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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. well i like simple because it makes things easier to understand and read. nothing has to be too complex so i like that idea in keeping it simple.i would have suggested to make the changes already in your head and then posting your site for review because if you already had certain ideas, then it's just wasting peoples time in commenting on them or taking the time to review your site.i have more suggestions, but will wait in what transpires in the changes first. but i would really highly suggest changing the domain name and using your current one as a parked domain. there is a really good website called "justdropped" which allows you to search for expired domains that are available. you can pick up a good domain with backlinks, a domain that already has history, and if you combine that with the google adwords keyword tool to check the keyword popularity of your domain, you can not only pick up a good domain, but one that already has traffic coming to it. with a little seo, you can even probably get in the top with your domain keywords. i only suggest doing this because you WILL be competing with a lot of other established hosting companies so even if you pick up a domain that is already getting 100 visitors a month, that's 100 visitors you would never have had before....you really have to think about seo when choosing a site name. also you have to consider a good 2-3 keyword phrase in your domain to make seo a little easier for a very competitive market.so when you're done making changes, bump this thread and i will make sure to review it again if you want an honest opinion.
  2. i think a new theme is in order. no half *a*s*s one either. this has been a topic that has surfaced for a while and now i think it's very appropriate to change the theme.i also agree that we need a better logo. one to match the new name and new theme(if you are even considering a new theme)this guide to host on the main page has to go. let it be a seperate entity. it's on a different domain and it will confuse new users right from the start and i for one am getting tired of new users getting confused.create a STEP BY STEP, easy to follow and do guide for new users. so there is no confusion how mycents works and how they are able to get a free domain and free hosting for post to host websites. put THAT on your front page in the forum part of the site.also, for every new user who signs up, i would like a responder set up so an email gets sent to them directly to their email with a link to the new guide and the rules etc....so all we have to do to help a new user is to refer them back to the email that was sent them rather than explain in the shoutbox and hear the confusion in the forums. sure, there will probably be confusion for those who haven't read their email, but at least we can refer them back to their email and reduce the unnecessary topics.i have a lot of suggestions, but these are my suggestions for now for an eye catching forum and to help the new users more so they are less confused which would hopefully make new users more active. i think the ones i have suggested are the most important in my opinion....while just waking up, mind ya....so i may have left out one or two important ones that need attention right away...p.s. - i would have waited to put up your main site when all the links were pointing to relevant stuff. right now, there are links pointing to nothing. so since you couldn't wait to put up your main pages, i would fix the irrelevant pages asap because that may turn off new users who don't know that trap is going through a transition phase.
  3. it's a good basic site ash, but you are competing with a lot of web hosting businesses and yours just doesn't stand out.there are a lot of problems i see with it that some people mentioned. i think i visited every link you have on the site. i even went to your billing area.so let me just make a couple suggestions at a time. first, i would indicate what people are actually getting with their hosting other than cpanel and "100% uptime" which we all know is a lie right from the start. other webhosting companies actually list what the webhosting offers. even if it's standard stuff, it's good to list. people aren't going to buy if they don't know what they are getting.it would be better if you offered domains on your site. i am not too familiar with how exactly domain registration works, but i am sure there is an option to where someone can register a domain with your site even if you are not the registrar.i absolutely hate the about page where it states you and your staff have a decade of experience. try to be honest but a little more professional at the same time. maybe list what your experiences are?that's it for now....there is much much more suggestions in my head including trying to think of something that you can offer that would seperate you from other webhosting companies. the low price right now doesn't cut it because people are still under the impression "you get what you pay for"let me ask you something. you advertise 24/7 support and you also advertise a refund policy. if i were to sign up and i don't get immediate support for any questions or problems, you would refund me?also, i might want to suggest offering a sub domain for free even if it includes an ad on their free site. let people know what they are getting before they pay for a domain which is hosted on your site.i also really don't like your site name. for a .net address, i think you could have come up with a better name. that name just doesn't seem like it took too much thought.like i said, it's a good basic site....but that's all it is. it doesn't stand out. you need to revamp part of it to look more professional and intriguing. it is cheap. that is one thing going for it but only dummies will fork over money for the hosting when they don't even know what they are getting. even the hosting plans could be improved on and given some more thought. it is a good start, but i think you have a while to go when you are competing with the thousands of other hosting companies....
