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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. and this is my opinon of you.....if you keep telling people you are possessed by some demon, then maybe YOU should be banned. understand clearly that i don't believe most of what you are telling people. you lie and decieve. i suggest you speak some truth....
  2. sky...sorry bud.....you are full of *BLEEP*. either you really feel what you feel is true and you are believing what others have seen, you you are just amking up lies. eitgher way, you are full of *BLEEP*. i believe in demonic possession. what i a have a hard time understanding.....is that you believe in the evil inside you......but you don't believe in any good that can overcome it. you are contradicting yourself right now and you don't even realize it. why don't you grow some balls and start speak some REAL truth......
  3. creative minds? wow. i don't buy it. good luck with it though. it's very plain and simple...it will attract many simple minded people.....i love how the website lies right off the bat when we get there....like it's been up forever......
  4. anwiii

    Blah Blah Blah!

    i think the topic is appropriate because all i see these newbies doing is posting BLAH BLAH BLAH comments. recently i have seen 1 or two line posts to threads that don't even help the thread starter. it's just a bunch of b.s. wrapped in 2 lines. i see people arguing about topics being closed because that are 1 year old. at the same time, i see those same people posting in topics a year old. when a new user comes online to introduce him or herself, all i see in response is how they should follow the rules and don't spam when THEY SPAM THEIR OWN SELVES!i have made my fair of mistakes. heck, i still do because i am somewhat more blunt than i have to be in my own opinion. i guess this thread i am starting is no different in my bluntness. but i have come to love this place. respect it. even respect others when i don't always agree.yea, i have made 1 or two liners before, but it directly had to do with the topic starter or a response to the topic and i'm good and being quick to the point sometime. or sometimes, i will just add a little humor to liven things up a little bit because i think it needs it.if someone posts about wanting a certain breed of dog in their life and explains why, and asking how they can properly care for that particular breed, why the #$%#$^#^# do i have to hear a one line comment like "i have a dalmation.....they are better". that is LESS than a line. and what significance is it to the actual thread?!?!? the dude just wanted to know how to take care of a particular breed.now i am all for the newbies here and even the people that don't know any better. i want trap to grow, but i also want users questions answered properly. we have experienced a growth of new users here recently and i think it's time the moderators and the admin crack down on some of the crap that is going on because of the surge.i know everything is up in the air as far as freedom of speech and allowing a user to feel welcome to post what the want.....but where is the line drawn?i am blunt. people don't like it. some people start off their posts by stating their feelings about me which has NOTHING to do with the topic. OR some people are so confused, that they start off a topic by stating they don't even know if this is the appropriate place for this topic and it takes 2 lines just to say it and go on with what they REALLY wanted to say! WTF!now, we have moderators that don't even log on every day or every week. what is that about? what is that about? we need more moderators and the moderators we have (except 3) don't even log on every day.and the admins....buffalohelp. nobody even knows your purpose here except being an admin. and opaque, you can be posting more and getting involved on the front line while others can be dealt duties to handle the back line WITH YOU.my point is, there needs to be changes around here while there should still be room for people to speak their mind. warnings should be given out more freely while suspesions should just be a myth for the most part. we have 100,000 users. how many of them are active? we can get them here, but we can't keep them here?something is wrong and something is wrong with the WHOLE system right now to head Xisto in to the future!don't get me wrong, i love this place. even if it doesn't change a darn thing. but i love it too much not to say anything. this place is like a home away from home for me even if i was issued warnings and a suspension at one time and being borderline at other times. i hope trap is always looking for the future so this place can not only attract new members who will STAY, but also guide those who stay to post more productively.the top 20 posters on this forum are ALL MALE! also, there are no female moderators. something says a lot about that too.aside from the negative post, my kudos goes out to jhaslip and truefusion. the mods that have made the most difference in my opinion. my kudos also goes out to the admins....opaque and buffalohelp. they do their best. and they BOTH have an understanding about people to create such a successful forum.nothing is perfect.......but this forum could be a stronger community. and it's up to the admins and the mods to continue their efforts....dedicated to a successful forum
  5. you knew what she was going to do if you opened your mouth and you opened your mouth anyway. i am not saying you are wrong. believe me, i am one to stand up for what i believe in even if it gets me hit in the face. BUT! you could have taken time out to understand WHY....why things are the way they are. at that moment when you were so deep in your study, and when your mom was doing something which seemed like goating you in to saying something negative about her, you fell right in to the trap. next time, don't fall for the trap. take a break or go someplace else to study. better yet, next time she seems to be enjoying something....no matter how fake, take an interest. no matter how wrong your mom is, nothing will get solved by ignoring the REAL problems.....
