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Everything posted by s243a
I got: But I often found that none of the answers on the quizz were suitable. Typical servay trash. lol
One thing I like to do with a post go back and links to further references later on. If there is no edit but I simply am not going to take the time to do this upfront. The solution to the abuse problem is simple. Base the credits on what the uses have posted currently. Not what they posted on there initial posts. I sincerely hope that the administrators will implement these changes in the near future.
Well, I think they look cool. My only beef is the cost and the gas. I wonder how good they are off road because they aren?t the same thing the military drives. Well, we are at it what does everyone thing of monster trucks? Personally I am not a fan. Although they might be good for getting though deep snow.
KFC more health then McD?s. Huh? If I eat more then two or three pieces of there chicken it kills me for the rest of the night. It tasts good but too many experience like that killed KFC for me. It is grouse. McD?s doesn?t have that effect on me and think about it, look how thin the chicken is and it is ahs skin and is deep fried in fat. The ratio of added fat to actual mean must be greater in KFC then McD?s. Now think about all the spices on KFC food. The chicken could go bad and you would never no the difference. I like McD?s and KFC gets two big thumbs down from me. Puke.
They are a waste of gas but they probably would be fun to drive. Maybe some day I will get a smart car lol. I think trucks are bad on gas in general.
Not All Weapons Used In Army System yeah it is still happening
s243a replied to spawn_syxx9's topic in Web Hosting Support
I haven?t been able to use all my weapons for a long time. That is why I have a lot more two handed swords then anything else because I always use all my two handed swords. Sometimes I also end up using morning stars and battle axes but that is about it. Don?t worry too much if you can?t use all your weapons because it is a good way to bank money and if drastically increase you amount of attack soldiers you should be able to use more of them. Using more weapons means a higher repair cost . I have the second highest attack bonus and I rarely need close to that many weapons for most people I attack. -
Clinton Against Video Games at least violent ones
s243a replied to Raptrex's topic in Computer Gaming
I consider free speech an important pillar of society but it is not without limits. While, there is disagreement on the virtues of allowing violence in video games there is a large consensus that child ponorogrophy should not be allowed. It is not unreasonable for the government to study the effects of violence in video games. However, I would hope that the studies don?t just duplicate previous studies and are objective and unbiased. One a conclusions is reached about the impact of violet video games is significant enough to constrain our right to free speech. I would say that it would be difficult to draft lagilastion that can give adequate guidance to what if any games are worthy of restrictions. Moreover, there is a possibility for corruption. Regulators could be bought off allowing wealthier game producers to monopolize the violent video game market. Where would the restrictions stop, will football, hockey and boxing be banned? Well, the news no longer be able to report on crime. The more the more power we give the state to tell us what we can see the more they will be able to tell us how to think and how to act. I suggest preceding with the greatest caution in any such legislation. -
Not reading to closely, the just I get is it is better for parents to brainwash their kids then some commercial entity. To this I agree. As for dolls effecting kids minds ask why don?t kids grow up to be barney? I think it is important to be able to teach the kid to think beyond mimicking some behavior. As much as people would like to raise kids to have their identical values, I think it is more important to raise them to make informed choices. A smarter kid may not care to blab on the phone about there so called drama.
I think downloading movies is wrong. It is just so expensive to make movies and I don't know if theaters can cover enough of the cost. As for music, while I don't think it is that hard and I think a good band can make money of concerts. Well, just my opinion.
I didn't see in the article where it said that ISPs are required to observe subscribers online activities.
The abuse of the edit button is not because an edit button is something easy to abuse but when the credit system was formed all the loopholes weren?t thought out. The solution is simple. Before the person presses the edit button keep track of how many credits the original post was worth. After they make the changes compute the credits again and find the difference. If the post size shrinks enough decrease the number of credits. If the post size increases increase there number of credits. If someone continues to abuse there privileges at the form simply kink them off the form. Please bring back the edit button.
I got my lisp interpreter to work and the correct code is: (defun fact (x) (if (> x 1) (fact (- x 1)) 1)) In my pervious try I made to mistakes. (x>1) should be (> x 1) because in lisp the function or the operation must appear first in the list followed by the arguments. My second mistake was to type (1) instead of 1. When lisp evaluates a list it assumes the first element of the list is a function or operator. 1 is a number not a function or an operator. I also made one minor mistake in my MATLAB code. In the MATLAB example function should start with a lower case letter not an upper case letter. This is due to the annoyance of word converting things to capitals when you dont want it to.
yoofus, I am getting the idea you don't like slang.
I think this discussion is about the word mum, not mom. Same meaning but a slightly different sound.
To me "lmao looks to much like lame-oh maybe I am partly dyslexic.