  4. wouldn't it be just as hard to imagine a chicken that came in to existance from nowhere? i am not really following your logic. and if the chicken came first, was it actually a "chicken" when they laid their first egg? yes, this has already been discussed here. and when i am drunk enough, sometimes i will comment on the 3rd grade questions..... your answer is simple though. if talking about 1 chicken or 1 egg, then the chicken came first because an egg would actually have to be fertilized which if the egg WAS fertilized, then it infers there was more than just an egg that "came out of nowhere" where if it does hatch, there may be more eggs, but no more chickens.
  5. how about a rep system where we can give negative rep points? i think you have suggested this idea 2 times in the past, ash. do you think this would be the first time someone actually heard ya? but under the new names "new sutra" and "Xisto", i do think some things need to change to fit the name. but when you go to those sites, change has already occured so it's just the "forum" you are talking about. i think we all have to be patient and see what opaque has in mind. personally, i like the changes and opaque is taking a big risk here changing things in an already successful forum. i say give it some time and see what happens before we start suggesting things like a rep system for the second time when that has already been talked about. i am neither for one or against a rep system right now. i AM interested in knowing if there will be a theme change to fit the name and how we can transform this place to a place where people come to find the answers they need and continuing to give something back by still offering free webhosting services.
  6. let's face it...there is very little justice that can be given to satisfy any victim. if it was up to the victim, the victim wouldn't be a victim. putting someone to death or chopping off hands or a life sentence doesn't help the victim or give the victim any sort of "justice" because the victim can't go back in time and will remain a "victim" the rest of their lives. the only good thing that may come about being a victim is learning ways to prevent being one in the future. sure, they may get a little satisfaction off the punishment given to their assailant, if someone is put to death or a public lashing, or a life sentence, or even a 20 month sentence. but that is from an emotional standpoint for revenge. not from a justice standpoint so we DO have to talk about rehabilitating someone or at least giving someone something to think about so he or shee will second guess making someone a victim in the future. but then we have to talk about what prisons and jails do to rehabilitate other than having a lot of time to "think". and the thinks that happen in prisons and jails that actually have a reverse affect on people so when they get out, they are worse off than before to rehabilitate.but again, there are not enough facts in this case to even form an opinion. we don't even know what the guy did to even have it considered "rape". so what is justice in this instance when we don't even know the facts? we hear "rape" and society is so controlled that they automatically jump to conclusions. at the same time, they DO put people to death in certain countries just for drinking and driving. is that justice? are people not allowed to make mistakes? or is it fine if people make little mistake and not big ones? is there a difference between right and wrong? so yea, in my opinion, punishment should fit the crime and punishments will never be perfect because it will always be in the eye of the beholder in how bad a crime really is.
  7. anwiii


    i suggest you read the other threads that can explain it. this topic has been written about many times. in short, there is no set rule to know exactly how much mycents you will earn per post. only opaque knows the calculations and how mycents are determined per post.
  8. your logic doesn't make sense at all. in fact, it's contradictory. in the beginning of your post, you intimated the punishment has to fit the crime so the punishment should be different depending on the crime. then you go on to intimate that the victim should choose the punishment? although i agree with you in the first part of what you said, i disagree completely in your last point you tried to make. just because a victim knows what would satisfy them as a punishment does not and will not EVER mean a punishment is just because a punishment is not just to serve a victim. in fact, in most cases, punishments usually never serve the victim. unfortumately, in this case, if the guy was in fact guilty, nothing can ever take away the rape or the innocence of a child and this one instance just like anything else will probably affect her the rest of her life. i mean, if justice is supposed to be so strict, and we take a life because a child said that should be the punishment, might as well punish the parents for bringing a child in to such a cruel world. and where were the parents to protect her? 16? where were they? they should be responsible too. give them death too because justice should be served under an insecure and unstable childs mind? you know how ridiculous that sounds? kids hate their parents all the time. a lot of them would make up stories just to not ever see them again not knowing the real consequences until it's too late.anyway, you really did just totally contradict yourself. that's scarey because it's sorta my point in not putting other peoples lives in the hands of a victim when the logic from a bystander can't even be strong enough not to contradict.
