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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. From my understanding, there is one basic plan called the logic plan. it includes 1gb space and 10 gb bandwidth. It includes cpanel, fantastico and a couple other useful features. After ordering the basic logic plan package, you are able to order more space and bandwidth for about .99 per level upgrade. Then you go through to add on the other extras you need. If you need more than one mysql databases, more than 1 addon domains, more than 5 parked domains, more than 5 sub domains, more than 1 ftp account, you can order more for a cheap price. You have other features you can order such as shell access, front page extentions, etc. The basic plan starts at .99 a month for the ones that just wants the pure basics. Now what I dont understand is why on the main page, it advertises .99 a month, but when you get to the order page, its 1.99 a month i did a sample quote and with addons. i added 5gb disk space, 100gb bandwidth, 100mb "logicmail" which is an @yourdomain email acount, 5 mysql databases, and shell access. i declined the other addons which amounts to a somewhat basic package here. total price yearly(i think it's cheaper to pay yearly than monthly) is $86.81 which amounts to an average of $7.23 a month. when you sign up for this specific package, there is also $11.80 setup fee for logicmail. to sum up, you start with a basic package, then through the billing proccess, you can mix and match anything you want to add on giving you full control to purchase to your specific needs. again though, it makes it difficult to know how much you are actually paying for something without going through a 5 minute process. it's the only disadvantage i see. especially for someone like me who likes looking for good deals. if i didn't know Xisto - Web Hosting already, i woulda passed it by for a quicker way to get a quote. i personally would still like to see maybe 3 packages without mixing and matching. Xisto free hosting offered a pretty good package with enough addons to satisfy anyone. i would like to see a package like that offered. it also makes it easier for people to switch over from their free hosting on Xisto what i like about this basic package other than the fact you can mix and match, is the idea around the new credit system through posting. you can essentially pay for your needs through posting now. although this was always a basic feature for Xisto members, it now makes it easier to get your own domain name rather than a subdomain. all in all, i like the new look and feel. there are pros and cons to everything. oh, i forgot, edited this post to say that the price above included a top level domain name for $9.99 a year...
  2. are you saying people are logging on to one site, and when they get redirected to yours, you want to differenciate the users/members? what's your website and where are the users coming from? from my understanding you want to differentiate the users without them having to log in to your site page? i think you need to be more specific here....
  3. do more cardiovascular excersizes. treadmill, swimming laps is good, jumping jacks, etc. if you belong to a gym, ask a trainer there what a good excersize program for you is. if you're just building muscles, you're gonna gain weight. try burning the fat by doing the excersizes that make you breath hard. if you're not building up a sweat, you need to start doing that. don't drink too much before you hit the gym, but drink a lot of water after you're done so you don't dehydrate.i also suggest eating some carbs a couple hours before you hit the gym.
  4. wow. this is an old thread ummm, i have always appreciated the mods who are clearly seen in public at all times. i wont name drop in this post but there are 3 i inparticularly like and appreciated ever since i have shown my face here on trap. there have been issues where the penalties sometimes from the mods didn't fit the crime but at the same time, there have been situations where the mods and admin have been very generous and lenient so i guess it all balances out.as far as the mods being expected to please everyone? no. i don't believe that should ever be their responsibility to be perfect. who i agree with the most was opaque when he stated that a moderators job is a responsibility. not just a cool thing to be. along with the title is a responsibility which isn't easy and shouldn't be taken lightly. i would NEVER want that position personaly because i know what a big responsibility it is so i respect ALL the moderators for keeping their title because if they weren't doing their job, they would be replaced. simple as that.all in all, i have nothing negatie to say about how the moderators are doing their job. but again, in my opinion, the best ones out out in public eye all the time either responding to help questions in the forums or in the chat box. there's 3 that continue to do this that i respect highly. heck. i don't talk to 'm much but if i didn't see 'm around, this place would just lose some of it's atmosphere.reason why i wont name drop is because i don't want ill feelings from anyone i didn't mention but will leave everyone guesing as to who i am talking about....Muhahahah
  5. i don't like it. sorry. first, there are no upfront prices on anything anymore. you have to go through step by step until you finally know exatly what you are paying right before you add your package to your cart. this is what dell does through their own checkout process.i like to see specific packages with the option to upgrade before checkout. this is coming from someone who browses website hosting packages that doesn't want to spend 5-10 minutes figuring out what addons i need.i think this was a big mistake made by c. host to change how you purchase a plan and limiting a consumer to the upfront costs. i like the new look, don't get me wrong. the new look looks great, but i suggest to bring back at least 3 upfront packages so people don't have to go through a long checkout proccess if they are just browsing.if c. host still offers that, i didn't see it in the "packages" option and neither will anyone else.so why did c. host transition to how you check out and make it more difficult to check a price?
