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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. You mean an emulator? If you really wanted to you could upgrade your PC and see if you can't find an emmy online for the console...
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drupal That should give you the answer. Content Management Systems(CMSes) relieve you of needing to write your own code, so updating a page, removing an announcement, and adding a link or download. Of course you could write your own CMS that tailors to your needs. That's what I did for OS Advocacy III. Unless you're using Coranto, Content Management Systems show you are a lazy admin who doesn't want to put an actual unless you try to make a unique template, and that means much harder work than a Coranto based page using Nvu or Dreamweaver to create a page
  3. Well, probably the most annoying one I've heard is "WELL, UR MOM...BURN!".
  4. The Saturn, Genesis, and Atari 2600 were the best, IMO. Some of the later games of the Saturn's life were superior to the Playstation and Nintendo 64 techically. I'm not willing to spend $100 for the Panzer Dragoon Saga, so I don't know how well it was in gameplay.
  5. You can just select the recording device as "Wave" in windows sound recorder, or Audacity(which can export files to the advanced OGG format), and record, which will give you what I think you're trying to say.
  6. I wuoldn't say this would be the best way to get rid of that butt-ugly XP default theme, but it's a start. I'd rather stick to Windows Classic so I don't suck needed system resources on things that are so stupid.
  7. That sucks. That reminds me of a problem with my car's A/C. It sucks because it gave out right in traffic, along with my radiator a little while later. You have to phyiscally spin the left cooling fan like an old airplane propeller to start it. It's probably just as bad as your home A/C problem..
  8. Sorry, I forgot about this post after I went away for a while. None of those games have any sort of SDK, or their engine open source, so thus there are no tools to extract the music from them, such as a GRP extractor for BUILD games(Duke Nukem, Blood, etc.).As I said if you run it in a window(not fullscreen), turn off all sound effects, pump up the music using the games built in volume control, and record the music in Windows sound recorder, you should get a decent copy of the audio.
  9. The worst of the worst are probably at Something Awful's ROM Pit. Games with odd and wierd plots like Bible Buffet, Wally Bear and the NO! Gang, and Super 3D Noah's Ark litter their web space.
  10. The only console I think is the best is /bin/sh. But seriously, if anything, the Wii will probably dominate the console race even though I don't like Nintendo. Why? I think most gamers are kids, and their parents aren't going to blow their money on something as expensive as a PS3 when there is something as cheap as the Wii out there. The other two consoles will be more about the game series that older gamers know and love like Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Mortal Kombat, and Metal Gear Solid.
  11. I've had no troubles accessing it via Opera's POP3 access and the webmail.
  12. E-85 is more expensive than gasoline, and if the USA were to run all cars on ethonol, then we would not be able to eat corn or use because of the fuel consumption. However, with the amounts of greasy food eaten in america, it could be more probable to convert to using diesel cars and use used vegtable oil from fried foods without modification as seen on Mythbusters. People think it'[s a god given right to drive an F-350 and top their tanks. You can't change people's minds on that. If we could find a renewable fuel source that could run on today's Otto engines without modification, then maybe we could actually extend our time just enough to replenish badly needed resouces to kick global warming.
  13. Perhaps I could find a mod for that, but I don't know. All I can do right now is code catagorization.I wish I could report bugs but for some dang reason I cannot. I will post up a notiice on the front page.
  14. Is it still bloated, fairly slow in many cases and memory leaking like 1.5? If so I'll stick with Opera. For those new to firefox you might want to check out David Hammond's real firefox myths page to get the information: http://www.webdevout.net/firefox-myths
  15. Sorry for my late respose, I haven't checked lately, but I created this all with TikiWiki, a Wiki system available on Fantastico, and all things you see come with Tikiwiki. It comes with many things. Quite nice...
  16. It looks nice, but RPGs are not my cup of tea. I'll still probably see what it's all about then.
  17. That spam is the least of my worries. I'm really jaded when it comes to my inbox. Hopefully the spam filters will block it out unlike one of the spam mail I recieved on gmail.
  18. Well, it definately isn't scary at all, and it really was just plain bad in execution. I have more of a scare watching old Frankenstein movies, and those are lowly in the scare-o-meter also. I've never beed really scared by horror movie, though. They all seem too fake for me to freak out.
  19. Well, you can look at the box and you can look at the developer website to see if you pass for minimal requirements. If you don't know your system specs the manual that came with it has the answer.
  20. Well, if you can run it in a window and shut off sound effects you could use an audio recorder like audacity to record the music off of it.What game are you trying to extract the sound from? I could tell you where to get an extractor. Remember that its illegal to distribute it in your games or raw without author permission.
  21. Any cracking activity should be reported to your host. Also hackers aren't that bad - those who protect your company from crackers(criminal hackers) are hackers.
  22. I find Firefox to be quite bloated, slow, and memory leaking - a perfect example of how open source projects can slack. Opera 9 is probably the best browser I've used on windows. It fixes the HTML rendering problems Opera had in the past. I find Mozilla to be decent on Linux, though I've never seen a fully graphical browser for linux not using the Gecko engine.
  23. Don't even think of a Runescape account unless you like dull repetetive tasks and animations.I prefer games that are a test of skill - First Person Shooters to be exact, so I couldn't tell you about many RPGs. Games based on a random number generator and levels just don't appeal to me, but I only really play GunZ as an MMORPG/MMOTPS(There are elements of both), so I'd reccomend that as it blends some skill into it.
  24. They said this before, and that time it didn't work out. I doubt the penny will be gone this time.
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