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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. well just because your professor said something like that doesn't mean he's racist. just means he isn't taking all facts in and weighing them. BUT do you really need all facts for something he said that should have been taken as a general statement? there should be a leeway of assuption based on the obvious. the obvious being that children raised speaking the english language will speak it better and write it better and understand it better than children not raised with english being their primary language. i have many asian(mainly korean and filipino) friends as well as hispanic. i've also met alot of people working at the mcdonalds and taco bell who are majority non american etc.... sorry, but from my experience in dealing with non natice english speakers, 2% speak, write and understand the english language to compete with those who were born studing the english language. english written tests ARE harder for those who weren't raised native english speakers. now this is just a fact bud and anyone who refers to something like that is not a racist. i remember my foreign friends(some who were even born in the states) had to work harder and carry a dictionary with them everywhere. here's a test for ya. go to a mcdonalds or taco bell(comon almost anywhere) and order food once a week from there. at the end of the year do your tally in the tabs you kept. what are you keeping track of? you keep track of how many times your order was screwed up by some idiot....and you keep track if they were native born english speakers. then come back to me and post your results....but please note that when you come back and post about it you may find a little racist in you from the idea of what you consider a racist to be. now my opinion on you is(and since you judged your professor, i feel the same can be done for you) that you are guilty of the same crime your professor is in that you don't weigh all the facts before drawing a conclusion. it was good you didn't raise your hand because you would have been embarrassed after hearing a response to your statement.
  2. you sure are an extremist when you refer to 1 book that we are all supposed to believe in. and you consider me naive and close minded? i beg to differ when i will never refer to 1 book to dictate any strong belief. but rather do my own investigating or take in and read many books on the history. i believe i know american history alot better than you as i AM an american and is required in all schools to be taught until your 2nd year of college. you talk down on our government but your government REQUIRES you to learn the english language at a very early age. you can't keep your women in your own country because they know an american man can take better care of them and to top it off, you take your fertile eggs from your chickens and bury them in your back yard as an incubator only to break the egg open so you can eat an under developed fetus(forget about the dog for now). we americans.....we prefer steak and shrimp....or we were refering to an egg so you may not know this term....BACON AND EGGS if i am so naive, i wouldn't know the little tidbits that is rarely talked about in YOUR country....forget about electing a dictator for a president who tried to hide his assets and hide in the united states. why is that? you don't even know me brotha, so before calling me naive, i suggest you do your own research before you talk about people you don't know.....now THAT is naive and ignorance in it's purest form. talk about the pot calling the kettle black i have NEVER met a filipino like you EVER that has so much disrespect for a country that has effectively helped you out of your situation during the war you continually refer to. you read a book....BRAVO! i am proud of you. read another book and continue your education. you might learn something. all the filipinos/filipinas that i have met are very respectfull with good tradition and family values. i have to give your country and people that much. they do hold on to a very good tradition and culture that americans have seem to have lost somewhere. and if you know our american history, i ask you to refer to the last couple lines of the gettysburg address when you start telling me you were talking about the government and NOT the people. see, we don't elect a king or queen and we sure as heck don't elect dictators. we elect a presedent that is controlled by the "checks and balances" we set for our government so not one section of our government has complete power and is subject to responsibility through the "checks and balances". so in fact, you have no idea how the united states is run. you may have learned english, but you are FAR from knowing the foundation of history that makes up this country YOU people call the free world and the land of opportunity. we continue to offer you visas and support illegal immigration by your people and other countries like mexico governments may not be perfect, but there is no way i can sit back and listen to your b.s. in how knowledgable you are in our history when you haven't even touched on the most important part of our history but want to label our government after wwii and how our governement is so bad because of that war and how it affected you. you probably weren't even born yet and you can talk about it huh? yea....you're knowledgable alright(gag)
  3. just ban the ip or sourounding ip if it's using that much bandwidth. forget about the hows or whys. i wouldn't be concerned since in the meantime he can be using up another 25%. now there are two possibilites that come to my mind. you either havea lot of pictures or games or something that uses a lot of bandwidth and he's a legitimate user who likes your site, OR you may have an enemy you pissed off who knows your web address and is using up your bandwidth intentionally to block your visitors eventually. so be weary of that. i've never done it but thought about it i did spam email accounts to fill 'm up where they weren't able to recieve further emails until they had to delete them 1 by 1 in my older more imature days..... but seriously, i would ban the ip until you can figure out how to control your bandwidth and monitor your visitors more effectively. i believe you can ban ip's through the htaccess hidden file that trap allows you to modify(sob web hosts don't) or there may be something in cpanel to ban ip's. in any case, i've never had to do this but i'm sure it's something simple if your site uses alot of bandwidth and is a popular site, i would suggest setting up a system where your users have to fill out a form before they can access certain directories where your bandwidth might be at risk and have their ip and email address saved on record tor refer back to it if you ever have problems in the future. i dunno. use your imagination. you will come up with something good deal. i didn't read your post before i posted. that is definately a possibility. especially if it's a relatively new site(don't know if it is or not) because i heard the same thing you just stated about search engines using a little more bandwidth(for some reason that i don't know why) but if the site was submitted to tons of search engines using a script or software then i acan also see that being a problem as well. but he said it was coming from one ip hmmm i do know in cpanel, i believe it's called webalizer, it will show if it was a spider from google or msn, etc....don't quote me. i could be mistaken.