  6. boy did i disagree with that bailout. if companies are disorganized, paying their executives more a minute than i make in a month, use poor judgment and and execute bad choices in the short run, these financial instituations deserve to go under. saving them ain't gonna help much because people are already panicked. some are even buying gold because they don't like the value of the dollar anymore. borrowing power will never be like it used to due to learning from past mistakes DESPITE the bailout. now there is talk about the government buying up the mortgages? how much more money is that gonna cost where we don't see a real big difference in the economy? private individuals have lost billions of dollars already. the dollar is still overvalued in my opinion even when the said value isn't anything to brag about as it is. i think everyone is suffering and will continue to suffer. too much crap invloved here to mention and too much crap invloved where there is no doubt EVERYONE is being affected one way or another unless you live in the back woods somewhere where you grow your own food and raise your own livestock and self sufficient. it pisses me off about this bailout. 700 billion dollars to get invested back in to the companies that are high risk. gas prices dropped because people have no money and can't afford to drive as much and the oil companies are probably the only ones not really suffering since they could lower gas another .50 at least but will always rip us off with what they can get away with. anyway, i am pissed. i think we should let the big companies go under and maybe it will hurt the economy in the short run, but in the long run, it will make room for growth for other compaines that don't make bad choices. i believe it's gonna get worse still before and all the while our government is saying "if you mess up, we'll bail ya out"....but only if your fortunate enough to be a ceo of one of the biggest companies in the world that can make or break an economy. screw that noise. what about the littler compaines out there struggling where they are as stupid to create more credit than they can afford? what about the little guy? i voted for bush and he's a friggin' IDIOT! the same idiot making decisions like the one he made when he waited a week to visit the natural disaster hurricane katrina created. bush is probably benefiting some way in his last days in office by this so-called bailout plan. i wonder what HE has to gain from this....
  7. ouch ouch ouch! ummm, you're right. you shouldn't have snapped. you didn't just hit her once, but twice. so you actually snapped twice in hitting your child. she may have had it coming, but you need to get in touch with your emotions because they learn from your own actions. wether your daughter had a welt or not makes no difference in my eyes. she's 17. almost a legal adult with some adult rights in some states. you came after her the first time. that's why she kicked you. i guess she was defending herself. second time i guess you came after her again since you had to get out of your car. your daughter was right. it wasn't any business of your friend to butt in. your friend was wrong. this was about you and your daughter and i know she didn't just walk in the room *BLEEP*ing and screaming and cursing for no reason so you left some of the story out. doesn't sound good to me. two things here that bother me. it bothers me that you snapped and let emotion control you even if she had it coming. it also bothers me that your child acts out the way she does. well i can safely assume she doesn't act out for no reason so have you ever tried to figure out the reason why she was always this problem child? it could be 1 of many things so i think you should dig deep and find out why. i would try to find out why ASAP because the longer you wait, the more damage will be done and will be harder to reconcile. now you talkin' to someone who doesn't believe in hitting a child under any circumstance except if there is something the child does that puts him/her in danger or someone else in danger. there are other means. you are not dealing with a child anymore even if your daughter acts like one. she's not a child so don't treat her like one. you had 17 years to guide her. usaully a child consists of how they were raised and treated. if this is not a parenting issue, then i would suggest looking in to a possible chemical imbalance which there is medication for...... i wouldn't be so quick to assume a chemical imbalance though. it's usually a parenting issue and possibly a sibbling issue combined. she's still young enough to sit down with her and get to the bottom of things. she is also old enough where you will need to start respecting how she feels. you may be screwed with the cops since even if she doesn't press charges, there's evidence enough for the d/a to press charges without your daughter. good luck with that but that shouldn't be a main concern here. i urge you to start listening to your daughter. really pay attention in what she says. there are reason why she says things and i feel her voice is not being heard and not everyone is putting an effort in to that. now obviously, i probably said things you didn't want to hear. even so, i was as gentle as possible. remember. if you keep doing the same things, expect the same results where nothing changes. it's about time to change your mindset so you can connect to your daughter. she's your baby and always will be even if she is almost an adult