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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I just use what comes with my compputer... It automatically saves all my passwords... for next start up.... fire fox saves your form information and passwords automatically I think. So that is pretty good.... I use to use some password thing but my cousin found out loads of my passwords and did very bad things.... lol
  2. this one is 5x better than your first one. It's really nice. Sleek shiney and in rich colours... i give it like a 9 because i do.No affence I would not ,myself, call this a logo just a sort of image of the name of the website. A logo I normally think of consists of an image that represents the website, so it can be recognised and remember easiest, not exactly in text.But anyhow it is extremely good and keep on contributing....one day I hope tio be better than you
  3. lol well yeah I do if you are talking about me. Pixel font's are cool for stuff like um text on a pixel image? lol. Anyways i hope you don't mind but I think this one is loads more better than your other one. Great job yet again. You just keep on creating don't you?
  4. Well maybe google should have an actual sign up page for gmail accounts?I reckon it might be weird. and wont hit off straight away I mean msn is soo popular now and people might find it a drag to re add all those contacts plus some people can not get gmail... so i dont know.
  5. My hair is faily long just above where my elbows are.... and i cut my hair every 3 months.... most girls have long hair.... so are you saying something ?But my mum says that old people don't have long hair because your hair does use up all the calcium etc you have... with help you grow i guess.... i dont know....
  6. I probably prefer NIKE... Because I think the style of the product is really funky and fresh where as adidas, to me, is just classic and a bit old fashioned. I reckon they are the same price but it often depends on where you buy the stuff from. To me Nike is pretty cheap but I guess others don't think so.Sometimes I buy adidas trainers for things that are dirty etc... like I'd go and play in mud with my adidas trainers and get them muffed without caring and then wear the Nikes out clean and in style... lol
  7. I think bluetooth is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.... I mean you can send all you want for FREE no pay...well that is what it is here... you don't have to pay for the calls, text messages, images, etc.... but I don't think the 10 metre radius thing is good... should be like a mile lol...
  8. Hello ?What are you talking ? There is nothing there ? What may not work eh ?
  9. I speak mega fast but I can not if I try to i just do it naturally.see shells on the sea shore.and another one about the piper thing...
  10. Sorry people but this topic is just *BLEEP*, spam and pointless.... by going to Xisto and posting this topic is kind of insulting but fair enough some people just do not have brains (or balls.) So therefore this topic is /closed.If there are any objections feel free to chat to my bum crack. (or just pm me)
  11. Sorry people but this topic is just *BLEEP*, spam and pointless.... this post is well i dont know actually know what it is about its spam don't you know? but fair enough some people just do not have brains (or balls.) So therefore this topic is /closed.If there are any objections feel free to chat to my bum crack. (or just pm me)
  12. oh great I really really really needed this. been searching for something like this for ages dude. I am going to go and try it now. By the way did you make this up or find it from elsewhere ?
  13. Becca

    Mysql Help

    Yes you CAN make a php page to enable you to produce tables in the mysql database providing you have the correct pword,database name,username and plus the localhost thing.... I don't know how you can do it but I reckon it is quite easy...Normally you have like a config file or something and you can change the admin name and password there but some scripts do not have that...so no can do sorry mate
  14. No affence but FREE ring tones?? PSHHH !!! *BLEEP* dude... You first get a free ring tone.. then they start to send you TONS of txt messages that take like 10.00 off your phone.. when you reply STOP they STOP but they get another company to nick all your money.
  15. To be really honest I dislike no main reason just not my taste. The colours don't match to me I mean sky blue and red on a grey..... hello?? those colours kind of match but somehow they are turned...manky. The background and the light greysih silver colour don't go. I don't think they do...Im a girl this is my opinion so i don;t think you really care... I admit my website is crap...but at least the colours match.and you're using cheap pictures that do not match... I mean they have this white stuff surrounding them and your site's layout is also plain. The good things about it is you can read the writing. and it's fast to load
  16. No affence dude upstairs.... ^ but that sounds pretty hard and making the problem you are trying to solving hard is getting your head twisted.. unless you know how to do it of course and by the sounds of it you do..I'm really crap at math so I'm just going to say that theres a gap because someone ate it.
  17. lol.. wow I must be thick..I started making websites when I was 8 and im 13 now... and STILL i can not do anything in PHP man... lol... If you want a to learn out of a book.... buy a talking one lol because sometimes there are things you just do not have a clue about.. I tried learning out of a book once that book for dummies is really good... but the best way to learn things, well for me, is to learn as you go. If you want to do something look it up on the internet learn and then proceed... keep on doing so and then you will get the hang of it... it's pretty easy....probably a bit like math i guess.
  18. I use to use IE before it got F-ed up .... Now I use mozilla and netscape... they are alright but I prefer IE because it is easier and I know how to use it more lol
  19. It's not bad drawing... it is like a style of drawing.... basically scruffy lol... but it is cool....different people have different styles lol ad plus not everyone is good at drawing.... RPG games are alright...too hard for me
  20. The layout is quite simple but good. It does not look much different except the box and the menu has exchanged sides and some other things, still the same color..Well I personally as a girl like nicer coloured layouts but as your probably a boy i guess its good, bit plain though...
  21. Admin says people are spamming their accounts and excecuting faulty scripts . That is basically the same to what he said.Don't worry your datatbases are not at all deleted even though they may seem so. Now PLEASE stop posting about this situation it is being seen to and explained... i dont think people can stop other people from doing this...it is not trap's fault..the mysql atabases will come back to normal.
  22. no I mean give them like a CPANEL capability or do you need to buy a special account for that ? Im still dumb at all this hosting thing etc... I probably have to spend money on that which I dont want to use
  23. I'd buy a graphics tablet about 30 quid and then the Sims 2 LOL... I guess you wouldn't want that though ha.I got 65 quid that I wana spend and I think Im going to buy my self some nice new pair of shoes... but I guess you lot don't like that kinda thing...
  24. What do you mean ? Well I like Lucazade and IRN-BRU because they taste nice? lol.I drink Lucazade or however you spell it before a sport and after it...it kinds of quenchs my thirst as well as makes me go kind of hyper.Red bull is seriously bad for you and it reeks
  25. Theres nothing actually in the room to hold the steel together??? I mean you said there were nothing eand everything was steel so... maybe?
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