  4. haha i had to think twice on that one. i thought i may have forgotten my basic math from 30 years ago....WHEW....anyway, 666 is definately not a prime number. nor is any even # a prime # since they are all automatically divisable by 2 maybe he thought the # 666 was cool to post about and just wanted to increase his credits for webhosting. i am very curious where he got this information from.....
  5. i signed up to recieve an invitation about 3 weeks ago. nothing so far so i will keep waiting. Xisto i believe uses this service. would be nice to hear from 'm to see how this service has worked for them
  6. there are some VERY recent threads on this subject. i suggest you read them and do your research don't ever base your site on how much money you can make with adsense. i know people have done this before to make money and lots of it but in the long run it wont last. build the site you want and then if you want adsense, add it and it will conform to your sites content automatically with the populated keywords within your site google will ban ya if they ever find out you built your site just to make money off adsense
  7. script is very unique there but i am very weary of it and when i have the time i will need to investigate this further to see what it was actually made for and why it needs to be routed....could be to display ads eventually....who knows. hope everything is on the up and up. i'm weary only because ALL chat is being routed and can be saved and used unethically so people need to be aware of this before saying anything stupid in the chat box that can hurt you later...personal info, passwords, etc. there are so many scams out there so i have to at least post about this as a possibility....
  8. interesting. i went to the site. wonder if they could make something that doesn't look like a bus. it's good to know though that the gas station attendants wont be out of business selling air for 2 dollars but then i believe they will need to sell more chips and slim jims soooooooooooo this go cart idea wasn't as far fetched as people thought i see....
  9. a little advice to the extremists....continue to live oversees to talk about a government you will never know the benefits of. now do you want to satrt talking about that or maybe i can just give you a dollar to make your monthly house payment and be a little more open minded btw- never trust a country either that prides themselves on eating dog oh, and if your country is so great over there, why are all your women trying to deport themselves to the u.s.? now don't be flying off the wall anymore just because your grandfather was an american and you will never know the benefits of being one. don't be bitter
  10. good, nip this crap in the bud, but also know where his own behavior might come from. he likes to control the situation. he's probably good at it. sometimes people have an addiction to always having that control and cannot live without it. this is very dangerous when you plan on taking that control away. your neighbor who told this guy that your parents are never home. HOW STUPID! only gives this guy more reason to stalk which is exaclt what it sounds like he was doing. and hey....not a crime to allow your friends in the house from time to time
  11. hey bud, i hear ya. not easy especially when you've been rejected in the past. who the heck wants that?!? but see, life is a risk and if you don't take the necessary risks, you're really not living at all and your life will just be plain boring.first, you need to be secure with who you so if girls aren't interested, you still know who you are and happy with who you are and can shrug off what you would normally consider a rejection. now i was a shy guy. still am, but i learned to overcome when needed. as far as girls, i never approached them. lonely at times because i wanted the companionship sometimes but i always believed what is meant to be is meant to be. i was born shy and i am still shy. that's me. i wasn't meant to be approaching all these people and if it was meant to be it would come in a more natural form. a common interest or her approaching me or something mroe natural and not forced. i was also not a guy to pick up women and sleep around and play games. easy for me to do when i spent a lot of time hangin' out in bars because i loved playing darts or the video golf game(woa is that addictive!) and hanging around people with problems or issues or drama that i am attracted to(even though i am shy) and over a listening ear or a simple word of advice for those who seem to need it at the time.anyway, to make a long story short, i held out for what i knew and believed in and guess what? i met my soul mate and never looked back since. we compliment eachother in every way. it's so uncanny. now i'm not saying you will experience this BUT! don't force things or feel life needs to be so forced. be happy with who you are and try to learn how to live life in a more natural setting for yourself. it's hard sometimes but i feel worth the effort. also try to balance that on working towards your insecurities or weaknesses so you continually better yourself in those areas too.anyway, you go to school with her? you see her around and she sees you around? pretend to have problems in a subject and tell 'r that you've seen her around and looks smart in this area and ask to answer a couple questions. this way, you aren't telling her you like her and you will feel less rejected if she doesn't want to talk to you or help you. if she's interested bud, she will definately help you but if she does help you it doesn't mean she's interested(a possibility) but you at least know she's a nice person. so if she helps you, think of other creative ways to talk to her where you wont feel as rejected when your beating around the bush.i don't like the comments of just going up to her or growing some balls or don't be a wuss. these people have no clue or just not understanding your situation so i hope my post helped in seeing this situation in another light.....oh....and stop pissing of kubi
