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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. sorry, i refuse to read your ignorant post past the 3rd line....hahaha your posts me laugh and make me feel sorry for you at the same time. first you talk about women like you've been with 'm, now you're talking about straight guys like you're straight and you have the knowledge to talk about them. hahahaha the only points you keep proving is that you are gay and you are ignorant. your foolish and give gays a bad name. i was going to end this post here, but decided to give you the benefit of the doubt that you actually have a brain hidden somewhere so i want to tell you something about straight guys, gay guys, people in general and forgiveness... we live in a crappy world sometimes where people hurt people. it's sad. everyone does it, and everyone has been a victim. that same world offers a lot of goodness. where does that goodness come from? sure doesn't come from other people downing people because they are a woman or they are straight or they are gay. comes from understanding AND through that understanding, FORGIVENESS. understanding and forgiveness. why i feel sorry for you bud, because you your own self is misunderstood and you feel nobody understands you. i been there. but does that mean that you shouldn't allow your own self to understand others and forgive them? take responsibility for your own life in bettering it. see the problems and fix it. no doubt it's hard to be a gay man in this society just like it's been hard for the black man or other minorities. you're not alone. it's so easy to let emotions speak for you as you let them do for your own self. you words don't come from a brain or logic. they don't come from knowing what's right or improving your own personal self....the person deep inside you. women can be pricks sometimes and it's our choice wether they have something to offer us that outweighs their b.s. at times. heck, i have a saying "women are evil". they can act like it at times but they surely aren't even, i just like spouting my mouth to see what reaction i get...just like my other saying, "women are bi". i have another saying though, and it goes like this.... "men are scum" and they ARE sometimes...but goes what....it's ALL A JOKE because you can't catagorize like that. everyone is different and unique. everyone leads seperate lives and EVERYONE has something good to offer. what do women have to offer? they are trusting and compassionate. they are neurturing almost by the laws of nature. they are our mothers who love us unconditionally. very few men have these traits, but we in general have other good qualities that they don't ever heard of the book, men are from mars, women are from venus? i read part of it. agreed with alot of it. it's about men and women and what we don't understand about the other sex. although most books are subjective through the eye of ONE, this book made sense in many areas....so like evrything else you have to have an open mind and sift through the b.s. now i talked about understanding and forgiveness. there is one more thing people need to be a positive influence in this world and that is ACCPETANCE. acceptance because you will never be able to understand or forgive people without accepting them for who they are and evrything that makes up THEM. their life and their past and what nature they were born with you lie to yourself every day bud, when you don't accept responsibility for some of societies problems. you talk about women like they are the weaker sex, but they aren't commiting all the crimes in this country and they aren't the ones in our jails where MEN are arresting MEN by a large majority. why? because they aren't immature deliquents like we are. they don't belong to unproductive gangs. their gangs, if choose to join one are organizations like MADD. THAT'S their gang. i wrote all this hoping you take time to read and maybe you can learn something if you really think about who YOU are and what you can do to contribute to society productively. like i said before, it's not easy being a gay man in society. you have something to offer that the majority doesn't. fighting for who you are. trying to get others to understand homosexuality rather than critisize it. you have the opportunity, not to degrade women because there is a reason why they gave birth to ALL YOU LOVE. your speeches as of now, give gay men a bad name. it makes others dislike homos....fagggs....the fudge packers of society. but see, it doesn't have to be that way. energy has a domino effect on everyone who lives on this earth. we have a choice to give out good energy or bad. we have a choice to be positive or negative. WE do....YOU DO. you have that choice bud. not alot of people will see through your crap, but i do....through understanding and acceptance. like i said, i don't look down on you becasue you're gay. never will. i expressed my opinions on gays and it was for the most part positive. but the choices you make and using your mind to be subjective and not objective will only hurt your own self and thus hurt those around you. you punish your own self in how you think. you think you had it bad or you got hurt? i get hurt all the time bud. why? because i choose to live with trust and kindness. how does that hurt me? because others will always take advantage. it hurts. people don't live like i do but it doesn't mean i should look down on them. they live a different life than i do and that's ok. some people say i set myself up for the hurt. i have to agree. i accept the hurt. i make a choice to know the consequences of my actions that will get me hurt. but that is less important than standing up and fighting for what i believe in....and that is to help another human being stand on their own two feet with pride and dignity. even if they do take advantage, it's worth it. why? because you helped someone in need. so i get hurt. i know what hurt is. i know how other people can treat you just because you're a certain way but you don't hear me *BLEEP*ing or screaming about how bad people are. why? because i accept them. everyone's different and unique and that's what makes them beautifull. YOUm my friend, fail to see the beauty in everything in life, you need to work on that or i will tell you what's going to happen to you. you wont be fullfilled in life, you wont be happy, and you will end up on your death bed at 80, reliving your past knowing you lived in regret.