now. you can be the best mothers out there in this world....even what i call a natural mother and still not know what to do. that's ok. the problem may not even be with you but your daughter. but as a mother, it's your obligation to find out what the problem is and you will never be able to do that if you get so emotional to snap. obviously your daughter needs help. obviously she feels she isn't being heard in how she feels. i would suggest trying very hard unselfishly to be there for your daughter and get to the bottom of the problems where there are probably deep underlying issues easy to be missed and ignored.....except for your daughter. she feels a certain way for a reason. i really don't know what else to say on this one. you really didn't give that much detail on your daughter except for the fact that she is a problem child and you hold little respect for her. if somehow she feels what you feel about her then that may be one of the problems. who knows.... don't hit your kids no more. you can discipline them in other ways.
  8. no, i don't think you missed anything bid. in fact, i don't think we need to hear the whole story to give some good advice. i can tell you care for this girl alot. so i will try to be gentle. first of all. you can't possibly love someone who gives you the brushoff and someone who always makes you feel uneasy. so with that said, it takes two for a relationship. if her heart isn't in it, it wont work. if your heart isn't in it, it wont work. move on. if she wants to be with you or has any sort of the same feeling you have for her, she will tell you. if not, friends is all you will ever be at the MOST which i doubt you will just want to be friends with her.... as far as the bar story on her birthday, you need to get to know her friends so you can join in on the conversations bud. it was her birthday. HER day. that wasn't a day to be selfish. it wasn't YOUR day.....it was HERS. so maybe you're giving mixed signals too..... also, if you want a better response, try to cut down your posts to 20 lines. no need to write a novel when most people will not even dare read it all and where it even gives some a headache
  9. if anyone thinks dish network is using FRAUD to lure consumers, please post a reply. we need everyone's support to inform people so they don't see their money taken by dish network's creative fraud techniques. be a part of the solution!!! debra- alot of people have been scammed with fraud by dish network. i'm sorry you didn't recieve your check. if they tell you that they aren't liable, DO NOT believe them. if they are paying someone to promote something, then they are liable in how their affiliates promote to get a commision. most of them lie just to get a commision. now i was promised $50 back in credit when i first started. they said i had to fill out some rebate crap. i never did. i called them directly a month later and argued for at least an hour on the phone....but i was on the phone for about 2 hours because all the wait time and transfering to supervisors. i have dish network figured out now and it's a shame that more people will fall for their fraudulent scams. this is why i started this thread and this is why i am informing everyone possible against dish network. the only time i ever had any peace was when i finally found out the direct phone# to their office in colorado. i spoke to a manager and the took off a whole bunch of false charges. i found that if i talk and persist long enough, i get my way, but i don't persist anymore because it's not worth my time or energy. i get too stressed out. i eventually cancelled my credit card and stopped paying them a single penny for their service. i don't plan on returning the dish or the recievers. they can't charge me because i canceled my credit card. i've hear HORROR stories how they will charge you for things they shouldn't including cancelling an account and charging up to $800 for recievers and the dish. i've even heard a story of someone getting charged 5 years after they cancelled. i've heard stories how dish network charges people when someone moves in to a home who had dish, and owes dish. that's why i canceled my credit card on that particular account. debra, i would cancel your account with dish and cancel your credit card so they can't charge you. then get direct t.v.. it's a little more expensive, but well worth it. i haven't heard nearly the horror stories from direct tv as i have from dish AND from my own personal knowledge of dish and the stress and confusion they cause. dish is a huge company. they figure most people wont take them to court. but guess what, out of all the times they have been taken to court, the majority of times they have been found guilty and have been forced to pay back what they owe to their consumers. BUT! the majority of time the consumers don't go as far as taking dish network to court. i am one of them. another hassle. i would just rather inform people the best i know how. as of this posting, there are 400,000 results for the key word "dish network fraud". in google now, this thread is #5 and #6(in the top 10). ALSO!!! as of this posting, there are 600,000 results for the keyword "dish network scam". CHECK THIS OUT! in google now, this thread is #1 and #2 in the search results for DISH NETWORK SCAM. to me this is amazing and i am so happy to see those results in a thread i was dedicated to get high in the search results on the biggest search engine. thank you Xisto for helping me on my mission!
