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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. interesting you bring that up. about the $1 thing. this will be a little off topic but still an amazing story(at least to me). i was stuck in biloxi mississippi one year(also interestingly enough, 1 week before hurricane katrina hit). i was on the streets for a couple days. i met all sorts. i met this one guy. someone who was homeless and on the streets, drug user, pan handler, etc... anyway, i had money, but i was going to reserve it for emergency funds only so i just pretended not to have any money. we were on the beach and walked over to kfc. he told me to wait outside. he comes back with 5 chicken sandwiches and gives me two of them(he knew my situation). ok. i thought that was pretty cool. well, he offered me the 5th one(the last one) and obviously i refused it. he insisted. just looking at this guy, i knew he was hungry and hardly feeds himself....especially the way he demolished his first two sandwiches in record time. well, i just flat out refused and he flat out insisted. i gave in and we'll split it. i felt bad. i had money in my pocket and this dude was offering something to me that he needed more. anyway, story goes on. he helped me, and eventually, before i left, i helped him a lot too. i just thought it was amazing that he would give up the last sandwhich to someone else when he needed it the most. i do believe in karma and what goes around, comes around. i also believe you should never judge a book by it's cover. i've been around, met all sorts of people, this guy stand out in my top five interesting experiences with people due to nature of giving and what it means. not just to the person you are giving to, but to yourself to and what defines you as a human being. funny though. before i met this guy, i spent almost the first whole day under a shady tree on the strip by the beach and i still got the worst sunburn of my life. worked out to a good tan though i was under that tree with 3 bags, a pillow, and a comforter....homeless i eventually had to stash my stuff because of the deliquents that hang out at night over there. this guy knew where i stashed everything. he also knew other people living off the streets. he could have stolen my stuff or had other people steal it any time he wanted...sold it for drugs, food, or what not. never did. anyway....
  2. well i do agree with it somewhat, the idea in not worshiping any god or goddess and the idea about worshiping ones self is interesting when you understand the idea behind it. i don't believe in worshiping any gods the same way i don't believe in worshiping myself. i do believe that we are all connected though which is what they believe but take it further to believe that whatever power the gods have, they have in them as well so when they are worshiping themselves, they are indirectly worshoping the gods they believe in. i dunno. that's what i got out of it at least.i also don't worship myself because it would be wrong to put me above any god or any other person for that matter, but i do believe worshiping ones self can create a great strength and one can probably do great things with that strength. unfortunately, like you said, it's more of a selfish "religion"i think the their whole belief system is nasty as a whole, but i do believe in some of the things they say they believe....but only to a certain extent. i like to incorporate my personal beliefs with a little of everything so i just try to take the good out of a belief use it in my own belief system. funny about religions though, before i ever really researched any besides the one i grew up knowing, i already believed in what all the other religions had to offer on some level. i can never believe in any one though. most are just so commercialized and fake. and satanism which lead to the church of satan? they gained popularity the same way howard stern did...and if anyone ever watched his movie, then they know howard didn't believe half the crap he said haha
  3. very few high ranking members have spoken out publicly. some of their agendas are illegal. BUT, if you research enough and read between the lines, you can find some of their hidden agendas. i am not sure if this is true for fact, but rumor has it that charles manson belonged to the church of satan, richard ramirez(the night stalker) was a member, and the two brothers who killed their parents belonged to the church of satan. all from california. and incedentally lived very close to where i lived. although manson had a few camps all over, one of his main ones was really close to where i lived at the time. don't quote me on the membership though because i never found any evidence to make me 100% certain, but as certain as i could be to post it. i have researched as much as i can on this subject without trying to get fooled by people CLAIMING to be satinists or belong to the church of satan. just like this original poster. he never expressed his own views. he just copied and pasted something from wiki. i didn't read it but i bet it tells the supposed history and not anything substantial in what they really believe. anyone can claim to be a satanist......and i seriously doubt this guy is a member of the church of satan....but people have created many tributaries to the original belief. "You know the devil doesn't really like to be called "Satan". He real name is Lucifer. " nobody even mentioned the devil. and if your statement is true, then lucifer doesn't like to be called the devil either...
  4. basically, the church of satan teaches it's followers to worship ones own self instead of any "god".also, there is a huge misleading agenda that the founders followed to mislead their followers. they used trickery and deception. on the surface, the religion and beliefs don't seem so bad....but that is the surfacy crap to lure the innocent. there is a deeper belief, unwritten rules, and hidden agendas that some followers are still blind to, and most wont talk about it or they will lose the majority of their fellowship.i wouldn't believe ANYONE who believes in satanism or belongs to the church of satan. either they are too stupid to know any better, or they do know better and are in to things that are unimaginable.church of satin brought satanism to a new age. they publicly admit that they don't trust anyone who is not a member of the church of satan. which reinforces what i said earlier. they don't want their true beliefs known.anyway, whatever....i think the religion has something to offer, but for me....offers VERY little. also, there are people claiming to be satanists or belong to the church of satan. i just don't trust them either because their whole TRUE religion and it's members are hidden from the general public.