  2. the funny thing is, it doesn't matter what you think because the law isn't going to change. what you think is illegal and what you do is illegal. GRANTED that just because there is a law, it doesn't have to do with morals or values, but in this case it DOES. even if it wasn't a law, it wouldn't be right. if everyone did what you did, programmers wouldn't be making a living and you wouldn't have the software you have today you take the easy way out because you can. i did it, alot of people have. doesn't make it right. you're not only cheating the system, you're lying to your own self trying to make yourself and others believe there is nothing wrong with it. that's worse than cheating the system because then you can post and preach about your ignorance to others. like i said before, i've been guilty before of cheating the system. my excuse? no money, or just fun to check out the cracked software before i buy it, etc. i can think of many reasons...or better yet, EXCUSES why people do what they do...including not having any morals or values. bottom line, it doesn't make it right.
  3. he doesn't have to. i will. it doesn't take a genious to know that he just obtained his links and posted about them. google obviously hasn't updated their search results or google hasn't crawled the sites yet either way, everything looked on the up and up with the guy aside from me not agreeing with everything he wrote about pr and seo, but other than that, i believe he's trying to share his experiment with everyone so let him....sheeeeesh...
  4. the information is on the site. go to it for more information. it has a fact page and a forum to look at the testimonial and post questions right now they are "on vacation" and and there are no free spots for party poker or carlos poker. when they get back in a week is when they will add more acounts with the free$50 to get you started i have read the site, everything seems on the up and up so if you like poker, i suggest you go there and check it out. if you never played poker before, chances are you will blow the $50 and you wont have to worry about if it's a scam or not. they aren't asking for any money so how can they scam you? they don't even ask you for credit card info. from my understanding, the site is an addiliate of these two other sites and are able to fund your account with part of their own commision.
  5. sorry, but i think YOU are on the wrong track if you re read his post that i just got done reading(original poster). all he said was he has a php site. probably just a site with a php extenstion that encorporates php code within in somewhere and just wants make it easy for visitors to print a page that doesn't have to be server side. i think the javascript will do him well, i think he posted in the wrong place, but didn't know any better since his site is php hack just wanted anything that would work for his site
  6. i don't feel the fourth demension has to do with time. i feel that has to do with the fifth and time travel is only a means to reach the fifth demension. the fouth i believe has to do with location and something that isn't solid matter. while the fifth has to do with location and time. all demensions incorporate all other demensions and you can't reach 1 demension without going through all others before it it's true we don't use the majority of the resources our mind has to offer. in fact we use very little and believe it's our mind that is the tool to reach the 4th and 5th demensions. i believe the fourth has to do with being in two locations at once. one location being contstant, the other location NOT constant in and at the same time. the third is what we live in. it allows us to be in one location only that is not constant. i'm getting confused now haha whatever....