  10. rarely. usually they will always have a supply of relevant ads for your site to host. just make sure you have a lot of visitors. if not, you wont have anyone to click on the relevant ads. i'd wait til you have at least 500 visitors a day before you sign up for a google adsense acount. also remember not to click on the ads you see on your own site. google will ban you from their program.
  11. you have two options. leave the collar on until she figures out there isn't something to be afraid about. alot of times puppies don't like collars OR leashes. chihuahua's in general are very timid. it doesn't take much to make those tiny dog insecure....even when they are known to yap alot. a better suggestion(or combine both) is to allow your puppy to go without wearing a collar for an hour inside the house. put it on for 10 minutes and REWARD the puppy with ALOT of praise and attention and his/her favorite snack that it wont be able to resist. after 10 minutes, of praise and attention, take the collar off for another hour or so and repeat those steps. when you find your dog getting used to the collar because of the praise and attention and favorite snack, increase the length of time the collar stays on. a collar to me is essential. not because you need to hook the leash on to something, but for the dog tags and in case the puppy runs away. don't ignore this problem. the longer you ignore it, the harder it will be to correct this behavior in the future. chihuahua's are sensitive so remember to always correct their behevior with extreme positive reinforcement or they can turn timid REAL QUICK hope this helps....
  12. haha! i think this thread is funny. it has nothing to do with making money online for others. just one person who posted a link. in fact, it's just the opposite. instead of making money, we are supposed to give it away.....hahaha that's too funny. maybe this thread should be moved to another locationi went to this site. seems ok. even the fact that you need money like most people. what i don't like about the site is it takes away from what you are capable of and sorta an easy out. what you are going to find is your going to be worse off than you were before waiting for people to send you money. you even bought a domain name? haha that's funnyeither way, good luck to ya. i have checked your site out and i for one ain't sending a PENNY. my advice to you is work more hours or move closer to your job so you don't put on the miles and waste gas, or be more creative with your talents to earn more income either online or offline.