  6. yea, that's nice. we here in the states have a formality. outsiders don't give to live here without a green card unless you are married to a united states citizen. so what do people do? they accept money to bring people over to marry them. there are ohter scams out there. that's why there is still slavery in this world. it's just on the black market.....but, when there is a need for anyone, i am sure some guy out there will fullfill it.....no matter what the cost.marriage is sacred though and to lie about something sacred is a sin in my book. but....i guess love is stronger than any personal sin one can make while love is still just an emotion....
  7. i agree 100%. this is why i am not a typical gamer these days. there is really no strategy in these popular games. everything is try to do your best in the quickest time. sure, you still have to react fast and there is skill involved, but there is no real time to actually use your brain in other productive ways. this is actually the reason why i stopped playing the arcades. i use to LOVE playing, but then everything became new age. it's what sells. it's what the kids like. the shoot 'm up blood and guts. there were actually a couple of games for the pc i wanted to try recently, but they were too powerfull for my laptap. i don't think it was my ram since i have 4gb....so assuming it was my video card. to each their won i guess. the kiddies like the fast paced games that offer little strategy. the game makers have been on to this fact for the last 20 years. it's a money thing i would personally LOVE a new age ultima game or a zelda 1 or 2 type game for the pc. and like i said, i couldn't play the couple so-called stratigic games i wanted to try since my laptop didn't have the resources so i was s.o.l. there.
  8. well, i was bored, so i went to the website above to get my reading. as far as astrology goes, i believe in it. i also believe that it hasn't been mastered. i know there has been tests done to give 10 people the same report and they would overall agree that that report was made for them to discredit astrology. i think this can be easily done and decieving when talking too general....which most reports and readings are. i do believe though that we connect to more than just the world we live on and the people in it. i feel everything has a purpose or some strange order than nobody has yet to figure out fully. anyway, i couldn't vote. it wouldn't let me. i was in the second poll. here is the report i got when i entered my information. it seems to be about 95% accurate. i've had a few reports given to me in the past which seems to have about the same accuracy in general. i've also read other peoples reports where they aren't me at all which would negate any experiment to disprove astrology in me eyes. sometimes when i recive a report and there is something very specific written without contradiction from the rest of the report, i really find it uncanny when they can use such expamples since the ones who know me most would agree just by knowing me and when i can talk about things in real life, and i see it in some astrology report, it's just weird....in a good way..... again, the link to it is above in the first post, but those too lazy, it's http://www.alabe.com/freechart/ feel free to post your own and comment how accurate or inaccurate it is
  9. go to Xisto - Domains.com. then find your domain to edit your cname. you also may have to edit your A name records. both are under dns settings. after you do this, then you are ready to log in to blogger and switch to your custom domain. GL!
  10. sigh. well, i pesonally don't think you have stopped growing. height can be awkward whether you'r 5'3 or 6'3. i'm almost 6'5. there are pros and cons to whatever height you are at. don't let the cons get to ya. concentrate on what advatages you have.just don't grow up have that little man syndrome where you feel inferior and you need to make up for it by making other people feel inferior. and as long as you aren't sitting at the kiddie table 10 years from now, i wouldn't sweat it. but if you are, might i suggest practicing a circus act?there is absolutely NOTHING that will help you grow taller. NOTHING. all you can do is eat healthy. don't slump, always stand and sit up straight, try buying some modiefied shoes if you are that insecure. as far as your girlfriend. obviously she isn't with you because of how you look....so be gratefull she is with you for the more important reasons. i am a UCLA bruin fan, and 10 years ago, the shortest man on the court made the winning basket to give UCLA another NCAA basketball championship. one of the greatest shots in a national championship.try and look at things different. that's your best bet. be happy how you look and feel. be confident. believe me. the more confident(without arrogance) you can be, people will actually see you taller. it's just like love. the more you love someone, the prettier they become.again, i don't think you have stopped growing. i have known lots of people who spurt up during high school. if people are making fun of you and making you more insecure, just know, they have to down you to feel better about their own selves. they probably have their own insecurities. just roll with the punches(no- that doesn't mean getting in to fights over stupid crap).you seem like a cool guy....just a little overly concerned about things you shouldn't be....
  11. a marriage should be for life. no doubt. everyone should know what they are actually getting in to before they marry. unfortunately, that isn't always the case when the divorce rate is 50% in the united states. sometimes people don't know who they marry and people change.expectations, to me....are selfish. expectation are things that one person wants from another. expectations or selfishness is wrong to place on another as each individual was born different. so there will be differences in married couples. the key is to respect those differences. to to change the other person or place expectationsthe real key is to understand....and if you are truely married, you will respect your other half and try to compromise. what if one has expectations, and the other has expectations, and they both conflict? what then? why did you get married? expectations has NOTHING to do with why you got married or why you are married. expectations are selfish and somewhat controlling after the marriage as two people combined already know eachother without expectations.....or....that's the way it SHOULD be.expectations are the leading cause of divorce because when one can expect something, the other one can too. and when there is conflict between expectations or one giving one sided expectations to control the other, their lives are limited. they can either live under expectations, or seperate from them.expectations to me are deadly. you either have to accept your partner or don't. expectations has no place in life or others. you can expect people not to murder people, and you will get let down because there will always be people who murder people. to accept this fact, is to NOT get let down....and accept the bad.....with the good. but NEVER ignore the good where expectations dictates something that someone can't give at the time....why else would expections exisit. if a person was to be perfect in other people eyes, there would be no reason for expectations....that is a FACT!