  5. hey they are both really gone! wow! actually, your new one ain't that bad... well, your wish is granted. nobody liked your wish so all you see from everyone is . you then get upset about your own wish and YOUR face is a constant . you feel so bad about wishes that affect people negatively that you decide to kill yourself. everyone's face then instantly turns to ...except yours. you're DEAD...in a box...still with that angry face..... I WISH it would warm up around here. it's been cold for too long!
  6. welp, the chat box was up for almost exactly 24 hours. i wish i could get in the head of opaque but it was actually nice to have a little excitement around here heheheh. anyway, for those who had it blocked, it is now gone...
  7. oh. i am willing to give opaque some time to adjust and fiddle around, but i am going to give my opinion too because i think that's important too i actually like the fact that opaque is open to thinking about new things around here to spice things up. keep in mind though, putting a chat up means a more fixed moderation system in place too excuse me. i heard a beep. i have to see who it is.....
  8. yea, i was there. it still amazes me how people can down something but stay so long. Xisto can't be all that bad....even for those who don't seem to like it haha but yea, on the shout box, there was rules being broken and even some of the mods have blocked it so the rules on trap wont be enforced. you can change your name and pretend to be someone you aren't. i don't like that feature. and then you get the whiners who spam over and over and over and over again and ruin the mood. i don't like it and it's more than just the blinking and the beeps for me as i was going to give that a chance to get used to.
  9. they DO exisit! and since you don't believe, you are sent to loompa land, an island off the coast of africa. they sing and dance for you 24/7. it makes it impopssible for you to sleep. a once cool wish turns in to a nightmare. you try to swim back to regular civilization and well....you don't make it.....sorry.... I WISH deadmads flashing avatar and the flashing chat box both disapeared forever. that are both annoying!
  10. yea, well, this thread had a purpose until certain people killed it and started posting off topic. were those the idiots we are talking about? or there are no idiots and that is why we shouldn't use the word? anyway, this thread just turned in to another boring religious debate among people what want to question religion. blah blah blah. people. people are going to die not knowing crap. i suggest people put their efforts to better use or just look like idiots not knowing anything.the topic starter was talking about how unfair religious people are. the last half of this thread was about how unfair non religious people are when they want to put their questionable beliefs on others. it's a joke. everything works both ways.....especially when the name calling starts
  11. ok. i officially don't like it. it was annoying before. now it's REALLY annoying. someone kept spamming it with a space and enter and all i kept hearing were beeping noises. the mute button doesn't work for me, so i had to turn down my own volume manually. THIS NEEDS TO BE TAKEN DOWN NOW. i said i probably wasn't going to block this thing, but i have quickly changed my mind if it doesn't get taken down by tomorrow because this thing is driving me crazy with this annoying user....
  12. paypal always sucked and they always cheated people. people used paypal because they were convenient. i laugh now when i hear so many complaints because i have been warning people about paypal FOREVER!
  13. well, i do like the idea of a shout box, i just don't like this thing on the side. it's annoying. i don't think i am gonna block it with any addon though. i wish it could just pop up in one window. i do like the fact that it caters to the guests. i think it needs some improvements because when i am opening different tabs, some of my messages in some of the tabs and some of them don't. i open up a new tab for each thread i want to read. so i am gettin' different chats evidently....anyway, something to get used to for the time being i guess. i think a chat box will draw in more visitors to become members too....
  14. you get your wish. you are the best at all the video games and you know it. problem is, every else knows it too. after rubbing in your skills, nobody competes with you. you don't have any friends, and you're left all alone in this world with your video games. you then decide to marry your video game character. I WISH someone can cook and clean for me
  15. i would agree with ya there except i would say love make SOME people irrational. love is an emotion. has to brains yet still, some people want to think from the heart. there is no rational thinking or smart choices when they act on their emotions. and yes, some people are addicted. they need the attention or companionship or whatever love gives them and so they go out searching for something that is probably doomed to fail....but after it does, they are on to their next victim. i say victim because maybe the other people want a serious relationship....while the one addicted, is just searching for love and to fullfill that empty space that they can't live with.
  16. your wish is granted, but only over your head, it rains deer crap, bear crap, elk crap, bird crap, and anything else that craps in the mountains. since you are in the mountains, there are no showers so you have to live with the stink(yea, i know what you meant, but i am good like that ) I WISH i could visit another planet with extraterestrial life
  17. well, you got your wish. the mods and admins never deleted the thread. unfortunately, in the meantime, someone wished that you were dead....and you died i wish zagubadu was dead (this is just for fun, right?)
