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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Becca

    I Broke My Toe

    I always do that. lol but my toes do't "break"Once a bus ran over my mums foot... it kind of fractured it or somthing and the bus driver had to take my mum to hospital..I still can't get over the fact a big red bus ran over my mums foot... lol!
  2. My bandwidth dropped suddenly... I had about 3000 and then the next day I had 1000 over bandwidth..Plus I don't really get any visitors.. I don't mind though because that means I don't have to update until next month lol.. YAY
  3. woo I think i've already written something in this topic... But I'm a little older and a little wiser now.I wish I was 10 though...I'm a 14 year old girl with a big mouth and lives a life dominated by giggling fits and jokes. I have bubbly friends who are funnily enough like me.
  4. Man your you're too good for a 13 year old... lol.But i would honestly say if I saw that book cover I wouldn't buy the book... but it looks really good and an adult would probably like it.
  5. Don't go all sulky... It's for the best you know..And it did kind of sound like you wanted to get more members at your forum by bribing them... Your making it sound as if you're the victim here... .> And very very childish "Well, I am sorry for trying to be as helpful as I can Admin, I am not gonna have to post anything I wanna give out to other Xisto members anymore." That is kind of an immature thing to say for a grown man like you.
  6. Well I don't know what is wrong but the cpanel sure is slow lately.Have you tried http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? Or something... Maybe it works now ... But if it doesn't work you can always use the FTP... which is already there..
  7. "out of memory" obviously means you've got too many programns opened and your computer is "out of memory" I have that all the time all I gots to do is close everything and then it works again.When I had an older version of ps I had those errors I don't know what they are but they are all gone now.I have too many more SERIOUS problems with my comp..System restore doesn't do anything for me I still get the same errors etc.. Just do a TOTAL washout but save everything before you do that or you lose everything like I did..
  8. what you liek martial arts and stuff? I did that for like 3 years after my mum forcing me to go... icried and cried she still forced me to go i was like what? 9!I want to have a job relating computers I don't really mind as long as in the technology area etc... I love designing things but am not half as good as other people. I've just turned 14 and I'm revising for my SATs aswell which is in a month or two... we also have to ICT SATs whatever it is our school applied for.... Anyways when I was about 8 I remember wanting to be an inventer and soemtimes I still do.Everyone wants to be a graphic designer, games designer or programmer and I'm scared that I'm not good enough... some people my age are already doing that stuff and I haven't even started in the basics yet.... there are so many people out there TONS cleverer and better than even though they are the same or younger age than me..So I decided if I can't get into that business I'll probably be some kind of tramp in the streets... I go to a good schoool probably too good for me and everyone in my school are ULTA SUPERIOR interlectual people and all are way too clever and then there's me who is dumb and don't even know how to spell interlectual..So my future is uncerten because I'm scared to have a MASSIVE ambition and not succeed... and fail...but I do really want to be what half the forum want to be which is to do with web design etc..
  9. excellent tutorial bash.... You're too good at this stuff. o.O good to contribute and excellent outcome .Nice simple steps to a fabulous sig
  10. Fine just rub it in our faces why don't you. I half watched it with my back to the TV but it sure did sound boring.Well anyways go England! even though we lost.
  11. don't spam - I don't think it's that bad it's just kind of light and boring. Yeah I can see those black dots aswell... what are they ?You know a lot of peopel tell me to colour my pictures more but I like it in just one colour....thats the way it's suppose to be...i think
  12. wow that is so cool. truely fasinating...first of al lI didn't know what al lthe fuss was about and then I realised my add blocker was on and when I turned it off the two windows popped up that is like so cool...i mean they even move around... DOUBLE WOW
  13. Becca


