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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Well i have seen it TODAY and it's REALLY good... well i thougt it was...Anyways i think the girl playing violet is really pretty lol....My friends were annoyed because i kept telling them what was goingto happen lol oops.Anyways I thought it was showing the first three books but im not sure because at the end the guy typewritting the story ... the papers....the ysaid ..Chapter 1...so im not sure...anyways good movie WATCH IT.
  2. There are no walls no doors no roof no floor... ? You did say nothing.... lol....so maybe you could just walk out because nothing is theere
  3. The capital DOES make a difference.....Yes moderators know..lol..kidding. but still it is something to do with the caps.NO caps in cpanel names in the profile...and your account will be active in a day or less.. mine has doen so...so that's proved it works.Your account has DEFINATELY not been deleted...etc...anyways there have been many topics about this and the answer is simple: NO CAPS IN CPANEL NAME IN THE PROFILE./closed
  4. I agree with Ket I said that earlier in another post you did..It looks cool though really sleek. Except the background is kind of black and dull.. I think it needs some sort of LIGHT soft pattern or color whatever... Just don't let it be too eye catchy.
  5. Oh my god..I REALLY want to watch that..man....My mate is lending it to me...I would of thought it was a chick flick but it aint!Anyways....from all the people that have seen it i have heard...good things so HURRAY..im probably going to bye it..
  6. IF you have eyes you would have seen all of the notices at the headers... so i guess you all don;tThe problem is solved.... there was none in the first place...Just enter the CORRECT cpanel name... with no caps..and that all... it will be back by tomorrow /closed
  7. Its not the Admins fault it is this script/mod whatever ibstalled...if you enter the incorect cpanel username IT HAS TO HAVE NO CAPS your site would be suspended until you enter the correct informatin once you do it will be active again in a days time. NOT YOUR FAULT...it is a bit but dont worryYou have not EVEN entered your CPANEL username in your profile LOL !
  8. Don't PM Admin a.k.a OpaQue he is REALLY busy.. PM the other admin's like Wassie or Zenchi etc...as I said he is busy ...Maybe you should do the other way with the IP address
  9. What? I thought pen tool already gave you color? If you make a circle out of the pen tool it automatically fills it in? Right?Well thats what I thought .I sort of really need the pen tool...it creates the vector art I have in layouts.
  10. I dont have any blinkies on my site?? IF your talking about the Becca blinking thing well okay....and the button...but thats it..all the rest are other peoples buttons in the rotations I have joined.Oh and that broken image??? Thats Craqllo's fault his topsite's button does not *BLEEP*ing work... so don't blame me . I can't upload it to my own server because it's different...it's like the many times that button is shown on your website..the higher ranking you are,..if you get me.I normally get about 30 unique visiters a day...I use to get about 200 but I lost them all when my bandwidth failed and I moved sites.
  11. Yay that picture is well good..BEtter than anything I can make with the pen tool...Your first try is better than my like millionth try lol ..
  12. same here...your cpanel name in the profile can not have any capatals i think...Well i hope i get my accoubt back.... ah well n the mean time...JIPPII
  13. No i don't have illustrator but i want it so i think im geting it...I wnt it though so i think im getting it....i need it actually....ps is enoug hthough.
  14. I swear you have have that question already..?No I don't use CMS it is too hard for me to edit into templates I make. My layout is FULLY html...VERY easy tables...And just PHP INCLUDES....but thats all .. There are some scripts like the cutenews and tagboard but I've used PHP include for that as well..Once I find something new I use it so much lol . The layout is VERY VERY easy....You just need to set the templates out right and not get confused...When putting a table within a table within another table...lol
  15. I find your site interesting I have visited some time ago. And it is really thoughful and helpful to help those woh need a hand.Your layout is extremely good and suitable and I would rate your site 9/10 from my heart....not just saying that.I really do like it
  16. Thanks lol...What i expected was not a load of crap but something cool....but oh well..It's just like lots of scratchy things on it and splodges that vaguely make out to be words...it scares me aswell...I rthink i should of posted the blueor red one...
  17. no affence dude....but my dad has left and he is nearly dying from cigerettes and fast food.Im not lying.. I only see him once a year...Or maybe less and all he does is buy me presents because he feels guilty he has left us. There is not one day of the life I have lived..wishing he were there for me because I know he will not be,never and I seriously don't care. Because he is an annoying little c*** and he did this to us...And I will never forgive himmust I add that he is a pimp..he has cheated many times with another woman when he was with my mum...I once went shopping and caught him..I was too embarassed to say he was my father to my friends so I ignored him...he has many girlfriends and one commit suicide because of him...this was 5 years ago he was in his 30s the girl was 19.He also stole 10 000 from my mother and my grandmother and promised to take me to disneyland when i was 5,but never did...Broken promises....will never be forgottonYou are not the only one with problems. Live with it. We all have to.
  18. where do you see yourself in the near future? not famous..but RICH and drop dead gorgeous and very elegant with a white fluffy dog called poochie. Where would you be? In a mansion house with a enormous garden and 2 swimming pools What would you do? Be a computer graphics designer,programmar. An inventer and engineer and a Fashion Designer...Oh and a interior and exterior designer also travel all over the world and help the sea creatures. Are you married? Yes to a man who is extremely clever as well as cute .Nice not too big muscles....big *ahem* With a nice smile and dimples. And loves me to bits. Any kids? 2 or nothing...Im not having 1.
  19. Wooo that was me...I put Xisto there lmao!! Yup...everyone it was ME .. okay? lol . I've posted to this topic already ah well..found trap on that web hosts site. It's sooo cool....but all the other hosting I applied for haven't responded in 3 months...I applied for about 14 hosts.... and trap was the only GOOD one that gave me hosting .. in like a week plus has EVERYTHING...EVERY SINGLE THING...except a pink cpanel theme...but ah well
  20. Becca

    Yum yum

    Milky ways ? Well I love milky way buttons...and that nce bar...But " me gusta mucho el bueno" I love kinda...it's like the best best best... My favourite...I like the hippo thingies out..yum yum yum for my tum tum tum .I hate snickers. euurgh and mars and pic nic and twix...yucky but I would eat it if there were no chocolate left.... *drools bueno*
  21. LOL okay that is well funny.Im just going through the site.Cool stuff lol....Funny stuff....i love it
  22. I really love the graphics you make. I love your website layout as well....and your sig...and your avvy..You are really talented...I love the first sig because it's nice and bright but the last is pretty cool...they are all neat ^^I take it your chinese im chiense , just can't read or write it lol.
  23. Yeh it's good. REALLY good.But I have to say this , sorry, there are s many other layouts like this one its not really original.But it's absolutely EXCELLENT.... 9.5/10
  24. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Can you delete the car I made for it..it sucks soo bad I'll make a proper one this time okay ?Thanks, Becca
  25. I have only used PHP include because if I don't know any PHP and can not be bothered yet to learn it .Oh yeh I know the butterfly-kisses.uni.cc the host has put some ads on it...but I don't really mind...I only host my layouts with it and it wont effect anything...Anyways thanks people.
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