  18. ok. since when is school a hobby. sure it's something you do, but a hobby? and your girlfriend is a hobby? well.....don't tell HER that haha. the card tricks/poker hobby of yours sounds pretty cool. i LOVE poker myself. pretty good at it. what's funny is that you put card tricks and poker together. you don't cheat at poker using card tricks do you? :D so what kind of investing do you do? i like hearing about how other people invest their money. it's always been an interest of mine.
  19. this is off topic but i will answer your question. people always have to read women's minds. they rarely state the true and direct meaning to anything. so not only do you have to read between the lines, but try to read their minds it was semi sarcastic and semi true.....but mainly, i was joking heheh
  20. yea, this is a new thing that paypal is enforcing for whatever reason. i am assuming you are from india. so what they say is true. they aren't allowing any personal payments to or from india. their instructions seem quite clear if it was for a purchase for goods or services... what is not clear about that? since you were the seller, you need to contact the buyer in canada so he can send the payment the RIGHT way. he is not doing it the right way.
  21. my gosh. i see so many lies in this thread and the theories are spreading like wild fire. and even those most of the theories and predictions are coming from western civilization(just like the y2k bug), mayans are getting the credit. the ONLY fact is, is that the mayan calender will be reset to 0. they never phrophisized about any meaning behind it as time and the calender will continue on after it reaches 0. i think there is some discrepency in interpreting the calander as well, but the two dates where the mayan calender resets to 0 according to the experts is december 21st or the 23rd in the year 2012.what is strange though is that other older tribal cultures think that something will happen in the year 2012. from what i am getting from what i have researched first hand is that there are many theories, predictions and ideas, but the main one is that the physical world will meet with the spiritual world. this didn't come from the mayans however as the mayans never predicted anything to do with the year 2012.so seeing as this is the strongest consensus by others that the physical world will meet with the spiritual one, one can draw many conclusions. is it the end of the world? is it the end of the world as we know it? a new beginning to life where there has to be death in order for there to be life? to fully understand this prediction is to first understand fully the physical world and to fully understand the spiritual world. some say it has to do with the 13 crystal skulls.i have my own theory. my own theory is that people will continue on the way life has been leading them in the year 2012 and many years to follow. i think over time, we will find more answers and more truths and that 2012 is going to have it's own uniqueness just like any other year. but it wont be the end of the world and it wont be a year where it's the end of the world as we "know" it to be.you know, the mayans created their calender. it started with 0's. it will start again with 0's. life will go on just like it did when it started with 0's when they created it. again, the theories, predictions, and ideas are NOT COMING FROM THE MAYANS. people have looked at their calender, wondered why it is ending, and have come up with many irrational explainations that have NOTHING to do with the mayan calendar or their culture!whoever first started posting about all the b.s. is probably sitting in a chair and laughing at all the foolish people....and laughing even harder at the follish people who continue to predict or create other irrational ideas in what is going to happen late 2012.instead of feeding in to all the b.s. floating around, why don't some of you pick up a book or do your own research on the subject. i am sure it will ease your mind if you really felt the need to feed in to the b.s. that the world is coming to and end.
  22. well i have had a lot of embarrassing moments in my life. mainly because i am usually quiet and reserved and my friends, they are mostly outgoing and nutty and i hate any attention focused on me. at the same time, i will push myself to do things i normally wouldn't and make a complete donkey of myself.nothing really stands out as most embarrassing though. let me see if i can name a couple....there was one time when i was taking a security and law enforcement course. part of our training was learning martial arts. so we were doing some high kicks and i was doing pretty good. i am pretty tall as it is(6'4) and could kick pretty high. well, when doing one of the front kicks, i tried to kick so high, the other foot came off the ground, and my momentum landed me flat on the back with everyone watching and laughing.after completing that course and doing nothing with it, i decided to continue my training and opted to start with taekwondo first. it was my first day, got dressed, came out in the front where we were to be taught. well, i was in my late 20's, and i enter this room with a bunch of 13 year olds twice as small as me. then i noticed a few parents who were sitting in on the class to watch their kids. that was pretty embarrassing. a bunch of kids, and one giant....especially embarrassing when it was time to spar....well those are a couple related embarrassing moments....i have many. i'm an idiot
  23. you sound like a woman. you said it was a new website and it isn't. it's 4 years old. you forget that people need to read your mind and know that it isn't a new website after you said it was? haha haha that's funny to me. well your website looks fine. there would be things i would probably change about it but it wouldn't be the look of the site so much but on the business aspect. but as far as the look, one suggestion is to advertise the free templates more freely. it will attract more traffic and it will allow your visitors to stay longer on your website. when that happens, you have a better potential of making a sale off the paid templates. also, the more visitors and the longer they stay will also create more word of mouth advertising. so off the top of my head, THAT is what i would change first.
