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Everything posted by no9t9

  1. No one should try it, I doubt this guy actually got paid unless he is the one who created the program. You will be giving away your money. If you could really earn 44% interest in 12 days doing 5mins of work a day, no one would have money problems. Think about it, who can pay this kind of money and still make money? No company is going to give away money. The company has to make some money somewhere. I guarantee the guy making the money isn't going to be the person signing up and thinking they are going to earn 44% interest in 12 days.The guy making the money is the guy running the (scam) program..
  2. It isn't "very smart" because this has been done. When pay per click advertising came out people have been making clicker programs. It is very easy for Google to determine if clicks are from a clicker program. Maybe your friend is not using Google Adsense. Probably some small time PPC program which isn't so smart when it comes to clickers.If it IS google, your friend will get caught and will be banned from the Adsense program.
  3. You need to provide more information. How can we tell what is wrong from a single line of code? What is the error message you are getting?? Do you even have a table called xxx and in that table is there a column called no?
  4. I think we should start by outlining the issue. I think the big problem with cloning are some of the unethical applications for it. Namely, cloning a human being. One reason for not cloning human beings is because of the "soul" factor. If you cloned yourself, who or what soul would be in the clone? Would your soul share two bodies? These are some of the questions that are raised when speaking on a spiritual point of view.Moving on to something more "real", we come to the fact that a human clone can have many possible applications. The first thing that comes to mind for most people is "immortality". Cloning yourself means that you can have a "bag of spare parts" that will be available when you get into trouble. Say you have a heart attack and you need a transplant, your clone will have the perfect donar heart. Is this murder? Is this acceptable?Eventually, it might be possible to actually transplant your brain into a clone body and then you will be young again. (This is the true fountain of youth). What implications does this have on society? Would this mean over population? Are clones people? Should they be used like this?If you look at cloning animals, none of these issues arise. This is because animals usually aren't considered to have a soul. It is acceptable to kill animals (to eat, for medical reasons, etc.). cloning can be good in this case because you can clone endangered species or even extinct species a la jurassic park. This is probably a benefit to society.For me, I think cloning is the way to go. With all technologies there are always good and bad things. It is how we use them that makes it good or bad. The technology itself is not bad.
  5. Back in the day, when I was doing my engineering degree, we had a bunch of projects like this. They had lego sets that included sensors, motors, key pads, etc. which we hooked up to a motorola processor. You had to program the processor in assembly to control all the stuff. It was pretty fun.One project I had was a car that was controlled via remote and had sensors so it could run by itself. We built a maze and dropped it in and it could navigate the maze by itself.The other project was a robotic arm placed on top of our already existing car. The car navigated an obsticle course and had to pick up ping pong balls along the way. The ping pong balls had to be dropped into a container. The arm also had to recognize the difference between ping pong ball and golf balls.Pretty fun but lots of work.
  6. no9t9

