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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. ok, i just browsed your site for a whole 10 seconds and will make a few suggestions and if in the future, you want more after you corrected for seo, you can mail me....you have WAY too much java script at the top of your page. get rid of it all. i used to be a photographer and just like photography, website design is give and take. ask yourself what is more important, seo, or fancy stuff that some people may not see(some leave java off on their browsers) like flash or java,etc... the spiders will not see anything within your java script. also, you need your keywords and description metatags within the head. although it wont help with google that much, it will help for other engines and it doesn't hurt to put keywords or descriptions within your metatags so do that as well.now i only visited your main page which is supposed to be a general page for everything you have on your site and since main pages are usually general for sites that have 5+ pages, it's harder to get a high ranking for a general page so it's more important to get your sub pages listed as well at high ranking for certain key words and content.(a lot of people don't optimize their sub pages which is a mistake and only submit their main page.....another mistake) make sure all pages are linked together so when the spider comes, it can follow all the links and makes it easier for all pages to get indexed(you might have already done this, i don't know)search engines also put a higher emphises on words in bold and h1,h2 tags. i'm not too sure about the big tag. but be gentle because you still want your site to look good wihout all your keywords being in bold or h1.put your most relevant content towards the top of the page. search engines give more relevance on the top 1/4 of the page. why you may by hurting with all that java script at the top eventually.hope this helps. confusing, but read up on seo constantly. there are many articles and newsletters on it. subscribe to a couple good ones. there are some good free e-books out there as well.do your research. like i said, takes time, but well worth it. also, don't take any 1 persons word for anything. eventually, you will be able to test for yourself what works. even the smartest people out there in seo doesn't know it all....especially when search engines are VERY secritive with their algorythms in how they rank! but there are people out there that keep themselves up to date on what works and what doesn't so i would tend to follow their advice over others.
  2. listen, without going to your site, i will offer 1 suggestion that will do wonders. since it's said that google gives less relevance now to keywords and description(description is still important when people read your description in googles index results) , try to get some good sites to link to you. find the top 10 sites over lets say the top 10 keywords = 100 sites and try to get 5-10 to link to you. this is more important than getting any site linking to you and google will penalize. this is the problem with link exchanges and you need to spend hours over time doing this manually emailing webmasters but well worth it in the long run. make sure these other sites are related to yours and make sure youhave exceptional content that can't be found anywhere else. also make sure these other sites are getting a lot of hits to their sites and ranked high. alot of people are too lazy to get the quality links back so a little hard work and you could be on the first page in no time depending on your keywords and seo which still remain a little bit of a factor. what google is doing now, and they seriously changed their algorythms about 6 months ago(a lot of people lost their top positions) is making searches more relevant by directly relating it to page content and and quality links back to your site. 1000 links are a lot worse than 50 quality links. my belief is search engines will follow suit soon while google being the innovator trying to get rid of the spam websites being ranked high. optimize for google and when the other search engines follow suit, you'll be doin' REALLY good in the long run. takes time, patience, and hard work, but well worth it in the long run.
  3. while your up pushing the the button on the t.v. to find the remote control so you can change the channel, can you please press button 4? conan obrian is on and he's cool. good luck finding that remote too...
  4. it's better than calling 'm shoestrings gee....let the guy dream. i mean if pizza hut can put cheese in their crust, some maniac can put catchup in a frenchfry. this guy is going places i can tell. what i would like to see invented is a frenchfry inside a frenchfry. that way when someone bites in to it and notices that something is inside and tries to sue because they were allergic to whatever was inside that frenchfry, we can just say "it was just another french fry dummy". i would love to see the look on the guys face.