  12. she probably slapped you because she didn't understand you
  13. well, not sure how all that would work bud but my advice to you is to keep your ideas somewhat to yourself if in fact you wish to pusue something like this. you don't want your ideas stolen and am sure would want the credit if you ever came up with something or even just an idea that would possibly work. nice name btw. you ever have a girl in your class named "erin" where you had to go by your middle name because you diddn't want to be associated with a girl during roll call? heheh i did
  14. please be careful. if i'm reading right, you are a 15 year old girl. this man is trying to hang around trying to befriend you. he is asking for favors so he can enter your premises. he would do this to gain trust until he has it. once he has it and your gaurd is down is when he might take advantage of you in a most hurtfull mannor. i'm not saying this was his purpose so don't go getting paranoid, just be aware please. his behavior is highly susicious and i would report the suspicious beahvior so it's on record and if he ever hurts you or someone else he tries to befriend then something is on record as being suspicious. now my suggestion(wether you care to follow it) is this, and i know it might be incionvenient but it will keep you aware and safe. just don't open the door for this guy at all unless there is an adult that you know close by. my neice is 15 and as an uncle who had a big hand in raising her in the past, i taught her many things to be aware of and what to do to protect against certain situations(at a very early age). i would hate to see anything happen to her from her not being aware and i'm sure your family feels the same about you. at 15, you might think your old enough to handle alot more situations, and you are and should be trusted as such, but also know you will never be old enough to handle ALL situations. anyway, don't with my little speach. just be carefull please. when i hear about situations like this it always worries me wether i know the person or not.
  15. i hate the propoganda and the lies too bud, but without an adequate defense or offense, you will be walked all over. that's how the real world works and we do need to protect ourselves but i agree that we go about it the wrong way a lot of times and we are made to believe something the american governemt wants us to believe(wether it's the truth or not) and they succeed and they will always succeed because american citizens have been trained from an early age not to think for themselves. but ummm this just doesn't have to do with the military......
  16. i know this is an old topic but since it was recently brought up again, i guess i will put in my input yes, the easiest and simplist explaination would be the eyes playing tricks and nothing more for whatever reason(bad eyes, running of the eyes, sleepy, etc...) now i am not going to go so far as to tell you what it was, but i will add more insight here. i have been studying recently the posibilites of what surround us that most people don't know or recognize. and i tend to believe in a lot of information in my continued efforts to understand the less common or understood. what you could have also experienced is what is known as an orb. a past soul who came to visit. as i am told they start out as orbs and can trasform in to an image or they can stay in the same form as an orb. most commonly they appear in photographs, not known you took a picture of one until the picture is developed. now when you see one of these, i am told you can communicate with it and it will hear you. don't be afraid though. it can't hurt ya from my understanding. sometimes they stay until their purpose or yours is fullfilled, sometimes they will continue to follow you wherever you go. now i did my own experiments without any conclusion with what i experienced personally where i have seen orbs in pictures. i have seen them move when multiple pictures have been taken. they are white, usually rounded. i also took pictures my own self with my own camera and noticed wierd *BLEEP* by a cemetary and outside my apartment. they weren't white, but green. they were rounded but looking more closely, they all had 6 sides to the green images that looked similar to the white orbs but differnt color and slightly different shape. now like i said, i never drew conclusions to what i experienced. but i do know what i believe what i believe is that there are spirits who will visit from time to time and they will be noticed when they want to be noticed. also, i have seen images personally in my parents home before i moved out. usually in the corner of my eye.....sometimes in the shape of a small animal and sometimes in the shape of someone human. also, a couple times was not out of the corner of my eye or directly in front of me but sorta in the middle of the two areas. it's a little freaky and makes ya think. i've experienced other weird crap and now i am just beginning to try to take notice of possibilites other than the easiest explainations as i believe there is more out there than we know and always will be.