  7. i agree 100% with what you said. it's not a new statement, but very old to argue a point. homosexuality is DEFINATELY not natural. BUT, there is more to nature than just sexual organs and the anatomy of people. for some, being gay is a choice, but for most, they were born gay. this is in fact natural. problem with this age old argument is that there will always be exsteemists arguing it and they will always be taking on a one sided opinion. i hate ignorance. life doesn't just have to do with creation. creation in itself is destruction. we've been proving this with technology and destroying the environment and over polulating and other things. although life has to do with people, it has more to do with learning about ones self and sharing what you learn with others so the world can be a better place to live. life is about accepting people for who they are and loving them the same as all others. homosexuality is huge in this country but it still isn't the norm. they are the minority. that doesn't mean we can't learn from them if we open our minds to be more objective. they are human being for god sake. they just have a different way of life. isn't that true for most people though? nobody's the same and everyone leads different lives. now personally, i can't look at two guys kissing...yuck....hahaha just something about it gives me the eeebi jeeebies...but that's MY problem. at the same time it gives me this feeling, i love to see any two people happy with eachother. so, in the words of a multiple felon and also a minority...."can't we all just get along?"
  8. it's true....sometimes it's hard. why having a website isn't for everyone. you not only have to be creative minded, but you also have to have a bit of a writer in you to update your site regularly. it's not for everyone. but this is only for people who want high rankings in the search engines. you can drive traffic to your site other ways without having to optimise.
  9. you're not ignorant and foolish for not wanting to be with a woman. read my post again. you are clearly not reading correctly. in fact, you are twisiting everything i said around. so much more gay exstrimists being able to make a point without twisting words. you ARE ignorat and foolish for stating things that you never experienced, being with a woman. you clearly stated you never been with a woman. so talking about them like you have is just plain absurd man or a woman? i'm a guy, but i like how you have a negative approach to either answer. again, you are CLEARLY very one sided. i feel sorry for people like you....not as a gay man, but an ignorant extremist who hates women including your 4 sisters you admitted to having problems with. you're MOTHER is a woman and if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be here. in fact, for that point alone, i can say i may be turning my opinion to hating women too....or at lest your mother......NOT! but you know what? you live your life and see how far you get with your actions and tones towards women. very few men have a problem with them. sure....there's the onld saying "can't live with 'm and can't live without 'm" but see, it's a JOKE. there's a reason why you don't understand them or can't live with them, YOU ARE GAY you're whole posts are one sided towards that and you will NEVER have what the majority of men enjoy.....a good woman. many out their my friend. you are just too one sided to see them. they are all the same to you i am sure and you already have it set in opinion for the rest of your life that they will never change in your eyes. how pathetic when the MAJORITY of men don't have the problem you do. so let me say this....IT'S YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not others that have a problem. the problem is YOU and you should look in the mirror and ask yourself why you need to degrade a whole gender just because your gay. being gay doesn't give you that right....but being gay DOES give you the right to prance around like idiots in the street when straight people don't have any need to fight for rights. they are secure within themselves. i've had a lot of gay friends in my time. a good bunch of *BLEEP* about 15 years ago. been to gay bars. loved when these suckers bought me drinks. i have no problems with 'm. heck, they have some good stories too and through hell of a party, but you......you give 'm all a bad name. now that you've asked what i was....male or female....let me ask you something. are you the male or female in the relationship....do you lead or does your partner lead? here's your purse.....i'm done talkin' to ya....
  10. you are so unbelievably one sided it isn't even funny. i understand this is the vent forum, but how would you know what being with a women is like and able to talk about it if you've never been with a women? i'm glad you are comfortable with who you are. maybe you are meeting the wrong women because you are gay and attract those types. ever think of that? or maybe it's you preconcieved notion of women all tegether that gets them to act the way they do towards you. before you start mouthing off at women like you know who they are, i suggest being with one first. if you can't even do that, then you'll just look ignorant and foolish.