  9. we already have a whole category on Xisto dedicated for posts like that. it's the same category you posted in. so your thread is just redundant and unneeded. when people can actually create their own topic and make sure more exposure is given to their personal needs and opinions.
  10. isn't that the company who was giving away top level domain name for free for a year a couple years ago?
  11. i disagree. i thought the same way you did at first...."dot dot"??? but it's just a play on words and the domain is actually very easy to remember. if you just read the words, they speak for themselves. a very good domain which actually already had some search traffic attactched to it when he bought it which makes it one of the better .com domains you can snatch up without going the expired route with an auction of some kind.
  12. anwiii


    i don't think people can give you the answer as to why. maybe you know. you ask why are people religious. i ask why people have near death experiences and turn to the bible. some people will say you got lucky and from a surfacy standpoint, you did get lucky. i also believe that maybe you were meant to experience it. i think there are hidden messages in everything and for the most part, there are explainable reasons. but to answer your questions about why you are still alive could only come from you. life is more complicated than to sum it up in one incident where you should have died or just lucky to be aliveso if you like livin', at least know, it just wasn't your time yet. ws it god? was it your will to live? is it just one of those freakish accidents that has no meaning? hope you find your answers....
  13. well, i like bbq and if it was my birthday, it would be fun to bbq. also, you may be a great sandwhich maker, but birthdays are supposed to be special so maybe his favorite food, and then make really small bite sized sandwhiches as part of your snacks? i don't think there is a rule you can't do both i still think bbq at a park....but that's my personal preference from a guy's standpoint. i also like to bbq so it's fun even on my birthday to do it. i mean, if you buy him a party hat and make him wear it, it would make for some great pictures with him and his party hat over the grill sorry. i am stuck on a park bbq haha.i know you don't want him to do anything on his birthday, but bbq is not work really if he likes to do it. also, what is he supposed to do. sit on the bench or lay in the grass doing absolutely nothing? :Pbut i do really want to stress again that you have to make sure the weather conditions are good. i have known people who planned events outfoors in the past and plans got ruined so one way to plan is to come up with a backup plan in case the weather is not so good.
  14. that's usefull, but i think an easier way for users who have it, is just to use hot link protection directly through their cpanel and set it up that way. Xisto - Web Hosting offers this feature in cpanel. i don't know about other hosting companies that don't use cpanel...
