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Everything posted by yordan

  1. RAID5 is the optimum configuration. In terms of reliability, it continues working without any trouble after loosing a whole disk, without any disk failure seen from the computer side. In term of disk space, it costs one disk. This means you have 4 TB disk space with a RAID5 configuration on five 1TB disks. Depending from the vendor, the recovery has several levels of easiness. If you buy an EMC disk cabinet, in case of disk failure, the faulted disk has a red light lit ; you simply grasp the faulty disk, you insert the new disk, and the disk recovery starts automatically and immediately. Unfortunately, the EMC disk cabinets are rather expensive. Cheaper NAS solutions exist, but you have to read the manuals in order to understand : no disk failure but you have to do something in order to start repairing after faulted disk repair. Regards Yordan
  2. Really smart guy ! You didn't read the question, but you guess the answer ! Of course, if do this way very frequently, you should finally happen to cross a question whose answer is "who".
  3. I guess that the word "invisble" here stands for "is neglectible and hardly measurable in normal conditions of speed when staying inside the planet Earth".lenght contraction will be visible as soon as we will be able to have simultaneously an observer on a fixed referential talking with an observer in a mobile object moving at a speed near to the speed of light in our universe. Does this clarify your question, or should we stay with the statement "not measurable" or "invisible" ? Regards Yordan
  4. The syntax is : Listen IP_address:port I guess none of your ethernet adapter has the IP address 1234. It should be at least Listen and it would fail because the adapter with address would never listen. Try "Listen but this would work only from the local keybard and display (obviously localhost). If you want to reach it from another computer, you should put "Listen real_ip:80" and of course no blocking firewall between your browser and the Apache server. And, of course, after changing the httpd.conf file, you should "apachectl stop" followed by "apachectl start" in order to take into account the new configuration.
  5. I would say that, on your system, the apache httpd port is not 80Have a look at your httpd.conf file, and tell me what is after the word "Listen"Sometimes, when the 80 port is busy, httpd is configured to start on another port, like 8080, or on 8118.for instance only root can start httpd on the 80 port, but everyone can start it on 8080.
  6. Read this : http://betanews.com/2009/02/23/windows-xp-to-windows-7-upgrades-difficult-but-not-impossible/ Seems that it's possible, albeit not so easy.
  7. Sorry, larrywang, it's against our TOS to help people using commercial software without paying their licence. Topic closed.
  8. I guess that you want this in order to perform several Vista/7 installations? Do not forget, before performing each installation, to purchase from Microsoft a Microsoft Windows licence and a Microsoft Office licence. Same thing for AVG if you want to install the commercial version.
  9. @muzammil : rather post your request in the "request for sig" topic here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88953-topic/?findpost=1064339673
  10. Like this one ?shoutbox.zipPlease tell us
  11. No real damage, because the 400 MyCents were false positive first, then negative, so back to normal. Exactly if you had posted it in a "no credit count" forum section.
  12. This guy is a spammer, he has just been banned.
  13. Nice review, thanks. A small detail however. You can post at Xisto, and you are welcome posting at Xisto. However, please, do not post the same text on both forums. If you wanted us to show us your review, simply posting the link http://forums.xisto.com/topic/71011-topic/?findpost=480433 would have been enough.
  14. yordan

    Mysql Problem:

    Where do you have this problem? is it on your own PC ? Or on Xisto account?Do you already have data inside your database? Or can you drop the database and restart the install?I guess that the root user does not exist inside the mysql database, or it has a password.
  15. I would say that, because your computers are not on the internet, they have no IP address. No IP address because nobody (no DHCP server) was there for assigning IP address.So, you simply have to manually assing an IP address. Go to the network settings, choose "manually assign IP address", and choose a couple of IP, for instance for the first computer and for the second one.
  16. Do you mean that you don't want to install the software mentionned by starscream, and you don't want to download any software in order to perform that shutdown job?
  17. I definitively stand for RAID5 if your device accepts it.RAID6 is more secure because it allows you loosing two disks without stopping, whereas RAID5 survives to the loss of only one disk.However, loosing two disks at the same time is almost impossible, so RAID5 is enough.
  18. Have a look here : google.fr/url?sa=t&source=w4qS7uq72iZ0dFGg
  19. "databaseName.charecters" Such a name is necessarily coming from somewhere ! Have a look inside your files, you will necessarily find it.
  20. OK, they are connected because the XP system (, right ?) answers when pinged from the win 7 system. Now, go to the XP system, and share a folder. The win7 system should be able to mount it. Could you please try this ?
  21. He will probably get 23 replies someday. However, today, he only has 12 replies, my own one being not a real reply.
  22. Sorry, incomplete post, here is the full answer. OK, let's see if the physical layer is correct. On the XP system, open a "cmd" command line window and type ping go to the laptop, open a "cmd" command line and type ping tell us what is the result of this command. You will probably see a pop-up appearing with a security warning from your firewall of from the antivirus, asking if you want to accept the incoming Ethernet packet, say that you accept it and you trust this IP. Also tell us if you see a led light near the NIC socket appearing when you plug the Ethernet cable.
  23. OK, let's see if the physical layer is correct. On the XP system, open
  24. Hi, Ivan,I moved your topic here because this is most probably it's place.OK, first of all, forget this "cross cable" thing.You are talking about recent computers, with recent Ethernet adapters.Some years ago, the old computers had old Ethernet adapters. These adapters were not smart enough, and could not guess if they were connected to another computer or to a swich/fan-out/router/bridge. So, they needed special cables : normal cable from PC to switch, scart (crossed) cable from PC to PC.Now, all PC's and laptops having recent Ethernet adapter. Now, when you connect with a standard, what you name "normal" Ethernet cable, the PC says "Hi, I am a PC" and the remote thing also says "Hi, I am a PC", and the agree "let's switch to the PC-to-PC mode", and everything works well.You can see that easily : as soon as you connect an Ethernet cable between your laptop and your PC, you will see a small light appearing near the Ethernet socket, fix or blinking. Fixed light means "connected", and blinking light means "connected and transferring data".So, everything you read until now is usable, except you can simply forget the "cross" word, any cable will work fine today.So, you have first to connect both cables.Then you will have to give a fixed IP address, because there is no DHCP server reachable on your cable, so none of your PC's will find something which assign them an IP address.You have to give each PC and IP address on the same network as the other one, but the last digit being different.For instance your PC will be and your laptop will be one of the PC's was already on the internet, before removing the cable (or before changing the IP address), record the previous settings somewhere (for instance use WordPad and put them in a file you name old_settings.rtf.If this was not completely clear, don't panic, first plug the standard cable between both computers and then come back here, we will give more explanations.Hope this helped.Yordan
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