  11. haha myst....i remember that game. anyone remember the ultima II-IV series? not only the best game ever at the time, but the hardest to solve...came out 20 years ago. crappy graphics, that game wouldn't survive today. but ahead of it's time at the time. i would have to say that the first two zelda releases for the nintindo is my pick. harder than diablo I&II. you actually have to use your brain in zelda this next zelda release looks interesting. they postponed the release date until october/november or something. hope it's better than the last release i'm not really in to games anymore only because it seems like there are more productive things to do as an adult now heheheh but i will always love playing the good ones. heck....i'll always be a kid...who am i foolin'
  12. if they do check to see if a site is complete, i am sure they only check the main index page as they have better things to do so when your main index page is complete, make sure there are no dead links within that page(not sure how they check if your site is complete but safegaurd yourself) BUT! why would you sign up for adsense before your site is complete anyway and getting very little visitors if any? impatience i would presume. remember, to make money in adsense, you need a lot of visitors per day so that of the low percentage of those visitors that click on your links, it can draw you a check of over $100 soyou can cash that out. if you only get 100 visitors per day, it's really not worth it to put adsense on your account unless you want to wait 1 year to get $100 from them. the idea behind a new website is to attract visitors and concentrate on those marketing efforts. adsense doesn't help attrace visitors, and sometimes, it will detract visitors from returning unless you offer an exceptional service or continuously updated original content
  13. he just told you. others aren't allowed to post referal links people try but they get edited....the smart ones just know better. i suggest you edit your post before you get that warning....but if you had that intention you would have already done it i presume.....se la vi
  14. that's the truest advice, but at the same time you have to put yourself in his shoes if you can to give good advice for HIM. not yourself or anyone else....but for HIM or those that may be shy or quiet and feel embarrassed or awkward if other people notice that about them if he's not comfortable being the way he is yet. now me, i used to be shy and quiet. heck, i still am. i like to listen. i am a people peson THAT way. i like to get to know others and there is an advantage to being quiet....watching.....listening. there is also an uncomfotability in how other people may percieve you because of first impressions that you have to watch out for because people WILL misjudge. they can take you as being rude, or you think you're better than they are since you're not talking to them, etc.... things you need to think about before giving advice in something that is obviously important to this guy going on this date with this girl. but being yourself is definately key because you don't want someone interested in you when ya got a mask on. they'll be interested in you for the wrong reasons. it's best to just be yourself and play the waiting game for those who accept youfor who you are....but at the same time, little white ies never hurt anyone, especially when one is struggling with shyness and worried about what others think. it's not easy to get over, but the more practice one has, the more one can overcome...AND the more you are able to learn about your own self and be happy with who you are. but for now, he just wants to get by with this one date and take it slow....step by step i DID notice you edited your post hahah you're funny.....
  15. don't believe everything you read. i read that site on google's page rank. i think that googles page rank system is all in the #'s. i don't feel your pr leaks if you have outbound links if you adjust everything to the correct ratios and only google and god knows the truth in was is optimal i do agree that submitting your site to some search engines can actually hurt your rankings because they would rather find you on the net AND WILL if you have quality content that can be supported with inbound links, i don't agree that that is for all search engines and DIRECTORIES. that's just obvious with the directories you have to hand submit to like dmoz. so it's best, once your site is complete, to submit to those sources up front. i also didn't agree with the scenario of comparison of the webmaster that takes the shortcuts to get ranked high to the one that doesn't. that is 100% false and no facts to back what was on the website. the truth is, taking shortcuts can get you ranked higher and quicker, and ylou reap the a lot of the rewards in the short run when you take the shortcuts or try to fool the search engines. problem is, google and other search engines will penalize you in the long run within ranking your site or black listing your whole site all together. so it really just depends what your objectives are for your online marketing. their are pros and cons to both ways if i was going to do an experiment, i would have created about 5 seperate pages with different scenarios and combinations of seo and non seo. also although it hasn't been supported either way, but I BELIEVE the domain name can affect your page rankings in some search engines so there really is a lot to consider. the one thing i believe highly in what i read on that one site is that google is the leader in search engines and a site should be optimized for google because of that one fact. if you have arelis or ipb, then why wouldn't you use them for your inbound links? are you doing it manually or have another program to get your inbound links?
