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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. I use eComStation . Maybe linux sometimes, too.
  2. The best free thing you can get is Nvu, but there is no substitute for Dreamweaver.
  3. Speed - It has to be fast Features - If the stuff ain't there, then it don't fare Stability - It must be able to handle tons of traffic Customizability - setup of skins and bulletin board features must be extensive. Modability - setting up modifications should be easy The Guardian - Something like Yabb's guardian is a must. Proxies, bad refferers, harvesters, etc. can be auto blocked if the user chooses to. PHP/CGI and MySQL - It's a must. That's the only way it can be dynamic. No ASP should be used, though. Less images - so it can take less bandwidth. XMB is an example of this.
  4. Buy a Workstation from IBM or Sun. Those will give you power to do such things. Install linux and work from Wine for additional security if you need it.Dells are cheap, low quality, and have poor customer service.Apple has quality computers, but if you honestly want a computer that can handle these apps you have to go with a workstation, which is what graphic professionals use. The only workstation that Apple makes is the PowerMac, and it's not that powerful, seriously.I reccomend you seriously go with an IBM workstation. You can customize hardware to your needs when purchasing. Heck you can choose to use Red Hat Linux instead of Windows XP if you want to.When Vista comes out, then is the time to install Linux for good. Vista will suck the life out of your computer compared to Linux, which only requires 256 MB of memory, a P III processor, and a Riva TNT2 for good performance in X vs. Vista, which wastes a gobbing 1 GB of memory, a 3 Ghz processor, and a very powerful graphics card deemed vista ready. Wine in Linux is guarunteed to eat much less system resource when Vista comes out and allow you to work your applications that much faster.
  5. They haven't realeased a windows version in quite a few years. Paint in XP has changed in that it supports more than just the .BMP format.
  6. I like the PC better since I can upgrade a PC easily for your next game if you need to. Cheating on the PC is generally easier too, as you just press tilda to enter a console on most games that allow cheating. The only thing I complain about when gaming on the PC is why Windows Explorer eats so much processor power.
  7. Unfortunately, web petitions hold little legal power, in the US anyways. If you seriously want tobacco to be illegalized you'll need to petition with a pen and paper.I agree that tobacco should be illegalized. It's very unhealthy. At least with marijuana you won't have lung cancer - chemicals in the marijuana plant kill cancerous cells before they can develop into something nasty.On the other hand, legalizing drugs actually prevent people from wanting to use them more than illegalization. The netherlands allows people to smoke marijuana, though little of the population actually use drugs - significantly less than the US percentage wise.
  8. Welcome to Xisto! I hope you find the hosting good.When I clicked on your topic in latest activity I thought this was a programming related thing, lol.
  9. Has anyone here played games on a BBS such as LORD, Operation Overkill, etc? They may lack on graphics with ANSI art, but they are fun to play, aren't they? Better than runescape, IMO.
  10. Don't count your chickens. With all the fancy effects all it's going to do is make your computer slug - and make it much much slower that it really can be. All that fanciness is mainly in explorer, and already when I kill explorer in XP I find dramatic increases in speed when playing games. I doubt vista will improve graphics when it eats so much. Imagine the pre built PC market - because vista eats so much resource all computers are going to have to increase their power, not a single one will be in the $300 range becuase vista not only needs much more powerful hardware, but will cost around $450. I predict manufacturers will shift to linux, BSD, or eComStation this time around because of vista's requirements and price to the end user. KDE and Fluxbox can run with fancy effects with only 256 MB of ram and less space than vista - installation discs for FreeBSD only have 2 CDs(around 1.4 GB with tons of software that you choose to install - including 2 full desktop environments, word processors, source code, browsers, HTTP servers, package managers, etc.) while Vista needs 1 DVD for not even half of the value of FreeBSD(Word is sold seperately, One browser, one desktop encironment, no HTTP server, just some basic applications that you'll probably never use). Also, many programmers do not like DirectX. Not only is OpenGL a standard, portable graphics lib, but people say it performs better than DirectX.