  13. ouch. so sorry to hear what is going on, but at the same time, can you blame her? as far as another guy feeding her crap. it's only crap if it's not true and your woman can't relate to it. you've been together 10 years and haven't gotten married because you can't afford a ring? that is a copout bud and you and i both know that. nobody stays together that long because they can't afford a ring....so you have some issues with this one. as far as a job, start doing what you are meant to do. if that means working 50 hours like your woman at a ob you don't enjoy, then i would suggest not going that route....but start doing what you are meant to do in life. if already doing that, then great. if not, think long and hard on that one. if you enjoy what you do, it's not even really a job but more like a hobby and time passes quick and you get paid for it. now if your woman is talking to another guy that is telling her things that she is listening to that are against you, then look at it this way. sometimes in life there are wake up calls. this is a wake up call for you to either start making a better effort or lose what you have. you already admitted you haven't put in your best effort. just remember though. money isn't everything and working at a job you don't like will just make you unhappy. sounds like ya got a good woman there bud. she has accepted and supported who you are for 10 years and seems like she has something good in you too which is why she has stayed with ya this long and trusted to have children with ya. listen, ask her to sit down and talk to ya. open up to her. ask her questions. get to the bottom of everything. most important though is to open up to her even if it means talking about your own insecurities....especially now and always tell her you love her and need her. your already living a life of a married couple. start commiting more of yourself to this relationship.... if everyone in this world had to wait before they could afford a ring, how many people do you think would get married? there is a thing called layaway or credit. there's also some cheap *bottom* places to buy a decent ring if you look.....and not talking about the typical jewelry stores. you can also haggle in the stores for a better deal. a cheap but decent ring may cost about $1000. i know you think she is worth a lot more than 1k, but sh knows you aren't rich and still accepts you. she ust needs something to show off and be proud of. hell, i didn't even give my wife a ring. i did something i told people i would never do. we got tattoos. it's of a moon and sun with two rings at the bottom wrapped together in a ribbon. the symbol i believe meant more to me and my wife than any ring.....although women like the ring too i went for more of the meaningfull aspect of an engagement and marriege rather than the typical stuff that society dictates you do and that women are accustomed. anyway, the only reason why i bring it up is use your imagination and be yourself. if there is a will, there is a way. if need to sort through the *BLEEP* with someone, pm me and i will give you my email address that i check daily. i know it's rough but hang in there and never give up on the one that holds your heart. lastly bud, now that she opened up to you a little bit in how she is feeling, i should warn you that all eyes are on you know. she's going to be watching closely to see if anything changes. she gave fair warning. don't ignore the warnings like a lot of people do right before they lose out of something they would have rather kept in their life. what that means in our language is guys are idiots. don't be an idiot
  14. i can say it and i DID say it. there is so much time in the day to learn the BASICS. beliefs and religions has no place in public schools whatsoever. it's not a matter of prioritie or what is most important. it's a matter of what do we teach children with the limited time we have while they are in school. if the child has a need to learn a belief or a religion, there are specialized schools for that. that is why they are there becasue they don't teach everything in public schools from k-12th grade. now the parent has the choice to have a voice in what a child is taught and so does the child. if anything deprives a child from learning everything a child wants to learn at any given time, he/she can go to the library or google the information on the internet. seperating church and state IS DEFINATELY relevant. the constitution is what we are bound by right or wrong but in my opinion, religion has no place in public schools even when most people in this world believe in god. if you teach one religion or belief, you have to teach them all truefusion? that is absurd and ridiculous and i'm glad you are not a decision maker in our public schools because to make time to teach all that, you would have to illiminate math or reading or english or some other class. darwin's theory is based on SCIENCE. creationism isn't based on anything but faith and belief. further more, creationism is open to interpretation so who's interpretation do we go by to teach it? too many different beliefs and faiths out there my friend. again, you want to argue for the sake of creating an arguement, and again, you do not type in your own personal beliefs but rather try to discredit others who ARE open in what they believe. now i didn't contradict myself, you dig your own hole your own self the more arguements you make because you obviously can't believe in everything you argue about....so let's talk about contradictions because i can quote you in your own contradictions. there are CHURCHES to learn about this stuff. the church is the school to learn about creationism. it's seperate from the public because people shouldn't be forced to learn about something they don't believe in. the churches don't force people to go to their churches. it's free will. not like our public education which is mandatory wether you go to school or home schooled learning the basics of education. if people were forced to learn about god and