  24. well, normally, people know why they love and they know what they love about certain things and people. it's good that you accept the good with the bad with this person. what i am confused on is why you don't know why you love her. i mean, if that is the case and you don't really need a reason to love, you love everyone and everything equally? if not, what makes the things you love or hate unequal? your girl wanted to know answers and you couldn't tell her why you love her because you don't need a reason. well. most women do they want to know why you love them and they want to hear the answers to those questions all the time. not just once. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i believe that so i do believe that love is undefinable as a whole since different people will see different things. but we still SEE don't we? you see....you love her for a REASON because you see her as she is. and what is that? i mean come on....you don't love her because she's a murderer or a theif or worships the devil. would you follow her religion if she worshiped satan? would you love her the same if she wasn't your friend? everything about her is defined by you in what you see in her and what you want from her....something she has that she gives you that is GOOD because lets face it bud, if she was everything bad and hurtfull, you wouldn't feel the same way. so yea, don't play games with me like you did her and try to focus on why you love her. "i don't know" or avoiding the question is never a good answer. no no no. there ARE reasons why you love her. appearance may not mean much to you, but your not going to love a dog the same way, are you? so appearance DOES mean something. you also have to consider your friendship here too because after getting up the courage to tell her how you feel, may end the friendship and if you find out you two can't be together in the future and love eachother, then you might just wind up with nothing. BUT! i do admire your courage because you shouldn't live in regret and wonder who life coulda been when you didn't tell her how you feel and should have. it leaves me troubled that she walked away from you at the park. iam really curious why she told her parents about your conversation. she also probably already knew about the religion difference and what her parents might think about it so telling the parents wouldn't have been a wise choice right now. something else is going on that i don't know....but yea, be truthfull and open, i just wouldn't push things too hard after that. the ball will be in HER court after knowing how you feel AND WHY. also, i meant no disrespect towards your grandmother. i just know that going from athiest to christianity is just not possible. you don't just switch beliefs in a snap of a finger because you love someone. that's where the lie comes in and it's NOT the way to live a life making people believe in something that isn't true. sacrifice is good though in any relationship but you can never sacrifice your own belief, faith, or religion. your grandmother pretends to be christian but is really still an athiest. you said it. i didn't.
  25. what?!? you are going to change your religion and beliefs for someone else? that just doesn't make sense at all! and your granny? they both probably had an understanding or she just lied about it her whole life? that's wrong too.so far, it's been YOU who was open and YOU who said you loved her. not the other way around. my first question was going to be "where are you from" because that kinda matters too in beliefs and cultures. not to say it's right or wrong in any belief or culture. if you like it, stay. if you don't, leave. you're 17 though. how old is SHE?aside from this religious b.s., i will give you some good advice here. it has to do when you two were at the park. you don't hear anyone else telling you to love this girl. you're telling yourself and you FAILED to tell her why you loved her. if i was a girl, i woulda felt rejected or offended and think you weren't really deeply serious in your feelings. my advice to you is to write her a note on paper and give it to her. being put on the spot with questions and why you love her could be awkward. writing it, you have the ability to make the time to state your true feelings and why you feel a certain way. is it her looks? her laugh? her friendship? her loyalty? companionship? the way she thinks or maybe the way she makes YOU think? put it in a letter and be a little romantic without straying from being truthfull. if she makes you nervous, tell her. tell her why. if you feel you want to put her ahead of any belief you have, tell her how much she means to you.put some thought and time in this letter. speak from the heart. i know sometimes it's hard to find the words, but if she means that much to you, then i am sure you WILL find the words. she wants to hear something more than what you had to say at the park when you two are alone.for now though, you have no choice but to respect her parents decisions in how they want to raise their child. i wouldn't come inbetween families right now. not only would that be disrespectfull, but it will serve very little purpose in being persistant and annoying. work on the situation slowly. try to salvage your friendship AT LEAST so things aren't a complete loss by just stating you loved someone. that is not a crime and nobody should be punished in how they feel.i wouldn't be considering running away with her at this point. you both are still young and naive. you just told her you loved her. this is not a fairytale where the next step is to save her from her family and ride off in the sunset. it wont happen like that and futures need planning and goals. so i would keep it cool. offer respect to her family, but also try to find a way to write a letter and follow your heart.if she responds negatively after you have opened your heart in a letter, then you need to respect her beliefs as well as most people aren't readily able to give up ones strong beliefs or religion just for 1 person....like you. or maybe it's that you don't really hold a strong conviction in your beliefs where you are able to toss them aside.
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