  11. Many animals don't have the capacity to think like us humans do. They don't have emotion, just basic response to stimuli, called by instinct, which many think as emotion.Example:Pain -> WhineFood -> GestureSeeing thing that beat it -> DefenseSeing something new -> Examination to see if it is goodWe were able to evolve to be able to have true emotion, which allowed us to ponder ourselves to where we are today.
  12. I hope this release won't be crap. So far I've seen that they're crap compared to other free boards in features. Heck, YaBB surpasses them in usefulness. As to IPB, there is no free alternative that can even begin to compare to 2.x that I know of. Of course, I'm speaking from an administrators point of view.
  13. It looks like this dude designed his site in Microsoft word back in the 90s. It's a terrible site, and I hope that no chump has a site on their server. I've seen better deals in advertisements - 2.5 GB for $6.95.
  14. I hate M$, $noy, and Nintendo especually with a one handed controller(bull that I'll pay extra for a two handed controller). PC is where I'm staying, and I can enjoy any windows game that is open sourced on linux, or use wine or DosEmu.
  15. I don't think private school kids in general are snobs. I think preppies(those who go to a preperatory school) are more of the snobbish kind.Public schools have their stereotypes too, and as a former public school student, I've found many of them to be fairly true - many kids who are ignorant of things, valley girls, groups that shun people out of it, etc.
  16. There's nothing more nostalgic than LORD. I'll play that game on a BBS until my eyes bleed.
  17. If you count all the way from Windows 1, you could say that the current version is MS Paint 4. They will probably add a few features to Paint for Vista, but not many. They've never added a ton of functionality to paint. It's not like they could suck up any more system resources with a more advanced paint.
  18. You may or may not know this, but a while ago I was checking my lycos mail. They are now going to supposedly offer 3 GB of storage rather than their 5 MB. I'm still waiting for them to upgrade my account, but they're getting there.To put it in perspective - that's around .5 GB more than a gmail account, and doesn't require a cell phone to get one.
  19. I have to deal with stupid people too. I wanted to use my roomate's computer back in college(this was a little over a year ago). He was in the middle of something, but let me use it anyways as long as I don't close his document. I minimized his work(because that usually speeds up the computer a bit), did my thing, and when he wanted it back he started freaking out because he didn't know where it was. I said to him to maximize it from the taskbar, and he just stared at me blankly like I was speaking chinese.
  20. There are plenty - BeOS(Now YellowTAB Zeta), OS/2(Now Serenity eComStation), Plan 9(now Vita Nuova Inferno), Linux or BSD(One of the better choices), ReactOS(Open Source Windows Clone) and many other ameteur OSes that aren't as notable. Then what's the iMac? Real techies get a computer you can actually upgrade without your head asploding. No. It was built atop FreeBSD and the old inefficient Mach Microkernel(50% slower than other UNIX kernels such as BSD, though I suspect apple has fixed that). They're two completely different kernels each sharing some POSIX standardiztion. Their binary formats are not interchangeable. That contradicts what you say about macs being for more adept computer users. Advanced ones like CLIs and avoid GUIs.I've used a mac before, but I hate things oversturated with eye candy. So I use FreeBSD + Fluxbox and Windows 2000 for Studio 8.
  21. Reflash your BIOS, Boot from a LiveCD distro and see if the problem continues in Linux. Then you'll know if its a hardware problem or a software problem.
  22. You can't create anything but a text based game in Javascript. Javascript is a client side scripting language for browsers. Java on the other hand is a virtual machine with its own binary format used to make runescape that is so miserable to program in its not even funny. If somebody falls for game as stupid as this one, I'll make MMO Kaboom and I'll be rich. That's because it's free and 12 year olds can get away with playing it without their mothers knowing because it leaves no footprint on the computer. Actual gamers are willing to pay for a decent game like WoW or play a free game like GunZ that has decent graphics that won't burn your corneas out.
  23. Well, probably what they had before, free service that tacks on only to your ISP bill if you don't have a flat rate service.
  24. I think anything dealing with magic and whimsical creatures is stupid unless it is a satirical parody of something else. Thus, I think harry potter is stupid.
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