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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I dont know whether it is good or not because I have seen other member's banners and liked them where as every one else didn't I know it is not really professional and the text doesn't suit in the center but oh well... My first attempt at making a BANNER for Xisto.com I normally like making buttons
  2. Ha you load of wimps..The Ring ... god I hardly remember any part of it actually except when she coems ouyt te tv.... :DI have the DVD.... I was going to sell it for a fiver but I guess no one wanted it... It has a pretty good story line....is the thing like a legend ?? When you watch the video and die days later ??
  3. Maybe you should save your sigs in gif....I have this program and it compresses the gif formats with out loosing the quality and color.I don't know how much kb shoul;d be the max but I recommend the sizes to be 450x120 and less.... The peoples sizes that are too large will be edited by the admins.my avatar is only 457 bytes [0.457KB] and my sig is 844 bytes [0.844KB] so i doubt my sigs are slowing you comp down
  4. Hello Seren, I like your name.I am a moderator here at Xisto and Im 13.My mum sabout 43 lmao!! How old is your daughter ?I hope you ave lots and lots of fun here like I do....all the time :DAnyways WELCOME....Lots of Welcome Cuddles,Becca p.s Johnny Depp ahhh *drools*eh I tried to move your thread into the Introductions section but there were errors o.O
  5. Well I deleted your other one for you. So don't fret :DI have never heard of blu ray and I don't think I will change.....I'll stick with my DVD player.... :DWe have about 5....even though I only live with my mum. I've broken about 2 and she's broken 1 of them.... What so can it use normal DVDs ? and whats the avergae price for one ?? Oh and is it Multi Region ? Because I need a multi region one for my bedroom.
  6. MP4 WOW looks cool. I wouldn't mind having one of those...except the fact I Will break it as soon as my clumsy hands gets it.I can get an MP3 anytime I Want...well sort of...when I am in hong kong or china lmao..They are so popular there, they're cheap cheap CHEAP
  7. X3roX was a Moderator for a certain amount of time then got upgraded then downgraded and then upgraded again.I don't know why though.It's our job to get pissed of at other members for trying to be cheeky, but I guess we are meanies.I feel for you deeply and hope a kick in a butt will do EVERYONE some good.
  8. I ansered that. I said I something like I don't know but you can try it out.I thought it was only for flash so I don't think so . Try it post back and tell us..
  9. Yes but mine are dying. I cried last time. And I will do again. I can't help it. God one of our NASTY NASTY NASTY NASTY teachers had two heart attacks and I was the ONLY one crying for him. I felt aweful for no reason.Hamsters are always cute..no matter if your a softy or not...they are cute to every one...who ever does not think so is either blind or um a boy.
  10. SPAMMERS...[don't post less than one line]Well done!!! Happy 1,000th post again...well I wish birthdays were like this....you can have a birthday delete some days and have it again :DHopefully the new members wont SPAM [yeh you, you know who Im talking about] and will be active and actually post....yes..post PROPER things
  11. You can only type fast if you type 100wpm I reckon...Im not there yet so I will keep practising.. :DAnyways....I didnt say I was good simipro Thats broke my OWN record...thats why I'm happy.
  12. Stop *BLEEP*ing spamming every where...Post something MORE than three lines.Anyways I have seen the Ring it's CRAP hear me CRAP not even scary.... The Japanese version ? Now...thats something I nearly shitted myself..... god she looked so real man....whats more scary was I couldn't understand the language so all the funny sounds that came out of them scared the friggin hell out of me. But it had sub titles...but I didn't really read it...listening to it and watching the pictures was more gruesome.I've seen the Japanese versionChinese Version and American Version
  13. haha your so funny.... NOTThis thread is a load of bull *BLEEP* .. Doomsday55 stop spamming everywhere...Admins are okay. Don't diss them or you will be hearing from my hamsters.
  14. EVERYONE please STOP making one line posts...And DO NOT double posts annd certainly NOT triple post. Sorry for moaning but you have to stop. I just deleted an obvious spam post.I hate people easily as well as like them again. I have a weird personality I make fun of a person but when some one else does I stick up for them because I feel sorry for them, even though I myself make fun of them as well
  15. I like the intro page it's sleek,simple and effective ^^Well I had to wait about 5 minutes for you website to load but it was worth the wait.Whats best is that your whole layout is in FLASH. So I guess it makes it fast aswell.BUT...some of the fonts do not really suit the layout.But overall it is a quality site.
  16. I bought my LCD screen some time before it was used as home pc moniters ... I bought it from some office for 500 pounds.I think its 17" my mum bought it for me because I was on te verge of getting glasses and she needed a safer to eyes screen...LCD are better for your eyes so she bought one of those for me.I can't stand normal ones because they flicker and make my eyes really water.Anyways antitrust please stop TRIPLE posting every where, I keep having to delete the extra ones where you COULD of deleted yourself. You also in another topic copied and pasted what I wrote...it was EXACTLY the same. I also deleted that. If it is your computer's problem sort it out! You have been warned
  17. School is essential..Anyways..I don't hate hate school but some days I feel like I do. But most of the days I like it.Every wondered what it is like being taught at home...it's pretty boring not seeing your friends, if you have any that is.Hey I heard about Mark Twain...Mr. Mark Twain?? something about um..books? No..Oh i forget
  18. I have no idea what way is the proper way but I sort of made up my own way lmao...Just use the retangular marquee tool and then select the area you want to make lighter...go to brushes....right click make the brush a larger size put the opacity to 30 and just swipe it accross the selected area in one go....It's wrong but it works...for me.
  19. Don't worry Silent Warrior I deleted his triple post....left one of course lmao...I wish to make my own forum in the future......when I am more capable of mysql databases and php.... I doubt it though...making your own is better than using others because then you are more familiar with it...you see?heh...some people I know have made their own forums...simple ones though
  20. I use notepad it's really simple...where as dreamweaver takes ages to load and is sort of more confusing...Notepad rocks...I use it for EVERYTHIN//./seriously lmao
  21. Oh my god lmao!What a scam...I don't even get what your saying. IT does make sense but it's a bit choppy and not giving much information.
  22. Every one please do not reply with less that ONE line... :SAnyways if admin gave every one 500 then ow much would HE have left eh?Seroiusly I reckon this is spam...It's in the life talk section WTF...You just don't go around posting posts in non relavent forums.Plus you don't just ask this aorund anywhere.Plus this post was posted long ago. I reckon he uped and left....shall I close it ??? ?
  23. Are all these files put into folders ? Because you have to include the /FOLDER/before the file. I think. Upload the sub directories ? I think so... I load every thing it gives you even the readme's if thats what your talking about lmao.I always have that problem but I seem to only know what to do myself.. sorry no can do
  24. You are not suppose to make a thread in the vent about any of the staff, read http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think you should pm the admins and tell them that you are getting pissed off with them or something instead of making a nasty topic about one. Anyhow you in any way SHOULD NOT post about any of the staff in the VENT and that is FINAL. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.... [i will get you]
  25. Lmao I admit I am a spammer that was the reason I was made a mod because I was really bad at it...I guess it takes one to know one..eh..Anyways you've just double posted!! :DOh and funny thing....but girls are not THAT stupid...>.< well some
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