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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. You might want to try Opera Firefox isn't the best browser out there if you want to beat bloat. Lynx and Links are probably as light as you can go, though.
  2. Quite frankly Christians have been smugger than Atheists for hundreds of years before Atheists have picked up steam. Be glad that you aren't being executed because you're Christian like other religions have at the wrath of the crusades and inquisitions.
  3. If you truly care about real beauty, there is no need for make up.
  4. It's not really good to do that. It's better to have a PHP file with a header and a footer of HTML included so that you can make universal changes to your site, and not have to deal with modifying multiple files just to get the template working unless you deal with JS and CSS files.
  5. You blew all but one of your chances already. The only way you could ever get back together with her is if:1) She dumps her boyfriend2) You stop being shy to her, and apologize for your ignoringIf both of these things happen you might be able to get her to like you again, but you've got but a slim chance.
  6. I've gotta go with the desktop because it saves you money in the long run by allowing you to upgrade, something much more difficult in the laptop. I don't travel much so it works for me.
  7. Tetraca

    Html Help

    Just copy the HTML, input it into your document, copy the stylesheet linked in the head into your own file, link(NOTICE IT'S A LINK TAG, NOT AN A TAG) it in the head section of your own document and it should work properly. If you don't know CSS go to Wikibooks.org or W3Schools and learn how to.
  8. Linux and easy to work with don't belong in the same sentance, especially if you're dealing with Wireless networking or making your graphics card and monitor work correctly. I've never experienced and easy to use Linux - something was wrong about the distros I used one way or another. Debian isn't practical offline. Slackware refuses to get online with a wireless router and won't even support my GeForce card and 16:9 widescreen monitor over resolutions of 1024x768, and if you want to fix anything you need to dig into the command line and read up on your man pages(that goes with every Unix-like OS out there. It's not terrible to work from the command line but it's nice to have something like rio so I can browse YTMND properly. Unfortunately many people refuse to work from the command line to fix a problem and that is one of Unix's weaknesses in the "technically challenged" consumer market because if you hand any given non-geekly person a manual to operate something they won't read it because they are alliterate, and as such reading a manual is the equivalent of having cyanide poured down their throat.). Ubuntu won't even work on my system because it freezes on bootup. Other *nix systems were of no avail - FreeBSD wouldn't support all my hardware on my new computer(worked awesome on my old one though), and Solaris's directory mapping seems completely different from other systems not to mention it didn't support the same hardware slackware choked on. Another problem is I'd often be forced to compile the programs I want myself, and that is irritating because you end up having to download development packages you'll never use(if you're a FreeBASIC programmer like me), and then download dependancies which require more development packages to compile and when you compile those packages and install them the configuration script doesn't even recognize them and you can't compile! Until there is a distro that can support my hardware, I'm not going to install a single operating system that has a foward slash to separate directories.
  9. Tetraca