  15. i really love the new layout. right now, i can't really say i have an opinion on it.....for once haha. it looks good. there is something missing though and i don't know what it is. i like the grey/blue. i am thinking it has something to do with adding more color.....but i don't know where.but hey, good job, bud! i really like it
  16. yea, my words that have been used may not be good for new users to hear if they are debating if this is a good place or not. but it's better to acknowledge the problems than ignore them. i will always take that stand. as far as slandering mods and admins. i did no such thing nor is it borderline. accusing as a group? yup. slandering? nope. it can't be slander if it's true.really, i am no dummy. i have two eyes. i can also compare how things are run today compared to 2 years ago. when i do this, trap was run more efficiently. that is a FACT and i will debate you all day on it. i include you just like i include opa and all the moderators. i place you all in the same group as you all took on a responsibility. what i have noticed is that things have become a little lazy. mods don't log on as much as they used to, there is very little communication between eachother to actually make sure this forum is run as efficiently as before. i am not singling out any mods or admins, but i talk about them as a group. i don't know exactly where the problem lies within this moderation team, but there is a problem to think about.you don't see what i see? you don't see how in some ways the forum has become more lax? this is why i talked about a little more strictness. i know exactly how many times i hit the report button. i know exactly how many times one user can spam this whole place. i know exactly when the SB has been spammed. i also know how long it takes sometimes for a moderator or admin to catch it.maybe i have too high of standards for trap. maybe i care too much. maybe i am just imagining things. you think? i do care about this place. maybe it doesn't seem like it but when pm's are broken for 2 weeks, posting stuff is the only way to discuss something. also, i sent a pm to an admin recently before the pm's were broken and it wasn't even acknowledged so maybe voicing things publically is the only way right nowwe are in a transition with this new site newsutra, and i really think it's important that things run as smoothly as possible right from the start.i just want to make one things clear though. i haven't directed my postings to anyone in particular or singling anyone out. i know the help here is volunteer. so if it's the best these people can do, then maybe other things need to be considered so trap runs more smoothly. even mods and you talking to opaque every day or every other day just to update him on what is going on so issues can be addressed. i don't know. all i know is that it should be a group effort.
  17. actually, EXACTLY. that would perform the same thing i was talking about. and i think you were the only one who got it. so then either way should be implimented so if it's done with your suggestion, i would suggest under the directions of how to set up a kontera account, this might be suggested in there with the account id. i would definately be one to do this because. i absolutely hate wasted money like a vengence. but there are people who use kontera on other sites who can in fact get paid off in a year. this wouldn't be for them....but it would for the majority of users also, with my research, i know that kontera is open to negotiations if it's a website with high traffic. they don't want to lose the business so they are willing to pay more. in some cases, double what they are paying now. like i said before $2 for almost 5,000 impressions is ridiculously low. i am wondering what other people are being paid through trap only on impression(their cpm)
  18. that is odd for that folder. i know i had problems deleting folders before, but it usually had to do with cache files that i didn't create so i wasn't the owner. if you have any of those file in there for some reason(i don't know why you would), you would have to write a support ticket to have the folder deleted since you may not own the files. otherwise, if you are going to install wp again and use the same folder, you might just try overwriting and see if that might work? also, sometimes when i can't delete a folder, i delete all files in the folder first, and then sometimes that allows me to delete the folder.
  19. if trap is using kontera ads on their forums, they have two choices. to share revenue or not share revenue. my suggestion is to NOT share revenue. that doesn't effect anyone at all who is using kontera for other sites and has no effect on anything being hacked so i don't know exactly what you were talking about or maybe you are misreading what i was trying to say. if trap chooses not to share revenue, instead of money not being paid out, it WOULD get paid out very quickly. istead of in the members hands though, it would be in the hands of trap and can use that money more effectively rather than non effectively in other members accounts where it's nearly impossible for a payout. it's pretty much commen sense. the only plus side i can see is from a non money persepctive in getting people to post more, but in fact, people aren't even posting more so there isn't a plus side for revenue sharing right now.