  17. ihavethe same advice as your friend does. the idea of "forgiving and forgetting" is a nice one but impossible and useless. you should never forget your past wether good or bad. your past creates who you are and to forget it is to ignore the basic foundation of your future. forgive, yes bud, you need to forgive. if you care about her you have to put all selfish thoughts aside and just want the best for her wether it's with you or without you. time will tell if it's with you but don't be disappointed if it's not because things do happen for a reason. life has a strange purpose we don't understand sometimes but in the end it will all make sense and come together if we make the right choices for ourselves. easier said than done to forgive, especially when she mislead you. now my question is, why the heck were you spending all this money on 'r ya knucklehead? sounds like she wasn't too materialistic though if you were and she left ya. you both seem to be cool people. good luck with things
  18. i don't know exactly what your problem is but i will tell ya this. once you get your domain name and register it, you need to change your server to Xisto (ns1 & ns2). then WAIT a couple days while it's registering. it takes time. if you start modifying what you already did then you will just have to wait longer. i know you're impatient but you need to wait for the name servers to update no matter how long it takes. i had to wait 2 days until i could access my site, but i didn't modify anything while waiting either. just be patient. you should have a status section that you can access through godaddy that will tell you when your name servers are switched to Xisto. Xisto has no control over how long this will take.
  19. i been on the net a long time and can sniff out crap when i hear it and your post is nothing but lies i ignored the original poster but i believe he broke the TOS. and why would he post how to make money with adsense when he has proven in his original post that he couldn't make money with them? also, his advice on how to make money is wrong. you don't concentrate on the high paying key words but the content of your site and what you know how to do best. google penalizes for the quick easy money made from adsense. i feel sorry for the people who are thanking people for their posts that are being misguided. the best strategy is to create a website that you are knowledgable on, have fun, be smart, think long term(not short term) and don't put adsense on your site til you start getting 500+ unique visitors a day
  20. sorry to hear that buddy. it's gotta be hard on ya right now so what i have to say isn't going to help you in thoughts much. first, you aren't her type. she was being honest in the beginning when she told you that. that closeness you felt was a friendship and nothing more and the boundries needed to be respected. confusing feelings, YES and i am sorry. it's hard. anyone could have made the mistake. as far as being friends now, it's going to be harder than before because of the betrayel and the bitterness of being hurt you need to get over. how dare she, right? act like she isn't hurt by being all over this other guy while you are still pining away with hurt feelings. you have a choice. you have to decide if you just want to be friends with her. if you do, you need to get over your hurt knowing it was immature actions on both parts and both were confused(you weren't the only one) or if you don't have it in you to be friends(which is understandable but a shame) then you need to avoid her at all cost without the constant reminder of her. if you have the same class, sit in front of her so you don't have to see her. if you see her at school, go somewhere else and look the other way until you can deal with this hurt as far as what you did in the 12 hours she did a 180 on ya when you had plans the next day. something must have happened right? yes and no. what happened wasn't within the 12 hours but from the beginning you two started dating. she was testing the waters to see if she wanted more from you. don't be sad about you not being her type bud. "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" people have their personal preferences. and doesn't mean you don't hold "beauty" your own self(hahah feel silly tellin' that to a guy). it's true. so my advice to you is chalk his up as a learning experience. your first love. it's not a bad thing even though it may feel like the worse thing in the world right now. you're experiencing life and there is more of it to experience. some of it i promise you will hold alot better experiences for you.....while some will again be hurtfull. that's life bud. keep busy during this time in getting over things. don't leave yourself time to dwell on the negative. spend more time with your friends or your hobbies or things you normally like to do, and don't let this affect your grades if you're having a hard time concentrating wish you luck. lemme know how things go. you sound like a nice guy so you wont find problems meeting someone else you are attracted to. work on that shyness though and don't let this situation affect future situations negatively. you want to live, not let life pass you by.....
