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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. Now if only I could believe it could be as crisp and as resolution and colour depth flexible as a CRT.
  2. Apple actually sad that it's macbook is not a laptop, and it shouldn't be on your lap in the first place! There is also a warning the users manual about it also.
  3. The guy doesn't need to be captured. He's just a disbanded figurehead. Right now he's probably suffering worse in Pakistani wild than any prison could muster up, and that is a fate worse than a slow death by lethal injection.
  4. What I can do with studio 8 is create an image with a menu in Fireworks easily, then generate the javascript for the menu, open it up in dreamweaver, then add the code I need from templates I created for dreamweaver previously all without touching a single bit of complex code. After that I can upload all the files to the FTP server with Dreamweaver's site manager. Do that in Nvu/Quanta/Bluefish + GIMP.
  5. My Xisto hosted site is a wiki allowing for others to share code with eachother via a Wiki interface and forums provided by TikiWiki.As for my other site, OS Advocacy, it deals with Operating System Advocacy, and stopping the zealotry that comes with it.
  6. Nvu is good, but still pales to Dreamweaver. GIMP + Nvu still pales in web development capability compared to Studio 8 - especially with their ability to go hand in hand(each can help eachother in web development very well).
  7. Though there is nothing wrong with integrating a browser into a GUI - KDE did it - it poses problems in security, as ActiveX and other interactive applications have a much easier time to get to the filesystem and install all things nasty. The KDE Group, unlike Microsoft, fixed the problems associated with browser integration. Also Microsoft WAS taken to court for it. I believe it was an antitrust lawsuit due to the fact that IE would be shipped with every version of windows, and it wouldn't be fair for others in the browser industry like Netscape.
  8. http://fluxbox.org/ The configuration files are not that bad to edit, so if you need to add another thing to the Fluxbox menu it isn't that hard to do so, though it could be much better.
  9. I think another reason Friday the 13th is believed to be bad luck is the fact that the Knights Templar were all executed on that date. Their leader cursed the french king and pope. Both died shortly afterward.
  10. If you can't kill the GUI and go to a sh or bash UNIX shell then it sucks to me. I've never seen uglier interfaces than Mac OS X and Windows XP since Windows 1.0 came out in the 80s. Fluxbox is all I need - nice and clean.
  11. https://openmerchant.com/search.html?domain=google-watch&searchType=contain&page=0 explains how google is in a way a spy - search results, access logs, ip addresses and other information all collected. I use scrapers just so they can't know jack about me.
  12. Much an improvement in features from the last IE, but now it looks more like a toy than a browser - worse than firefox's default theme. I wish you could turn off the fancy junk like in opera, which IE fails to compare in on the 9th release.
  13. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've created this wiki for the purpose of allowing for an easy database of ready to use code for any programming language used today. I've created a few BASIC examples, but maybe some of you would like to contribute sources too. I'm sorry about the domain name, but I simply stand waiting for it to be confirmed any longer.
  14. The only way to be truely virus protected is to either use a text browser, have no internet connection, or use an obscure OS like OS/2, and BeOS.
  15. Why can't you just install over it? Just do it that way...
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ FileAnchor is a general file host targeted for programmers who need a place to store their files. They give you 20MB if you register(1MB if you don't), though with a recent offer they would give you 50MB if you create a myspace profile promoting them(though the deal has passed). The interface for fileanchor is simple, easy to use, and great for image hosting and file hosting with the ability to preview the contents of ZIP files, images, and the such. Your files will never be deleted as on rapidshare and other hosts. Overall I am impressed with fileanchor. It's definately good if you need the extra space if you have something like a geocities or angelfire page(periodically your downloads are deleted from geocities). I give anchor an 8 out of 10 since the interface is a bit simplistic.
  17. There is no reason an OS cannot run on a 866 Mhz machine with 256 MB ram, without a DVD drive decently. Linux can. Vista passes that line, wasting more space in the drive and memory than really needed. FreeBSD packs more features, decent applications, etc. into two CDs(1.4 GB approx) which includes KDE(which can do useless stupid effects and run decently on a machine such as mentioned) and as for Vista, it packs less into a 7 GB download(approx 7 CDs). What a waste...What a waste.
  18. There are some sites that can go through the blocker though. The safest thing to do is remove dynamic content like flash, java, and ActiveX which can open URLs around many popup blockers, including IE's.
  19. I see they're site didn't look as nice and simple as it does now. It looked pretty terrible in the beginning. Of course, companies like lycos and infoseek are now reeling with google being discovered.
  20. Why do that when you can do it for free and legally without torrenting it? Gnu C Compiler, The BUILD Engine, Build.exe, and Blender are all you need with a little knowledge of CON files.
  21. They actually did enter the system wars. They made an absolutely horrible game console called the pippin that was released under bandai's name with Mac OS software. It flopped horribly.
  22. Actually, it's the revers. 36% approve of George Bush, with only a slight raise when Al Zarqawi was killed, but it'll eventually go down again.
  23. There is absolutely nothing that can compare to IPB 2.x in features except for maybe Fusetalk. But I've never used fuse talk. Other than that PhpBB is NOTHING compared to IPB 2.x(Invisionfree and Clicdev do not have 2.x, and 2.x looks nothing like the frames of the old). VBulletin can compare because it can handle many many more people, but feature wise IPB wins.
  24. If you really hate popups - who doesn't - then there is a very easy way to disallow them - no need to download anything at all. Let me show you how to control your popups, and not let your popups control you. Internet Explorer Users:1. Under the tools menu, go to popup blocker popup menu and turn on IE's popup blocker if it isn't already 2. Again, go to the same menu, but go to popup blocker settings 3. Under the filters frame, change the level to high. 4. You will now have a popup free browsing experience. If you need to open up a popup on a place such as newgrounds, press the control key(Ctrl) before clicking on the link. This will allow you to open up that popup and only that popup. Opera 9 Users1. Press Ctrl + F12 to bring up the options dialog 2. Under the choose how to handle your popups frame, change it to block all popups 3. You now have a popup free experience. If you need to open up a popup on a place such as newgrounds, click the link and then click the popup blocked notice on the upper right corner of the browser to open that popup and only that popup. Firefox Users: You cannot completely disallow popup windows like in Opera or Internet Explorer. Instead, you must disable Javascript's ability to open windows.1. Under the tools menu, click options. 2. Move to the content tab 3. Uncheck the enable javascript box 4. You should have a popup free experience, though you have block the ability to have popups at all.
  25. http://tizag.com/ It's one of the best places I've learnt web language/markup basics from. On a side note http://www.yippy.com/search?v%3aframe=form&frontpage=1&v%3aproject=clusty-new& is a search engine superior to Google. Trust me.
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