  5. oh boy. i see you got response from this post and even the responses aren't accurate even though they tried very hard. the responses were based on a coin flip, not a roulette wheel as there are more colors than red and black. let's forget about that though. the fact is, is that the odds are the same for any # or color hitting for each individual spin, and you will NEVER beat the odds by trying to come up a system with odds only. but then this theory of your ranks up there with the double up betting system. if you lose, double your bet. if you lose again, double your bet, etc.....until you win and then start back over. nice in theory if there was no minimum or maximum bet allowed. unfortunately there is. now, i've played roulette off and on(as a fun game only when i have money to blow) and i've seen a consecutive color come up 9 times before(i think that was the most i've seen), but i've also seen a consecutive color come up 3-4 times ALOT. i think this thread needs to be deleted. it ranks up there with spammers and scammers and in NO WAY do users of this board need to hear a crap system like this EVER. it's sad that it was already left up long enough for poor theories and responses not even based on a roulette wheel and not doing the math for the correct odds. now if this thread happens to stay up, my advice to ANYONE is not to play the roulette wheel at all. it's ALL based on chance and luck even with good money management. your best bets is craps and blackjack while craps give better odds in the long run unless you know how to count cards. but even better odds, if you can master the games is poker. you play against the players and not the house and all you lose is the raked pots, but ALOT more skill involved than luck and odds that are against you. now true, there is a law of averages, but you will NEVER be able to predict when the law of averages kick in. so se la vi....i wish good luck to anyone who thinks they can beat the casinos without cheating
  6. now that sounds like it's faster than a speeding bullet. no use talking about it though if we can't use it! stop making me have nightmares about how slow my computer and data transfer is already!
  7. someone should just email him and walk him through it while on the net. he doesn't have a clue and even if you have a little clue, it can still be tricky with the drivers and getting everything set up perfectly. he didn't mention he even had a cd rom drive. he just said he couldn't use one. he just bought this computer used and nobody knows what kinda messed up crap that could be wrong with it. but yes, need to see if cd rom can be booted from startup if you have a bootable disk. if not, have to boot from floppy and go in to dos to format, then reinstall operating system by changing the drive to or letter you used to distiguish your drive. i use "i" for my r/w drive. no if can't even boot up from the cd rom drive, screw fdisk and formating, ask for your money back because your gonna spend more time than it's worth to get this computer going(for a used computer) some companies give you a bootable operating system disk to format and reinstall the os, but even if you don't have one, doesn't mean you can't get one. THEN! when you format and reinstall, you will now run in to the problem of the software key unless someone was smart enough to stick the sticker on the back of your pc. if not, you have to steal one or buy one. microsoft is good about giving them out over the phone if you're good at little white lies that don't hurt anyone but i am not promoting any illegal activity. just telling you what has worked for me in the past when i knew a computer came preinstalled with the miscrosoft os. i can do without talking to the middle easerns for technical support because i can't understand a word they say and find out they they have a problem understanding me too. i hope you got a good deal on this computer you are having problems with when a brand new one with everything you need for basic online/offline activity is around $250 not including the monitor which you can always buy used for $25 or so if ya know where to look. to me, buying a used computer is not worth it anymore when computer prices have come down over 500% in the last 10 years and just upgrading is even cheaper if you can do it yourself. i say donate all used computer to the poor....but not out of country to places like CAMEROON where they will just use the computer you gave them to scam you later on the internet...ok. off topic. i will stop now....
  8. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is what you will use to log in. it prompts you for your user name and password. doesn't seem to be dead to me and works fine.
  9. didn't you see the montel williams show about a month ago when psychic silvia brown was on? she talked about it and says it's real. not like bigfoot or lockness monster that we just made up in our heads. now if silvia brown says it's real, it is REAL
  10. i think it's not a good thing that you don't know the security issues associated with yahoo messenger. i only use it myself because it's the standard just like internet explorer is the standard but has alot of security issues that never get fixed without hiding behind a firewall
  11. anwiii

    Been Expelled

    hahaha you deserve to be expelled. what's funny is the fact that you think they went overbaord. you know. i wasn't the best kid when i was young. in fact, i probably made my parents lives hell at some point or another, but if i got caught doing something i knew i shouldn't, i accepted my punishment like a man knowing i was wrong. not only should you be expelled, you should have your laptop taken away. if i was the school, i wouldn't have just expelled you, but arrested you util it was found out what sort of security you captured. don't play stupid. been there, done that
