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Everything posted by s243a

  1. Religion is not a base for things but I am curious as to what passages religious references discuss abortion. This debate is founded in feeling and does not stem from a sensible set of ethically principles. A society can pass laws based on such feelings if it chooses but when issues are less morally clear it is better to give the individuals involved the right to choose what they feel is right and wrong based on their own set of beliefs. Right a baby is a living thing. Agreed. What about a fetus, an egg a sperm. When does life begin and when does that life become something a society should protect. An ant is a living thing. Should we stop people from getting rid of ant hills? If I was with somome who wanted to abort a child I don?t know how I would feel and If I was asked for my opinion and I wasn?t ready for a child I don?t know what I would choose. I know if there was a chance I could reasonably take care of the child I would want the girl to have it unless the child would become a pawn in some unhealthy relationship.
  2. Not that I am for abortion but mice have brains too. Should they be entitled to all the rights as people? 28 weeks is an arbitrary definition.
  3. Maybe, your friend is smart in areas you don't know about. Perhaps music, memorization, vido games?
  4. I know with dynamically linked libraries you can get a function reference by passing a string that contains the function name. So you just compile the functions as a DLL it will work.
  5. s243a

    Gay Clubs

    I can?t really see the justification for turning people away because they look to straight but then again aren?t there lots of clubs that turn people away based on imagine. For instance I bet you can?t get into some of the clubs that celebrities do even if you have the money. I don?t see this a problem in a big city anyway because I am sure there are lots of other clubs that you can go to. Clubs are an interesting place. People may choose a club because of the type of person they want to meet. It might not be right but I can see why people to it. The hottest club in town is just not so hot if they let all the bums in.
  6. I wonder how long it will be before they can do this in real time. In such an application the computer would correlate the song to the known piece of music figure out what note the person is signing and adjust the pitch accordingly.
  7. Yeah, I hope the rocker wins and I hope he can work things out with his band win or lose.
  8. My thoughts exactly, I wouldn?t watch it if my girlfriend didn?t watch it with me but I must confess I do enjoy it. I hope the rocker that left his band wins this here. What was his name? Of course the music he does with his band I would probably much more enjoy then anything he will sing on American idol. Then again if I was good enough, I would do it. BTW I really enjoyed the finalists last year, Jon, Jazzman, Fantasia, and others. I hope for another great season. BTW I think the winners have talent but you need more then talent to make a major inpact.
  9. Some birds are an example of this. There brain size is larger in the season where they have to remember where they hid all there seeds and smaller when they don?t have to make flying easier. However, I was always told that you?re body can?t replace brain cells. I wouldn?t think each cell could get bigger. Maybe this doesn?t apply to humans.
  10. Brain size does matter. I heard the guy that the movie rain man was based on had a brain that was one big sphere instead of two hemispheres. This gave him more room to store information in. Of course he is autistic, which means he is week in other areas. Intelligence is a funny thing.
  11. I already said I would lean towards prochoice and that there are usually better options then abortion. However, the whole chance to exist is a matter of faith and not founded in fact. A man could say the same about every sperm in his body and the woman could the same of every egg. Should we freeze every sperm and egg so they may one day have the chance to exist. Okay, maybe that is a little ridiculous. I would like to point out that although rape may be a good reason for abortion it may not be a good thing to legislate otherwise some people may make false accusations of rape so they can terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Equal problems exist if you try to give a man the say on whether a child is born. Not only could the woman threaten to charge a man with rape but the man could require the woman to have a kid as an excuse to keep in contact with the woman. Of course that last one also works both way. This is a toughie issue and there are no easy issues but I think the best reason to abort may be when the health of the woman or child is in jeopardy. I think even a partial birth abortion could be justified if it could severely harm the woman having the kid.BTW if everyone is so concerned of helping people have kids that can?t become a serigate mother. Not only will you help someone have a kid but you can get paid for you?re sacrifice.
  12. Google clearly has the best search engine. However, it is not perfect. I have noticed the order you place words effects how many results you get. It is like on phrase helps it find another. Thus I am sure its indexing procedures can still be further inproved. As for other services....Bring them on.
  13. Im addicted to the army game here but I dont know why it seems so simple. I am not sure how strategic it is. It is more of a guessing game. Success depends more on how much you play it as opposed to how smart you are. I think a lot of personality comes into it to. You can plan for long term success or go for short term gains. I think part of the addiction of the army game is the same kind of addiction you can get from sim city. That is imaging you are in charge of an alternative reality. Tetris from a playing perspective demands you to think quickly but then again so do fast pace racing games like road rash. Ever try 3-D Tetris. That is fun too. I think a better tetras like game for improving mental skills is moon drop. In moon drop if you align 3 or more of the same colors or three or more of the same numbers you eliminate pieces. Pieces fall from the top and you select what column you want to drop them down. The talented player should be able to quickly see cascading drop possibilities.