    Hey nice pictures!I agree photoshop is REALLY useful....even throughout your life.. I started using it a few months ago and it's a big change from Paint Shop Pro. Now i hardly every use psp unless i REALLY need it
  14. Nicknames: Don't have a PROPER nickname but... Becky,Becca,Bexa,Bex,Beck,Rebekah Hometown: London UK aswell... Croutons or Bacon Bits: Bacon Bits Do you make fun of people: Yeh Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: Yeh Best online friends: I kind of don't have one...I have real friends. One pillow or two?: I actually have 5 on my bed. Pets: 2 Hamsters, Chip and Monk. Favorite Type of Music: Hip hop Hobbies: Eating Dream Car: Chitty Chitty Bang Ban Type of Car: Flying Phrases you overuse: Shut Up You Bulbus Favorite Food: Pasta Online Crush: Jesse Metcalfe man is he FINE... Google him... Lol... He he's kind of online...when I see pictures of him on the interenet.. that count ? Boyfriend/Girlfriend : No Piercing or tattoos?: Earrings count? Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: I watch tv Do you get along with your parents: Mum-yeah Favorite town to chill in: Bh Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla Favorite Soft Drink: Lemonade What's your bed time: 2am morning Favorite Website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Mine Least Favorite Subject in School: Religious Studies Favorite Holiday: One before going into a higher yeah What do you look for in the opposite GENDER?: a big member fit body has to be cleverer than me and is ever so sweet Things I've learned from life: Never put a pound coin in a phone machine because it doesn't give change Favorite number: 4 Favorite color: Blue
  15. 12 year old that is soo sweet!! Anyways EVEN if you are going to use $200... you are using it to advances right?? And you can get it back plus more profit.. if you giving out hosting etc...so it is all worth it, but if your giving out ONLY free hosting i dont know.. but some peopel get sponsored by companies and don't have to pay anything etc.
  16. The current one I am using is um Samsun K700i it is okay and it definately can be liek connected to your comp...I think it also is an MP3 player and has a radio plus video,recorder,camera,bluetooth,infared,gprs stuff, and it kind of looks like a digital camera from the back.I dropped it about 3 times and it hasn't broken...yet . It didn't scratch though...thats probably because I didn't drop it from a great height... but some people would say it was a good phone, I Don't think it is but it has loads of like things. I don't know if it's expensive but it was over 250 pounds for me...it's kind of small.My old phone is VERY "droppable" I've dropped from really heigh places, by accident of course and I've dropped it in the toilet a few times and it still works. The battery takes ,i think, less that an hour to charge and if you just leave it in your pocket locked it probably can last up to a week, at least mine use to. Mine cost around 360 pounds when I bought it but it is probably um I dont know 150 pounds now? I don't know your currency so, whatever.You can buy a USB cable for it for only 7 pounds and upload everything you have onto your computer BUT it doesn't have video but it DOES have camera, quality - BAD, quality when uploaded onto computer - good. BUT it also does not have blue tooth... it has the internet which is really cool. Plus I think nokia's are the most um "robust"(that your word?) phones that I have ever had. They ma chip and stuff but their phone covers can be changed! Unlike other phones which can not.
  17. Malorie Blackman is a great author about black children and other fiction, she is really good..I use to love her books when I was 10 but I soon grew out of them. Does she have books for more older people? Or does she only do childrens books?I've read most of her popular books but not all. I liked her books about the same time I like Jaqueline Wilson books in which I have also grown out of now,
  18. I don't really learn it I kind of make it up as I go.I mean I don't even know the basics...well I know like TINY and then I use that to make something up and it then comes up as errors and then the errors help me to correct it..Anyways I don't really use it that much but when I do i force my self to know it... you get me?I ain't going on some friggin website and reading about it. thats a waste of time
  19. What is it? When I go on it it comes up as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some website setting computer thingies Why did your lay get "bleeped" up?
  20. AquariusYour kisses are wet and messy, and you tend to keep your eyes open. lol that's me alright.... my eyes are always open....how comes the other starsigns get nice comments and mines just "wet and messy"
  21. Wow that is so cool. I don't know how much I have... I never even noticed it lol... Anyways once I have posted you can see how much I have.What is it for ? Lol $: 146488350 COOOR!! Im a hundred millionaire wehay yoooahI think I have the 40th most in the forum. Not quite sure...but wehay I rule.omg it's now gone down to$1432574hey it's gone up to $: 124200600???hmmm I dont get it/
  22. I think this topic is a bit of crapness it should go in the spam area... But if people like it then I might just leave it.It's a bit of a crappy thing to ask I mean most the questions , as pointed out by most, are the same and logic totally rules most of the questions out.Anyways I see this as a topic that would boost your hosting credit up by loads so I dont know... anyone have suggestions?
  23. I don't know but I love dope wars but i don't know what kind of game it is... but it is extremely addictive and fun... it's prety simple as well... I guess most people would find it boring but i really like it, even got it on my phone to take with me whereever i go so i can play it, lol
  24. I think just about anyone knew that but thanks for sharing this nice piece of information, that you have found out , with us. I am the administrator on my computer so i don't need to worry.
  25. If computers did not exist you would NOT go crazy I mean if they didn't exist it means you WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM.... so you can't ..... Anyhow i will answer your fantastic questions.. Would you go crazy? no, because they don't exist Would YOU not exist? no because I don't know about computers Would you be bored all day? no because i would do what i normally do if computers did not exist. things like watching tv, reading books. Would you be board at school all day? no because you learn at school most of the time - like normal Would you be stuck playing board games and stuff all day? yes, but i love doing that stuff Would you end up working all day? i am not old enough to be employed Would you be determined to invent computers? i can't invent them if i don't know what it is Would you keep a computer secret in your closet and use it when no ones looking? i can't because they don't exist yet Would you just be a all around idiot? i am one already Would you drink coffee all day? i hate coffee and it stains your teeth Would you sleep all day? yes, there is nothing wrong with doing that Would you kill yourself? no, for what? Would you be a cop? i hate cops Would you be a robber? no Would you be a mugger? no Would you be a regular person? no, i am a freak by nature i can't change that Would you like to exist on this earth? where else could i exist in? mars Would you die of boredom? theres no such thing. Although i would like to die of old age Would you invent games? most probably, i would invent COMPUTER games even though it does not exist Would you invent more games? yes if people like playing computer games without a computer Would you think about inventing computers? would you?
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