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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Gamma is up. Have a look at the server status on the Xisto - Support page, see here : https://support.xisto.com/serverstatus.php Everything is up! If symptom persists, submit a ticket to Xisto - Support.
  2. And also try the portable version of Filezilla : it's completely independent from your computer install, so it has no plugin when freshly unpacked. And you can compare with the one installed on the computer.
  3. Nice job, Bojan! I appreciate the mouse-click directly leading to the download site.I love the Ironman one, maybe because of the red/gold/black color mix.
  4. Your firefox seems to have a problem. I am using Firefox on Vista and my cpu is used 1% right now. Maybe it depends from what you are doing, including your javascript things. I would suggest two things. 1) Boot your computer, and use firefox to go to the Xisto homepage and during half an hour do nothing except reading posts on the forum, and tell us what happens. 2) Close Firefox, and use the portable version (take it from here : http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable ) you unpack it somewhere in a folder of your computer and you run it from there. it has no installation, it puts nothing in the register table, so it is not harmful for your Vista system : if you don't like it you simply remove the folder. The important thing is that it will start with default setting, it will not be influenced by your installed version. And if you do something wrong, remove the unpacked folder and restart from scratch. Please tell us the result of these two tests. Regards Yordan
  5. Can you export this password database and import it on another PC?this would be useful if throw out your old PC and get a brand new one. Of course, another solution would be to work with portable firefox and portable thunderbird, running them off your flashdisk, so you can use it the same way no matter on which PC you are standing at.
  6. Were it a medical image, only a doctor should have access to it.If your doctor wants you to have a copy, he will give you a copy without problem. And, of course, everybody is free making a backup of a copyrighted DVD. Simply be sure that you will never play both copies at the same time in two different places. What is legit : you rip a DVD and then you place it in a safe place, and play your copy. After having seen one thousand times the same movie, your backup copy will not work any more, you open the safe and make a new backup off the original DVD, that's the correct way to do, that's the way it should work. By the way, the initial question was "the Best DVD Ripper". This means best quality for the divX playback, and probably the ease of use. A lot of good compressors (like gordian knot for instance) cannot be used by newbies, but give great quality images. And, of course, you have to pay for the DivX codec pro encoders!
  7. Maybe the people in charge of creating such a sound track for the game, are the same people creating the sound tracks for the clip ?
  8. For debugging purposes, you should put some intermediate printouts, in strategic places, and show us the text coming out, so we can see where your prog is passing through, and maybe understand what is going wrong.
  9. You also absolutely have to mention : Death Rally (do you remember Duke Nukem driving a Ferrari ?) Krypton Egg (the nicest Brick breaking game, with music shocks tumbeling your room walls). Tapper (you had to serve beers to dirsty clients).
  10. My charger seems to work, because my PC works correctly when I plug it. But my battery goes low very fast.I will try having a new battery, to see if it works better.
  11. and I would also mention that the Ctrl-Shift-Escape does absolutely nothing on my Vista system, and it definitively not opens the task manager.
  12. And you, Boja, did you already get a prize from them?
  13. Sorry to be so ignorant, but... what is Lockerz? non-Lockerz members are not members of what ? I guess it's a way of locking something, but locking what? Oracle tables?
  14. I would say that it's quite not off-topic. It's a nice workaround for the legal problem. If a guy uses this solution, it sends the legal problem back to radioblog.com radioblog.com has to check that thay pay all the legal rights for the copyrighted music they play, and you simply use their services. So, really nice solution.
  15. Some countries strongly assess a complete difference between the State and the Religion.Religion teaches people how to behave versus God.State laws tell people how they must behave toward each other.Sometimes both assessments lead to the same path (for instance the statemant "you shall not kill"). However the public is different, and the difference still has to be made.Some things do not have to be done because the law says "no".Some other things should not be done because God said "no".And, of course, laws tells us what not to do, and religion says what you should not think.If you act correctly and you think correctly, you will be in agreement with everybody.Science talks about facts, you can always have a look at a series of facts, without thinking differently from what your God asks you to think!Science says that some giant animals seem to have existed, let's (just for fun) name them "Dinausaurs". The bible never said that these animal did not exist, so there is no real discrepancy.Only some further interpretations can lead to some disagreement, let's simply give Science a chance to finish it's work, and let's see what religious people can explain.
  16. yordan

    Custom Pc Case

    Depends where you are, and where the things are coming from.If you are not in Europe, and if your stuff is coming from china, then, the Ireland volcano is not the reason of this delay.
  17. Just had a look at DepositFites.It's ... wow! 2 gig max! Other sites, like Rapidshare, usually limit to 100 megs or less, 2 gigs is really nice. You can upload half a DVD there !Or all your pictures and personal files last year, a nice online backup!
  18. That's another debate, in another topic : is Artificial Intelligence dangerous for human beings ?Will robots and humans relationship necessarily end in a war ? Cannot we find a gentleman's agreement, in which we state that we are symbionts and we need each others?
  19. I'm very surprised finding this subject in a "Religion and Philosophy" forum.The way human beings will think in the future is a religion or philosophy question.The way they will be, being x-men or nano-technology modified, or will the evolution behave Darwin way or not, is more a biological question, isn't it?Or am I completely off-subject?
  20. yordan

    Custom Pc Case

    You are right, these prices are completely crazy. The PS2 to USB converters I find in the shops around my house are around $4.00, I even can't imagine buying it. Don't even mind about the network splitter, I thought that I had to buy an Ethernet switch in order to split my LAN network!
  21. yordan

    Custom Pc Case

    You say that you bought them from ebay ? The fans are really nice, and they seem to be brand new ? I thought that ebay was mainly for buying used things, or new gifts you don't like, offered for birthday by people not knowing you, I did not know that you could also buy fully new, never used computer parts.From a general point of view, is it not risky buying such a way ? I mean, if I buy in the shop near my house and if I am not satisfied, I can bring the thing back to the shop and say "I feel angry, the thing does not work", and I will have a new one which will be working.But if you buy a computer fan and it does not work, what can you do ? Pay $10 shipment back to the seller, and expect that he well ship a new one back without charging you an extra $10 fee?Just curious. Yordan
  22. The funny point is that, each of the solutions presented here need you be an admin when performing this.If you are not admin, you cannot use this tip. For instance, the "at TIME /interactive" thing raises an answer "for security improvement reasons, your command will be executed at the given time, but will not be interactive"
  23. Could you put your picture on a picture file server on the net, and post a link to the picture? A lot of people around here would be helpful and would show you what they are able to do in picture repairing.
  24. This is the key word : "as long as you own the game". If you paid the game, no-cd tricks and having your own backup is legit. However, it's at your own risk : if your trick does not work, try again with the real CD!
  25. This guy does not have the original game, he only has the copy.If you paid an original game, you can play your backup and put the original game in a safe place, and redo the backup each time it's broken. If you did not pay the original game, getting a backup is not legal. And explaining how to make the illegal copy work correctly is against our TOS.
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