  16. first of all, i'm happy for ya. hope it goes well. secondly, it depends where you are going. a movie is good for shy people because they don't have to talk. but any true first date should be somewhere where you can get to know the person. advice? ask questions about her and who she is. you have talked to her before so you know her interests. find those common interests to talk about. if she asks you a question, be responsive rather than saying yes/no answers BUT DONT talk too much about yourself. try to get HER to talk by asking questions about her or her family. most women will think that you care and you are interested in who SHE is while a lot of guys are just interested in getting layed. a good first date shouldn't last any more than 1 1/2 hours and it should be timed that the date needs to end at a certain time....make it known you have something to do later on. if the date goes well, then it's a good thing and both will be left wanting to spend more time, but there's all the time in the world for that so be patient. if the date goes bad, then whew...a little white lie never hurt anyone and consider yourself lucky to have timed the date before you went on it. being shy is difficult to overcome, and yes, easier to type on the computer to catch the dumb things that pop in our minds when we are finding it difficult to talk. some people qill question you on it and ask why you're so quiet. just say something like "i like to listen to YOU rather than talk about myself...tell me more about you". then again, find comon interests you can relate to where you are comfortable talking about freely although in person will always be different than talking on the net, you two have already talked, you two wouldn't talk back and forth if you two weren't interested in the other so that's a start. remember this when in person. comliment her 2-3 times during your date but don't overdue the comliments or they will sound fake. be real, and have fun. that's my advice....
  17. i liked that post and have drank for all the above reasons including the things that were wrong with me at the time. you left one out though. sometimes i find myself drinking for others which i don't use as an excuse to drink sometimes. let me explain. i've been where others are where there is a problem in their lives and they want to drink. i'm a people person and love hearing peoples problems and talking to those going through a hard time. why i love bars. there's an endless supply of those people in there. when you drink with them, they trust you more and when they trust you more, they will talk to you more. that's when youhave an easy in to create a positive impact in their life. it's through something negative like drinking, BUT they would be drinking anyway.....and being me, i like to try to make something postive out of a negative environment or situation. also now, i like getting drunk sometimes. not because i have something wrong going on in my life with the situations you listed, but because it's a different feeling when sober and it's easier sometimes to just act goofy and silly or just experience this alternate reality. aside from your post, i liked the first post even though it was a bit one sided, surely people don't NEED to drink or get drunk as people don't need to smoke or eat greasy foods or go rock climbimg. life is a risk though but more than that, if you limit yourself to only those things that are most healthy, you limit your experiences in life...and it's all realitive and questionable. it's what's most important to that one person how he wants to live, knowing who he is. it's important not to judge or question people when they are not doing anything unethical and are living their lives with good morals and values. everyone is different so others do not need to understand how others think or act
  18. an accident happens at a person's home and should be reported. if it didn't happen in the home, then this guy is carrying a loaded weapon somewhere where he shouldn't be. i say report either way. if this is a real situation, then i have to question why you would choose stupid friends and if he is even a real friend. personally, i would never report true friends or family unless they have no morals or values. trust and loyalty go a long way with me. so does friendship and family. it's after the fact, the guy is dead. all you will be accomplishing is getting someone you care about in trouble because the law is more important. if you turn him in for a measley $5k, then hahaha he wasn't such a best friend after all....
  19. google doesn't index through adsense. google has already been forthcoming about this, BUT just posting his link on trap will get him indexed. but i think his point was to just not submit his site to any search engines. back links and posts don't count in submitting ones site. all you need to creat targetted back links is to just use a program like ibp or arelis or some other program that does all the work for you including filling in most of the form to create the targetted backlink Notice from jlhaslip: *editted* out bad links.