I want a thread where I can see how to solve a Varity of programming problems in many languages. The idea is so I can read short examples to become fluid in many languages. Both reinforcing what I know and learning new stuff. The problems should have a short solution and be solvable in many different languages. Web applications are alright but make some reference on how the code is used (e.g. CGI). The poster can provide the problem and as many different solutions as he likes. For example: Problem 1. Write a function to compute a factorial. Solution Soln. (problem 1.) (Haskell) fact 1=1fact 0=1fact x=fact(x-1) Soln. (problem 1.) (MATLAB) Function y=fact(x)if (y==1) |(y==0) y=1else y=x*fact(x-1)end
Java isn?t really interpreted. The code is translated to beta code, which is machine code for a virtual machine. A processor could be created with instructions that match the beta code and sun systems may have created such a processor. There are also compilers available that will translate Java into machine code. This will give speed advantages but will lose some of the portability advantages. Most languages that can be interpreted also have compilers but the reverse is not true. This makes me wonder if and interpreted langue is better. There is however, no java interpreters.
I use to think it meant lots of laughs. This way you don?t actually have to be laughing out loud. But I guess more people read it laughs out loud. Oh well, I like lots of laughs better even if it is wrong.
This thread is to discuss free compiler resources. I will start it by providing the following link I found. http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/lispcompiler.html
Need Help With My Python Programs just extremely basic stuff
s243a replied to arcanistherogue's topic in Programming
I agree with what the above poster said. I find case neater but some books suggest avoiding it. I don?t know if python has a case. If not use else if although you could just as well use if. It is just less efficient and perhaps less readable. Also if you mathhelpers become long it is better to make them functions. On a side note I thought python was a functional programming language. From the code you showed me it looks like an imperative language like c. -
Well know black holes are self preserving. They all give off halking radiation and will eventually decay to nothing. The smaller the black hole the greater the energy flux at the event horizon. I would hope that it would just take to much power and mass to create a black whole that can suck in the earth. I know the ones found in nature are more massive then our sun and the sun is much more massive then the earth. I suspect the ones we would create would only last for a fraction of a second. If they were moving fast perhaps they cold convert more mass to energy before they evaporate. I kind of want to post this stuff on a physics news group to get more opinions. Maybe I will.
Listen to eazy street from the musical anny. THere is a kazoo in it.
The article said the black hole created lasted: million, billion, billionths of a second There are two ways to make it last longer. There are three ways to make it last longer. They are collide either bigger ions together, collide the gold ions together or collide them together in such a way that when the black whole is formed it is traveling at relativistic speeds. The last option has the greatest potential in sustaining the black whole because during the time it is going at those speeds it could travel though a block of matter converting whatever it collides with before it slows down into energy. Additional if the processes is fast enough the black hole could grow in size. Kind of like a feeding process. What I am unclear about is if it would collide with any atoms in the chunk of matter it is fired though. I half wonder if it could tunnel through any of them instead of feeding on them. I dont know how long a black whole would have to last for and how much it would have to be feed, before it would produce enough energy to make up for the energy it took to produce it. I dont know if it is exactly 10 billion. I know it will take 5 billion years for the sun to engulf the earth in flames as it makes its transition to a red giant. I just guessed that it would take 5 billion before it cools off. However, in 300 million years the earths oceans will boil away as the sun begins making its transition to a red giant. As for short term death of the planet, maybe but I think the earth is pretty resilient. At least the cockroach will survive. As for nuclear war, well we may be able to survive that. I dont think we are ready yet, and I do believe we should build the shelters that will allow us to do this. It is hard to imagine what it would be like post nuclear war. Maybe we would just build greenhouses and ride on the snow. After the war both nuclear and coal plants could be rebuilt if they were destroyed. We do use a lot of energy and waste a fair amount of it. However, energy is what drives our industry and it is industry that gives us the ability to we need to produce what we want. Including cars, houses, computers and food. The importance of power cannot be understand and I believe power growth will play an important part in the economic growth of china. This will include the construction of a giant hydro dam and many nuclear plans. Also nuclear is not as bad as some people think it is. It is much clener then coal and a lot safer then many people think. I am totally pro nuclear but uranium is a finite resource too.
Steven Halking recognized the output power flux of a black whole was inversely proportional to its size. All matter that goes into a black whole will be converted to energy when it comes out. Thus there is 100% mass energy conversion as opposed to fission or fusion where only a small fraction of the mass is converted to energy. Such technology is important to the long term survival of mankind. To put it in perspective it has been said that a thimble full of anti matter will produce enough energy to launch a ship into space. Antimatter is another way to convert mass into energy with 100% efficiency. This is in contrast to the current space ships which have tanks of fuel that are many stories high. The amount of power cannot be understated. Fissionable fuel is nearly as scares as fossil fuel and water although plentiful on earth is no where near as plentiful in space. Moreover water cannot be converted to energy by fusion with 100% efficiency. It would be better to use the scarce water in the solar system to support life then burn it all for heat. A much better alternative would be to burn the more plentifully elements in the universe such as iron. Perhaps small black wholes shot into the sun could even restart the sun after it burns out say in 10 billion years or so. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4357613.stm