creationism, then we might as well live in those countries that demand us to put our religion on our drivers license too which i read about here on trap in another thread. how ridiculous that a government forces people to choose a religion. our government in the united states does not force this on anyone thank god and gives us free will to believe in anything we choose to by allowing us to CHOOSE wether or not we want to study or learn about any 1 religion/belief/faith. grade school/jr. high/high school focuses on basic education. the education we recieve then are based on the rules that govern the english language and the facts behind the theories, and the mathmatical structure of adding and substracting and multimlication and division and the formulas and algorythms. religion/beliefs/faith doesn't even fit in to any of what are public schools are trying to accomplished based on the constitution of the united states to seperate church and state. oh. believe me, the constituation IS relevant unless your one to throw the constitution in the trash because you don't believe in it. so is that what it is? you don't believe in the constituation of the united states? if you don't understand what others are saying to respect what they are saying, then continue quoting others til your blue in the face and show your own ignorace in non understanding. until you step up and post ONE message in this thread in what YOU believe, you will not hold my resepct here at all when all you are trying to do is discredit everyone. i mean, i respect others that don't have my opinion. i may disagree and argue and that should be ok. problem i got is you have no opinion at all yet are trying desperately to discredit others. that is not only disrespectfull but RUDE so don't be a chicken here.....should creationism be taught in public schools? if so, why? and if so, explain how you would structure it so there is enough time to learn the other important subjects. maybe the children should study philosophy as we are at it too teaching the the theory that there was no big bang and there is no god that created us. let's just teach them what is, IS. you know how many problems there would be if we taught just one interpretation on creationism? you'd even te parents of the children who beieve in god taking their children out of the schools and teaching their child their own self because even they don't agree with any one interpretion. nothing is based on fact why there are so many religions and beliefs out there. bottom line, there is no special school for math or science or english and what not....but there IS a special school that kids can go to learn about god and creationism. it's called SUNDAY SCHOOL. enough said....
  15. no. both should not be taught. if people want to be taught creationism or religious BELIEFS, then they can go to private schools for that. why there is such a thing as seperating church and state. or when one gets to college, they can make a choice to study both. nobody is limiting any child from learning both but the parent or child itself. not the schools.
  16. site sell has been around as long as sfi. site sell(or SITE BUILD IT) has helped a lot of people build a presence online for people. don't quote me, but i believe it costs about $250 a year for a website and the tutorials. if people subscribe to site sell, it isn't gauranteed that they will succeed online but probably one of the better resources out there to make money online. not alot of people can afford this price though and not alot of people are motivated enough to be patient enough to see results of their own efforts....
  17. sure, there are things a child can learn from a man AND a woman and if they aren't raised with both, it can create a loss or a longing in a child, BUT! there are some circumstances where same sex couples are forced to adopt because obviously they can't have children on there own. now think about who they are adopting. an unwanted child that nobody else wanted and this same sex couple is willing to offer this child MORE than anyone ever offered this child. would this be worse for the child or better for the child? can you please answer me this since you are bragging about studying psychology and seem to know what is best for an adopted child? even children who grow up with mother and father don't have it all because NO parents are perfect for any child. parents can only do their best in what they know in raising their children. also, since same sex couples cannot naturally have children, they adopt for more UNSELFISH reasons than other couples who can have children naturally. ask yourself this. why do men and women want to have children....is it for the child or for their own selves...... who are children better off with? the parents who make selfish choices or the parents who make unselfish choices.... i live in a world where people will DICTATE the best for a child by the sexual preferance of the childs parents...that's pretty sad when the focus is on the adults and not in the childs best interest.....
  18. here's an arguement. i don't think you agree with what you just said, but you said it to create a debate... my personal belief is i agree with you that children will get teased because kids are cruel at a young age and don't know any better. at the same time, a lot of kids in this world grow up without a mother AND a father and lost without guidance. if there is a couple m/m,f/f.m/f, that can offer a child lots of love and guidance, it doesn't matter who these people are who raise them. i'll bet my life that there are a lot of same sex couples raising children the RIGHT way better than different sex couples raising their own children. children are #1 in every sense to me. as long as they are being raised right with lots of love and the right guidance, there should NEVER be a problem in who is raising them...even if the couple is same sex. now don't tell me you disagree with same sex raising children just because children tease other children for any reason in grade school...gimme a break....
