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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I lke your website..but what is the point in doing it?? Is it like a sig archive ??? Where all your old ones go so you can still show them to people even though your not using them ?Well anyways they are really good.
  2. I don't know what it is I was just using all the things it had on the toolbox and the pen tool seemed soo cool...I now make people with it like vectors etc...and I draw figures with it and draw clothes etc...it has a clip art sort of finish....you can also use it for shading but it will take AGES...
  3. Nice button but the text don't go with the background other people may thinnk so but Im a design freak and everything to be has to be matching colours text image etc...also does it have a border ?? It's better for it to have a border because it looks better.Anyways good button well done... and thanks for contributing to trap
  4. Yes young people are in this forums but I guess the yougner generation [me] will not care I mean it's just sex. Nothing to worry about....Not like we are "oh no Miss Harrison had sex with a donkey lets all giggle about it hehe" NO thats just dumbAnyways.....I guess the teacher probably paid that little ****.
  5. Yes they were the same width but one of the images have stretched it and I can't be bothered to chaned it again lmao.. Iwill do tomorrow though...I thought no one would of notice LMAO.Yeh about the color I LIKE IT COLOURLESS.... thats the point simlicity and originality.
  6. I also loved slinky... they were so cool but I use to put them in my hair but I thought it was amazing how they could move by themselves..obviously now I know why but I didn't know then...I also liked cindy but she was always barbies enemy. OH MY GOD I just remember I had one of those flying fairies!!! The one where you pull the string and they fly up in the air!! I had one of those....I also use to play with um my beauty sets a lot have you ever had one of those?? I have pictures of me when I was like 5 with all the make up on with my mums clothes and gigantic shoes LMAO
  7. Becca


    People racist towards me every single day. I know they are joking around so I punch them..... just joking around as well ... [not]But they are really racist and say really nasty things I can take this and I know how to stick up for my self but some people just don't know how to stand up to people...i mean I start on boys 2 years older than me I start getting really cheeky and swear at them and stuff because they think they rule the school...Anyways racism is just another type of bullying, it probably won't be stopped but the person who is getting the slack can stop it... they may think they can't but everyone can. I could.Even if someone is racist towards you or cuss you down on how you look or who you are never be violent back just look at them and smile and then forget about it, racists are just dirt on the floor look right through them...never bring yourself down to their standard. There is not point in being nasty back to them or getting all pissed because that is exactly what they want.When I was younger like 9 I could not deal with it but as I got to the age of 11 I knew how people felt and understood why so I just left it. I still get racial remarks smacked right in my face but because I am all mouth I can mouth them off just as good just not in a racial way.... Its stupid.. I don't see the point and reason. it's just a waste of time.
  8. naah thanks for the tip but I like things plain and extremely simple.As for the content I have already made all the things but I just need to upload it all.. And set all the page layouts up etc...Not that Im not taking what your saying but I kind of like the things and colours plain..because plain and simple is sort of me....I don't like REALLY fancy things that people over do...and sometimes too bright layouts or ones that are really fashy and decorative hurt my eyes if i stare at the screen too much.....well thanks for your tips, i'll probably be making a new layout for my website every month, so I can take up your suggestions or whatever..
  9. As you can tell by the name it is made by a girl...well thats me... Anyways before I posted my other site and no one even read my thread, so hopefully people will actually read this one and tell me what they think about my site... As I will know...many people will absolutely hate my layout... The color...well my brightness on the comp is on full so the layout may be to you, green dirty muck colour.. Anyways the layout was made be me FULLY [no frigging premade] using VERY VERY VERY simple tables to set the layout out....I have also used PHP INCLUDE which is easy and the image as you can tell was drawn by me on PHOTOSHOP.... I know it is not good but I know it is original because no one else will every have an identical one. Most of the links do not work yet but I just want peopel to tell me of my layout, I am aware it is unprofessional...my site is not a professional site just a collective sort of...of what I make and things... Oh and the layouts I have made....I made all the layouts when I was 9 except the celebrity ones... lmao...so as you can see they are in very bad shape but oh well. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I also have a forum, button rotation and blog I use to have a fan site but I closed it down. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ROTATION http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ FORUM
  10. My sigs are not near emough good at yours my attempt has sort of failed lmao...I made the same sig but in loads of different color shading etc but can not be bothered to post it I drew all the splodges and every by distorting circles etc and everything else just look splattered on for some reason...I had an idea of what i wanted my sig to look like...but it's turned out a bit...different
  11. nope... I dont know some are from NIKE lmao.... That stand for good sport I guess...I really do hope they work although I do not think I have any people bullied in my class I have doubts.