    Html Help

    All the HTML does is tell the browser you want something where but it tells you nothing of style unless your code is extremely dated. The CSS, however, is meant specifically for stylizing and even layout of HTML, and so you need to look in the CSS file linked into the HTML file in the head section.
  10. Personally, a person should be whatever they want to be, and as long as they don't pressure what they want to be on me, I can tolerate them.
  11. Photobucket, by far. When I use Imageshack the server was so terribly slow the sig took forever to upload and download. I prefer Fileanchor, though, because one of the guy's who owns fileanchor is one of my programming acquaintances and I got a deal with him for space. Bandwidth seems to be of. no consequence.
  12. The only thing I've ever had to do with Dreamweaver is clean up the code. I've never had cross browser issues with my code when I code in dreamweaver. I don't test in IE anymore though. If it works in Presto and Gecko I don't really care.
  13. Well, don't ask her yet... Instead ease into her life as a friend without asking, and if you do that you won't need to ask her at all, if that makes any sense to you.I'm assuming you're not in High School yet due to your screen name, but if you want to go with the dating advice of the Lords of the Internet, wait until you enter high school before dating because you're young.
  14. RuneScape was NOT written in C++. It is written in Java, which contributes to the suck factor by eating up unneeded amounts of memory and kicking down performance. If RuneScape was written in C++ it'd probably have some actual quality to it because people would not download such a low quality MMOG. It uses the web as a crutch for its bad graphics. Text adventures like Zork weren't as repetitive as RuneScape.
  15. All that PHP does is spit out text processed by the server that is usually interpereted as (X)HTML by the browser. For example, what PHP does when you view this topic is pull a few template files filled with HTML out of the server directories, then replaces the correct area in the template dictated by a function or marking in it with values it retrieved from a MySQL database. The built page is transferred to your browser. Your browser then sees it just like a normal page. Your browser cannot parse PHP. PHP is processed by the server.
  16. Frames are bad. Don't use frames under ANY circumstance. Also you changed the cursor, which is a bad thing to do. Don't change the cursor. Remember HTML Hell. http://catb.org/~esr/html-hell.html
  17. I always loved candybar phones better than flip phones probably because they're a lot less work and the last flip phone I had had been dropped once and the wire connecting the phone to the screen snapped. I dropped my candybar phone several times and nothing happened to it.
  18. HTML is a very loose standard - you can get away with a lot of errors and the browser will do nothing about it. XHTML is a much stricter standard that forces you to make code cleaner - all tags and attributes must be in lowercase + termination marks in single tag tags are the most noticeable differences which were imported from XML. There are also some discrepancies in where you are able to put tags(for example you cannot put <p> tags in <a> tags and you cannot embed tags as so: <p><b>Content</p></b>). Other than that there aren't any major differences from HTML unless you make the server transfer the document as application/xml+xhtml as the W3C wants you to do, which will force your coding to conform to XHTML perfectly or it won't display in the browser(currently if you were to pass correct XHTML with the application/xml+xhtml mime type to an IE browser, the browser will not parse it. This is no problem for Opera nor Firefox, though. I suggest you don't worry about the mime type now until IE supports it.).
  19. I believe Linux does not support call of duty. Linux is best for http/ftp/telnet/ssh servers, not gaming servers. Linux has few games that would require a gaming server. Realize you are using a completely different operating system - it's the equivelant to asking if you can make a Conter Striker server in OS X.
  20. Well, there are certainly better computers out there. I'd say that computer is an average computer - not dated but not a top of the line computer. I'd say that it might be good to get some memory and maybe a cheap extra hard drive for it, though.
  21. I don't use C nor C++ because I can do what I want to do in C++ or C in FreeBASIC with half the effort while still managing to have a slim application. If I ever am making an operating system I might go to C again, but I'm an application programmer for now.
  22. Well, your site looks just dandy in opera. Your coding isn't the best though. Consider changing to XHTML 1.1 to clean up the code a little bit, and consider writing your site in divs rather than tables for various reasons. https://www.hotdesign.com/seybold/
  23. http://criesoftheinfidels.ytmnd.com/ sort of gives you a little insight of what could either be delusions of visions of the afterlife. I must say, though, what happens after you die is you are moved to a mourge where you drained of blood and organs and replaced with fromeldehyde and makeup where your brain will finally completely die. Then you are buried and rot in the ground for a few years. If there is any afterlife that you go to most modern religions will allow you to go into a heaven as long as you are a good person. However you are probably doomed to eternal damnation if a pagan religion is correct. What complicates this is the entire matter is a game of Russian Roulette, this matter of the afterlife.
  24. I try to avoid the use of javascript on my sites since many disable it because of its abuse in the marketing industry.
  25. I used to be on top of these kinds of advancements in technology when I read the old /. everyday. Now I'm unable to keep up with it! At this rate storing a human body in a digitized form for use in sort of transport could be possible maybe in the next 50 years if the theory of uncertainty wasn't weighing it down.
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