  12. i couldn't find browser.turbo.enabled but i did change the pipelining mods and seemed to do the trick. what is this turbo mod. was this for the earlier version? i'm using 1.5 anyway, last time i used firefox, it wouldn't load some websites correctly for some reason. i decided to give them another try to see if. i was always impressed with the speed though, even without the mod fixes. hopefully i wont have to switch back to i.e. in fact, i would have rather used netscape than i.e. as well. anyway, anyone know why firefox had problems loading certain websites? not displaying the whole page on some sites? thanks for the info found here. Xisto has loaded twice as fast now in the forums
  13. i think they ran out of money. they said to come back on thursday
  14. so what is the difference between a nerd and a geek??? your post actually gave me a flash back of 20 years ago or so when i ran a couple bbs's(bulletin board systems) with forums and chat rooms. anyway, i took advantage of my power(i was like a god to these people for some reason) and told them to come to my house for a little user meet and they can donate to me to keep their accounts. anyway, nothing against fat people with zits and pocket protectors who wear brady bunch clothes, but that's who showed up. at first i wanted to tell each and every one of them to go home, but i forgot that they brought money for me. so i let them stay for a while. one guy even traveled about 90 miles or so just to hand me 20 bucks and leave....haha what a nerd. i never had another user meet. they were ALL NERDS and they spent more time on the computer than i did(which i thought was impossible at the time). i created this all with my first computer. then i began to wonder if other people viewed me as i viewed these other people. a scarey thought. was fun pushing my computer and the knowledge i gained to promote people to my site. unfortunately everything had to get shut down for legal purposes and i only have the memory which is remembered by posts like yours about nerd haha but again i ask you....what's the difference between a hacker nerd or a video game playin' geek? i will debate this issue with you until we play a game of pacman or asteroids and you beat me....but i have to warn ya, these games were probably made before you were even born and i am an expert at both
  15. usefull?!? there is NOTHING usefull about "playing god". now i'm not technically religious in nature, but i do believe in a higher power and i do believe in nature. you are talking about the fountain of youth where anything can be cloned, therefore, eventually, there is no death. we are not talking about fixing a computer or a t.v. with new parts, we are talking creating and killing living things! usefull? BLAH! what's the usefullness of extending human life or other forms of life that never die? sounds good but does anything think of the long term affects rather than the short term ones. this technology may save a life or two in the short run, but will kill us all in the long run. what will this techology promote? bad eating habits? drink all ya want because we can just go down and get another liver? it will promote laziness just like all the other technology that people say is GOOD. then, who decides who's life is worth saving? will this be another form of darwin's theory? you may be able to replicate flesh, but you will never be able to replicate a soul or spirit as that has no dna attatchment and natures energy at it's finest. there will ALWAYS be a cycle and there is nothing good about this cycle. what is bad now will be accepted later only to improve techology and laws and create future speculations until those are accepted. we are GIVING IN! and the sad part is, i see it every day in our country how people give in because they are WEAK and LAZY as our government controls us slowly and gradually that we don't see the changes and the control until it's out of hand....like RIGHT NOW but they give us things so we SETTLE. most media is controled by the government. the form in which most of us gather information as knowledge. BLAH! does the government want cloning? YUP! will they admit to it? NOPE! why? because it is unaccepted for now in the majority.....but watch and learn because this is yet another cycle that will be fed through the media to eventually be a good thing and the government will control it and win? the reply i replied to is already feeding in to that so called knowledge that has already been released. what about all the future negative consequences they will never tell you about? think for yourselves people and don't be STUPID! gather your own information from more than a few sources and THEN draw an objective conclusion. the way the world is today and all this cloning crap that will ruin the world eventually is the crap that always made me think if i wanted to bring a child in to this world. but for now, i will just watch other irresponsible parents do that just to collect welfare or for their own slaves or trophies to brag to others about. then in another 20 years, i will read about this famous child in the papers. one who blew up yet another federal building....or shot up his school. is death that scarey that we have to prolong life? has it ever occured to anyone that we were meant to die because there is more out there that we are meant to experience than life here on earth? now i am gonna go and smoke a pack of cigarettes knowing that when i get to the age where i need new lungs, i can purchase them no problem....and all you fat people out there don't have to worry anymore because you can purchase a new motabolism.....women....your in luck....no need to purchase those fake nails anymore. you can purchase the deluxe nails from years of tweaking and mixing dna. wow! we are all saved! i love that