  21. explain the science and factual ways of dreams then. instead of being vague with a one liner post
  22. it was created by someone who was bored and nothing better to do with his/her time....probably a HER heheheha couple people said it ranks up there with horoscopes and the alignment of the stars, moon, sun, planets, etc....which i have to disagree as there is some truth to astrology in my opinion. i'm not talking about fortune cookies or a quick report from some simple general websiteanyway, i go by my middle name and sometimes my first name so which darn letter am i supposed to compare to? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good reading though
  23. yes, but be carefull. guys are scum doesn't hurt to talk to him though. find a common interest to talk about or just wait til he makes the first move. and ummmm don't act desperate for his attention:)
  24. i understand you lean towards the more scientific methods but there are more than one scientific theories on dreams. i lean towards you can actually learn from dreams and that they have meanings. i also believe you can communicate through dreams....possibly with people who have already passed over. i think people need to be more aware of not only their dreams but their suroundings in general i'm glad you now realize that your dreams have a pattern because it goes against your theory that rational thought is not involved in dreams i believe some dreams can have something to do with past life experience or ways to become aware of what is to come now as far as no rational thought in dreams, that is mute because i have controlled my dreams before. i have had reoccuring dreams before where i had to learn from my previous dreams to change the outcome of my dreams. i had a weird one where i dreamt i woke up and walked around the house(very real experience) only to realize 3 mintues later that i was still laying in my bed asleep. i could rationalize, but i couldn't wake myself up. i also had a dream that i died(stabbed on a pier after running away) and i didn't die in my sleep as some would think(if you die in a dream, you really die). i just floated over my body realizing i was dead, right before i woke up. i had falling dreams before. falling from a VERY VERY high altitude, plummeting to the ground. before i hit the ground, i would start to float gently down or start to fly in my dream after hard hard thought to control that hard impact. there is NO DOUBT in my mind that dreams have meaning. it's important to traslate your dreams for correct meaning or what you are supposed to learn from your dream to incorporate it in real life now with your dream with the alians, it's a dream that would go against your rational thinking in real life, but why was it so real in your dream(the billboard). billboards or letters or words are signs in dreams that you are supposed to take with you in real life. maybe it was telling you to open your mind up a little bit to the possibities. life is a learning experience and dreams are a tool to learn.
  25. man people, this is actually scarey that some actually considered it not a scam. i get these emails EVERY SINGLE DAY. i blame it on advertising on the internet. although some of my other email acounts get these letters once in a blue moon.(this is spam. i don't advertise the other addresses) there is another scam i want others to be aware of and that is purchasing something through the internet that is outside the u.s. and canada OR selling something where you have to ship it outside the united states and canada. the scam basically deals with someone selling something and they will send you a fake cashiers bank check as payment. they are counting on you shipping the item before you cash the check. your bank will deposit it, but will take 2-3 days before caught as a bad check and then YOU are liable for the funny money and you are also out the item you shipped(probably to africa somewhere like camaroon). i had a personal experience selling something. i recieved what i wanted for the item i was selling plus about 2-300 more than what i offered. when i recieved the check, i called the bank(the bank was real) on the check and ask to verify the check and it was fake. they asked me to send the fake check along with all the emails i recieved from this person as the fbi was in full investigation of this fraud. now i didn't get caught in a scam but i could have been and if this scam didn't work then it would be non existant today so there are alot of ignorant people out there falling for this crap. all i do when ir recieve emails like this is i respond to them saying something like" your email has been flagged as a scam and forwarded to the proper authorities. you will be going to jail soon". now, there is another scam that deals with paypal, ebay, and now i have seen one for "chase.com" accounts where they want you to log on through the email link. these have been scams FOREVER on the internet. in fact, i ran a smaller version of this scam to hack email accounts back over 10 years ago. usually what happens in this scam is they trick you in to thinking you are going to ebay or paypal or chase banking, but if you look closely, it's not their true address. it's a fake domain used for scams. they coppy and paste the original source code from the legitimate sites and edite the form code so it gets saved as a text file on the server they are using. i know these scams have been posted before but i consider this VERY serious and like to get the word out because it makes me sick when people fall for this and lose their hard earned money. no, they don't deserve it if they are ignorant enough to fall for it. just makes them trusting which is not a crime. in fact, trusting people should be rewarded, not penalized. unfortunately, there are alot less trusting people in this world because there are a ton of people who will take advantage of them BEWARE PEOPLE...... PLEASE!
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