    Google Base

    From what I have heard (and seen) it is an online classifieds. there are articles for sale, community events, job postings, and other things. It is similar to craigslist.org where they also have postings that are community based.It is supposed to be another way to organize information. It is free to post on there so it is a good place to advertise your website.
  7. When I want to be an **bottom**, I ask the telemarketer to please hold. This does 2 things. First, you don't have to listen to them and they will eventually give up and hang up the phone. It will probably piss them off a bit too. Second, while the telemarketer is waiting for you to come back to the phone, that person is not able to make other calls to other people. This means there are less telemarketing calls overall!! If everyone did this, telemarketers would be oiut of a job and nobody would get called.
  8. The only real way to make money online is to have lots of traffic going to your website. It doesn't matter if you have ads or you are selling a product, if you don't have visitors, you won't make money. Those people who make thousands on ads from a website have millions of visitors a month. This is the only way to make substantial amounts of money on line. Most people (myself included), have a small website with relatively low traffic. So, what I make is not that much. But, it is a good source of extra money. Almost like a bonus every year. I made between $1000 and $2000 on google adsense this year. Good enough for that XBOX 360!
  9. It is perfectly legitimate. They DO make money. When you sell the hosting account to someone, then you have to buy it from them. But, you are buying exactly the number of accounts that you have sold so you don't have to waste money buying unused bandwidth and space.In most other reseller programs, you have to pay up front every month for X amount of space and X amount of bandwidth. With this "free" reseller, you don't have to pay up front. And you only pay for the amount that you use. So this means you are not being charged for unused capacity. In the end you save more money with this type of account.
  10. I think the guy is asking about a way to get to the shell command using Java. I don't know Java that well but I'm sure if you Google Shell or command line with Java, you'll find something.Even if there is something like this, it is more than likely the server or the client will not give permission to execute this. I know PHP has a shell command but most servers restrict the use of this command. If you don't have permissions, then it is pretty much useless.The resaons for restricting permission on a command like this is obvious. To prevent hackers from doing something bad to the server.
  11. If you guys are serious about becoming a reseller you can go here. https://www.resellerspanel.com/. The hardest part of becoming a reseller is not getting the cheap reseller accounts, but actually being able to get customers. It is a very competitive market. This place offers you a FREE reseller account. It offers many features like selling domains and even has an API you can use to check domain availability from your own site. They are charging $4.00 for a domain to resellers. As a reseller, you can set your own pricing. Other features they include are useful things like credit card processing, paypal payment processing, technical support for your customers (so you don't have to support them), and others. Finally, you can also use the reseller account to refer people to their hosting and you will get commissions as an affiliate. So, even if you don't actually sell any hosting accounts, you can still make money. BTW. I am not affiliated with them at all. I don't even have an account with them. I think it will be a lot of work to get established. Will be hard to get customers.
  12. 56k IS that bad. It has been around 10 years since I have been on 56k. When I was on 56k and other people were getting their 1.5mbit cable connections, I was saying the same thing. 56k isn't that bad, I only use it to check mail and surf internet lightly. This is wrong. Especially in today's internet. There is so much content online (mp3, movies, etc.) there is simply no way 56k is enough. Even if you only check email online, hotmail and yahoo can be extremely slow loading those banner ads. Even this forum could be slow if on dial up. Once you get high speed it is impossible to go back to dial up.
  13. I took some screens of your site using both Firefox and Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer 6.0 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ In Firefox 1.0.7 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ With IE, you can see that there are boxes around all your buttons that are light blue color. You can also see the lines in between the buttons. With Firefox, you can see that the light blue background isn't there but the lines between the buttons are still there. Obviously something is different between your browser and everyone elses.
  14. 1/10I don't think it is ever a good idea to use a gradient as a background unless you use a gentle gradient from a light color to white or some other light color. You have a dark color. It makes it difficult to match the graphics such as buttons and also makes it difficult to read the text in your site.Besides this, I don't like the choice of colors. The brown and light blue is absolutely terrible.Also, there are lines in between the buttons. Was that intentional? It looks pretty bad.
  15. Well, assuming that what you have written here is exactly what you've put on your web page... then i can see that you should have quotes around your query string. Also, I think you don't need the semi colon in the query string.I always use a variable as the query string. something like $query="blah"; and then mysql_query($query); I think this is better.
  16. sounds like a router problem to me. how many things do you have plugged into the router? Make sure you don't have your comptuer plugged into an uplink port.
  17. the big thing about gmail for me is not really the space because I don't think I will even need 500mb. I think gmail is good because it has a fast interface. hotmail, yahoo, and many other web based email is too slow. Partly because of the huge banner graphic ads they are loading but also because they try to make their service look good with all the useless graphics. Gmail takes the simple approach and as a result loads much faster. I don't need my email program to look good. I just want to send emails without having to wait after every click of the mouse.
  18. Some older printers don't work with Windows XP. I used to have a samsung that was a windows printer but only worked with win 98 and lower. Windows xp is based on NT and is totally different than windows 98.You should goto the epson site and see if you can download any drivers specific for windows xp.
  19. Do you have a heat sink and fan for your processor? Or did you forget to plug that in? If there is no fan on your processor, it could shut down after a minute because of over heating. I'm not sure if you over clocked your processor either. Cause if you did, that would make the over heating problem worse. Make sure the computer has adequate cooling! It will shut down if it is overheated. Even some BIOS have an option to shut down if CPU temperature goes beyond a certain point.
  20. no9t9

    Hosting Credits

    i think an added benefit of posting, for Xisto, is that these posts will get indexed by google and that will increase traffic from fresh users. These users will either sign up or they might click some ads.In any case, more posts = more traffic = more money for Xisto.
  21. I am assuming you already have your domain added to your Xisto account.In cpanel, goto Subdomains under site management tools. Then in the first dropdown you can select your domain that you added. Type in the subdomain name you want for your domain in the box to the left of the drop down.This will create the subdomain
  22. Does anyone use Gmail notifier? I had it installed on my computer but it seems like it is screwing up my internet explorer. The file menu goes invisible. When I click where the file menu should be, the drop down shows up. But, my favorites are empty and also the Tools menu doesn't contain anything.It is really weird. It never did that before and I was using it for a long time. Suddenly now, it doesn't work. I know it is the gmail notifier because as soon as the file menu dissapears, so does the icon in the system tray for the gmail notifier. I try to uninstall it from add/remove programs and it doesn't work.I reinstalled my system a few times just to be sure (I used an image of my hard drive) and it happens everytime. In the end I uninstalled the gmail notifier, now my system is fine.It sucks because i need that thing to tell me when i have email!
  23. I know there are a lot of people that aren't happy with Google Adsense right now and are looking to switch. That's why google adsense is now offering $1 referrals to anyone who can get someone to download firefox with google toolbar. They are also offering $100 for referrals that make their first check.If yahoo publisher network wants to beat, or even come close to google adsense, they will need to have better payouts and also more transparancy. Google does not disclose the percentage they take from publishers. If YPN will disclose their share, it may make a difference.
  24. I believe the Addon domains are setup as a SUB domain for your account. If your account is /iwuvcook, and you want to add google.com to your account as an addon domain, it will be /iwuvcook/google.com. Xisto will KNOW that google.com gets redirected to the directory /iwuvcook/google.com once you add it as an add on. (Actually, I think on Xisto the directory would be /iwuvcook/google-com)You could also access the same directory using google-com.iwuvcook.trap17.comThis is because your addon domain is acutally a sub domain of your main account.
  25. It sounds to me like some components in your windows explorer is corrupted. You should goto safe mode and perform a system restore, not registry restore, from the last saved point (assuming you didn't turn off system restore).If that doesn't work (because you don't have system restore on), try booting to safe mode and running "sfc /scannow" (no quotes). Type that into RUN from the start menu. It will check your windows install to see if files are corrupted and then ask you for the windows XP disk to fix it.Then you can try, as the previuos poster suggests, going to the XP disk on boot up and selecting REPAIR.Basically, if none of this works, you must re-install the OS. And you might lose some information.
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