usefullness! we can all be proud that we will never be the same or ourselves anymore. our life will be inbedded in technology and from that point on we will never be able to brag about how different or unique we are. gee....i can hardly wait. sounds so usefull! BLAH! they will have to implant me a new brain before i find anything usefull about it....but that's where we are heading and eventually we will all conform to this technology....maybe not us, but our kids! but hey....NO CRIME right? ahhhh it's coming....and anyone who doesn't find it SICK is disturbing to me. i can't wait til one day we can all say that we are directly related to eachother....the best of the best after years of cloning. you retards out there like me are out of luck, NO WAY are they gonna clone any part of ya! and those fences you see in the country aren't just gonna be for cows anymore yea dude, cloning is k-kool! you probably haven't hit puberty yet so i wont blame you for comparing cloning to a movie or video game. you haven't seen the true destructiveness of technology yet except when they discontinued the "street fighter" revolution. that's ok though. they will be looking for people like you who have that conformist gene you have to offer. i can't wait til the day we are refered to as "human compatible" because there will be copyright protection for this technology
  16. another thing....you seem to think these people are out to get your uncle because he is a "jew". to me, this is ridiculous thinking. if you concentrated more on getting your uncle out than your jew pride, he would probably be out by now. but even when you get him out, that doesn't mean he will be in a better environment, but i sure hope so. just get him out of there if you found somewhere better and stop complaining about it here. it does your uncle no good or are you not even old enough to take matters in your own hands here and this is the only recourse you have?
  17. first of all, i could care less about your jew pride since having jew pride will reflect how you see others who aren't jews. but i think i have a handle on this situation. yes, you can get him out of there. someone signed him in and if it wasn't through court order then his closest living relative can check him out unless it was through a court order. if he is unable to speak or communicate because he has had a stroke, hopefully he was smart enough to to create a legal document for soemone to make decisions for him if he is unable for some reason. this would have made things easier. if he was in danger of his life, he would still be in the hospital so that's not what is keeping him there. make plans to transfer him to another home and when he's accepted to a better living arrangement for him, then transfer him. if they refuse to sign him out, have 2-3 adult family members walk him out and don't take "no" for an answer when better living arrangments have been made for him. if your uncle is still able to nod his head, he is still able to communicate by asking him yes or no questions and this may help getting him out. i feel for you. your uncles situation doesn't seem good for him and sounds like he wants out of there even if it's to a caring family member's home to care for him until better arrangments can be made. unfortunately, no nursing home is a good one. they are depressing and encourages death more quickly for those forced to live in them. in the meantime, i suggest daily visits to help him personally with the things he enjoys and to encourage others to treat him properly. heck....bring in the food for him and tell them he will no longer be needing his daily feedings.....but i would just walk him outta there and nip this crap in the bud.
  18. interesting topic and your response was the only that made most sense to me....now on to my belief to go with what was quoted, i believe life is a learning experience. you learn as much as you can before you die. "heaven" and "hell" IS a matter of perspective after you die. those who have failed to learn and achieve what they were born to do will have a harder time sifting through after life before being born again. your soul and spirit will ALWAYS live on as as energy(positive or negative). after you die, you have more learning experiences to go through before being born again in to another host with another purpose, or the same purpose if you decide not to learn a thing, live in regret or end your life by your own hands prematurly. now comes my sick sense of belief. since i believe life is a learning experience, i also believe, you can't learn if the world is perfect. so i believe there must be negative energy at all times in order to grow and learn from. negative and positive energy is supposed to balance out through learning experiences. those who say "life is crap" have a lot to learn because life IS a matter of perspective. for every negative situation, something positive can come out of it if you look at it the right way. the more you learn in this life time, the more your spirit and soul grows. life never gets easier. what gets easier is how you deal with what comes your way. and when you die, all this will be taken in to consideration....whether you have to relive your same life with similar situations until you learn, or go on to the next level of existance with a whole new set of experiences. the term "old soul" comes from one who has lived many lifetimes and experiences. some say if your life is hell on earth, you will live through hell in the afterlife until your soul grows to be reborn again. i tend to agree somewhat to that theory although i don't believe in "heaven" or "hell" as stated in the bible. it's not based on good OR bad deeds, but based on learning experiences although if you know why you were born and are capable of living that life, chances are you are a step ahead of