  12. Ohh I don't know about the internet on mine...I think it might be 10p a minute or 1pound a minute..If they are going to be so expensive they might aswell not add this option on phones..I mean not everyone is going to use it..if it's so expensive
  13. oh my god Knex I LOVED THAT!!!!!!!!! brings so much memories back... Didnt any of you guys play action man or something ? lmao ? Barbies still sooo cool I would buy her and play dressing up games, if I had the time
  14. Maybe you are a predictable person or your mother has spoken to him about your grades and is worried?Actually i don't quite get what you are saying lmao....so he was what ? HE pushed you ?
  15. Theres this website it ges like this you know your chinese when.... and then theres LOADS of things about why we are what we are...and LOADS of them are soooooooo true and apply to me...Have a read it's hilarious http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. It's very nice, there are many other banners VERY similar to yours, I guess it is quite a popular design.I guess you should tell the admin that you have made a banner.. ?
  17. I didn't find that funny it was amusing though good site to go to if your mega bored...I guess the point is that it don't make sense??? I mean... JIMMYS...CRUSH....the ugly one...huh?? lmao...
  18. Why would people become embarassed even if they are embarassed they have the choice whether to reply in this topic or not...Anyways....sex is nature...adam and eve did it.... Wonder how we got here... *thinks* okay eww forget that.
  19. WOW excellent tutorial.... That is a mouth full dude,.. , your tutorial is simular to how you make the same effect but in 3Ds Max because I use that, looks VERY cool thanks for sharing this absolutely amazing technique...it is realllly long though... o.O this deserves a rep I think...
  20. I love the books but there has been a post like this already somewhere , forgot.Anyways the movie is coming out soon can't wait ;)I've read all the books up to 8... well I have only read half of the 8th but they are really good....I find my self feeling very very sorry for them at times even if they are not real...
  21. Well your a good example for kiddies aren't you ?Well I don't about it but by any chance you lost your virginity to a barbie doll or something ??? Loads of people around here had sex when they were 10, I think that is *BLEEP* and trampy. I mean it's not right is it... Last month my other friend was raped just because she was willing to give head but not sex...I mean WTF the man was 24...she's 14 !!! Oh I also know another friend who is currently looking after her son she bore him when she was 13....not good eh...the consequences of unprotected and underage sex.No affence but sex is an easy thing for boys so is viriginity but for girls it is different boys don't loose nothing girls do...not sexism or anything but the truth....
  22. Becca


    oh my god posts full of spam...including the admin spam spam spamANyways thats funny is it true ?? lmao....If it is then that must of been hilarious
  23. PM the admin would help but it would probably annoy them because people are changing names they themselves signed up to, Well I got mine changed so you will probably get yours changed, they don't always change it for you though, bear that in mind
  24. What that is pure easy. Even I know how to do that... Well I guess it is a good way to get some dosh from those who do not have the joy of using the "great" photoshop
  25. You know what I am feeling a little generous I agree to moving the shoutbox... on one condition me and cragllo get to be admin... soo ahhh.... Right back atcha Anyways it's fine where it is and well it doesnt look like you actually use it, so wouldn't it be better for those who use to decide whether THEY like it or not down there ? Your only thinking of the other half of trap which don't like it and not the other other half which do
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