  14. A few people have talked about the difficulties inherent in making a professional looking game. In my opinion it is much more how a game looks then how it plays. My girlfriend really enjoys burger time which was made for the first Nintendo. However, she mostly enjoys thinking games, like free cell and majong. She also likes many of the games on the magatouch machines that are often found in bars. I enjoy these games to mine not as exclusively as her. I also enjoy minesweeper which has to be one of the simplest games. I though this thread could discuss some mind games that currently exist and suggest some new ones or how to expand upon the ideas of some preexisting games. For instance have you ever considered a minesweeper game with different shapes or giving more information about the surrounding mines. What about a game based on a four dimensional game. I look forward to the following discussion. What games do you like, have you ever thought of creating your own mind games and have you ever created a mind game. Here is a start but hopfully I can find some games that sound more fun: Link1
  15. My girlfriend tried to buy the game intelligent cube on ebay for play station one but someone always beater here in the last second.
  16. There was a book I bought 3 years ago and the visual basic CD came free with it. Another place VB is available is in excel and accesses. If the original poster has either of these platforms he could learn VB from within those platforms. The GUI stuff is so easy why not use it even if you just have one button that says start program.
  17. I doubt people still right compilers in assembler. I had a professor who wrote an asselber in Perl for a microprocessor that was unique to the engineering department. Perl was a could choice for righting a complier in because it excels at manipulating text. An assembler is nothing more then a look up table. C is such a primitive language that the mapping between c code and assembly is pretty obvious. Aside from the need to parse expressions a c compiler need not be much more then a look up table. The basic compiler is also probably pretty intuitive. The translation from some languages such as JAVA, lisp and prolog to assembly may not be so obvious. Lisp and prolog are considered AI languages and in JAVA the code is first translated into beta code which represents instructions on a virtual machine. The virtual machine does not match PC assembly but may match closely to some sun systems. I herd the spark systems assembly is based on the JAVA beta code.
  18. I think it would be kind of cool to hook up to you?re TV or maybe to a music keyboard. I wonder how well these would work for parallel computing. You could put a lot of these on one desk.
  19. It has often been thought that as computers become more powerful the AI languages would become more popular. Looking at the list given by Zaideu, LISP is ranked 17 and PROLOG is not even on the list. It goes to show that AI languages are either to complicated or to slow to compete with procedural or object oriented languages. I started a discussion about programming paradigms and I was going to suggest embedding functional programming within an object oriented programming like JAVA. This would allow people to apply functional programming to web based applications. Logical programming sounds pretty cool but it hasn?t caught on yet either. I don?t see why it also couldn?t be embedded in object oriented programming. Then again common lisp does have object oriented capabilities so I wonder what JAVA has that common lisp doesn?t?
  20. I agree New Balance makes a great running shoe and it is priced well. That is what I have now. I like the NIKI Air Pegasus too. I forget what the best running shoe I had was. Maybe it was a Reebok. Anyway the best way to find the best running shoe is try them on. Notice the weight, the cushioning and the spring it gives to your stride. Never be too pound to take a few jogging strides in a sports store.
  21. Oh, come on people spend millions on Yauts and will spend 100 thousand or more to go into space. Many people will spend thousands or more on vacations. People spend hundreds of millions to make movies. The money spent on the game goes back into the economy and the people who sold him the island could just as well spend it on the sunumi. Besides how much money does the kid have. Maybe he donated much more then that to charity in his life time. As for spending it on a car. Cars deteriorate in value over time waste resources by buying gasoline. Information lasts forever. Support the hard work of the people that made the game if that is where the money went.
  22. I just finished watching the box set of the babalon 5 movies. My girlfriend got me them for christmas. She enjoyed watching them. We may see if we can find the seasons at blockbuster.
  23. I don't play these games but I think it is great that people enjoy it so much . If has the money why not. People have spent allot more on entertainment then that.
  24. This discussion is created to discuss current programming paradigms and propose new programming paradigms. First Some thoughts: Functional programming is often used in AI languages because it allows a top down design approaches. The program can begin by describing the high level functionality and later flesh out the low level details. This is in contrast to procedural programming in which the problem is first broken down into smaller problems. The smaller problems are solved and then put together to solve the larger problem. One functional programming is called lisp. Lisp stands for list processing. A list is just an ordered set of items that can either be literals or a link to another list. This data structure is well suited for mathematical expressions. In the functional programming language MAPLE the first element of the list is the operator and the following elements are the arguments. Because elements in a list are linked to another list the structure can be represented as a tree. The representation of a list is not a unique way to structure the data but it is well suited to recursive processing. It also avoids the need for parsing which makes it easier for the compiler to quickly compile the code at runtime. MATLAB represents mathematical symbolic expressions as an object where one of the field is a string that contains the symbolic expression. It evaluates them by calling the maple Kernal with the expression specified by the string. The representation as a string makes the expression quick to read by a human user and allows string processing functions to be applied to the expression. There are many other ways to represent expressions. A polynomial can be represented purely by its coefficients. An object oriented paradigm could represent each different representation of data with a unique object. Each object could override the method used to perform an operation for advantages of speed.
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