  20. thanks for the new link. i am not a big fan of transaltions because words can easily be lost in a translation. and this translation is a real disappointment in my opinion. the article just tell about a so-called rape and how the sentence was so small. it doesn't even cover the facts or why the sentence was so small. i am not one to comment or jump to conclusions when i don't have the facts and the article listed no facts to a "rape". it did mention that there was penetration but that doesn't constitute rape. sorry, i will need more information than that to even have an opinion. i don't agree that if there is a rape, a victim decides wether someone lives or dies. a victim can never be as objective as a third party like a judge or jury. also, with any act, there is a certain degree that differs from case to case to better define what really happened rather than use 1 word to describe the whole situation, like "rape". for example, if i were to say i killed a man, i would surely deserve to die since killing a human being is worse than raping one, right? but in my circumstance, i was defending myself. if i did nothing to defend myself, i would have surely been killed my own self. so in my case, i may have killed someone, but i didn't murder them. it's really easy for people to be blinded by an article like this. especially when no facts are in the article to even justify a rational opinion. at one point in my life, i was all in favor of the death penalty. even for situations like rape or dealing drugs to children. now though, i have changed my thinking because when we can easily put someone to death in certain situations, it means more innocent people who are wrongly convicted will be put to death as well because it's a fact that innocent people ARE wrongly convicted all the time. so at lest here in the united states when we hear "innocent until PROVEN guilty", that is such a lie. it's just pretty words to sugar coat a faulty justice system because we have already proven hear in the united states that innocent people do get judged and convicted wrongly where there was no PROOF. then again, guilty people get off all the time too whether there is no punishment or justice handed down, or the punishment doesn't even come close to fitting the crime. that article seems biased to me and that picture looked planned to me. if there are any other articles that can state and why the punishment was so low, i would be itnerested in reading them. otherwise, i can't really take this article or picture too seriously and assume maybe it wasn't a traditional rape case with obvious assumptions attatched which would justify a lower sentence.
  21. well i was interested in going to that article to find out why the sentence was so low. there had to be a reason. anyway, i clicked on the link and quickly found out i couldn't read any of it because it wasn't even in english. that really pisses me off when someone would post something in english and link to something that isn't. what the @#$%
  22. no. you don't write it for social sites or even your blog or website. you write the articles so you can submit them to article directories. people like to use these directories to search for usefull information. they also like to use some of the articles for their own website or blog with the owners permission. with your article, you can post a couple links to your website and information about yourself(the author) at the bottom of the article. article directories usually get higher priority than your own website or blog so your articles can be found easier in the search engines. they are a great way to get yourself known AND your website or blog or whatever you are promoting.
  23. you actually missed my whole point. i wasn't i don;'t even really care if they hold on to your earnings longer than 6 months. the fact is, it would take an average user 4 years just to get to that $100. in the meantime, you have all these users with money in their accounts doing absolutely nothing. it's just sitting there when it could benefit trap. i don't know about you, bu i am not that desperate for $100 in 5 years and if trap didn't share the earnings, then they would get all the money within a months time rather than have to wait 4-5 years. now are you seeing my point? money will not be sitting around or be wasted. it can be used right away. i gaurantee you people have not thought this through and this suggestion is a pretty good one since considering some users float in and out, they will never even get to the $100 in their lifetime.....that means there's money in peoples accounts that will NEVER be used. trap could earn $1000's more when users may cash out for $1000 max. my post wasn't about complaining about kontera and their payouts. it was more about trap and effeciently using money NOW that will just go to waste or sitting around for 4-5 years in a members account. and sorry, kontera SUCKS. anyone who is planning on using them for their own website, DON'T. i have about 4,500 impressions just on trap. i opened the account in january which means i got these impressions in about 4 months time. how much is my earnings? less than $2. i know everyone's account will differ. i don't talk too much in the high value keyword topics, but i do know i have been in the top 5 in posting in the last 4 months. so for me personally, let's say i earn 2 dollars every 4 months. that means it will be 16 years before i get to cash out :angel: and this is from a top poster something is wrong with either the system or kontera or both. either way, i would rather see trap get the money than have people sitting around for 5 years(a VERY conservative figure that i have just proved) waiting for that all mighty benjamin who's value will be twice as less if in fact this member has to wait that whole 15 or so years like me so THIS is exactly why i posted my suggestion. this topic has NOT been talked about before like you had stated so please try to understand why i posted this suggestion. it was a suggestion. not a complaint.
  24. i yelled at other members? huh?!? yea, trap caters to little children i will bet my last penny on it. if your not a child and i called you one, i will be sure not to mention your name next time. i didn't think i did, but it seem you would know... winkin' right back at ya!
  25. well if no bbq, then i would make sure you either buy or cook his favorite food. i can't imagine sandwiches being it. :angel:
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