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Everything posted by yordan

  1. gpedit.msc does not exist in Vista.
  2. Well done. I have another one :If I tell you that I am lying, is it true?By the way, I moved your topic here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  3. Sorry, but... the purpose of a limited account is exactly that. A limited user has limited access to the system, he cannot install software or change the registry. If you have a real reason to do that, you should ask the system admin to temporarily give you the administrator status during your install operation, and move it back to standard limited user when finished.
  4. You cannot charge a fee for including copyrighted music. You can only charge money for your manpower. However, the guy for which you created the video must pay royalties each time he shows this video, and if he does not, you are guilty...
  5. Thanks, Willpower.This means that we this post should have been far more exhaustive, all combinations of Merry Christmas and Happy new year should have been mentioned in each language :Merry Christmas and Happy New YearMerry ChristmasHappy New YearMerry Christmas and/or Happy New Year And of course, only the "Happy New year" is valid, the "Merry Christmas" part is for people who will read this post next December.
  6. Here is what I see with Mozilla FireFox 3.010 on my computer running Vista Home Edition
  7. And if you really need to convert a powerpoint presentation to video, google raises 25000 answers : https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=5FEIVe_UFIOEqQWG54CYCw&gws_rd=ssl
  8. Sorry, maybe I did not clearly explain myself.If you have a modern computer, or if you have a PC running vista (and this is probably true for Windows 7) you can assing IP V6 addresses for your NIC. This is not available on Windows XP.
  9. IPV6 is already available on vista computers. So, you can, just for fun, try to configure an IPV6 fix address and see if you can feel the difference in load time.
  10. I guess that most of us will still work with domain names (like Xisto.com, google.com, ebay.com), so we will not see the change when switching to IPV6
  11. I don't agree at all. With wireless connection you need that wpa encryption because anybody can listen your PC.With wired connection it's almost impossible to receive the signal on the wire. Moreover, if you feel really paranoid, instead of using copper cables, you can use optical fiber cables, where the signal is only made of light and exists only between the switch and the PC.
  12. Don't worry, I was just joking.
  13. Why do I suddenly feel so old? Because of this "dad"?
  14. Unfortunately not, this is too complicated for me. Maybe Mastercomputers could do something?
  15. Now I know everything, thanks. A lot of work to be done, indeed.
  16. So, it's not only a flight simulator, there are also missiles involved?
  17. 1) check that your Xisto account is exactly with the same E-mail address than your Xisto account.2) Open a ticket saying exactly that : your Xisto earnings do not appear in your Xisto and your MyCents are stuck to "ready". The whole thing is probably related to the wrong account mismatch, and has to be manually fixed.
  18. Does not do the same thing. Seems that with wave you do a collaborative work, all participants write the same document at the same time.With Google Docs it's different, it works the old way : you write your document, somebody else makes changes, the third guy adds comments, sequentially, not simultaneously.
  19. I love the collaborative document editing.If we need to create a text, sometimes it could help having three persons simultaneously reading, typing, correcting the text, it could be more productive than exchanging mails with .odt files.
  20. Hi, HannahI Thanks for the info, some people did not know that they could start they website with a title tag. However, I would mention something I don't agree with. You posted your topic in Xisto tutorial section. Please read more carefully the tutorial specifications, namely : Your test is almost ten times below the minimum tutorial text length.That's why I moved it here. Regards Yordan
  21. You should be able to simply enter the register page again and fill up the form again : https://support.xisto.com/register.php Be careful with the mail address (which should be the same as the Xisto one) and write down the passwords on a pice of paper if you are not sure to remember them the first week.
  22. Most of the new PC games could not run on my PC. So, time was come for a PC change. However, the old PC was still able to surf on the net, post on Xisto forum and read my e-mails. So, if my new PC has a problem and has to go back to store for repair, the old computer is ready to temporary replace it.And if the new computer I placed in the public library office happens to be down, the old one is still under the table, ready to read the database off the floppy and restart my home-made application. So, two computers are cold-standby disaster-recovery ones, so I was wondering if I can add "+2" to my total computers number. And a friend of mine expects having to run some Win95 programs, so I put an old PC (no display, no keyboard, no mouse) connected to his main PC via a private VNC network (a single scart Ethernet cable ). In that case, I should add "+3" to my current declared number of PC's.
  23. I agree, as long as we don't know what you are talking about, we will say "no".If the question is "Am I stupid ?" I would also answer "no". And if this is the main purpose of the game, see if people will ask without knowing what they are talking about, then we ware currently playing your game.
  24. I also got my own account, and I will try to learn how to use it. Looks like a collaborative space, the whole team interacting, sharing or interactively build documents.
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