  12. the only people that limit us is our own selves. i don't know if anyone has ever heard this saying, but we ARE our worst enemy. society isn't. our parents aren't. we are. it all boils down to the choices WE make as nobody else, including society can actually make those choices. sure, we can be guided. we are always guided by something or someone. it's ultimately up to US to make our own choices. the RIGHT choices....for our own selvesit's a scarey world out there. it's different than how we are guided or meant to believe or WANT to believe for someone else if you are making those choices that will dictate your life FOR someone elsethose people who allow society or parents or ourselves to be someone we are not, are fake. they might as well be a ghost because nobody will ever truely know them.....or see them....only what their choices are.....even if they are their own worst enemy.this is a tricky subject because EVERYONE is different so advice can vary from person to person and this thread is very general when it needs to be addressed from individual to individual.getting in that car to drive away. sometimes you have to think about what you are driving away from. if nothing important, than drive away....or......drive away and now you will be leaving important things behind.life is a sacrifice. there is good and bad with any decision we make. there are also consequences. good and bad. to drive away, you could be leaving pretty important stuff behind and you can experience a lot more important stuff. it really boils down to what is most important. buffalohelp is wise in his thoughts about a lot of things.my opinion and the opinions of others don't really matter though. what matters is the opinion of the one seeking to live a life always meant to live....wether getting in a car to drive away to experience more of life......or staying in the same situation.....or maybe........realizing what you have in front of you and changing your own outlook and the choices you can make for yourself without searching elsewherei dunno. it's different for everyone. i guess the bottom line is what is most important to the individual....and sometimes the distractions can be blinding and we don't really see that clearly.....
  13. this question is vague. we have to compare to a certain time frame...so i will just assume it's within a 24 hour time period. studies have shown that people only need 5 hours of sleep in any one 24 hour time period. i personally range from -0 to 12 hours. if i were to ever dictate what i actually NEEDED, it would be 9 hours. more than twice the amount i actually need.you can also tell a lot about a person by their sleeping habits. "habits" because usually people are lazy, or excessive in what they have to do in a day. or stress will become a part of peoples dreams where it makes them want to sleep more since some dreams can be tiring to the brain and body.when we think about 5 hours of sleep is all we need, why are we sleeping more? everyone should think about that and the things they can do with 4-5 more hours awake time when they can resolve their sleeping habits.....
  14. i don't see anything that makes the banner enlarge. when i run the mouse over a particular part, part of the image pulsates. that is it. maybe you can give a better example because i don't think the one you gave is what you are talking about. there seems to be a difference...
  15. just make sure to delete the database too. some people forget to do that when they uninstall and delete their folder where wordpress is. if you put it in your main folder though(public_html)....don't ever delete that one....just the files you put there.... there is a plugin you can download that will upgrade you automatically. no worries.....
  16. delete your manual install and whatever folder you put it in. also delete any databas that was created(mysql)do the auto install of 2.5 in fantastico. don't use anything softalicious offers. that should be taken off the server.once you do the install of 2.5, you can then upgrade from there. this will be the EASIEST way for you right now until you learn to do manual installs. i am asuming you just want your blolg up and running as quick as possible?
  17. legend, why don't you be a good little boy and understand everyone has a right to their opinions. i am not downing MRA...i am just downing this topic. it's stupid. plus, the title and voting descriptions needs to be rewritten so that the topic is better understood.now you go on your own little way now and allow others to have their opinions without you trying to say they shouldn't....you run in to me because you allow yourself to run in to me and direct your omments towards me......that's ok. you're not my only stalker here
  18. we are always being tested. by our creator....and by our own selves. if lies were an option, then let our creator lie to us as well. if choices can be limited, then let us limit other peoples choices while we still have the chance....by the lies we can tell..........
  19. well i know i am deep. flower is trying to grasp an issue that will be different for everyone. what is most important is what SHE thinks. hiding the truth....or expressing it. by hiding it, you save face for ones self and also save others from experiencing their own selfishness according to what love dictates to most. to hide it is to be fake and you also limit others in what the truth holds and what they have to offer before one dies.there are pros and cons....either way....it's about how one wants to live their life and be remembered....