the rest. unselfish deeds are good but are for not if they don't benefit who you are to help you grow as a person. some say that those who commit suicide will live in limbo by reliving their suicide for a long time after they die. i tend to agree with that as i believe life after death is also a learning experience until you are ready to be reborn. and if you made mistakes that you failed to fix before you die, there has to be some form of learning experience so that when you are reborn, you are less capable of making the same mistakes. as far as me specifically, i know i am here for a reason. i feel i know the reason. i know i will live a long life to guide others or i would have already been dead by now with my multiple near death experiences. i believe people have come in to my life for eithr a short or long time that guided me(without knowing it sometimes) to help me grow and learn. although i believe if i were to die at an early age, it would have been meant to help another lost soul learn from my own death. i don't believe that's in my future though since i know i am capable of helping alot more than just 1 or 2 in my lifetime. now these are my general beliefs and knowledge coming from personal exepriences and those beliefs coming from others that i incorporated in to my own. i do believe religion is over rated and for those who are insecure and need something in their life so their life makes more sense. religion is for followers in my opinion. because i believe we are all unique and different and have something unique and different to offer in to this world, to be a follower is always a wrong path to take in ones life. i believe all religions speak one form of truth or another, but not one will speak the whole truth and one needs to take all knowledge and experience in to incorporate one strong belief that you can call your own for YOU. now if all else fails and you still don't know what path, always live life with good morals and values, treat others as you want to be treated(which i guess is still fairly relative) and don't hurt others in a negative way("hurt" and "negative" may seem redundant, but it's not if think long and hard on it) and you have a better chance of happiness in the afterlife and a shorter time in the afterlife to be reborn again. what i didn't agree with is the jail comment. since life to me is learning experiences, someone going to jail either means they made a mistake or the justice system was screwed up. we are all meant to make mistakes to learn from so we don't make the same mistakes. jail is a great place to turn your life around and other peoples lives around sicne jail is mostly of people who lost their way, make up for your own by helping others to find it. this would not be considered hell, but considered a right path for many who find themselves in this situation and can be a very very positive experience. there is no hell or heaven on earth. there is only "what is" and what you do with it and your own perspective. sometimes there is no right or wrong because everyone was meant to lead a different life
  19. i think everyone has sworn. if not, those people are the ones who irritate me the most. just like the ones who don't drink. i just don't trust 'm! i swear, but only around those who don't mind. try NEVER to swear around children or others who find it offensive so i use my head when speaking. also, you will rarely see a letter capitolized when i post. gotta problem with that?!?!?!?
  20. why would you have 3 morbid and negative choices for a name? what are you using it for? you didn't say. the name is not catchy, but if you are trying to gain your niche with all the depressed, suicidal and psychos out there, your theme might work since not alot of competition out there for those people. i hope it's for personal creations and not for business or i think the top 3 names is a lost cause. and hey....might as well add "lost cause" to your list as well! sems to fit your theme
  21. can't you do everything from a cell phone already? if not, they have the technology for it. they are like computers though. there is no money in it to make an ultimate cell phone. they would rather add 1 feature at a time so you run out and go buy another cell phone. like computers, the cell phone will ultimately make us more lazy just for using the cell phone. we will all die lazy and fat from the comforts of our own couches and we can all blame the cell phone one day
  22. if it is anything like gmail, then you should have no problem finding invites. all i had to do to get an invite was to search google's SE. that stuff was posted all over the net. do a search for the msn invites. can't hurt. you might get lucky
  23. ha! thank goodness i haven't run in to any of those sites. reminds me back in the day(25 years ago) when i was first writing my own programs and loved to make everything inverse and blink. then i would have my parents look what i did and they would have to pretend it was amazing....haha. i just had a flashback. thanks for reminding me.
  24. yup! 15 days is correct and if you have 15 and have not got your website yet, then it means you opted for the lower hosting space and bandwidth which i don't suggest at all! it's better to wait til you have 30 then request your site. after your site has been approved, all your credits will go down to 2-3(days) and to switch your account name, i guess you need to build back up to 15. which really isn't that big of a deal, just have to keep posting and you do know that you have to keep posting anyway to keep your site from getting suspended. i like to try to keep posting until i have about 30 credits(days) and then not lt it get any lower than 15 credits(days) so i am not always stressed out about posting and always have that cushion
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