondence before I hit university. The two university math course I would of loved to have before university would be linear algebra and calculus. I recall that when I was in high school there was some keen English students that go a university credit in English before university. I was not one of those students.
  25. Okay, while I find it interesting and I have not found a good free library of VB code with lots of help to explain how all the code is derived. And even if I do it will be helpful in speeding up what I can do with it but I won?t learn as much as if I programmed it myself. If anyone else is interested in orbital mechanics and visual basic then we could learn for each other. It is more fun that way.
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