  20. i think i would want to make up for time lost. making up for time lost is not as easy as it sounds though. most would create that "bucket list". which is ok. but to see the sites and experience places will never take the place of other things. usually, what people hold most dear is right in front of them so maybe it's also about changing ones self before they die. their outlook and what is most important. we go through life selfishly because there is always time to have that perfect life. wether someone is told they are not on a road to recovery or if they live to be 100. death is imminent. selfishness has no place in life or death. would i personally tell people if i were dying? yes. that's just me though because i am one to not hide any truth in any thing. by allowing the truth to be shared, we offer something to others. we offer the truth. is there anything more important? maybe if we feel there is.....selfishly....or maybe there is if we want to limit the choices of others in the truth. maybe there is if we feel we are protecting against the hurt or pain that one does not want to see in others in this lifetime. people die every day. we don't even know the people who die. but, if someone i loved were to tell me they were going to die, i would feel really really bad. i wouldn't even know where to start in talking to them. i do know that i am who i am and who i am never changes. i cannot offer them anything other than what they know about me. i would want to smother them. but that is selfish as they are telling me they have a limited life span. i think what's most important is that people refrain from being selfish, be themselves, and just reinforce the fact that you love them. i dunno. how does anyone handle "death". we live on past this life. this life holds meaning just like the past lives and just like the future lives. we don't really die. while we are here...wether we have a month or 20 years, we have to live our lives with no regret. no regret in what the consequences hold for us and no regreat in the consequences our choices dictate for others. no regret. if we can live in no regret, we have done everything we can before we die.....that is perfect.....for us....us being something different for everyone.
  21. don't get the generic ones. get the ones where if you smile, the can see some funky inscription or picture. that way, you can also take them out in public and smile intentionally just to get a reaction.....
  22. this is a common problem. i usually wait an hour and come back. it usually lets me log in then. just wait about an hour....
  23. ummmmm.....you know i wasn't serious about the midget thing, right? hmmmmmmmmmmm....... rapping is just a form of poetry. and poetry should have meaning. true meaning. deep meaning. if i were to give a suggestion, rap about the things about your girl that you know....that others don't have as easy of a time knowing about her. good qualities. her beauty....inside and out. you see things different than others. you feel things different than others. because you love 'r. so ask yourself why you love her. even think about the things you may not like and know that you love those things too because they are a part of her. what do you see when you are looking at her soul. what does she have to offer you or this world? the words need to come from you, though. she will know if they sound like you or if the words came from somewhere else and what you have done, will mean less....and i probably wont want to use the word midget.....seriously. women are self conscious enough. so if you do ever use that word, you better back it up with something truely amazing!
  24. yes.....i do.i used to live in northridge california. a place where normally, people don't really know eachother all that well. even the neighbors. it's part of los angeles. you can walk down the street, and as you walk by a stranger, say hi......as they bow their heads pretending not to hear you.during the northridge quake though, i was out and about and it was amazing how i had seen other people help eachother. i mean, people that needed help their own selves were lending hands to help others. it was quite an amazing experience. a disaster like that to bring out the best of people.what i have learned is that even though we rarely see the good in people, it's still there. it's as natural as being born. so yea, i think other countries would try to help....whether it was the government or the citizens. it doesn't look good on us when we deny help though because the it denies others to feel good that they could feel good by doing good.
  25. i 100% agree that putting an animal to sleep because it is taking up too much space is just cruel and immoral. problem is, there is an abundance of animals. this is partly do to the irrisponsibility of the owners not to fix their animals so they can't get pregnant. it is also do to the fact that there are people who make a living off breeding. there are many solutions including finding a good home for your pet and not consider putting your pet in a shelter.when these shelters get an animal, they charge an adotion fee. this includes some of their expenses. BUT! if nobody wants to pay the $50-$100 adoption fee, they wont consider letting the animal go to a good home for free. they will put it to sleep. although these shelters ARE providing a good service, they are also providing a disservice at the same time. each shelter is run independently from others. like sheepdog said, some make a killing. which is GOOD because it means they are finding homes for the animals. personally, i don't mind the ones making a killing because it means they are doing something right.i was never for more laws in this country, but i don't see how we can ever make the world safe for these animals unless individual states create laws to regulate animals and the breeding of animals. many thoughts come to my mind. too many just to list here, but there are ways we can limit the deaths of innocent animals that would make better pets for people who are seeking a pet to love and take care of.one negative aspect of controlling the pet population though, pets would become more expensive since there would be less of them and the same demand would still be there. it would possibly make it unaffordable to many people when a purebred goes for $1000 on average depending on the breed. even now, some people who would want a pet can't even afford a $100 adoption fee. this is why it makes me sick that shelters can't lower their prices before putting any animal to sleep!
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