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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Nothing such, unfortunately, or fortunately. Tor simply acts as a privoxy : your IP packet are coming from the tor privoxy, which is a computer located randomly in India, after this in Spain, after this in Japan, after this in USA. You see this if you have a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This IP address is the most obvious info most of website need (for instance for "single visitors" purposes). However this is not the only info hidden inside the IP packets from and to your computer. And some infos cannot be removed. For instance your computer sends everything needed in order that the packet containing the info you are asking for comes back to your computer. If you really change your computer's identity, you ask a question to the remote host, and the answer arrives to another computer, not to yours!
  2. And, of course, inside the tor project, do not forget to have a look at the vidalia section : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ vidalia comes along with the other tools you need, including the privoxy settings and the torbutton for automatic identity switch.
  3. OK, that's part of it. However, remember that the final goal is typing without looking at the keyboard and without looking at the monitor. For instance you should be able to type a sat of 20 "poppa" without errors. If you do a mistake, you have to try again until having type two poppa rows without any error. After that, the fingers know where these three keys are, no need to look at the keyboard for typing poppa. Tomorrow you start with "apple", same goal, same constraints. In real schools they hide both the keyboard and the monitor, and you try again and again until it's perfect.Remember the old days with the typing machines : if there was an error on a page, you had to re-type the whole page.
  4. The lessons will seem rather stupid, but it simply means that your fingers have to get trained to do very unusual jobs. That's why you will have to do some works like "Please type without any errors the following words Just try typing four lines with poppa and you will almost start crying. And what about idea? But your fingers have to know where the p, o, a, i, e, d keys are and find their place naturally, fast and easy even in the worst situation/combination. That's true, I also did that, but within a second step.During the first step you really nead the "poppa" and "idea" exercises, and there are very few books where you can find them. I found them in the documents delivered to secretaries when they attend a typing training course. In these training courses they give you graduated difficulty exercices, starting with "papa", going through "idea", to the ultimate test "Voyez ce brick gÊant que j'examine près du wharf", which, besides the language problem, also have a lot of alfabet letters grouped in a single sentence.
  5. I love their "30 day money back guarantee"What does that mean ? If I do something forbidden and the police breaks my anonymity and comes and arrests me, I can ask my money back?
  6. Just googling "free typing lessons" raises a lot of answers, it's worth having a look. For instance "https://www.goodtyping.com/ " I would try if I needed some training.
  7. You are right. At Xisto we want original topics only. If a text has already been published somewhere else, you have to quote it. Even if it's your own text. You have to quote yourself. It's an original text if you first post it at Xisto. After that you can copy it to other sites, if the other sites accept copied texts.
  8. Maybe we should add a special "Stupid Jokes" forum section, this would prevent us from accidentally reading such posts.
  9. And, of course, just in case, have a backup of your database, and a backup of your website files, in order to be able to recover fast and easily.
  10. You are right, starscream, flaming is forbidden on this forum.The flaming answer has been removed and that guy has got a warning and a flaming PM and is very close to be banned.
  11. Welcome back, John.I moved your topic here, where it's place most probably is.Be careful with two things :1) You talked twice about eating. Take care, if you eat twice, you have to do sports twice in order to evacuate the calories excess.2) While you go camping and roasting hot dogs on the fire, I hope this does not take place in a forest, because this could be dangerous for the trees.
  12. yordan


    Thanks for the compliment, Terrence. Welcome aboard.
  13. "Account Credit Balance negative", not negative MyCents. If you order a plan which costs $3.00 per month, you must have $3.00. Negative MyCents appear only if a spamming post had been credited and has been deleted.
  14. S. Wul, in 1957, wrote a book based on this idea. The frech title was "Ohms en Serie", with a funny ethno-electrical joke.
  15. However, if the only connection to outside is the wireless network, you should verify that your Wifi adapter has wake-on-lan capabilities.
  16. Of course you have to do this 50 times per second (if you are in the USA) or 60 times per second (if you are in Europe).Unfortunately, you need several seconds in order to get charged with static electricity, so I'm not convinced that is method is easily usable. Moreover, there are other side effects. If you want this thing to be useful, you must transfer some non-neglectible power. For instance charge a battery first, the connect the battery to a DC/AC converter, and then sell the AC electricity to an Electricity distributor (let's say Con Edison). Charging yourself with static electricity raises no problem. However, in order to put the electricity inside a battery, you need to establish a circuit between you and the battery, and there will be current between parts of your body and parts of the battery. At this point, you must remember that no electricity has to cross through your heart (at least far less than 9 milliampers) ; and your heart is between your hands, so if one hand touches the battery and the other hand touches something metallic, great danger.
  17. Great! So, the poll info has no pollution and no artifact.
  18. Yes, all your recent posts will earn MyCents, the background processes take into account the whole history since the last update. Everything will be taken into account, the new posts, the old modified posts. And, for some other members, deleted and spammed posts. It will take exactly the time needed for repair...Simply be patient, the guys around here are working really hard, if things last a little bit, it's simply because solving it needs a a lot of effort.
  19. Maybe this is the reason. Maybe you did not switch to the new system. Probably you did not register to Xisto - Support, you did not start earning MyCents, and your account was locked because no valid account had the correspond Credit Balance.You should as soon as possible create your account at Xisto - Support, with the same mail address as in your Xisto account (if your forgot which mail you gave in your Xisto account, have a look at your Xisto "My controls". As soon as your Xisto - Support account is created, start a ticket from your account, asking for freezing your website until your staff is fixed.
  20. Just a small thought right now, grim-reaper. I hope that, in order to have an accurate result for you poll, you avoided self-voting ?
  21. I had this on a flash-lamp : you just shake it and the kinetic energy is converted into electricity (it's transparent so you see the small coil and the mobile magnet creating the electricity).So, when you go in the park, don't forget to take along your flash-lamp, put it on the swing when seating, take it back in your pocket when leaving the park, an you have your own light generator for reading your book tonight, or power off the main lamp near your computer while surfing on the web and use your park-swing-reloaded lamp in order to see your keyboard.This is a self-controlled reasonable solution : don't wait for the government taking the decision for you, power off all the lamps in your house, and go swinging in the park with your mobile-coil shakable lamp, and save fossil energy. If each guy in the world does that, a lot of energy will be saved.Only one problem remains : will we have enough park swing installations available?
  22. Pending ? So, it's taken into account, only waiting to be validated. Should not be long now.
  23. Ouch! Long time I did not do this, but... I'm afraid this is simply the user name YOU choose, and the password YOU choose...Just try choosing your username and your password.Do not loose them, because everything relies on it.For instance the underlying website will be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ choose a simple username : a single word (not two words separated by a space) for instance "reaper" (without the quotes) or grimreaper, but not "grim reaper"And do not forget your password...--------EDIT : of course the cpanel username has nothing to do with your domain name, the cpanel username is the name you give when logging at yourname.astahost.com/cpanel in order to manage your website : create folders, create the index.html file, create the ftp users, park your domain, and so on.For instance you can have a domain name http://www.charles.com/ and manage it with the username georges5 as cpanel username.
  24. I gave two hours delay : while I was in panic, googling in order to solve my problem, people had plenty of time for answering! Two hours without being able to set my proxy settings, two hours without surfing on the net, can you imagine how frustrated I was ?
  25. Of course, if all you want is simply to connect two PC's, instead of a USB cable you can simply use an Ethernet cable. Use a scart Ethernet cable, connect one end at each PC's ethernet port, and give a private ID fixed address to each PC ( to the first PC and to the second one for instance). Then both PC's will be connected and will be able to share files.
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