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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Yes I am ready for that... "OH I I COULD OF KNOWN THAT" thought in my head....I mean when you tell us...every one is probably going to feel..OH THATS EASY....and feel down...Anyways go on tell us
  2. All the posts containing LOL have been delete. That is SPAM...SPAM SPAM SPAM..love te word....spam means me I am spam lmao... Anyway ha why do jokes point towards iris people all the time ? Oh well funny joke dude...
  3. SWat's post was delete.whooocarresdude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1is big spam...DO NOT DO THAT in the future.Anyways...your joke is bare funny I couldn't stop laughing even reading it and reading jokes normally does NOT make me laugh lmao...ahaha....God I need to tell my friends that.See if those bloody thick brains of theirs get it
  4. Becca

    Bar Jokes

    Okay I think I might move this to the jokes section but Im not sure so I will do it.[this topic was moved to the entertainment and jokes section]
  5. Great facts and stuff but is this supose to be funny ? I don't see me laughing... Do not post too many pictures in your posts please especially if they are LARGE
  6. tasty If your wondering where your post went. I deleted it. It was SPAM.WRiting three letters.. "lol" is an inpropiate post. Sorry. But please do NOT do this in the future. Thanks
  7. I thought there was another post about the same thing in the same forum ??? That was made earlier than this post. OR is this post just about people who DON"T know about their parents story what ever the way is. Do not post something that has sort of been already said and is still active and in view?Anyways I never knew my mums and dads they've split up and I don't really care.
  8. Lmao. The books are truely fasinating. And I think that the film would be too.For those who don't know what it is about .. VERY brief description:Three children parents die.become orphans get looked after by evil uncle. uncle wants money.they escape..in every chaper evil uncle appears and tries to get there money,,,Thats just the main part...it's LOADS more interesting than that lmao...just don'tweant to give too much away
  9. I see your point....I also thought he had cheated but then I beat him in one boring long game. :DAnyways maybe he is just good at it or something ? OR it could be a hack...but I doubt it over wise there is no fun in a game if you cheat
  10. This is clearly spam please do not do it again....I am not wining, but you see...doing funny characters and not writing anything in a post...that is spam... And about the 10 posts gets you a host...It's about being active....to me it seems as though your only posting for a host? And wont stay active after that. OR am I wrong ?
  11. Becca


    OH MY GOD!! I LOVE mice....They are soooo...CUTE...I Don't like spiney white ones. I like the brown ones with big cute ears...awwe... <3<3<3<3Eauurkkk I saw a pigeon pooped on my teachers head before on a school trip...after that it flew off...came back..and pooped on my friends back and tried to peck out sandwichs....it was watching us....Seagulls earrukkk it's another type of pigeon lmao.....With those orrible beedy eyes always looking at you...always looking at your FOOD...
  12. No affence amir ac but that code has already sort of been been said ages ago. lmao Thanks for trying to help though
  13. Lmao! My friends did not leave me...two friends had problems between THEM TWO.. nothing to do with me ha.I'm the only one who has had the same best friend since when school started....Every one has kind of...changed? I Don't know why but they keep falling out...so I get pissed off at them so I started to swear at all of them...to their faces...and then every one cries and it's like being at sea... Shouldn't this thread be in the Vent forum ?
  14. Well people have been donating in 2 dollars. It's not a lot but I think any amount is welcome right now. Just not 1 cent heh, you can save that for me.
  15. Becca


    Geese ? I was feeding a massive goose thing when I Was 7 and it snapped at my finger... I will never forget that...cruel things they are !!!At least they don't fly above your head and poop on your....probably by purpose. Idiotic smelly nooblies...grrr.
  16. WE've got a phone mast thing in our school field...I think.In my opinionI DO belive that it is very bad for you. Because as said before of the radiation it gives out.THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE: Some times when I talk on the phone...it rattles my ear and then goes itchy I guess I have too much ear wax to get around jokes...I'll still use one though.
  17. Oh my god. IF this is true then I really feel for you. I'm glad you have taken up a strength bulding related hobbie. The only hope is to maybe find the guys one day when your stronger and beat the hella outter him.That is a very serious sitituation and a not very nice thing to happen to a 16 year old. Well I hope this does not happen to any one..but it can not be stopped. Dumb people beating people up for no reason....that's just....
  18. Please do not post too many large pictures in your post. And this is NOT funny May I also add that we have all seen this before ?
  19. lmao funny. I like this one it's actually good...unlike others who just post tons of crapness copy and pasted from else where.
  20. Becca


    STOP Double posting you are doing it every where!!! Just edit the post you have done before.Sooner or later your post may be answered. If it is not then oh well.Be Patient
  21. That is pretty cool.I made a turtle sculpure in sand before...it was really good
  22. What ... it doesnt even look neat...Anyways you can talk!! You have EXCELLENT graphics and your pixel drawings are SOOOOOO good !!!! I can't believe some one can be so good at graphics...but you're well good. Im not even kidding, You are tons better than me...and I need to improve.
  23. Karma is good but can we just stick with what we have. I can't be bothered to start all over again you know ?I was going to install that in my boards but it just messed up. So I had to delete everything. I think it's just the same but more advanced right ?
  24. Not just to program computers you need math in every day life as well you may not know it but you do.You also need it for science as well... Plus knowing math does make your brain more capable because you are more use to solving hard things and looking further into things and finding a solutiong quicker.
  25. OH MY GOD That is so cool all I learned was SOHCAHTOAwhich is different to yours but yours is more cool.Well I remembered how to do it now...anyway what age is this level for ?I have a math test tomorrow
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