  19. i'm going to have to come back to this post to think about it more but i think this is the sole reason why i try so hard not to judge even though i still do on some levels. what is good and what is evil. does laws created by the people dictate this question or does a moral code that will always be relative dictate it? i have always tried in the last 5 years to come to understanding on your question and even how it relates to my own life and what i do with my life. everyone has a lot in common and i believe the one thing everyone has in common is to feel for others and a need to help them in their own way. i also believe that in life, there are time fillers and/or distractions or walls that keep us from being us and what we were born to do. for the most part i believe we can only blame ourselves as we are our worst enemy in many ways. the original message on this thread was about money, but some say money is the route of all evil so aside from money, what do we have to give? what we have to give is not as direct as handing someone money and will get less recognition, but probably a lot more important than what money can offer. it's also important to be selfish and take care of our own selves because if we lose our way in doing that, it will be more difficult to help and take care of others. i know that if i gave money to eerything and everyone my heart went out to, i would neglect the others when i was finally broke. why it isn't everyone's duty to give money as this original topic stated. i just woke up like i said, but that question made me think because i always ask silimar questions to my own self. heck, what if "evil" is "good" and vica versa? what should be relative perspective and what shouldn't be that can actually answer this question in a black and white, yes or no answer. who are those warriors or protectors that are willing to sacrifice what others think to do "good"? or is it good? is there other alternatives? weird...i have to think on this one. you hit on something that i believe in yet i still have no answers...
  20. hmmm. i say keep researching. you seemed to have found the easiest and most believable answer....which may not be the right one....ust easy to point the finger.also, i remember having more nightmares than is usual for someone and i have never experienced any paralysis. i wouldn't be so quick to believe in doctors who will make up words and definatitions to something because they have no clue to the answers their own selves.write down your dreams. write down what it feels like when you wake up. create a journal for every night and don't stop writing til you have your answer. could be interesting what you find if you research your experience more....
  21. you don't even know what you want to do with flash yet so ust stick with the school's computer for learning until you decide to pursue it further. i don't why this topic lead to cracked software and serials but $600 IS too much for someone that just wants to learn and fiddle. use your best judgement. i disagree with one of the last posters. there will ALWAYS be people who use the cracked software and stolen serials no matter how expensive or inexpensive software is. THAT is why prices are high. in which case, they know only the serious will buy and they really don't give a rats *bottom* about the little guy who wants to learn and fiddle with stuff. but after anyone learns and fiddles and decides to continue to use the software that would benefit anyone but yourself, then one should definately look towards supporting the company by buying the software otherwise, that would influence and compromise your moral character and values that shouldn't ever be compromised. anyway, everything you are looking for right now is on the web. it's up to you to use good judgement.
  22. well that sucks. how are you going to win the 200 credit giveaway now???
  23. i agre with the below comment but i do feel you should talk to him first. try to discuss eachothers needs first. if he continues and you can't live with what he does, then definately drop him. life IS too short just to wait to see if this guys changes. and what if he never does? also, seperating isn't that bad of a thing. i think his attitude is a bit controling. he will limit you if you allow it so be carefull. also, sometimes people are who they are for a reason. maybe trying to understand the reason and him better can make it easier than not knowing why he is like this.
  24. wow- i've heard enough! i will be converting to islam right away. taking orders ofr any sex slaves.... put your bids in here....
  25. i have some advice for you. if you don't even know where the get paid to site's are, you will fail in writing your guide. also, these guides have been made several times over already.my advice is not to concentrate on the get paid to site than earn people pennies. if going to create a guide, create an ebook instead on how to make money online without having to go to the get paid to sites that don't earn didlyalso, be carefull. if your guide stinks and want to create a name for yourself, your creibility will be shot with whatever else you do online. credibility can make or break you so if your making a guide for others you don't know to read, make it the best guide you can, don't release it until it's perfect and has information in it that no other guide has. otherwise, after people read it, they wont want to read anything else you write.so be VERY carefull in what you are trying to do. doesn't seem like you have a great start when your admiting you don't even know how to make money online to write a guide and need help.
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