  20. well, i voted for abortion and that is where my belief stands ONLY because i feel a women has a right to her own body. although i voted for because of the above, all my other reasoning leads to against. although i feel a woman has a right to her own body, a human being doesn't have the right to kill another human being or the potential of a fully/partially developed human being. if i believe we live and then we die.....without any purpose in life but living, then i would be all for abortion in ever sense of the word, but i believe everyone has a purpose and everyone's purpose is different. to kill a human being is to kill potential and purpose. you take away something in this world that could have been more important than the negativity we see today in this world. kill a fetus because one was raped? BLAH! a child deserves to live no matter what conditions it came to be. this child is not at fault nor is it guilty of any crime yet some are so quick to judge and end a life. this life deserves to be loved and nuertured just like any other. now 99% of the people out there have children for selfish reasons so it doesn't surprise me why some are so quick to kill a child for selfish reasons. when a child comes in to this world, it doesn't have a choice. it was predetermined and the choice was made for him wether the pregnancy was planned or not. we bring children in to a cruel world, but this world can also be positive in how we raise this child to adulthood so this adult now can be productive and/or to teach others in a positive way. so why did i vote for abortion if i personally am against? because under the scenario of rape it's a catch 22 for some people. damned if you do and damned if you don't and i will always refuse to be the judge under that circumstance. i will give the benefit of the doubt to the woman to make the proper decision over her own body and whatever is inside it. all this bible talk makes me sick. no 1 religion holds all truth and the bible is not the authority on all things. we all were born with a mind and a brain. i suggest everyone start using it without having to be a follower within your own insecurities and how you were raised in the home. i see the extreme it can lead to from the teaching in the home. from the bible fanatics who preach goodness straight from 1 book, to the kkk who raise their children to hate anyone who isn't WHITE. man, use your brains people! it's ok to seperate yourself from the crowd or even question things...
  21. i hate spam filters. they will delete some WANTED mail. once in a blue moon, but when you're expecting an email and never get it, it's frustrating. why i like to set my own filters or just marking emails as spam. you still get spam this way, but usually, they are much easier to mark and delete in one shot. you have to go through that extra hassle if you want a clear mind you're getting all the emails you were expecting to get mich- i believe they are automatically created when you create your subaccounts...and your main email address was created when your website was created. check in to your account/s through cpanel there are 2-3 email readers i believe that you can use to do this through your cpanel
  22. what's with the sarcasm? he detailed it pretty accurately in my opinion. also, hackers is a general term. crackers are more specific to what a "hacker" is doing at the time. the public doesn't refer to them inaccurately, you are. the only common misconception about hackers is that they can be doing something legally rather than illegally. that term has gotten a bad name since the early 80's when personal computers just started to become a big thing....for who besides office personel? young kids who just hit puberty because their parents bought them one for educational purposes... i don't think it's anything to smile about bud. you either have some enemies or you did it yourself with help from friends. i'm personally curious how long you had this site. probably not that long. if that's the case, how did people who don't like you know your web address so quick? i think YOU did it personally with help from friends. and if this can be supported, then you don't deserve any of your files back. in fact, you probably have all your files saved on your p.c. and trying to create more of a stink and bad name for Xisto - Web Hosting.
  23. another tip for those that are in your situation would be to mark all the spam emails as spam so the emails don't add up so fast in the future. this should be done before you delete and purge. also, do this before you use your email client such as outlook express.
  24. oh ok. i get it. i thought it was another credit system where you can bank your credits to earn interest. the 3% is a charge used to bank credits. i've been outa sorts lately....but would be kidna cool to see a credit system like that for those on vacation or for those who have been active in the forums and have credits but i guess that would defeat the purpose of the forums being active. so to stay on topic here and for my information and others, can someone explain what happens when someone is in fact on vacation? does the credits go to 0 and stop there or will the credits go below 0 to show a negative credit balance? if it stops at 0, then i can clearly see how banking credits can save an account without posting 10 times in a row and spamming the forums to save their account. but i have also heard talk about negative credits in their account. don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, then what would be the purpose of banking credits(unless they negative credits stop at a certain #)
  25. if what all is saying is true and these messages are hitting legal owners of the os software, even if it's through a multi license(usually through a store you bought your computer from) then microsoft will have some serious legal issues in the future. is there anything on the microsoft website that suggests any of this topic here or screenshots of what to expect? i know someone posted screen shots, but where did they come from? sorry if i am a little leary, but i've seen too many scams out there to believe everything i hear or see so anything from microsoft directly? post a link that comes directly from microsoft if anyone has any information on that
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